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Building on in‐depth case studies and extensive theory‐building by Canadian multilevel governance scholars, this article identifies and describes multilevel policy involvement by federal, provincial, municipal, private, and NGO actors in three policy phases and eighteen policy domains that specifically involve local governments in Canada. Drawing from an original pan‐Canadian survey of municipal mayors and councillors, we show that municipal politicians see multilevel policy involvement as remarkably prevalent across many policy domains. Using an original measure of multilevel policy involvement, we identify the policy domains in which policy involvement is most concentrated or fragmented and then describe the correlates of this measure. Multilevel policy involvement, we argue, is more clearly associated with policy phase and policy domain than with municipal population or region. We conclude with a discussion of implications for future research.  相似文献   

Abstract: Focus on results and accountability in public performance management is now firmly entrenched. Governments around the world, at all levels, have invested significant time and resources into measuring and reporting performance, with very mixed results. In 2000, Ontario became the first state or province in North America to mandate a municipal performance measurement program for all municipalities. One measure of the system's effectiveness is the documentation produced to show citizens how their government is doing – in this case, an annual performance report. Although the legislation is clear in terms of measurements and some reporting standards, there are clear differences in the overall quality of the annual reports produced by each of the 445 municipalities. This article will focus on the reports as the primary communication tool between the municipalities and citizens. The primary question that frames this research is the current quality of municipal performance reports in Ontario.  相似文献   

We study the occurrence of performance management in a provincially mandated, yet flexible, municipal performance regime in Quebec. Statistical analyses of the determinants of general, management, budgeting and reporting uses of performance information are performed for 321 municipalities. We combined perception data of uses and internal characteristics with archival data on socioeconomic and political characteristics and performance of municipal services. Our results reveal that the propensity of using performance information is not affected by operating in a small municipality or evolving in a hotly disputed political environment. The strongest predictors of performance management are performance and managerial attitudes facing performance measurement.  相似文献   

社会治安综合治理政策是指社会公共权力机构在一定历史时期内,为实现社会治安综合稳定协调发展的目标和任务而规定的指导方针和行为准则,以及根据这些方针、准则制定的有关社会治安综合治理的战略、规划、计划、法律、法令、措施、条例、意见和办法等组成的体系。社会治安综合治理是具有中国特色的治安之策。当前,我国应制定出更加“实用、规范、健全和标本兼治”的综合治理政策,实现“力量的综合、手段的综合和工作的综合”的目标。  相似文献   

Municipal associations lobby senior levels of government for legislative changes. This article tests how the composition and size of municipal associations affects such policy requests for provincial programs or funding transfers by examining four Canadian associations in BC, Nova Scotia and two in Alberta between 1999 and 2013. The findings suggest that associations with more homogeneous member populations lobby primarily for provincial programs; those with more heterogeneous member populations are more likely to lobby for funds to enact municipal programs. This suggests that the collective intergovernmental lobbying of local government associations is influenced by the internal composition of members as well as the political norms and the external environment.  相似文献   

Abstract: The purpose of this paper is to analyse the 1982 reorganization of the Canadian government's institutions and processes of foreign economic policy. The paper argues that the reorganization is most fruitfully seen as a response to changes in the international political economy, and an attempt to link foreign economic policy to domestic industrial strategy. Sommaire: Cet exposé a pour but d'analyser la réorganisation survenue en 1982, des institutions et des processus concernant la politique économique étrangère du gouvernement canadien. Selon l'article, on devrait envisager cette réorganisation comme une réponse gouvernementale à l'évolution de l'économie politique mondiale, et comme une façon d'établir des liens entre la politique économique étrangère et la stratégie industrielle nationale.  相似文献   

Abstract: Lithuania's efforts to join the European Union were faltering in the late 1990s. A moribund policy management system offered scant hope for quick reversal. To break the impasse, Lithuania's prime minister negotiated a unique, CIDA‐funded project to modernize their decision‐making system by partnering with the Ontario Public Service and the Institute of Public Administration of Canada. Although slow to gain traction, inspired leadership by a new Lithuanian prime minister, his chancellor and government secretary re‐energized efforts to adapt an Ontario policy management model, which endures today. The results, in terms of pace and scope of reform, were impressive. But did they make a difference? In the absence of useful public benchmarks from oecd governments, the project collaborated with the World Bank to develop its own set of indicators for each stage of the policy process. Two surveys, conducted in 2000 and 2002, revealed a dramatic turnaround, underscoring how major change can be quickly implemented when supported by determined leadership. This article reviews the project, the survey methodology and results. Given the centrality of Ontario to Lithuania's reform, the article concludes with a cursory exploration of whether the province applies its own best practices. The answer, not surprisingly, is that it does so, sometimes. Sommaire: Les efforts déployés par la Lituanie pour se joindre à l'Union européenne s'affaiblirent à la fin des années 1990. Un système moribond de gestion des politiques offrait peu d'espoir d'un revirement rapide. Pour mettre fin à l'impasse, le Premier ministre de la Lituanie a négocié un projet unique financé par lacdi pour moder‐niser leur système de prise de décision, en établissant un partenariat avec la Fonction publique de l'Ontario et l'Institut d'administration publique du Canada. Même si ce projet fut lent à démarrer, un leadership inspiré par le nouveau Premier ministre litu‐anien, son chancelier et secrétaire d'État relança les efforts pour adapter un modèle ontarien de gestion des politiques, qui se trouve toujours en place aujourd'hui. Les resultats, en termes de rapidité et de portée de la réforme, furent impressionnants. Mais ont‐ils changé quelque chose? En l'absence de points de repère publics utiles de la part des gouvernements de locde , le projet a collaboré avec la Banque mondiale au développement de ses propres indicateurs pour chaque étape du processus de politique. Deux enquêtes, menées en 2000 et 2002, ont révélé un redressement remar‐quable, soulignant comment un changement majeur peut être rapidement mis en ceuvre lorsqu'il a I'appui d'un leadership déterminé. Cet article passe en revue le projet, la méthodologie et les résultats des enquêtes. Étant donné la grande importance de l'Ontario dans la réforme de la Lituanie, en conclusion, l'article examine brièvement si la province applique elle‐même ses meilleures pratiques. La réponse, qui n'est pas surprenante, est que oui, elle les applique…Parfois.  相似文献   

Widely used policy development processes rarely systematically consider differing moral values, which can lead to overlooked risks, ineffective communications and suboptimal policy design. This article introduces morality analysis, a policy tool that draws on moral foundations theory to optimize policy and program design, build public support for policies and present key advice to decision-makers. Morality analysis is used to examine the case of a controversial vaccination incentive program introduced by the Government of Alberta in late 2021 and identify policy options that would likely have prompted less public backlash. This article suggests that morality analysis should supplement the policy analysis toolkit.  相似文献   

政策终结:依据、障碍及其对策分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
政策终结是政策过程的一个环节,是政策更新、政策发展、政策进步的新起点.政策终结是必然的,但引起政策终结的根据又各不相同,有内在的根据,也有外在的根据.  相似文献   

Abstract. Major studies, including those by Dye, Pryor and Wilensky, have found that the independent influence of political variables on public policy has been weak by comparison with socio-economic factors. Perhaps the most crucial test of that weakness is the impact of party ideology on policy-making. The results of that impact are manifested in the financial decisions documented in published statements of government revenue and expenditure. Within the Canadian context, the presence of democratic socialist governments at the provincial level provides opportunities for comparing the impact of varying ideologies upon public policy outputs. This study examines the democratic socialist government in office in Manitoba between 1969 and 1977 and compares its performance with non-socialist governments both at other times within Manitoba and in other Canadian provinces. The financial data examined suggest that the total growth of government did not appear to be related at all to party ideology while the revenue base and expenditure patterns did shift somewhat, although not dramatically and not out of line with changes occurring elsewhere at the same time. Finally, the dependence of the provincial government on federal financial supports and policy initiatives and on private borrowing was discussed as it affected a social democratic provincial government. Sommaire. Des études importantes, dont celles de Dye, Pryor et Wilensky, ont montre que l'influence independante des variables politiques sur la politique officielle a été faible si on la compare a celle des facteurs socio-economiques. Peut-6tre que la preuve la plus probante de cette faiblesse est 1'impact de l'ideologie partisane sur la determination des politiques. Les resultats de cet impact apparaissent dans les decisions financieres, telles qu'etay^es dans les etats de revenus et depenses gouvernementaux publies. Dans le contexte canadien, la presence, au niveau provincial, des gouverne-ments sociaux-democrates donne des occasions de comparer 1'impact des dif-ferentes ideologies sur les resultats des politiques officielles. Cette 6tude porte sur le gouvernement social-democrate au pouvoir, au Manitoba, entre 1969 et 1977 et compare ses performances avec celles des gouvernements non-socialistes a d'autrès périodes au Manitoba et dans d'autrès provinces canadiennes. Les donnes financieres examinees laissent a penser que la croissance totale du gouvernement ne semble pas dependre du tout de l'ideologie partisane, tandis que la base de revenus et les scenarios de depenses se sont quelque peu deplaces mais neanmoins pas de facon spectaculaire et sans entrainer des changements très differents de ceux qui ont eu lieu ailleurs, a la meme epoque. Finalement, l'auteur considere l'impact sur un gouvemement provincial social-democrate, de sa de-pendance par rapport a l'appui financier et aux initiatives politiques du gouvemement fede>al ainsi que par rapport aux emprunts du secteur prive.  相似文献   

Abstract. The process of policy and expenditure management in Ottawa is in continual evolution. This paper examines the current system and attempts to draw some conclusions about overall directions of change. The current ‘envelope’ system is a logical outgrowth of attempts dating back at least through the 1970s to better integrate policy initiation and expenditure management considerations. The changing constellations of agencies over that period are examined as is the attempt to impose a higher level of overall coordination on the system. The current interrelationships among central agencies are outlined and some comments are made on the evolving relationships between cabinet and the agencies which support its deliberations. Finally some conclusions are attempted on the basis of the interrelationships among overall planning systems within the federal government. Sommaize: A Ottawa, le processus de gestion des politiques et des dépenses est en évolution continuelle. L'auteur de cet exposé examine le système actuel et essaie de dégager des conclusions quant aw orientations générales de ce processus. Le système actuel de « l'enveloppe » est la suite logique des tentatives, qui remontent au moins aux années 1970, de meilleure intégration en ce qui conceme l'élaboration des politiques et les nouveaux principes de gestion des dépenses. L'auteur examine les changements dans les regroupements d'agences péndant cette periode ainsi que les efforts entrepris pour imposer un plus haut degré de coordination à l'ensemble du système. Il expose les relations actuelles existant au sein des organismes centraux et propose ses commentaires sur l'évolution des rapports entre le Cabinet et les organismes qui aident à ses déliérations. Finalement, I'auteur essaie de tirer certaines conclusions en se basant sur les rapports existant entre les divers systèmes de planification globale au sein du gouvemement fédéral.  相似文献   

This article examines the link in local government between the mayor and councillors, on one hand, and the chief administrative officer (CAO), on the other hand. The CAO is an essential link in the accountability process that flows from the electorate through the municipal council to the public servants who work for the municipality. In practice, this delicate linkage has frequently been forged in an ad hoc manner by trial and error. This article proposes a framework for a more solid structure for this important relationship.  相似文献   

Abstract: This article explores the application of the so-called “common sense” agenda of the Ontario government to the municipal sector in selected communities. By examining a range of restructuring proposals considered and/or adopted during 1995–97 in six municipalities in southern Ontario the study addresses two objectives. First, it delineates the manner in which the term “rationalize” has been understood by the province and the municipalities. Evidence suggests that the drive to “restructure” has evolved into a fairly simplistic strategy: amalgamate and eliminate units of municipal government and reduce the number of municipal councillors and staff. Second, it analyses the government's promise to “sit down with the municipalities” in this process. The Harris government, in fact, implemented a far-reaching conceptual agenda but forced municipalities to design the specific responses to it. Since 1995, municipalities large and small in all comers of the province have struggled -some in good faith, some with reluctance - to find ways to develop a local response to the province's restructuring agenda, all the while fearing that a failure to acquiesce would invite an imposed solution. Sommaire: Dans cet article, on explore I'application du «programme du bon sens» du gouvemement de l'Ontario au secteur municipal dans certaines communautés choisies. L'étude, qui examine toute une gamme de propositions de restructuration considérées ou adoptées en 1995–1997 dans six municipalités du Sud de l'Ontario, vise deux objectifs. On y définit tout d'abord la manière dont la province et les municipalités ont interprété le mot «rationaliser». I1 semblerait que l'effort de »restructuration° ait menéà une stratégie passablement simpliste: fusionner et éliminer des unités du gouvernement municipal et réduire le nombre de conseillers et de personnel municipaux. Deuxièmement, on analyse la promesse faite par le gouvemement s'asseoir autour de la table avec les municipalité« dans le cadre de ce processus. En réalité, le gouvernement Harris a mis en oeuvre un agenda conceptuel de très grande envergure mais il a forcé les municipalités à lui trouver des réponses spéci-fiques. Depuis 1995, les municipalités petites et grandes de tous les coins de la province s'efforcent, certaines de bonne foi mais d'autres avec récalcitrance, de formuler une réponse locale au programme restructurateur de la province, tout en craignant que, si elles manquent de s'y conformer, elles risquent de se faire imposer une solution.  相似文献   

Canadian governments have spawned hundreds of federal and provincial commissions of inquiry (COIs). Many scholars have completed in‐depth analysis of particular COIs but less attention has been paid to policy impact and comparisons across COIs. This study addresses the following questions. What role do COIs play in policy change? Would policy change likely have occurred without the COI? Why do some COIs result in policy change and others do not? This analysis reports on findings from in‐depth case studies of ten COIs. It uses a theoretical framework focusing on ideas, institutions, actors and relations to examine whether and how COIs lead to policy and administrative change.  相似文献   

结合<使民主运转起来>一书,本文探讨了罗伯特·帕特南的政府绩效测量方法,及其对政府绩效决定因素的分析.作者认为,国内研究应该吸收和借鉴帕特南的思路和方法,在加强政府绩效评价研究的同时,对政府绩效管理及政府绩效决定因素的研究予以充分重视.此外,对政府绩效的研究也不应"大干快上",而需带着一份审慎、小心、存疑、求证的态度,踏上政府绩效的探索之旅,并在旅程中享受这一切.  相似文献   

The use of external consultants in government management and policy realms has drawn increasing attention in many countries including Canada. Studies were undertaken internationally in the 1990s and 2000s as legislatures and their accounting arms became concerned with the hidden costs of “corporatization” of the public service and tried to expand benchmarking measures for government efficiency to include external consultants. Accounting for these increases in expenditures on consultancy, however, remains a challenge given the state of governmental financial and personnel reporting. The data on which existing reports have been drawn are very weak. This article examines results using a new dataset compiled from Proactive Disclosure reports in order to help clarify the situation of policy and management consulting in Canada at the departmental level.  相似文献   

我国是世界上自然灾害最严重的国家之一,灾害种类多,发生频率高,分布地域广。特别是随着我国国民经济的持续高速发展,生产规模的扩大和社会财富的积累,自然灾害在政治、社会、经济等方面带来的负面影响和损失越来越严重,防灾减灾已经成为经济发展过程中的一项紧迫任务.而我国目前在防灾减灾方面的建设还远远不能满足经济快速发展的需要。所以,必须进一步总结分析我国自然灾害的规律、特点,有针对性的研究、制定、完善应急管理的方法,以期在自然灾害来临时尽量减少其影响和损失.  相似文献   

职前教师教育学费政策经历了一个免费——收费——恢复免费的过程。学费政策的演变或多或少影响着师范专业的生源、师范生的就业取向、基础教育的发展。从经济学的角度来看,师范生合理收费符合教育成本分担理论与人力资本理论(个人收益);从激励的角度来看,学费政策对师范生有着很大的激励效应。为了教师教育、基础教育的发展,中国要在所有师范生中全面推行免费政策,还有问题需要进一步的调查、分析与研究。  相似文献   

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