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This paper traces the role that US played in the developmentof Korean democracy and maintaining peace and security in theKorean peninsula. First, it looks back into the US role in theKorean political transformation from 1950s through 1980s. Itexamines why the US introduced American style democracy in thedivided country and what was the role of the US in the criticaljunctures of regime changes and transformations. The UnitedStates had two contradictory objectives in South Korea: to buildup South Korea as ‘a showcase for democracy’ andas an anti-communist buffer state. The two objectives set ‘theAmerican boundary’ to South Korean democracy. The firstobjective acted upon as an enabling condition for incipientdemocracy, while the second acted upon as a confining conditionto development of democracy in South Korea. Second, it investigatesthe role that the US played in the outbreak of financial crisisin 1987 and in the ensuing comprehensive neoliberal restructuringof the economy by the Kim Dae Jung government after the crisis.Third, it analyzes three events that put US–Korean relationsunder stress since the inauguration of Bush administration:Anti-Americanism, perception gap on North Korea, and the newmilitary transformation initiative of US. Finally, it drawspolicy rationales for stronger Korea–US alliance in thefuture from the Korean perspective: Korea–US allianceas leverages against China and Japan, means of pursuing an effectiveengagement policy toward North Korea, a cornerstone to liftSouth Korea to a hub state in Northeast Asia, and geopoliticalbalancer and stabilizer in Northeast Asia after the unificationof Korea.  相似文献   

China, Japan, and Korea have begun to engage one another vigorously since the 1997 crisis. As intraregional economic ties have further deepened and broadened, interconnectedness in cultural and political aspects has risen rapidly in a variety of forms. Decision-makers and intellectuals in China, Japan, and Korea have been floating ideas and interests for establishing various types of Northeast Asian community formation. New security dialogues and co-operation frameworks also emerge. Accordingly, the rapidly growing Northeast Asia is likely to emerge as an identifiable regional community. With the incipient emergence of regional community in Northeast Asia, Northeast Asian region-building becomes a salient issue of major academic and policy debates. Yet, in spite of the recent mushrooming of research in and attention to the region-building, the questions regarding within what surrounding and under what situation regional community can be built, as well as what motivates people to choose region-building, and when and how state system can be transformed into a regional community remains only partly resolved. In order to solve this puzzle, this paper will compare the current Northeast Asian region-building with the early stage of European region-building, arguing that while there are important differences in evolution, format, and kind of region-building in Europe and Northeast Asia, critical juncture is influential in region-building.  相似文献   

进入21世纪,东北亚国际关系波谲云诡,成为全球地缘政治的热点。如何透过纷繁复杂的现象,探寻东北亚区域秩序变迁的历史轨迹,三篇文章试图从不同的视角回答这一问题。"从帝国到霸权:东北亚区域秩序的现代转型"以帝国与霸权为切入点,解读了两者在东北亚区域秩序的形成及转型过程中发挥的作用;"后冷战时代东北亚的民族主义与区域秩序"从民族主义入手,探讨了东北亚各国民族主义对塑造东亚均势秩序的影响,以及走向法理秩序的可能;"中华帝国转型与东北亚区域形成"回溯近代以来中华帝国与区域世界的互动,中国从农业帝国向现代主权国家的转变是东北亚区域形成的核心动力所在。  相似文献   

This paper aims first to illuminate the key aspects of Russia's energy diplomacy toward the EU and how the EU copes with it and then to apply the pattern found in Europe to Northeast Asia and compare the differences. In Europe, Russia has been quite effective in consolidating its dominant position as energy suppliers, and has been equally successful in nullifying the EU's collective attempts to produce a united front by forming individual energy relationships with various EU member states. A strategy of ‘divide-and-rule’ has been at the center of Moscow's energy diplomacy toward Europe. In Northeast Asia, by contrast, the progress of energy cooperation between Russia and Northeast Asian countries has been slower than both sides initially hoped. Overall, it could be attributed to Russia's failure to gain the trust of Northeast Asian countries in the course of its energy diplomacy under the Putin administration.  相似文献   

东北亚区域经济一体化发展趋势与实现途径   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
区域经济一体化已成为世界经济发展的潮流,而东北亚地区(中国、日本和韩国)作为世界第三大区域集团,其一体化进程却非常缓慢。目前,在东北亚地区有两个潜在优先发展的FTA,即一个双边的日本—韩国FTA和一个三边的日本—韩国—中国FTA。根据国际形势和东北亚主要国家的政策变化,可以预测东北亚区域经济一体化将要进入提速阶段。东北亚区域经济一体化从纵向深化和横向拓展的二维发展过程上,都应该选择与欧盟和北美自由贸易协定不同的实现途径。  相似文献   

季志业 《东北亚论坛》2013,(1):47-58,128
俄罗斯的东北亚政策在其对外政策中具有非常特殊的位置,俄罗斯在制订东北亚政策时,是以东西伯利亚和远东地区为主要背景,并注重寻找两个平衡点:一是既要积极参与东北亚的政治合作,保证俄罗斯不被排斥在地区事务之外,又要保证这种参与不危害俄罗斯东西伯利亚和远东地区的安全与稳定;二是既要积极参与东北亚的经济合作,保证东西伯利亚和远东所需要的市场、资金、技术和劳动力,又要防止该地区的经济完全脱离俄罗斯,成为东北亚经济的"资源附庸"。俄罗斯在东北亚的政策越来越积极、越来越主动、越来越全面。俄罗斯完成了由旁观者向参与者的转变,正在由普通参与者向核心参与者转变。  相似文献   

This article seeks to establish a context for the other contributions to this special issue. Using the lens of strategic culture, the article tries to explore how states from Europe and Asia have responded to the US-led ‘war on terror’. It argues that the nature of the threat from international terrorism requires states in Europe and Asia to develop a range of external and internal policy responses. Europe has been able to react to this changing strategic environment more successfully because of the pre-existing pattern of interstate cooperation as well as the organizational framework of the European Union. The United States has been more successful in imposing its counterterrorism priorities upon particular Asian states due to the absence of mature frameworks for international cooperation within the region.  相似文献   

冷战结束后 ,国际形势趋向缓和 ,和平与发展成为世界主流。然而 ,美日两国却决定搞战区导弹防御系统共同开发研究直至最后部署 ,对世界和平、特别是东北亚地区安全构成威胁。主要表现为 :( 1 )破坏了东北亚地区国际战略平衡 ,造成了该地区政治形势动荡不安 ;( 2 )引发新的军备竞赛 ;( 3)增大了日本走军事大国之路的危险性 ;( 4 )进一步加剧了朝鲜半岛的紧张局势 ;( 5)如把中国台湾省也拉入其中 ,将激化中国台湾省与大陆间的矛盾 ,使台海局势复杂化。  相似文献   

东北亚区域政治研究作为国际政治学研究的一个重要组成部分 ,还没有形成相对系统的、独立的研究体系。适应东北亚区域历史与现实的复杂状况 ,有必要加强综合性的区域研究 ,探讨如何运用国际政治与国际关系研究的理论与方法 ,全面地、历史地分析研究东北亚地区的和平与发展问题 ,提出有战略意义的方案和建议。  相似文献   

The puzzle of why Northeast Asian countries do not have anyenvironmental cooperation comparable to Europe's successfulregulatory regime even though both regions have borne similarconditions of the atmospheric problem has been explored. Inorder to answer this question, the author shed light on someof the conditions in Northeast Asia that would be necessaryfor regional cooperation to take place, by examining the factorsthat shape the environmental foreign policy of sovereign states.The success of Europe's regional cooperation in dealing withacid rain has been investigated, through the lens of interest-basedand epistemic community approaches. The interest-based approachprovides two factors – ecological vulnerability and economiccost – to show why some countries have taken more activepositions than others. In addition, the author argues that onemore factor is necessary, the existence of an epistemic community,out of the knowledge-based community perspective, because evenself-interested states have difficulties in defining their interestsdue to high uncertainty and complexity about developing goalsand preferences. After applying the two perspectives to thecooperation of Northeast Asian countries, it is found that lackof domestic and regional consensus on ecological vulnerabilityto transboundary acid deposition and the high economic costsof reducing emission have contributed to slow development ofthe cooperation of Northeast Asia. In addition, the lack ofsolid expert communities in Japan, as a leading country, couldhinder Northeast Asian countries from speeding up the transitiontoward regulatory regime formation from the current informationsharing cooperation. Received for publication August 12, 2005. Accepted for publication December 22, 2006.  相似文献   

东北亚非传统安全:问题领域及合作模式   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
冷战结束后,传统安全在国际关系中的极度优先地位相对下降,非传统安全问题对国际社会带来的影响日益凸显。由于非传统安全拥有行为主体多样化、价值主体多层次、跨国性和嬗变性以及强调安全的合作性等特点,国家在该领域更易于达成合作。具体到东北亚地区,所涉及的问题领域包括金融危机、能源短缺、生态环境恶化、恐怖主义和大规模杀伤性武器扩散、非法移民、流行疾病等。尽管目前该地区非传统安全合作的制度化程度还不高,但由于各国在经济安全、能源安全、环境安全、社会安全等方面拥有广泛的共同利益,东北亚国家必将通过现实可行的制度设计来加强非传统安全领域的紧密合作。  相似文献   

韩国的东北亚经济合作及东北亚中心战略   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
最近,韩国政府提出了东北亚中心战略,即充分利用韩国连接东北亚地区大陆和海洋的地理优势、经济优势,以韩国为中介、枢扭,促进东北亚地区经济、贸易、金融等方面的发展及合作。为此,韩国首先要从自身出发,不断完善经济结构,确保其经济快速发展,同时,也要积极推进东北亚经济合作和建立东北亚经济共同体,促使东北亚地区建立起开放而活跃的市场。  相似文献   

This article explains East Asian regionalism as the product of two sets of negotiations. The first negotiation is between East Asia on the one hand and global forces and structures on the other. The second negotiation is intra-regional and includes a critical negotiation between the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN)-Southeast Asia and East/Northeast Asia, which also provides the primary focus of this article. This article details ASEAN's extensions into East Asian regionalism as part of interdependent efforts to adapt transitioning global and regional systems. Conceiving these regional negotiations to be not just economic and utilitarian but first and foremost normative, this article details the opportunities and dilemmas represented by ‘East Asia’ for ASEAN, ASEAN-Southeast Asia and Southeast Asia as a meaningful organizing principle. Dilemmas associated with the ASEAN Plus Three process, an East Asia free-trade area and the ASEAN Charter provide illustrations of East Asia's understood challenges for Southeast Asia in addition to the ways that Southeast Asian agencies have been shaping the form and content of recent East Asian efforts and also how regional-global and intra-ASEAN negotiations continue to provide key constraints.  相似文献   

Greater East Asia is expected to be the next theatre for world politics. 1 East Asian cooperation is rapidly developing through the channels of ASEAN Plus Three (APT) and East Asia Summit (EAS), both driven by ASEAN. Southeast Asia is a region of diverse states and cultures that brings together all the major powers of the Asian-Pacific in a myriad of strategic interests. It is thus an open arena with the potential for a variety of strategic game-playing, options, and uncertain outcomes.2 In recent years, China's developing relationship with Southeast Asia has undergone a significant shift as the U.S.' distraction elsewhere and neglect of the region have created opportunities for an increased Chinese diplomatic and economic role in Southeast Asia.3 U.S. analysts are concerned about what may lie behind this shift in China-ASEAN relations, how it may affect American interests in the region and how best to react to the changes. Some have expressed concerns that to avoid becoming distanced from the region the U.S. should pay more attention to Southeast Asia, rather than just watching from a distance. This paper attempts to analyze the possible changes of U.S. policy towards Southeast Asia in the current context of East Asian Cooperation and its implications for China.  相似文献   

浅析俄罗斯的东北亚战略   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
随着冷战的结束和苏联的解体,国际经济和政治格局发生了巨大的变化,进入了一个新的调整时期。尤其是20世纪90年代以来,经济区域化和全球化的发展趋势加快,东北亚区域的合作也随之发展。东北亚地区曾是冷战的前沿地区,目前又因其聚集了大国经济发展的潜力,而成为当前世界经济发展的一个热点地区。在这一国际经济、政治势力角逐的舞台上,俄罗斯无疑扮演着十分重要的角色。近年来,俄罗斯非常重视与亚太地区特别是东北亚地区的联系,并为此制定了一系列较完整的地区性战略,正是以这一战略为基础,俄罗斯从政治、经济、军事等方面在东北亚地区展开了积极的攻势。  相似文献   

非政府组织与东南亚国家政治发展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
非政府组织在东南亚国家社会政治发展进程中发挥着重要作用。非政府组织的活动已经渗透各国社会经济和政治生活的许多方面。本文在简单回顾东南亚各国非政府组织发展历史的基础上,分析各国对待非政府组织的态度和政策,及其形成这些政策的原因。随着东南亚国家政治的转型,政府对非政府组织的政策也处于进一步的调整之中,其基本趋势是,相互包容,相互促进,共谋国家发展。  相似文献   

In an era when democratization is stalled or in retreat in many parts of the world, it is important to highlight the successful democratic experience of East and Southeast Asia in recent decades. Five consolidated democracies have emerged since the mid-1980s; only Thailand has seen some backsliding with the 2006 coup. The Asian cases provide insights into several major debates in the democratization literature, including the relative importance of culture, history, economic structure, and the optimal sequencing of political and economic reform. This article reviews these issues, with particular attention to the role of outside powers in underpinning democratization. Ultimately, the Asian cases offer evidence for optimism about the prospects of a Fourth Wave of democratization.  相似文献   

美国与东北亚地区安全:困境、动因及影响   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
由于错综复杂因素的交织,东北亚的安全两难一直是该地区国家寻求密切合作的最大障碍.并非区域内国家的美国却在东北亚安全关系中扮演主角,然而它深刻介入东北亚安全事务的结果是使地区安全困境愈益显现.美国在东北亚地区的矛盾角色自有其复杂的内在动因,即通过轴心-辐条的安全格局把美国霸权利益凌驾于东北亚地区安全之上.东北亚畸形的安全态势对地区一体化进程及其安全构建产生了十分不利的影响.  相似文献   

It is easy to become pessimistic about Northeast Asian economic cooperation if one follows the news day-by-day.Progress hasbeen slow,and disappointing setbacks are always sensationalized in the news media,especially those concerning the DPRK.This makesit difficult to believe that major progress in Northeast Asian cooperation is possible.However,I believe that taking a longer-term per-spective on recent events will permit us to see that there really has been considerable progress in advancing conditions that favor NortheastAsian economic cooperation.This makes it possible to assert that,after a year of leadership transitions in 2012,the prospects for furtherprogress have never been better than today.To see this point,I will compare the present situation to what existed at other moments of op-portunity in Northeast Asian economic cooperation.Each of these past moments was the result of certain hopeful developments,but inthe end they produced disappointment.The reasons why can tell us what the obstacles to success have been,and how today some funda-mental conditions have changed to favor Northeast Asian cooperation.If those old precedents and new developments are skillfully utilizedin a new era of policy moderation and stability,they could enlarge the scale and scope of positive Northeast Asian cooperation.translocal economic cooperationNortheast AsiaDPRKnuclear Sunshine PolicySix-Party talks  相似文献   

Violence characterized by similar actions, actor motivations, group structures, or level of damage still poses qualitatively distinct genera of threats to states. For instance, “terrorism” can threaten a particular state, be used by a state, or threaten the entire state system. Building on the threat construction literature, this study argues that threat is best understood through narratives on the relationship between violence and the boundary-producing practices that construct the state. Four ideal-typical basic narratives on this relationship are produced—entrant, resource, revisionist, and criminal. Each narrative is then demonstrated by looking at how it was used in a historical case of piracy. The action (piracy as raiding at sea) is held constant while the threat in each varies with the narrative. Understanding how threat is narratively constructed can help us to understand particular historical episodes of violence and state responses to them.  相似文献   

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