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香港青少年的偏差行为曲力秋青少年的偏差行为有其发生的特殊原因和特殊表现。和成年人相比,青少年因为自控意识较弱、规范自身行为的能力较低,再加上社会方方面面的不健康因素的刺激,他们更经常也更全面地表现出偏差行为,这些行为几乎发生在他们的学习、娱乐、社会交...  相似文献   

王明 《青年探索》2014,(1):20-26
为了研究边缘青少年在参与社会服务过程中的学习与成长,我们通过对北京社区闲散青少年采用优势视角理念,运用过程评估和结果评估的研究方法,具体探寻他们在接受社工机构提供的专业服务的同时是如何参与社会服务的。研究发现青少年的“问题”行为一定程度上发生改变,“优势”行为得以强化,同时他们对“问题”行为的认知和观念发生转变,自我认知水平得以提升,社会意识得以增强。  相似文献   

警务人员另一种职责是预防犯罪及防止秩序失调,为了预防青少年犯罪,要扮演社会工作者及家长的角色,要有与青少年沟通的技巧,去防止及改变青少年的犯罪念头及行为。澳门警务人员协会筹办的“飞鹰计划”是一项用关怀和爱心以预防青少年犯罪的人类工程社会服务。其培训对象是澳门的失学青少年。其培养目的是灌输正确的人生观及价值观,磨炼其意志,并增强他们与警务人员之间的沟通,从而避免他们踏上罪恶歧途。  相似文献   

文章首先较为详细地介绍了澳门打击黑社会的专门法律《黑社会管制法》,简要介绍了《澳门刑法典》、非刑事法规中的刑法性规范及澳门参加的相关国际公约;继而介绍了澳门主管打击黑社会机构的历史沿革和目前分工情况;最后述及澳门打击黑社会事务的最新调整举措,即加强跨部门的合作及跨国、跨地区的协作,加强警员队伍自身的建设,建立“社区警务模式”,调整打击与预防黑社会方略。  相似文献   

澳门自回归以来,伴随着其社会、经济、文化等方面的固有特色与变化,其青少年思想与行为状况也形成了相应的特点。在此环境下开展的青少年社会教育在内容与方式方面也独具特色。这种独具特色的青少年社会教育对澳门本土青少年的健康成长及社会的良好发展起到重要作用。  相似文献   

青少年是一个极其特殊的群体,他们既是社会的未来,国家的希望,又处于特殊的心理和生理发育阶段。他们的文化消费能力强,自我保护意识差,在现今信息量大爆炸社会环境中,接触高碳艺术作品的机会大大增加,容易受到高碳艺术中各种错误世界观、人生观、价值观的影响,导致自身行为与心理的偏差。  相似文献   

澳门黑社会产生于1840年鸦片战争之后,发端于鸦片走私和“苦力”贸易两个行业,经历了大发展(1912年——1949年),起伏发展(1950年以后)几个时期,现仍有扩大并向区域、国际范围发展的趋势。各国学者对黑社会有过种种研究,对其产生提出了各种不同的理论。但文章认为,澳门黑社会是殖民地社会的畸形产物。澳门独特的经济特点和地理位置,也使黑社会在澳门的产生和发展有了某种条件。  相似文献   

郭翔 《青年探索》2002,(5):50-54
在中国大陆.青少年的偏差行为几乎是普遍存在的、经常发生的、难以避免的社会现象。青少年中出现的偏差行为,犹如孩子学走路必然要摔跤一样,经过多次的跌倒、爬起,就学会走路了。青少年在其成长中,也会发生各种各样的偏差行为。而行为偏差难免导致某种危害或危险后果,使人们接受教训。青少年通过认识和纠正偏差行为,就可以逐渐成为认可和  相似文献   

黑社会,英文翻译为underworld,西方学者则称之为underworld society,它是指“从各个方面与主导的、正常的社会形态相对立、相对抗的非法组织”。就我国目前而言,“明显的、典型的黑社会犯罪还没有出现,但带黑社会性质的犯罪集团已经出现。青少年是一个国家的后备力量,从某种意义上讲,他们能否健康成长,关系到一个民族的兴衰。但是青少年特别是未成年人,由于其心理、生理等方面都不成熟,这方面的特殊性,为黑社会性质组织向青少年蔓延和青少年带黑社会性质组织的增多提供了条件。 青少年黑社会性质组织…  相似文献   

Mentorship Program,澳门特区政府教育暨青年局译为“师友计划”,其内容是训练参加者成为青少年的生涯导师,他们的责任是运用自己的经验,协助参加计划的青少年思考人生的方向,他们需要经常联络参加计划的青少年,及与他们保持亦师亦友的关系。生涯导师会透过此关系,与参加计划的青少年分享成长心得,师友也可以是青少年的成长模范。数年前,教青局把师友计划的理念引进澳门,并拨款给不同的青年服务组织,推动师友计划在澳门试行。其中获得拨款的鲍思高青年村机构邀请笔者为其“成长友伴”计划进行独立评鉴研究,该研究以焦点小组及深度访谈方式进行质性研究,目的是深入探讨师友关系的内涵和探讨训练的实施与效果。  相似文献   

Using a sample of 16-year-old youth placed with kinship foster families in California, the current study examines the relationship between kinship foster family structure and foster youth's biological family contact and support. Latent class analysis was used to examine differences in family structure based on the relatedness between foster youth and other members of the kinship family household. Subsequently, the respective relationships among household structure and foster youths' characteristics, experiences, and biological family contact and support were examined. We find that the kinship families serving foster youth are represented by four distinct household types, including sibling and grandparent households. Kinship family household type is found to be statistically significantly associated with youths' contact with siblings, closeness to caregivers, and perceived social support. Implications for kinship foster family scholarship are discussed.  相似文献   

Youth in the U.S. foster care system are prescribed risky psychotropic medications at high rates. In response, state child welfare agencies have developed policies, yet there is little research to inform patient-centered care (PCC) approaches. To fill this gap, we aimed to identify (1) the perspectives of youth in or formerly in foster care and their caregivers and providers regarding how psychiatric care aligns or does not align with PCC, and (2) effectiveness of interventions aiming to improve PCC within this context. We conducted a systematic review of the literature based on PRISMA-P guidelines, searching four databases and gray literature. Eleven studies met inclusion criteria and quality appraisal benchmarks, none of which were interventions. We applied narrative synthesis techniques to six studies that described youth/former youth perspectives. They described a pervasive lack of knowledge, perceived little voice in decision-making, and described imbalanced power between patients and providers and weak therapeutic relationships, whereas feeling understood by providers and being provided autonomy in decisions were helpful. Systemic barriers also contributed to many concerns. We make a limited number of recommendations to leaders and policy-makers based on our synthesis, however, many critical research steps are needed.  相似文献   

青年学生逐步成为两岸交流的主要力量,本文通过实证调查发现,大陆“交换生”群体在台交流期间,形成了不同于以往的社会交往网络,“交换生”面对新的环境,开始接触台湾青年群体,使用当地的沟通工具,参与当地社会活动,这充分体现出大陆青年在台具有较强的“在地”适应性.但是,研究也发现,“交换生”群体在交流中呈现出相对封闭的交往网络,由于交流环境的限制,心理的群体认同与融合也有待进一步构建.因此,有必要推动建立两岸青年交流的持续化交往机制.  相似文献   

Increasing public awareness of cyberbullying, coupled with several highly publicized youth suicides linked to electronic bullying, have led lawmakers and politicians to consider new criminal legislation specifically related to cyberbullying. However, little is known about how the police currently respond to cyberbullying, and it is not clear whether new laws are necessary. In this article, the authors draw upon in-depth interviews with Canadian street patrol officers and school resource officers to explore police perspectives on policing cyberbullying. In contrast to the reactive hard-line approach proposed in much legislation and public discussion, police officers prefer to take a preventative approach by educating youth and raising awareness about the dangers of digital communications. Although there are instances when criminal charges must be laid, these incidents transcend “bullying,” a term that has little legal meaning for police officers.  相似文献   

法律的自治性、司法与民主的纠葛以及精英主义思想,造就了法律人思维与大众思维的不同。其差异主要体现于思维焦点、思维背景和思维方式等方面。但当前学界夸大了两者的区别,使得其失真。这些差异并不当然意味着两者的不可共存。事实上,在法治社会里,它们在诸多方面是相互联系和融通的。就中国当下情形而言,须还原法律思维与大众思维的本相,并在尊重两者区别的基础上,以法律程序来沟通彼此的联系。  相似文献   


The purpose of this article is to conduct a multi-method evaluation to investigate the effectiveness of a youth development program for military dependent youth entitled, Youth Action Program. The dimensions of an ecological program are used to examine the program post-de-facto. The comparison with elements of ecological programming provided reasons as to this program's perceived impact and its weaknesses. A multi-dimensional evaluation is employed that examines the processes and outcomes in their natural settings. Youth and parents overwhelmingly believed that this program had made a positive difference in their lives. Youth demonstrated an improvement, although not significant, in their self-concept; however, participating youths' levels of social isolation and withdrawal from social contact remained at a high level. The results and need for future research are presented related to evaluating youth development programs and the ecological model.  相似文献   


Traditional theories of the connection between immigrant youth and gangs have not been sufficient in explaining why some are not in gangs. Therefore, this study examines Vietnamese youth gangs in Honolulu and the factors contributing to Vietnamese delinquency and youth gang participation. Twenty-six interviews were conducted with agency, school, police, Vietnamese adults, and Vietnamese youth. Results suggest that though the content of the delinquency model is different for immigrant and nonimmigrant youth, the process is the same. Problems in the home, school, or neighborhood facilitate contact with delinquent youth, and association with delinquent peers increases the likelihood for delinquency and gang involvement. Therefore, participation inyouth gangs depends on peer relationships. This finding is congruent with the perceptions of youth, while adults appear less aware of the effects of peer relationships among youth.  相似文献   

作为影响当代中国最为主要的西方社会思潮之一,近年来,新自由主义在我国的传播表现出传播领域生活化、传播方式大众化、传播内容感性化等特点。新自由主义的观点和主张会对我国青年群体的主流意识形态认同造成负面影响,这些影响主要包括消解部分青年对于马克思主义的信仰、动摇部分青年对于社会主义制度的信心、改变部分青年的集体主义价值取向,以及扭曲部分青年的公平正义观念等等。为加强我国青年群体的主流意识形态认同,可以考虑从创新模式、传播方式和本土化这样三个方面来推进主流意识形态领域的改革,以此来确保马克思主义在我国青年群体精神生活领域的主导地位。  相似文献   

债权关系是与经济形态的发展密切联系的一种法律关系,从西南少数民族习惯规范中的债权关系中分析其习惯规范里的债权债务关系,体现出的债权债务关系正是特定历史时期经济条件的反映,它反映了独特的债权思想,该债权理念的传承不仅对西南少数民族地区现今经济的发展产生重要影响,还会对民族区域自治以及立法产生作用。  相似文献   

HE Shiqing  LIU Haile 《人权》2021,(1):95-116
Marxist human rights thought has realized an epochmaking change in human rights thought and has distinguished itself from capitalist human rights thought with its distinctive character.Marxist human rights thought has a humanistic character,starts from human nature and its essence,regards human rights as an important means to realize the all-round development of human beings and the fundamental proof of human liberation.Marxist human rights thought is characterized by being people-centered,and expresses the desire of the masses,with the proletariat as the main body,to realize a better life through the guarantee of human rights.Marxist human rights thought has a practical character,is based on practical materialism,advocates that human rights are derived from the social practice and promotes social practice toward civilization and progress.Marxist human rights thought has the character of rule of law,guides legal governance to the rule of good law,and lays the guarantee fot human rights on the foundation of substantive rule of law.  相似文献   

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