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紧急状态下的权利保护与救济   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
赵颖 《行政与法》2004,(9):39-41
紧急状态下为了公共利益、公共秩序的需要政府享有必要的紧急权力,包括更多的限制或剥夺公民的合法权益的权力,在法治时代这种权力也要受法律的理性规制,保护公民合法权益应是紧急状态立法的重要目的或价值取向之一;政府行使紧急权力要遵循一定的法治原则,而公民面对政府紧急权力的行使,除了享有一些不可克减的基本权利外,还应享有知情权、监督权、紧急救助请求权、申请行政复议或提起行政诉讼权、特别损失补偿权、损害赔偿请求权,从而获得有效的救济。  相似文献   

This study uses detailed quantitative analyses of the completehistory of rulings made by the Panels and the Appellate Bodyof the WTO Dispute Settlement Mechanism during its first tenyears of operation, to assess the robustness of theories regardingthe decision-making of these institutions. Regression analysesare used to test for correlation between the success of Complainantsin dispute settlement and a variety of factors, representingthe hypothesized capacity of states to influence Panels andthe Appellate Body through dimensions of political and economicpower, the impact of the relative practical capacities of statesin dispute settlement proceedings, and the formation of coalitionsof states in support of a particular Complainant or Respondent.The results of the regression analyses – that few significantcorrelations exist between the independent variables and thedispute outcomes – provide evidence that the judicialinstitutions of the Dispute Settlement Mechanism are independentfrom Member State influence. The one reliable correlation foundin these analyses demonstrates that a Complainant state doeshave substantial advantage in Panel proceedings if it has previouslyparticipated in more disputes than the Respondent.  相似文献   

Abstract: It is common in forensic casework to encounter situations where the suspect has set a fire to cover up or destroy possible evidence. While bloodstain pattern interpretation, chemical enhancement of blood, and recovery of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) from bloodstains is well documented in the literature, very little information is known about the effects of heat or fire on these types of examinations. In this study, a variety of known types of bloodstain patterns were created in a four‐room structure containing typical household objects and furnishings. The structure was allowed to burn to flashover and then it was extinguished by firefighters using water. Once the structure cooled over night, the interior was examined using a bright light. The bloodstains were evaluated to see if the heat or fire had caused any changes to the patterns that would inhibit interpretation. Bloodstain patterns remained visible and intact inside the structure and on furnishings unless the surface that held the blood was totally burned away. Additionally, a variety of chemical techniques were utilized to better visualize the patterns and determine the possible presence of blood after the fire. The soot from the fire formed a physical barrier that initially interfered with chemical enhancement of blood. However, when the soot was removed using water or alcohol, the chemicals used, fluorescein, luminol, Bluestar®, and Hemastix®, performed adequately in most of the tests. Prior to DNA testing, the combined phenolphthalein/tetramethyl benzidine presumptive test for the presence of blood was conducted in the laboratory on samples recovered from the structure in an effort to assess the effectiveness of using this type of testing as a screening tool. Test results demonstrated that reliance on obtaining a positive presumptive result for blood before proceeding with DNA testing could result in the failure to obtain useful typing results. Finally, two DNA recovery methods (swabbing the stain plus cutting or scraping the stain) were attempted to evaluate their performance in recovering samples in an arson investigation. Recovery of DNA was more successful in some instances with the swabbing method, and in other instances with the cutting/scraping method. Therefore, it is recommended that both methods be used. For the most part, the recovered DNA seemed to be unaffected by the heat, until the temperature was 800°C or greater. At this temperature, no DNA profiles were obtained.  相似文献   

当出现涉案人、犯罪嫌疑人、被告人死亡、逃跑或者丧失诉讼行为能力等情形时,案件将处于不立案、诉讼中止或者终止的状态。在这些诉讼状态下,如何处理涉案的非法财产,是一个亟待解决的问题。在我国签署《联合国反腐败公约》的背景下,构建刑事缺席审判制度似乎成了一个没有争议的选择。然而,该制度在理论上有其不可克服的缺陷,只有适当将物的处理与人的处理相分离,完善我国的刑事没收程序,才是当前解决相关问题的有效途径。  相似文献   

闫尔宝 《清华法学》2011,5(2):141-157
行政指导是一种新型现代行政管理方式,其出现对于传统的行政行为法理论造成一定冲击。对于该种行为如何进行法律规范,对由于该种行为产生的行政争议又如何设计救济途径,是个需要深入讨论的问题。中国行政程序法的制定已将行政指导纳入规范视野,这更增加了对行政指导的基础研究迫切性。行政指导是日本行政法的一项代表性制度,因此,了解日本学界对行政指导的认知历史,知晓日本学者在对如何规范行政指导方面的相关争议,掌握日本现行的行政立法、行政诉讼实践对行政指导进行的规范和给予的救济现状,汲取日本行政指导规范与救济方面的相关经验,无疑具有重要比较法意义。  相似文献   

Economic efficiency has been the dominant justification for copyright protection in the United States. Challenging that narrow perspective, this study argues that cultural democracy provides a broader, more encompassing framework for reforming copyright laws in support of users’ access to and use of creative works. The study demonstrates how the normative values promoted by cultural democracy are synonymous with the socially beneficial effects of the first sale doctrine. Additionally, the study contextualizes and further elaborates the notion of cultural democracy by providing more concrete examples of how cultural democracy plays out in practice. In doing so, this study focuses on individuals’ use of ebooks and the role of public libraries in the digital age.  相似文献   

Youth violence is a major public concern in all modern societies. To prevent this violence, we need to understand how innocent young children grow into violent adolescents. Longitudinal studies of large samples of children from infancy to adulthood indicate that the peak age for physical aggression is between the end of the second and the end of the fourth year after birth. Fortunately, because of their size, physical aggression from two-year-olds does not constitute a major threat to the public in general. It is also providential that most children learn to control these physically dangerous and socially disruptive behaviours before they reach their maximum size. This natural course of development suggests that the preschool years are the best window of opportunity to prevent the development of cases of chronic physical aggression. Safe streets probably start with quality early education. This article is an updated version of an article originally published in the Canadian Journal of Policy Research (ISUMA) (2000), vol. 1, no. 2, pp. 19–24.  相似文献   

柳宗元习佛乃其遭遇促成,实不得已。柳氏在遭贬之后,由于思想上的苦闷,情感上的抑郁,身体上的虚弱,遂长时间浸润于佛教以抚慰其痛苦心灵。同时,他又从一个儒者的思想认识来看待佛教,把佛理当作重要的“佐世”之道,志在援佛入儒,“统合儒释”。这些动机导致他的佛教信仰不可能虔诚,对佛理的研究也不可能深入。而这种不虔诚的佛教信仰最终也必定无法彻底使柳宗元从政坛失意、被贬南荒的痛苦中解脱出来。柳氏习佛的动因和目的在中国古代文人中具有一定的普遍性和典型性。  相似文献   

论私力救济与公力救济的交错——一个法理的阐释   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
本文挑战了私力救济与公力救济关系的流行观念 ,提出两者之间关系密切、交错互动 ,并从其相互影响和相互转化等方面作了详尽阐述 ,为公力救济、司法、以及法治等问题提供了一个全新视角  相似文献   

This article discusses a research project which aimed to analyse the relationship between judicial pronouncements over the likely effects upon a defendant of the imposition of a duty of care in negligence, and any effects in practice. Empirical research was carried out to ascertain the effect upon the fire service of the Court of Appeal decision in Capital and Counties and Digital Equipment v Hampshire County Council [1997] QB 1004. This decision imposed a duty of care upon fire services to avoid making mistakes whilst fighting fires which might cause the fire to become more serious. The findings of the project are drawn upon to make observations regarding how the courts presently apply the third limb of the three stage test of duty of care derived from Caparo v Dickman, which asks whether it would be fair, just and reasonable to impose a duty of care.  相似文献   

对重大资产出售的界定,应采取质与量相结合的标准:在质的方面,要求出售标的必须是经营性资产;在量的方面,要求出售标的须达到净资产总额的一定比例以上,且动摇了公司的存续基础。在公司拥有单一营业的情况下,出售行为只须满足质的标准,即可构成重大资产出售;在公司拥有多项营业的情况下,出售行为还须满足量的标准,方可构成重大资产出售。我国现行立法对重大资产出售的界定尚不准确,因而值得探讨。  相似文献   

论网络环境下知识产权侵权的认定和法律救济   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着网络的发展,知识产权侵权延伸到这一虚拟世界.网络环境下知识产权侵权具有许多不同于现实世界侵权的特征.其立法目前仍相当薄弱,在司法实践中更是有诸多疑难问题,这是知识产权侵权法制面临的一个新挑战和新课题.有鉴于此,对网络下知识产权侵权的特征、成立要件、认定疑难以及民事和行政法律救济方法的诉求和这类案件管辖权的确定等方向进行了初步探讨、思考和论述,以期促进对这个问题的深入研究,并有助于网络环境下知识产权的保护尤其是对其立法的建立、健全和司法实践中有关问题的解决有所裨益.  相似文献   

唐艳 《知识产权》2012,(1):46-52
首次销售原则对数字化作品的适用,应依照数字化作品的不同类型以及移转、传播的不同方式来具体判断。通过网络传输的数字化作品原则上不应适用首次销售原则。在数字化作品复制件的有形占有发生移转,但伴有许可协议的情形,作品复制件的所有权是否移转,建议借鉴美国沃纳诉欧特克案确立的三步检测法来判断,只有作品复制件的所有权发生移转,才能适用首次销售原则。我国著作权法在修订之时,应将首次销售原则予以明确规定,并针对数字化作品细化适用规则。  相似文献   

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