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谢晖 《法律科学》2014,(2):26-38
法律方法理论不仅受规范法学理论的制约和支持,而且也受其他法学流派的制约和支持。不同法学流派所支持的具体法律方法不尽相同。如价值法学之于价值衡量、社会法学之于事实替代、规范法学之于效力识别、经济分析法学之于利益衡量、多元论法学之于法律续造等,都更容易产生支持效果。尽管不同法学流派各自支持不同的法律方法,但这不否定某一法律方法受多个法学流派理论支援的情形,也不否定一个法学流派可以支持多种法律方法的情形。  相似文献   

The moral heart of normative law and economics is efficiency, especially dynamic efficiency that takes incentive effects into account. In the economic theory, justificatory argument is inherently at the institutional- or rule-level, not an the individual- or case-level. InMarkets, Morals, and the Law Jules Coleman argues against the efficiency theory on normative grounds. Although he strongly asserts the need to view law institutionally, he frequently grounds his criticisms of law and economics in arguments from little more than direct moral intuition about individual cases. He evidently holds that consent provides a better normative basis for law than does efficiency and he uses consent arguments to attack recommendations from scholars in law and economics. His own chief contribution, however, is to law and economics rather than to any alternative theory.  相似文献   

This article answers the question whether sociology of law and law and economics can be unificd into one integrated science. First, it is argued that an integration process inside law and economics has taken place, integrating most schools and partial analyses into one mainstream law and economics. Second, it is argued that there are no natural barriers against an integration of sociology and economics. Purely economic theories cannot and do not exist. What is calledeconomic analysis of law is basically a mixture of, for instance, 70 percent economics, 10 percent sociology, 10 percent psychology, and 10 percent other sciences. In addition, there is no such a thing as a purely sociological concept; concepts are sociological only in the sense that they are invented by people who call themselves sociologists.Nevertheless one should not expect that such a richer social science will lead to fundamentally different predictions and policy recommendations than those derived from the current simplistic economic analysis of law. The aspects studied by sociologists but assumed away by legal economists to date have in most cases no influence on the determination of (optimal) legal rules or on the long-run effects of legal rules.  相似文献   

Law has long been combined with economic thought, but only recently has law been combined with economic theory. This article explores the implications of this development for theories of justice and interdisciplinary research. Value in economics is usually measured by price (the market tradition) or by satisfaction (the utilitarian tradition). The relationship of these concepts to equity in law is explored. Also explored is the relationship between bargaining theory and contractarian theories of justice. The article examines the possibility that methods and concepts developed in the economic analysis of law will prove useful to sociologists and social psychologists by contrasting the study of rational choice and the study of attitudes.  相似文献   

边沁所开创的功利主义法学派,从普通人的角度追问法律的本质,因之成为法学史上的重要流派之一。本文探讨了边沁功利主义哲学在其法学思想上的主导地位,研究了边沁法学上的个人主义方法论及其追求,涉及了边沁为推进法律改革所阐述的法律思想,并就边沁法律思想的意义进行了简要的评价。  相似文献   

论中国法学流派分野的基本端倪   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
汤唯  王加卫 《法律科学》2006,24(6):15-21
中国目前难以宣称建成了独立的法学派别,但已在法学世界观与方法论方面形成了最初分野。政治视野、社会视野、诠释主义、批评主义、综合主义等各类法学思潮应运而生、争奇斗艳,成为现代法学凸显学术气魄,引领学术方向的种种潮流。  相似文献   

The essay analyses the way in which the concepts of legal order, legal pluralism and fundamental rights have been used to describe (and decide) what European integration is (and what it ought to be) from the perspective of the law. The essay does not provide a legal theory but limits itself to investigating how certain concepts have been employed to justify legal decisions and to construct legal theories. The juridical discourse on Europe is examined to identify some trends in contemporary legal culture: the decline of a tradition of legal thought, ‘legal dogmatics,’ the vanishing of the distinction between internal and external law (between domestic law and international law, and between positive law and morality), the growing importance of fundamental rights discourse, the centrality of balancing test, the widespread criticism of legal science's claim to neutrality and the consequent normative turn affecting legal scholarship.  相似文献   


This article describes how Russian law schools understand their objectives today and whether there is an ideal model of a jurist to which law schools should conform. Different qualitative methods were used in this study, including a review of the post-Soviet legal education reforms, analysis of regulations governing higher legal education, analysis of websites, and expert semi-structured interviews with heads of law schools. The results demonstrate the difficulties faced by law schools, which are forced to balance the state standards of higher education and external legal, social, economic, and political challenges. The study concludes that law schools are experiencing serious difficulties with respect to understandings of their objectives as well as the current redefinition of the normative ideal model of a jurist. The study also makes it possible to draw conclusions about the importance of legal knowledge, different ways of understanding prestige in the legal profession, and the revival of features of the Soviet model of the “ideal jurist.”  相似文献   

关于对法律进行经济分析的三个角度   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
法律的经济分析应当包括宏观和微观、规范和实证的分析。对法律的经济分析有三个角度 :从经济决定论角度 ,从市场经济的制度基础角度 ,从微观经济分析角度。广义的经济分析法学应当将上述三个角度的分析都纳入其中。经济决定法律是马克思主义法理学的精髓和基石 ,法治是市场经济的制度基础 ,效率是法律改革的目标 ,三者有机统一可以构成法律的经济分析的宏观和微观样式  相似文献   

Both in U.S. antitrust and EU competition policy, a developmentto a broader application of rule of reason instead of per serules can be observed. In the European discussion the attemptto base competition policy on a "more economic approach" ismainly viewed as improving the economic analysis in the assessmentof specific cases. In this paper it is shown from a generallaw and economics perspective that the application of rulesinstead of focussing on case-by-case analyses can have manyadvantages (lower regulation costs, rent-seeking, and knowledgeproblems), although an additional differentiation of rules througha deeper assessment can also have advantages in regard to thereduction of decision errors of type I and II. After introducingthe notion of a continuum of more or less differentiated rules,we show—based upon law and economics literature upon theoptimal complexity of rules—in a simple model that a competitionrule is optimally differentiated if the marginal reduction ofthe sum of error costs (as the marginal benefit of differentiation)equals the marginal costs of differentiation. This model alsoallows for a more detailed analysis of the most important determinantsof the optimal degree of rule-differentiation. From this lawand economics perspective, competition policy should consistmainly of (more or less differentiated) rules and should onlyrarely rely on case-by-case analysis. Therefore the main taskof a "more economic approach" is to use economics for the formulationof appropriate competition rules.  相似文献   

The reforms instituted by the Broadcasting Act 1990 led to a period of turbulence and upheaval within broadcasting with results that were at best unintended and, at worst, seriously undermined the ideal of public service broadcasting. A Hayekian economic perspective would suggest that the reforms failed because they did not go far enough in the direction of full ÔmarketizationÕ. The paper develops an alternative perspective, based on an adaptation of systems theory within the context of law and economics. This approach offers a broader methodological foundation for the understanding of Ôeconomic lawÕ and a different normative perspective on the broadcasting reforms. It is suggested that the difficulty with these reforms was not their failure to go further in the direction of the market, but rather their lack of clarity in articulating a clear alternative to the market as the basis for the organization of television production.  相似文献   

法律实证主义的问题意识   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
法律实证主义作为西方法哲学史上与自然法学派相对立的思想流派.始终饱受误解和质疑.法律实证主义的"问题意识"是深入领会其良苦用心和精神实质的关键.自然法学派与法律实证主义的法律观都具有批判与保守、灵活与随意、确定与僵化的两面性.法律实证主义以"形式正义"取代"实质正义",以"合法性"诠释"正当性",是对自然法的绝对性、抽象性、不确定性等形而上学固有缺陷深刻认识的结果,反映了法律实证主义深刻的问题意识.因之,法律实证主义在实践上具有更稳健、妥切、现实的品格.法律实证主义以特殊的方式理解和处理了正当性观念,它与自然法学派的关系与其说是本体论上的对立,不如说是认识论和方法论上的发展、补充和超越,由此二者才能共同支撑和维护西方法治文明的大厦.  相似文献   

吴秀尧 《时代法学》2013,11(4):28-35
奥巴马政府以行为科学和行为法经济学的成果为科学基础,从完善监管和监管审查,促进国际监管合作,以及减少监管负担三个主要方面进行了政府监管改革。这是对成本收益分析传统的完善和补充,是一种更加符合行为法经济学实证和规范要求的人性化和合理化政府监管模式。  相似文献   

赵亚杰 《行政与法》2010,(12):102-105
法经济学分析范式在法经济学理论体系中处于基础性地位。从某种意义上而言,法经济学的发展实际上就是其自身分析范式的持续性革命。科斯以交易成本为最基本的分析工具,架起了新古典经济学与法律之间联系的桥梁,在大大增强了新古典经济学对现实问题解释力的同时,也为法经济学的研究提供了可能。而波斯纳则在继承科斯法经济学分析范式的同时,另辟蹊径,运用科斯提出的交易成本理论及其衍生的效率工具来分析法律规则背后的经济逻辑,为法经济学的进一步发展拓宽了理论的空间,由此形成了法经济学下的经济的法律分析和法律的经济分析的不同研究路径,从而最终导致法经济学分析范式的分野。  相似文献   

行为法经济学视角下的人性假设理论框架主要包括四种偏离传统经济学“理性人”模型的行为模式:一是有限理性,指人们有限的认知能力;二是有限意志力,指人们有限的自制力;三是有限自利,指人们关心公平和他人的幸福;四是情境问题,指个人偏好会受情境影响.这一理论框架是规范研究的基础,也是学科体系的重要组成部分.  相似文献   

对于先天缺少法律基石和理论依据的环境法来说,它的研究方法有必要运用法经济学中的基本原理、定理、分析工具和标准研究分析生态环境领域的经济活动和经济关系的规律性,环境与经济的内在联系和相互作用的关系表明了发展经济与保护环境必须协调发展的客观规律,运用经济规律、价值规律等在环境保护领域中发挥引导作用,为制定环境保护方针、技术经济政策、环境规划提供理论根据。对环保领域进行经济效益、社会效益的分析,即以法律经济学的思维方式来审视环境问题,运用经济手段和方法进行环境管理,研究环境措施的经济效果,为制定最佳环保方案提供依据。  相似文献   

在我们学习和借鉴西方市场经济的理论和政策过程中,越来越多的人对西方新自由主义思潮给予关注,并进行了针对性的研究,但其中存在着不同程度的误解和不适当的态度,妨碍着我们正确对待新自由主义思潮.我们要区分新自由主义经济学中的合理因素和谬误成分,区分新自由主义经济学所涉及的利益和立场在不同时间、不同范围、不同对象上的差异,区分理论界与政策决策当局认识的异同、学术界认识与"华盛顿共识"的异同,区分新经济自由主义的国内政策和国外政策的异同,注意新自由主义经济政策与国家干预主义和保护主义经济政策的交替、转换和灵活运用.发展中国家学习和借鉴新自由主义经济学必须注意:要将市场化与市场自由化、全面市场化区分开,将对外开放与对外全面自由开放区分开,将市场化、产权改革与全面私有化区分开,将市场化与快速市场化和快速自由化区分开.  相似文献   

Henry Manne had little to say about environmental law and policy. Yet he had a significant impact on the approach that others took to those topics. These indirect influences on environmental law and policy were threefold. His creation at George Mason University of a highly successful, specialized, law school curriculum demonstrated that law schools could not only survive, but thrive with a subject-matter or methodological focus. His central role in introducing economics to the law school curriculum had a significant and lasting impact on legal education in general and environmental law in particular. And his study and advocacy of markets as effective institutions for the allocation of scarce resources has contributed to the development of environmental law and policy, notwithstanding a predisposition among environmentalists and government officials for a command and control approach.  相似文献   

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