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孔令泉 《江淮法治》2009,(24):32-33
高校教师爱情童话的破灭 如果陆芳重婚的事实最终没有暴露,那么她与刘也老师的情感经历就像一出灰姑娘与王子的爱情童话剧。今年32岁的刘也是杭州一所大学的单身教师,在他所在的大学门口,有一家洗衣店,店主是一个可人的女孩陆芳。  相似文献   

游小挺 《检察风云》2013,(13):72-73
女人总是为爱情赋予了更多复杂的、原本不属于爱情的意义:家、孩子、粮食、安全感、归属感等。女人通常会认为身为女性的她们更看重爱情,在我看来,恰恰相反,她们只是更需要爱情。一时之间,各种婚恋节目铺天盖地而来,"宁可在宝马车上哭,不在自行车后笑"的言论甚嚣尘上,"剩斗士"们被恨嫁之风裹挟着四处苦觅郎君,于是各种以爱为名的骗子登场亮相。整个社会的婚恋心态正陷入一个怪圈里,不会谈恋爱——焦虑——急着嫁  相似文献   

李思梦 《法制与社会》2013,(32):129-130
近年来美国女性社会地位和政治参与度都大幅度提升,女性参政意识明显增强。尽管在政治、经济和社会事务等各方面,男女身份不平等和看待问题视角差异使得美国女性在大选中显现出一定差距,然而分析女性政治参与度变化对美国选举的结果仍然有着重要的价值。  相似文献   

中国古典帝王爱情戏曲作为有着自身特色的一个类型长期以来被戏曲研究者们所忽略;同时,戏剧符号学自上个世纪在法国产生以来,较少运用到中国古典戏曲的研究中去。因此,本文尝试以《长生殿》为依托文本,把戏剧符号学中的爱情行动素模式运用到帝王爱情的研究。文中分析该剧帝王爱情的悲剧性及其消解方式:仙化相会;并在此基础上总结出帝王爱情悲剧性消解方式的特点:"情缘终归虚幻"。  相似文献   

李鹏跃 《法制与社会》2010,(10):242-242
海岩的作品有着大量的风花雪月,对当代都市男女的情爱有着细致的描写。本文从海岩对爱情的塑造、对情爱的批判和爱情对情爱的改造等方面对海岩小说的情爱观进行了探索。  相似文献   

风扬 《江淮法治》2014,(20):48-49
正同在社会底层,他们却把罪恶的双手伸向了和他们一样不幸的人女孩无意中拨错的一个电话,意外地让她遇到一个大龄单身男青年,两人一聊倾心,决定共赴一段美好爱情。看似唯美的偶遇桥段,却只是云南省巧家县女孩李春红精心导演的一场"爱情剧"。年轻貌美的她以一个错打的电话来制  相似文献   

热播剧《人民的名义》之所以受到人们的追捧,不仅因为它折射了当下中国官场现状,而且展示了官员的婚姻和爱情.让人唏嘘不已的便是大学教授吴惠芬不敢公开与省委副书记高育良离婚的事实,原因是虚荣心作祟:她不想被别人笑话,担心失掉权力的保护伞. 面对破裂的感情和离婚的处境,女性常常缺乏自信,甚至失去自我.但来自河北省的李丽敏却不是这样,她跳出了失败的婚姻,成功逆袭为一名律师.站在法庭上为自己答辩的李丽敏比吴惠芬厉害.  相似文献   

在这个长期男权统治的社会,各方面的不平等也在爱情上得到集中的表现,延绵几千年的沉淀在人骨髓中的男权意识,无声地吞噬着妇女的人性。在冷酷的现实面前,男权的框架之下,一代代女性的先驱也由悲观绝望转向了积极的反抗,喊出女性要求人格独立的时代最强音。  相似文献   

仿佛是一种潜在的规律,校园命案都离不开—个“情”字。这个。情”字又在校园命案中呈现出爱情和友情两个方面。在大学生杀人案中,几乎所有的案件都逃不过爱情和友情。  相似文献   

结合当前女性官员职务犯罪的特点和原因,笔者认为,应采取以下预防和遏止女性官员职务犯罪的对策:一,要加强法制教育、思想政治教育,提高女性官员的整体素质。特别是要加强对女性官员“自尊、自爱、自立、自强”的教育,正确处理事业与爱情、情欲与金钱、金钱与私欲的关系,从而学法、知法、守法、护法。让她们既要在工作上“巾帼不让须眉”也要在工作中高风亮节,秉公办事,两袖清风。二,健全机构,规范管理,切实堵住漏洞。要在法律、政策、管理、机制等方面努力消除可能产生职务犯罪的土壤、条件和因素,最大限度地进行预防职务犯罪,把官员职务犯罪现象减少到最低限度。为预防身为财务人员的女性官员职务犯罪,要健全完善财务监督机制,尤其要加强账目管理及审查制度,充实审计人员的力量,定期审查,防止发生设立账外账、隐瞒收入、设立小金库等问题。在人员管理上要做到权责分明,杜绝用人上的盲目信任,要严格执行《会计法》和其他国家财务政策,做到以律制人。三,加强防范技术研究。随着科学技术的发展,女性官员专业技能与整体素质有了显著的提高,涉及财会金融方面的业务操作早已由手工转为电脑操作,这促使其犯罪手段由传统的作案方法向“智能型”转变。故要加强对防范技术的研究,为防范涉及财会金融层面的女性犯罪活动创造必要的条件。四,在社会和家庭层面为女性官员营造适宜的发展氛围。由于传统思维模式的束缚,使得女性在生活与工作中较男性要担当更多的角色与责任,加之女性天生较为脆弱与敏感使得其更容易受到来自社会和家庭因素对其带来的影响。很多女性之所以走进畸形婚恋的误区,又由畸形的婚恋走向犯罪,正是因为其在家庭生活中没有找到自己适当的角色与合适的位置,没有理顺作为夫妻、朋友以及同事、上下级的关系等等,再加之现在社会上错误舆论的引导,才使得女性官员职务犯罪现象屡屡发生。  相似文献   

This study hypothesized that female victims of force in dating relationships are erroneously considered a homogeneous group. Various patterns of dating violence, along the lines of frequency and severity, were hypothesized to be related to attitudinal and behavioral factors of the women in the dating relationship. Analyses of 48 female victims at a university campus revealed a number of differences between women with only one incident of force and women who were recipients of ongoing force. Females with ongoing violence were more likely to allow controlling behaviors by a male, had more controlling behaviors occur toward them generally in dating relationships, reported higher levels of commitment and love toward a romantic partner, and experienced a higher frequency of controlling behaviors in the actual relationship where physical force occurred. Females with ongoing violence in which the abuse lasted for a longer period of time were less likely to end the relationship due to the occurrence of abuse. Earlier onset of the first physical incident in a dating relationship was related to more traditional attitudes toward women's roles, more likelihood of using justifications for abuse, romanticizing relationships, and a likelihood of endorsing stronger attitudes of love in these female victims than when onset occurred later for other women. Women who ended the relationship because of physical force experienced more controlling behaviors by the male in the relationship than women who did not end the relationship for that reason. Further research needs to investigate the decision-making processes and interpretations of the females involved regarding the presence of abuse in the dating relationships.  相似文献   

The article uses love letters to re-analyze current notions about men and romantic love in the 1950s. Examining advice literature as well as evidence from fiction and film, European and American historians generally describe the 1950s as an era of emotional “formalization” or suppression. A newly analyzed set of 300 love letters by over a dozen American men suggests a much more nuanced view. Some of their letters support scholarly accounts of “remasculinization” in the 1950s, displaying a hard-boiled, tough-guy quality to compensate for challenges to men's roles in the workplace and family. Other men, however, openly expressed their passions, fears, and other feelings. Since these letters were written to the author's mother, they also suggest new potentials and opportunities for “personal” research. Given the paucity of love correspondence in postwar archives, professional historians might find personal collections useful evidence to study the character and dilemmas of modern romance.  相似文献   

This study explored gender differences in how correctional officers react to severe occupational stress and addressed differences in coping processes and social support utilization. The subjects were 244 correctional officers (167 men and 77 women) employed in Kentucky medium security institutions for male offenders. The study employed a survey administered to the volunteering participants. The Ways of Coping Questionnaire was used to assess coping processes used to deal with a stressful work event, and the Maslach Burnout Inventory was used to assess severe occupational stress. Statistical analyses revealed that correctional officers experience high levels of occupational stress but did not indicate gender differences in emotional exhaustion or depersonalization. The results indicated that female officers more frequently than male officers processed stress by seeking social support, while male officers more frequently than female officers processed stress by “planful problem solving.” No differences were found in correctional officers’ relationships with oppositesex peers. The results suggested that male and female correctional officers follow traditional sex roles in coping with occupational stress, but they revealed no differences in how they are affected by occupational stress in terms of emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, and personal accomplishment.  相似文献   

Husbands' and wives' perceptions of positive relationship behaviors and interactions (e.g., caring gestures, reasons for staying married, frequency of positive communication) were assessed in a sample of maritally happy (H), maritally distressed but non-aggressive (D/NA), and maritally distressed and husband-to-wife physically aggressive (D/H-to-W) couples. As expected, the relationship positivity reports of the two groups of maritally distressed couples differed from the happily married couples. In addition, D/H-to-W spouses gave different reasons for staying married than did D/NA spouses (i.e., love versus family roles and commitments). Spouses in D/H-to-W aggressive marriages were also less likely to report using intimate language with their partner than were spouses in either of the other two groups. Few gender differences were found. Results underscore the importance of considering the role of love and intimacy in husband-to-wife aggressive and distressed marriages.  相似文献   

HELEN BORITCH 《犯罪学》1992,30(3):293-326
Research on gender differences in criminal sanctions generally finds a pattern of more lenient outcomes for female offenders, while noting that the effect of gender varies in relation to a number of contextual influences. As yet, however, little attention has been paid to how the relationship of gender to court outcomes varies across different historical periods. This paper examines this issue, using data on male and female offenders committed to Middlesex County Jail, Ontario, during the Urban Reform Era (1871–1920). The findings reveal an overall pattern of more severe dispositions for female offenders in the past. At the same time, there is considerable variability in the impact of gender across different measures of sanction severity, various offender and offense attributes, and from the late nineteenth to the early twentieth century. The study highlights the need for research in this area to be sensitive to the historically specific nature of the relations among gender roles, formal and informal control mechanisms, and criminal sanctions.  相似文献   

There is a lack of reliable data on the role of women in transnational organized crime. So far, the focus of this research has overwhelmingly been on the Italian Mafia. Little is known about women’s roles in other types of organized crime activities. Since there is an ongoing perception that draws on stereotypical imagery of women in organized crime as appendixes to their male counterparts, this article explores whether women are indeed as oppressed in transnational organized crime as they are in other spheres of life. It focuses on the stereotypical constructions of femininity (victims) and masculinity (criminals) and argues that hegemonic gender roles are defined by the dominant European/American culture. The article takes a multicultural feminist approach and studies female criminality in the context of “doing gender,” an approach that assumes that the feminine gender role is something that must be accomplished in the context of specific situations. By studying the roles of women from West Africa and the Balkans in transnational criminal activities, it specifically examines how time and space, as well history and culture, contribute to one’s position in a criminal network.  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown that female offenders frequently receive more lenient judgments than equivalent males. Chivalry theories argue that such leniency is the result of paternalistic, benevolent attitudes toward women, in particular toward those who fulfill stereotypical female roles. Yet to date, studies have not examined whether such leniency is indeed associated with paternalistic societal attitudes toward women. The present study goes beyond the investigation of demographics and employs Glick and Fiske's (1996) concepts of hostile and benevolent sexism. We use these concepts to highlight the role of individual differences in attitudes toward women as a key to our understanding of lenient attitudes toward female offenders. Eight hundred forty respondents from a national sample of Israeli residents evaluated the seriousness of hypothetical crime scenarios with (traditional and nontraditional) female and male offenders. As hypothesized, hostile and benevolent sexism moderate the effect of women's "traditionality" on respondents' crime seriousness judgments and on the severity of sentences assigned.  相似文献   

An examination of self-reported contributions to housework and use of resources in the home by 1296 Scottish 16- and 18-year-olds revealed sharp differences between the sexes in both areas. In only one area of housework sampled, household repairs, did boys contribute more often, and in only one area of resources, use of space for friends, did girls benefit more often. Moreover, with respect to housework, sexual inequality was inversely related to social class. Beliefs about sex roles were broadly egalitarian, but weakly related to housework done; among both male and female, contributing to more areas of housework was associated with more egalitarian beliefs. Neither access to resources nor contributions to housework were related to financial contributions made to the household. Generally, the results indicate that sex was the most powerful determinant of both housework and use of resources. It seems that young people are already extensively prepared for inequality in adult sex roles within the family by their own direct experience, if not their sex-role beliefs.  相似文献   

An apparent decrease in differences between the sexes in criminal behavior and law enforcement outcomes has been attributed to changes in attitudes toward sex roles and increasing female labor force participation. The research reported here addresses two related questions in this area: (1) Have there been changes over time in sex differences in the disposition of police contacts with juveniles and adults? and (2) Do any observed changes account for increases in the female crime rate? Our analysis of data from 10,723 police contacts in a mid-western city during the period 1948–1976 found a trend toward a diminished sex difference in police dispositions of juvenile and adult misdemeanors and adult felonies. There was no evidence for a similar trend for juvenile status offenses or juvenile felonies. The findings also suggest that part of the apparent increase in female crime may be due to changes in official reactions to female offenders.  相似文献   

In a questionnaire study, 929 West Germans and 1275 East Germans were asked to appraise East–West differences in life quality on the labor market 7 years after the German unification. Judgments included perceived East–West differences, the justice of East-West differences, and temporal comparisons (changes since the unification and expectations in East and West Germany). Changes and expectations for East and West Germany were combined to obtain social-temporal comparisons. Negative emotions (envy, anxiety, moral outrage, guilt, hopelessness) and positive emotions (gratefulness, pride) regarding the situation of the labor market were also assessed. Mental health indicators included measures of depression, self-esteem, and psychosomatic well-being. Parameters of a path model were estimated by regressing (i) mental health on emotions and judgments and (ii) emotions on judgments. Mental health of East Germans is associated negatively with envy, anxiety, and hopelessness. Moral outrage has a positive suppressor effect. Mental health of West Germans is linked negatively with envy, anxiety, and existential guilt whereas pride, the perception of unfair privileges, and optimistic expectations have positive path effects. Appraising East–West differences as unjust plays a core role in predicting emotions in both samples. Social comparisons and social-temporal comparisons are superior to egocentric temporal comparisons for predicting social emotions (envy, moral outrage, guilt) while egocentric temporal comparisons are generally more important for predicting nonsocial emotions (anxiety, hopelessness). Theoretical and practical implications of the findings are discussed.  相似文献   

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