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公安司法文书是一种重要的具有法律意义的文书 ,其写作的质料不仅体现为写作者的写作知识和能力 ,更体现为写作者对法律知识的掌握和运用。按制作方式的不同公安司法文书可分成填充型文书、填表型文书和叙述型文书三种 ,并各具写作要求和特点。要写好公安司法文书 ,必须对公安司法文书有清晰的认识和正确的表达。  相似文献   

This article examines the compatibility between performance improvement and compliance‐based accountability in the implementation of a new system of public health performance management in Ontario. Findings from this mixed‐method study show that only minor elements of performance improvement get incorporated into pre‐existing compliance‐based accountability structures, that reinforcement of accountability structures works to the detriment of performance improvement intentions, and that limiting managerial influence in developing performance measures and targets diminish the utility of information for improvement. The study concludes that achieving a better balance requires an alternative to top‐down decision making that goes beyond consultation to include partnership.  相似文献   

Abstract: This article examines the experience of Ontario's Technical Standards and Safety Authority (tssa), a not‐for‐profit corporation to which the public‐safety regulation functions of the province's Ministry of Consumer and Commercial Relations (now the Ministry of Consumer and Business Services) were transferred in 1997. The authors place the tssa in the larger context of the restructuring of government functions and responsibilities and the transferring of these activities to non‐governmental actors, as part of what has become known around the world as the “new public management.” The history, rationale, mandate, structure and functions of the tssa are described. In addition, an assessment of the tssa as a model for the delivery of public services against criteria related to governance, political and legal accountability and performance relative to its predecessor is provided. The article concludes that significant gaps remain in the Ministry of Consumer and Business Services' capacity to adequately oversee the tssa and in the accountability framework for the tssa relative to that applicable to a conventionally structured government agency. Improvements in public safety outcomes in Ontario over the past decade are noted, although many of these trends pre‐date the creation of the tssa and may be attributable to factors other than the mccr/tssa transition. Sommaire: Le présent article passe en revue I'expérience de la Technical Standards and Safety Authority (tssa) de I'Ontario, organisme à but non lucratif auquel furent transférées en 1997 les fonctions relatives à la réglementation de la sécurité publique du ministère de la Consommation et du Commerce de la province (devenu le ministère des Services aux consommateurs et aux entreprises). Les auteurs placent la Esa dans le contexte plus vaste de la restructuration des fonctions et responsabilités gouvernementales et du transfert de ces activités à des organismes non gouvemementaux, dans le cadre de ce qui est maintenant connu mondialement sous le nom de « nouvelle gestion publique ». 11s décrivent l'historique, la justification, le mandat, la structure et les fonctions de la tssa. Ils foumissent en outre me évaluation de la Esa en tant que modèle de prestation de services publics selon des critères de gouvemance, d'imputabilité politique et légale et de rendement par rapport à son prédécesseur. L'article conclut qu'il existe encore d'importantes lacunes en ce qui concerne la capacité du ministère des Services aux consommateurs et aux entreprises à superviser adéquatement la tssa et en ce qui concerne le cadre de responsabilité de la tssa par rapport à ce qui s'applique à un organisme gouvernemental de structure conventionnelle. L'article mentionne les améliorations concernant la sécurité publique survenues en Ontario au cours de la dernière décennie, quoique nombre de ces tendances datent d'avant la création de la tssa et pourraient tre attribuables à des facteurs autres que la transition du mcc à la tssa.  相似文献   

Delegated Administrative Authorities (DAAs) are widely employed for delivering public safety and consumer protection regulatory functions at the provincial level in Canada. Although strongly supported by governments, the model has been subject to considerable criticism from legislative committees and officers, non‐governmental organizations, and the media. This paper examines Ontario's DAA experience through the case of the Technical Standards and Safety Authority (TSSA). It finds that, like other jurisdictions pursuing similar new public management (NPM) reforms, the Ontario government adopted legislation significantly strengthening its oversight and control, indicating substantial concerns about the structure and performance of the TSSA and by implication Ontario's other DAAs. Even with these changes, significant gaps are identified in the TSSA's governance and accountability structures.  相似文献   

边界移位与价值重构:关于西方公共部门改革的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
越来越多的治理模式被引入西方国家公共部门改革之中,这使得政治与行政、公共与私人、国际与国内之间的边界发生移位,从而增加了公共部门的不确定性。寻找合适的关于新公共部门原则与价值的公共话语,已成为当务之急。  相似文献   

This article explores the area of research engagement between two very important communities in the Canadian public policy landscape: academics and senior public service executives. Using data from three surveys, we argue that while public sector executives may be more receptive to academic research than the literature suggests, academic advice and knowledge remain underutilized. While there does not seem to be a strong cleavage between the two groups, they also tend to come together mostly under very specific conditions. Oddly enough, academics do not seem to be troubled by the underutilization of their research.  相似文献   

学术研究的Identity(自性)来源于真正独有的研究对象和范畴、足够量的原创性研究及真正深厚、独特的学术积淀,治安学术课题应当源自最现实的和最真实的时代发展,源自既蓬勃发展、充满希望又夹着各样社会倾斜、矛盾、风险、变异的中国社会。  相似文献   

20世纪70年代末以来,世界各国公共部门的绩效薪酬改革表现出有规律的发展趋势.本文以国外公共部门绩效薪酬改革三十年的变迁为主线,研究各国改革的背景、模式与效果,为中国的事业单位绩效薪酬改革提供借鉴.  相似文献   

非公有制经济是社会主义市场经济的重要组成部分,鼓励、支持、引导非公有制经济的发展,是我们党的既定方针政策,因此,如何发展非公有制经济是值得我们研究的重要问题。  相似文献   

2006年底在澳门举行的第二届“21世纪的公共管理:机遇与挑战”国际研讨会,有来自世界各地20个国家和地区的专家学者参加了此次盛会。与会代表围绕区域合作与区域公共治理、公务员制度与人力资源管理、公共危机管理、公共预算与财政管理、公共服务供给创新等专题展开了热烈讨论。  相似文献   

Several Canadian and international scholars offer commentaries on the implications of the COVID-19 pandemic for governments and public service institutions, and fruitful directions for public administration research and practice. This first suite of commentaries focuses on the executive branch, variously considering: the challenge for governments to balance demands for accountability and learning while rethinking policy mixes as social solidarity and expert knowledge increasingly get challenged; how the policy-advisory systems of Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and United Kingdom were structured and performed in response to the COVID-19 crisis; whether there are better ways to suspend the accountability repertoires of Parliamentary systems than the multiparty agreement struck by the minority Liberal government with several opposition parties; comparing the Canadian government’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic and the Global Financial Crisis and how each has brought the challenge of inequality to the fore; and whether the COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated or disrupted digital government initiatives, reinforced traditional public administration values or more open government.  相似文献   

Abstract. Public disquiet over rapidly rising government expenditures makes control of the public purse a matter of continuous concern. While studies have shown that control improvements are needed at the federal level, the provincial experience has been virtually ignored. This study hopes to fill this void, making several observations on the conjoint roles of the ten provincial Public Accounts Committees and provincial Auditors General. A study of the standing operating procedures of the committees, the role of the Auditors, their inter-relationship, and other factors which affect the ability of the committees to do their job reveals the unevenness of provincial legislative audit surveillance. The rapid expansion in the areas of historic government responsibility and the increasing involvement by government in activities hitherto the responsibility of the private sector raise the crucial question as to whether management audits should be added to conventional financial auditing. The paper concludes that the major participants in the structures of provincial financial administration must ensure that the role of the committees and Auditors does not diminish in relation to those of cabinet and treasury, else the public image of responsible government may become tarnished. A number of reforms to the committees and Auditors may do much to restore the role of the legislatures in the years to come. The paper makes a number of recommendations to this end. Sommaire. L'inquiétude du public devant l'augmentation rapide des dépenses gouvernementales fait du contrǒle du Trésor public une question de preoccupation constante. Des études ont indiqué qu'il fallait améliorer les contrǒles au niveau fédéral, mais elles ont pratiquement laissé de cǒté l'expérience provinciale. Le but de cette étude est de remédier à cette carence en présentant diverses observations sur les roles conjoints des dix comités provinciaux des comptes publics et des auditeurs-généraux provinciaux. Un examen des procedures d'opération en usage, du rǒle des auditeurs, de leurs  相似文献   

Abstract: Analysts studying the political impact of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms have tended to focus on the role of the Supreme Court of Canada and on the formulation of remedies for Charter violations under s. 52(1) of the Constitution Act, 1982 (judicial nullification) and s. 24(2) of the Charter (exclusion of evidence). Without denying the importance of the Supreme Court, or the impact of nullification and exclusion of evidence, it is important to recognize that s. 24(1) of the Charter provides a remedial alternative whose implementation is likely to occur primarily within lower courts, and whose potential policy consequences are vast. What makes s. 24(1) so potentially important is that it provides courts the opportunity to shape and administer social policy directly through positive and prospective remedies. This article offers a preliminary exploration of this phenomenon by utilizing a model of remedial decree litigation developed in the United States to examine the most interesting s. 24(1) case yet considered by lower courts: Re Lavigne and Ontario Public Service Employees Union. The aim of the article is to explore the extent to which Canadian courts are restructuring their decision-making processes to undertake the institutional obligations imposed on them by remedial decree litigation under the Charter. Sommaire: Les analystes qui étudient l'impact politique de la Charte des droits et Iibertés axent leurs travaux sur le rôle de la Cour suprême du Canada et sur la formulation des sanctions pour violation de la Charte en vertu de l'art. 52(1) de la Loi constitutionnelle de 1982 (invalidation judiciaire) et de l'art. 24(2) de la Charte (exclusion de preuve). Sans nier ni l'importance de la Cour suprême, ni celle de l'impact de l'invalidation ou de l'exclusion de preuve, il est important de reconnaître que l'art 24(1) de la Charte fournit un mode de sanctions dont l'application est plus susceptible de se produire de-vant les tribunaux inférieurs et dont les conséquences politiques éventuelles sont nom-breuses. L'importance de l'art 24(1) tient à ce qu'il donne aux tribunaux la possibilité de formuler et d'appliquer directement des politiques sociales par le biais de sanctions positives et prospectives. Cet article étudie ce phénomène en utilisant un modéle de jugement réparateur élaboré aux États-Unis pour examiner au titre de l'art. 24(1) un tribunal inférieur: Re Lavigne et le Syndicat des employés de Infection publiyue de l'Ontorio. L'objet de cet article est d'étudier dans quelle mesure les tribunaux canadiens restructuring leurs procédures de prise de décisions pour mettre en oeuvre les obligations institutionalism qui leur sont attribuées par les recours réparateurs qu'autorise la Charte.  相似文献   

Abstract: This issue of Canadian Public Administration marks two landmarks. It is the 50th anniversary issue of the Journal, and it is the last issue to be published by the Institute of Public Administration of Canada. For this issue, we have not produced a “special issue” in the sense of commissioning particular articles. Instead, we have brought together a number of articles that were already in the “pipeline” but that the editors thought made a particular contribution to public administration in Canada. This introductory article, or editor's review, is a retrospective analysis of the content of the Journal. It would appear that while there has been a slight shift towards public policy and a greater concern with provincial and local administration, cpa has maintained an enduring interest in its core areas of administrative theory and political and legal institutions. The content is also compared with findings of the content of other journals and also other analyses of cpa . This review is followed by commentaries by former editors and associate editors on their experiences with the Journal.  相似文献   

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