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The role of illicit drugs on driving, and particularly of cannabis and driving, is the object of increasing awareness. While there is increasing evidence of their effect on psychomotor performance and increased risk of involvement in traffic accidents, limited information is available concerning factors that can predict the likelihood of driving under the influence of cannabis. The present study aims to determine the past year prevalence of driving under the influence of cannabis, and of being a passenger in a vehicle driven by a person under the influence of cannabis, as well as to examine the correlations with a broad range of potential risk factors. A total of 2500 people, aged between 14 and 70 and living in Castille and Leon (Spain), were surveyed in 2004 with regard to their consumption of alcohol and illicit drugs. Among those who reported cannabis use in the previous year, further assessment was carried out. 15.7% of those surveyed reported cannabis consumption in the previous 12 months, of whom 9.7% reported driving a vehicle under the influence of cannabis during this period, on average eight times. One out of five (19.9%) reported being a passenger in a vehicle driven by a person under the influence of cannabis, on average five times in the previous 12 months. The predictors of driving under the influence of cannabis were the population size of community, the number of drugs consumed, reference to cannabis-related problems and to being a passenger in a vehicle driven by a person under the influence of alcohol. The data show that cannabis consumption and driving is common, and requires more attention from policy makers.  相似文献   

The conventional wisdom in criminology is that adult onset of offending is a rare event. Closer examination of the extant literature that use official records, however, reveals that an average of 50 percent of adult offenders initiate offending at age eighteen or older. Although criminological research has investigated late onset offending in adolescence, there is little research on adult onset offending and the correlates of adult offending. Using police contact and interview data from the 1942 and 1949 birth cohort data from Racine, WI, this study investigated the correlates of crime for adult onset and persistent offenders. The results show that employment is the only correlate to affect the probability of adult offending differently for previously delinquent and nondelinquent offenders. This article concludes by highlighting the neglect of research on adult offenders, specifically the large percentage of adult onset offenders, and calling for more research on this topic.  相似文献   

《Global Crime》2013,14(2-3):175-196
This paper focuses on criminals who could easily be labelled as entrepreneurs and who deal in compromised computer systems. Known as botmasters, these individuals use their technical skills to take over and control personal, business and governmental computers. These networks of hijacked computers are known as botnets in the security industry. With this massive computing power, these criminals can send large amounts of spam, attack web servers or steal financial data – all for a fee. As entrepreneurs, the botmasters' main goal is to achieve the highest level of success possible. In their case, this achievement can be measured in the illegitimate revenues they earn from the leasing of their botnet. Based on the evidence gathered in literature on legitimate and illegitimate markets, this paper sets to understand how reputation could relate to criminal achievement as well as what factors impact a heightened level of reputation in a criminal market.  相似文献   

The difference between criminals and non-criminals has always been a topic for criminal psychologists. It is easy to describe the features of offences by their social and legal attributes, while it is still difficult to find any significant difference of the features from ontological perspective of criminals. To get to know criminals from the point of personality, we may discover the essential features of criminals. However, while acknowledging the role of personality, the variables such as situations, moods and social relationships can not be neglected. Meanwhile, it is also necessary to study the personality mechanism of criminals. Zhang Shaogang, an associate professor in Communication University of China, also acts as compere in the program of the “Jinri Shuofa” (legal report) and “Dajia Kanfa” (all get close to the law). Since 2006, he became a Ph.D candidate at China University of Political Science and Law, majoring in the direction of criminal psychology. His publications include “TV Planning Outline”, “On the New Planning of TV”, “Television Programs and Program Planning”. The large-scale live broadcasts called “20 Hours of Life” referring to three cross-strait districts, presided by him, achieved the first prize of China News Awards in the category of live televisions.  相似文献   

Based on routine activity (RA) theory, the authors hypothesized that crime rates would vary with both the type of crime and the type of holiday, with violent crimes occurring more frequently and property crimes occurring less frequently on major holidays that brought families together in the home. It was also hypothesized that minor holidays would have little or no impact on crime rates. These hypotheses were tested by subjecting data on calls for service in Minneapolis, Minnesota, in 1985, 1987, and 1988 to time series analyses. After controlling for time of day, day of week, month, four weather variables, the first day of the month, linear trend, and autocorrelation, regression analyses indicated that both violent and property crimes were significantly related to major (or legal) holidays, whereas neither type of crime was more likely to occur on minor holidays. Crimes of expressive violence were significantly more prevalent on major holidays, whereas property crimes were less frequent on those days.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate the psychosocial characteristics of criminals who had committed incest or other sexual offenses. The participants, 240 criminals serving sentences for sex offenses in a Taiwanese prison, were divided into two groups: incest offenders (20.4%) and other sex offenders (79.6%). The psychosocial characteristics taken into consideration included age, parental survival, education, marital status, previous crime records, drug and alcohol abuse, diagnosed mental disorders, and victim abuse at the time of the offense. After an analysis of the data, the authors concluded that even though incest offenders showed fewer mental disorders, they needed psychiatric treatment and that this treatment should be focused not only on their mental disorder and related symptoms but especially to correct their abnormal behavior. Also, attention should be given to their psychosocial characteristics.  相似文献   



The purpose of the current study was to determine whether, and the degree to which, inmates committing specific types of violent crimes in the community were prone to commit acts of violence while incarcerated.

Materials and methods

Data were collected from the Texas Department of Criminal Justice on the prison stock population and a restricted admissions cohort serving time during FY 2008.


After controlling for pre-prison and post-conviction characteristics, crime of conviction retained a modest degree of influence on inmates’ propensity to commit dangerous rule violations in prison. Inmates convicted of assault, robbery and other miscellaneous violent crimes were more likely to commit dangerous rule infractions than inmates convicted of property crimes, supporting the behavioral continuity thesis. Inmates convicted of homicide were no more likely, and those convicted of sexual assault less likely, to commit dangerous rule violations in comparison to those convicted of property crimes.


The findings suggest that researchers and prison officials should not view all inmates convicted of one of a broad category of “violent crimes” in the community as being equivalent in their propensity for violence while incarcerated.  相似文献   

The extent to which sexual offenders are a group separate from other types of offenders has been debated for many years and investigated from different perspectives. The present study investigated similarities and differences regarding socio-economic background, criminal history and recidivism involving new crimes between rape offenders and three other groups: other sexual offenders, non-sexual violent offenders and other offenders. Data came from Norwegian population registers containing information on all crimes investigated from 1992 to 2012. The sample consisted of all persons convicted in 2002 and 2003 (N = 36,951). Background characteristics and estimated recidivism risk was described using hazard models. Results indicated that men convicted of rape (n = 142) had lower levels of education and that a higher percentage of them were on social benefits compared to the other crime groups. A large majority (79%) of rape-convicted men had previous convictions. Rape offenders were considerably more criminally active and diverse than the other crime groups. Prior criminal record, irrespective of type, increased the risk of recidivism in general. Controlling for other background characteristics did not alter this outcome. Treatment of convicted rapists needs to take into consideration that this offender group has much in common with violent offenders in general.  相似文献   

《Justice Quarterly》2012,29(3):445-469

This article examines the relationship between alcohol availability and nonlethal violence at the census-tract level in Miami, a multiethnic city with high levels of disadvantage and immigration. The effects of alcohol (total outlet rate) are considered from the perspectives of social disorganization and routine activities theories. Nonlethal violence is the average annual rates of robbery, aggravated assault, and total violence (combined aggravated assault and robbery). The analyses include corrections for spatial autocorrelation. The results show that alcohol availability has strong positive effects on rates of nonlethal violence and that the percentage of recent immigrants is also a significant positive predictor.  相似文献   

The impact of low IQ on crime has been a focus of debate for several decades now. Although sociologists have virtually removed it from the list of possible factors influencing crime, the impact of IQ on crime continues to generate a significant amount of scientific research and a substantial number of publications. The purpose of this study is to assess intellectual levels and to compare two groups of incarcerated criminals. Using MANCOVA and ANCOVA procedures, 261 sex offenders and 150 non-sexual violent criminals were compared on IQ subscales. The results show significant differences on vocabulary, comprehension, arithmetic, mental math computations, object assembly, letter-number sequencing, and perception subscales, as well as on performance IQ and total IQ. The impacts of penal filtering and sample composition are hypothesized to explain differences between the two subgroups. Theoretical and practical implications are discussed.  相似文献   

Educational attainment is a fundamental cornerstone to success throughout the life-course. As a result, ensuring that young people remain in school and are not truant is critical. Although the importance of truancy as a risk factor for many adverse outcomes, including crime, has been well-documented, much less methodologically rigorous work has been undertaken to evaluate potentially promising prevention and intervention strategies. This paper uses a randomized field trial method to test how a partnership between police and schools targeting truancy impacts offending in a sample of high-risk truanting young people. We find that the truancy intervention reduces offending and we discuss the implications for practice and directions for future research.  相似文献   

《Justice Quarterly》2012,29(3):535-574

There has been ongoing debate on how women are counted when they do not acknowledge as rapes experiences that are characterized by the key components of rape. This article explores this methodological issue by using a two-stage measurement strategy with behaviorally specific screen questions to gather information on incidents of sexual victimization from 4,446 randomly selected female college students. Our results revealed that almost half of the completed rape victims considered the incidents rapes, yet few of the attempted rape or nonrape victims considered the incidents rapes. The results of a multivariate analysis highlighted the characteristics of incidents that are likely to be considered rapes. The findings buttress the assertion that women who are counted as rape victims have experienced such victimization.  相似文献   

Gottfredson and Hirschi's theory contained two propositions that have been the source of an emerging line of empirical scrutiny. First, according to the general theory of crime, levels of self-control are largely determined by parental management techniques and not by biogenic factors. Second, Gottfredson and Hirschi argued that low self-control should remain relatively stable over the life course. Data from twins drawn from the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health were used to test these two hypotheses. The results of univariate model-fitting techniques revealed that genetic factors accounted for between 52 and 64 percent of the variance in low self-control, with the remaining variance attributable to the nonshared environment. Further, low self-control was stable over a two-year time period (r = .64). Bivariate Cholesky decomposition models indicated that the stability of self-control was determined almost exclusively by genetic factors, and that genetic factors also explained a moderate amount of change in self-control.  相似文献   

Zhang DJ  Lin Y  Mao YY  Hu ZQ 《法医学杂志》2007,23(2):101-104
目的探讨法医精神病学鉴定中两种酒精相关违法行为的犯罪学特征。方法采用自行编制的法医精神病学鉴定案例登记表,对符合本研究纳入标准的90名被鉴定人分为普通醉酒(63例)和慢性酒精中毒(27例)两组,采用统计描述和对照研究的方法进行分析。结果普通醉酒组54.0%的案前有诱发事件,慢性酒精中毒组案前有诱发事件的为22.2%;58.7%普通醉酒组作案是临时确定的作案动机,55.6%慢性酒精中毒组无明显的作案动机;66.6%普通醉酒组是临时确定的作案目标,51.8%慢性酒精中毒组无明确的作案目标。普通醉酒组19.0%对作案时间做出了选择,慢性酒精中毒组织有3.7%选择了作案时间;普通醉酒组61.9%的案后有一定的反侦查手段,慢性酒精中毒组则是有59.3%案后停留现场。普通醉酒组98.4%被评为有刑事责任能力,慢性酒精中毒组仅3.7%被评为有刑事责任能力。结论普通醉酒组案前有诱发事件和作案动机的要高于慢性酒精中毒组,慢性酒精中毒组在案中和案后更多地缺乏自我保护意识。普通醉酒组更多地被评为有刑事责任能力,慢性酒精中毒组则多被评为部分刑事责任能力或无刑事责任能力。  相似文献   

We report a possibly first forensic autopsy case of death following a spontaneous recovery from cardiopulmonary arrest (CPA) after clinical declaration of death: 'Lazarus phenomenon'. A 65-year-old male with congenital deafness and dumbness was found unconscious in his room at a public home. During pre-hospital and clinical resuscitation including defibrillation and medications for about 35 min, CPA persisted under electrocardiographic (ECG) monitoring and therefore, his death was pronounced. However, about 20 min later, a police officer who had been called for the postmortem investigation found the patient moving in the mortuary. The patient subsequently showed typical ECG signs and laboratory findings of early inferior wall myocardial infarction and died 4 days later. The forensic autopsy, due to alleged medical negligence, revealed myocardial infarction with thrombotic occlusion of the right coronary artery and secondary hypoxic brain damage. The present case and the related clinical literature suggest that, especially in cases of acute myocardial infarction in elderly patients, a careful observation to confirm death after discontinuation of resuscitation is recommended to provide appropriate medical care, irrespective of the quality or duration of advanced life supporting efforts.  相似文献   

We analyzed 17 Y-chromosomal STR loci in a population sample of 126 unrelated Portuguese Gypsies. Fifty three different haplotypes were found, three represented with considerable high frequencies (≥8.7%). The percentage of unique haplotypes (71.2%) was rather low as well as haplotype diversity (94.37%). In the comparison with available Portuguese population data and with those from other Gypsy and general population samples from Bulgaria, Lithuania and Spain, our sample showed significant differences in comparison with the general population data from Portugal, Spain and Bulgaria. Significant differences were observed with Bulgarian Gypsies, but not with the Spanish or Lithuanian groups. The Gypsy populations from Portugal, Spain and Bulgaria were found to be more closely related to each other than with the general population from their own countries.  相似文献   

Stature is a fundamental anthropometric character to trace the biological profile of a person. In some cases, when dismembered or mutilated bodies are discovered in a forensic context, it is essential to estimate stature from single districts of the body. Nevertheless, to date and worldwide, there are only few population-specific studies on stature estimation from leg length and none of them concerns modern populations in southern Europe. We attempted to fill this gap, focusing on the estimation of stature from the length of the tibia in a Mediterranean population (Italians). We carried out the current study on a sample of 374 Italian university students of both sexes (age range: 19.9–34.4). Both, actual stature and percutaneous length of tibia were measured and new equations were developed for stature estimation. We tested separate regression equations for each sex, as well as an equation for remains, whose sex is unknown. To assess their reliability, the equations were tested on a holdout sample of 30 individuals from the same population. Moreover, results of new specific linear regression equations were compared to others from the literature. We demonstrated that the newly proposed formulae (for males and combined sexes) and the ones by Olivier (for females) provided the most reliable estimations of stature for southern Europeans.  相似文献   

Determination of sex using metacarpals was carried out on a sample of 249 skeletons from a Thai population (154 males and 95 females), ranging in age from 19 to 93 years. Six measurements were taken on each metacarpal, namely maximum length, medio-lateral base width, antero-posterior base height, medio-lateral head width, antero-posterior head height and mid-shaft diameter. Binary logistic regression equations were calculated for determining sex from these measurements. All metacarpals from both sides produced at least one equation that correctly allocated the skeletons with 80% or greater accuracy. In a comparative test using only individuals with no missing measurements (n=196), the most accurate equations for each metacarpal on the right side had pooled allocation accuracies ranging from 85.2% to 89.3%, with the best equation based on three measurements from the 5th metacarpal. On the left side, the most accurate equations for each metacarpal ranged from 83.2% to 89.8% correct allocation, with the best equation based on three measurements of the 2nd metacarpal. When the allocation accuracy for each sex is considered in addition to the pooled accuracy, the best equations involve the same three measurements of the 5th metacarpal on the right side, but shift to three measurements of the first metacarpal on the left side, with a pooled accuracy of 88.3%. The results of this study suggest that metacarpals can be used quite reliably for sexing in forensic contexts in Thailand.  相似文献   

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