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This article examines the link in local government between the mayor and councillors, on one hand, and the chief administrative officer (CAO), on the other hand. The CAO is an essential link in the accountability process that flows from the electorate through the municipal council to the public servants who work for the municipality. In practice, this delicate linkage has frequently been forged in an ad hoc manner by trial and error. This article proposes a framework for a more solid structure for this important relationship.  相似文献   

深化行政管理体制改革,必须创新思维,创新管理,以全新的行政理念引领改革。应把握服务导向、法治导向、绩效导向等。  相似文献   

根据企业理论,企业可视为资产的组合体。为了达到利润最大化的目标,企业资产必须进行最优组合,而且等成本线变化和等产量线变化会导致资产最优组合的动态调整。考察这一调整的并购途径的适用条件,可根据企业各项资产将各种并购效率理论纳入一个一般框架之中,提出实现企业最优组合动态调整的并购方法的并购动因效率假说。  相似文献   

Abstract: This article examines the transitional and short-term impacts of consolidation in three Canadian municipalities - the City of Abbotsford (British Columbia), the City of Miramichi (New Brunswick), and the Halifax Regional Municipality (Nova Scotia). The study involves an analysis of the administrative, financial and political impacts of the restructuring in these three urban regions, as well as the provinces' roles in the reform process. The analysis of the transition period identifies the many municipal functions and local services that must be considered in a restructuring initiative. The reorganization of intricate administrative and political structures that sustain municipal functions is a complex task and will be unique to each region considering reform. The complexity of municipal restructuring allows no easy answer as to whether consolidation will lead to effectiveness and efficiency improvements in service delivery or municipal governance. Ultimately, the success of consolidation in achieving greater efficiency and effectiveness will depend on the specific circumstances of the municipalities considering reform. Sommaire: Dans cet article, on examine les répercussions transitoires et à court terme de la consolidation dans trois municipalités canadiennes, la ville d'Abbotsford (Colombie-Britannique), la ville de Miramichi (Nouveau-Brunswick) et la municipalitb régionale d'Halifax (Nouvelle-Écosse). L'étude comprend une analyse des répercussions administratives, financières et politiques de la restructuration dans ces trois régions urbaines ainsi qu'une analyse du rôle des provinces dans le processus de réforme. L'analyse de la période de transition ceme les nombreux services locaux et les fonctions municipales dont on doit tenir compte dans toute initiative de restructuration. La réorganisation des structures administratives et politiques corn-pliquées qui sous-tendent les fonctions municipales est me tâche complexe qui est particulière à chaque région. Face à la complexité de la restructuration municipale, il n'y a pas de réponse facile pour savoir si la consolidation permettra d'améliorer l'efficacité de la prestation des services ou de la gestion municipale. Finalement, pour obtenir une plus grande efficacité, la consolidation devra tenir compte des circon-stances particulières des municipalités qui envisagent une réforme.  相似文献   

村官是指在村委会、村党支部、村民小组、村集体经济组织等村基层组织中具有组织、管理、领导职权的工作人员。村官利用职务的便利,以明显低价处理村集体财产,从中收受贿赂的,以非国家工作人员受贿罪定罪处罚;将村集体财产以明显低价处理给自己或自己的直系亲属的,以职务侵占罪定罪处罚,差额作为侵占数额。应修订现行刑法,增设第166条之一,将村官以明显低价处理村集体财产给亲友,没从中收受贿赂或没证据证实收受贿赂的,设置为犯罪,依照第166条的规定从重处罚。  相似文献   

公安机关在群体性事件处置中的职能定位   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
群体性事件是社会转型时期各种消极因素的综合反映,具有复杂性、多样性、综合性。公安机关来在群体性事件的处置工作中,必须做到指导思想明确、职能定位准确、处置方法正确。在职能单位上,公安机关是党委、政府的参谋和助手,现场秩序的维护者,查处违法犯罪的执法者,宣传法律的疏导教育者。  相似文献   

证券领域内幕交易、泄露内幕信息犯罪案件具有犯罪主体特定、犯罪被害人不特定、有交易记录可查、与其他证券犯罪特别是操纵证券交易价格犯罪相互交织、犯罪黑数突出等特点 ;公安机关在立案时应准确把握“情节严重”的标准 ,在侦查中可通过顺查、逆查、中间查、外围查等途径找出犯罪嫌疑人 ,同时要注意运用讯问、询问、调取等方法获取证明犯罪嫌疑人进行内幕交易或者泄露内幕信息的证据。  相似文献   

群体性治安事件处置的组织指挥工作事关处置的成败 ,必须予以高度重视。但是 ,当前存在组织指挥领导班子成员结构不合理、搭配不科学 ,指挥工作缺乏规范性 ,组织指挥人员对处置措施、手段不熟悉 ,现场应变能力差 ,使用警力不科学等问题。因此 ,处置事件的领导班子的成员必须优化组合 ,增加权威 ,要加强事件的情报信息工作 ,按照正确的程序进行指挥 ,完善处置工作预案。  相似文献   

日益猖獗的恐怖主义活动 ,反映出国际反恐怖斗争存在着诸多问题 ,既有对恐怖主义范围界定不明确 ,在打击恐怖活动中治标不治本的问题 ,也有某些国家运用恐怖手段打击恐怖主义 ,以及以反恐怖为借口干涉他国内政的行为。这些问题的存在使国际反恐怖斗争步入误区。若要走出国际反恐怖主义的误区 ,必须回顾历史 ,吸取教训 ,改变国际反恐怖战略  相似文献   

Abstract: This article is about building metropolitan governance capacity. Based on the case study of the Communauté métropolitaine de Montréal (the Montreal Metropolitan Community), the authors seek to understand how this new metropolitan institution develops its capacity to manage metropolitan issues. What factors influence metropolitan governance capacity? What are the impacts of actor behaviour, incentive structures, and political leadership on that capacity? Specifically, results focus on two of the CMM's areas of responsibility: land‐use planning, and social and affordable housing. Based on the analysis of official documents of the CMM (its act of incorporation, activity reports, budget, etc.) and thirteen interviews with elected municipal officials and public servants, the authors show that the building of metropolitan governance capacity is influenced by the interactions between those three factors, as well as by other elements specific to each context.  相似文献   

论中国国家安全战略方针   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
新中国成立后,根据错综复杂的国际安全环境和本国国情,逐步形成并坚持奉行具有中国特色的国家安全战略方针,即积极防御战略方针,有效地维护了自身的安全和发展。进入新世纪以来,虽然我国家安全环境得到明显改善,抵御国家安全风险的能力有了飞跃性提高,但是我在国际体系中在更大程度上仍处于守势,这决定了在在战略指导上应采取防御性姿态。当然,在新的形势下积极防御战略方针的内涵和外延也必须有新的发展,以适应国家安全形势的发展和变化,更好地服务于国家安全利益。  相似文献   

“皇极”概念源出《尚书.洪范》,文本中具有按照公平和公正的要求建立普遍的社会和谐的含义。文章从梳理“皇极”概念出发,在历代注家对这一概念的不同理解中,着重分析了朱熹、陆九渊、叶适的观点,从中概括出两种实现社会和谐的主张,即专注于道德教化的观点和要求制度建设的观点。古代思想家对这两种观点各有所主,有其时代的条件,我们建设社会主义和谐社会应两者不可偏废,尤其要注重制度建设,这也是今天加强古代事功学研究的意义所在。  相似文献   

Abstract: Since its creation in the mid-1950s, the elected council of Metropolitan Toronto was composed of politicians who had first been directly elected in their home municipalities (Scarborough, North York, etc.)- Over the years, various observers had noted the representational weaknesses of this arrangement, but little had changed by the mid-1980s. Metro concerns often appeared to be overlooked in the interest of local concerns, and lines of accountability from Metro to the public were weak. During the period 1986–88 a provincial government initiative led to a joint review of Metro's electoral arrangements and to enactment of major procedural reforms. By the 1988 Ontario municipal elections a system for direct election of the Metro council was in place. The provincial government's approach to reform, a provincial-municipal task force, merits examination, for the municipal affairs ministry was able to bring reforms forward despite opposition from certain local government leaders. Reviewing this experience sheds light on some of the complexities involved in analysing representational options as well as in assessing the provincial relationship with Metro issues. Study of the reform process utilized here illustrates the ability of a committed provincial government to place discussion of Metro change firmly on the political agenda. Reflection on the procedures and representation issues of the mid-1980s is now timely as the Ontario government is developing a yet larger entity, the Greater Toronto Area (GTA), which encompasses about 40 per cent of the province's population. Sommaire: Depuis son etablissement vers le milieu des annees 1950, le conseil elu du Toronto metropolitain etait compose de politiciens qui avaient d'abord ete elus directement dans leur propre municipality (Scarborough, North York, etc.). Au fil des annees, divers observateurs ont note les faiblesses de ce systeme de representation, mais tres peu changea jusqu'au milieu des annees 1980. Les preoccupations de  相似文献   

公安机关对民事纠纷的处理,是指公安机关根据法律赋予的职责,对有关民事纠纷所进行的记录、调解、裁决等行为。现有法律关于该方面规定存在不明确、不协调、不合理等缺陷造成执法上的困惑和混乱。建议取消公安机关对民事纠纷的裁决权,明确对违法犯罪行为引起的民事纠纷的调解权和对一般民事纠纷的处理权。  相似文献   

中国传统文化要实现科学而又合理的、代表先进文化和和谐文化方向的现代化转化,就必须遵循行之有效的方法论。为此,必须在继承和发展前人所提出来的方法论基础上,选择以下方法论原则,这就是既要坚持两点论与重点论的统一、区分文化的不同层次,又要坚持正确对待文化有机论、科学区分并处理传统文化和文化传统、中外文化的整合以及文化的综合创新。  相似文献   

公安院校在职民警即公安院校成人英语教学长期以来都有些滞后,其质量要得到真正提高,一方面要促进师生对课程必要性的认识和教学目标的重视,另一方面还要改进对教材和实施教学的做法,改变教学的主观随意性,规范教学内容,尝试行之有效的一些教学方法。  相似文献   

伊朗诉美国石油平台案是国际法院近年的一项判决,主要涉及国际法上的武力使用问题.本案判决包含了重要原则:一国因自卫而使用武力的前提是受到他国的武装进攻,同时自卫必须符合必要性和相称性原则.这一原则的重申对于降低武装冲突的烈度有积极意义.另外,此次判决对国际法上武力使用制度的一个巨大贡献就是在判断一国是否受到他国武装进攻时,首次清楚地采纳了累积效应方法.这意味着一国以武力行使自卫权的范围更加宽泛,其确立有利于各国以合法手段对付日益猖獗的恐怖主义.不过,国际法院的判决也存在不足,即在谈及自卫时,做出了一个几近和解和不全面的评断.实际上,这也反映了国际法院在涉及重大国际政治问题时也无能为力的客观现实.  相似文献   

论少年法的主要特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
少年法是规定少年犯罪及不良行为的预防、审理、处置、矫治等法律的总称.少年法由刑事法脱胎而来,自成一体,在审理机构、管辖对象、审理程序、处置方法上均与一般刑事法不同,以保护少年为宗旨.我国目前的少年立法与国外相比存在较大差距,制定完备的少年法是我国法治进程中的重要课题.  相似文献   

While past research suggests that informal processes of dialogue play an important role in municipal intergovernmental relations in Canada, we currently know very little about their character and frequency. Who do local elected officials communicate with, and through which channels? And which municipal voices carry the most weight in these conversations? This article answers these questions from the perspective of elected politicians themselves, using a pan-Canadian survey of municipal, provincial, and federal elected representatives. Our findings confirm that municipal intergovernmental relations depend heavily on informal institutions and personal relationships and highlight the key role of municipal mayors as spokespersons and advocates for municipalities in Canadian federalism.  相似文献   

侦破流窜系列犯罪案件的关键是明确侦查范围与方向,在侦破系列性流窜跳跃式案件时,建立侦查依托阵地,可以用先行涵盖、动态调整的方法圈定侦查范围,继而在侦查中逐步缩小范围发现犯罪嫌疑人,同时注重研究侦查方向与侦查范围之间的特定结合,为侦破案件创造条件。  相似文献   

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