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This paper recommends development of teaching materials and cases on technology transfer for undergraduate and graduate courses in business and engineering. Its focus is the process of transferring technology from the federal laboratories to business organizations.  相似文献   

The need of State and local governments to deal with an increasing range of technological problems has led to the development of relatively new ways to call on Federal laboratories. This paper discusses the structure of these mechanisms for technology transfer, organizations involved in the systems that have developed, trends that affect these organizations and current problem areas.  相似文献   

On July 2, 1984, the first ZapMail message was sent from Federal Express chairman Frederick W. Smith to six members of FedEx's corporate board of directors in separate cities across the country (Zemke 1986). It worked. However, by late September 1986, after suffering over $300 million in operating losses, Federal Express decided it didn't (Keller and Wilson 1986). Why? This postmortem of ZapMail draws on management and innovation theory and research, as well as historical accounts of communication technology development and market conditions from 1984 through 1986, to analyze the failure of FedEx's once-promising electronic delivery service. An analysis of the fax market in 1995 and FedEx's subsequent successful adoption of information technologies conclude this paper.  相似文献   

The role of an individual known as a ‘linker’ is examined and the similarities between his role and those of ‘gatekeeper’, ‘opinion leader’, and ‘innovator’ are discussed in detail. Not only are the similarities among these roles pointed out but also the unique characteristics of the ‘linker’ are clarified. A Linker Model for Technology Transfer is presented showing the value of a ‘linker’ to the parent and users organizations. Managerial endeavors to understand and promote technology transfer can be facilitated by the in-depth research presented.  相似文献   

Summary We are entering a new era where the demands for quality will include higher expectations of faculty, students, and practitioners. Now is the time for action and decision. Criminal justice education has rapidly matured; rather than being complacent about the progress we’ve made, we should take the lead and become acknowledged as pacesetters for high educational standards. Recommendations for improving the quality of higher education must be considered with sincerity and diligence. The capability for excellence is present in the conscientious faculty residing in each and every criminal justice program. With proper nurturing and support, these faculty would flourish and this excellence come into full bloom. Furthermore, the task of achieving quality education in all fields will not and must not fall to one group for action. We are faced with the necessity of bringing all factions together—teacher, administrator, student, and practitioner—to develop and implement solutions to today’s education problems, not as a last resort, but in recognition of change as a constant reality. The time for change is always now.  相似文献   

Beginning some 20 years ago, regulation of technology transfer became common-place in a number of developing countries. Whether such regulation could prove beneficial was often questioned, particularly in the industrialized world. But with a 15–20 year history to study, we can now look at the impact that regulation has had. Mexico presents a good case study, as its original law was one of the earliest, and the country's political continuity has led to a detectable evolvement of the technology-transfer process that allows analysis of various factors over time.  相似文献   

This study analyzes the role of public service professional associations or professional interest groups (PIGs) in municipal government technology transfer. The purpose of the study is to examine the role of professional associations in technology transfer and to suggest a number of policy recommendations to assist these associations and the federal government in promoting innovations as potential solutions to local government problems.  相似文献   

This paper was written while vacationing on Nantucket Island, Massachusetts. It deals with current conditions, shortcomings, and the potential improvement of the lots of its people through technology transfer. The authors' thoughts reflect a long-standing love affair with the Island and its people. They are unfinished but the message to the reader is clear. There is a hitherto overlooked dimension of Technology Transfer activities, the responsibility of the transfer agent to pursue his mission with wisdom and concern for all potential consequences of technological innovations.  相似文献   

Despite decades of international political emphasis, little is known about the in-country determinants of technology transfer for climate change mitigation. We draw upon the conclusions of a series of standardised, official governmental statements of technology priorities, coupled with questionnaire-based data collection, to shed light on the nature of those determinants. We find that there is a disconnect between what developing country governments perceive as the key enablers of, and barriers to, technology transfer, and what bilateral and multilateral technology transfer programmes can offer, given budgetary constraints and the logic of development aid spending. We show that the well-established notion of making climate change mitigation actions an integral part of sound development plans is especially relevant for technology transfer. We offer pointers as to how this might be done in practice, in the context of the ‘technology action plans’ developed as part of the United Nations-sponsored technology needs assessment process.  相似文献   

Scholars in technology transfer come from a variety of different backgrounds and employ different theoretical and methodological assumptions. Such multidisciplinary approach has fertilized the evolution of a florid technology transfer literature, with insights from entrepreneurship, economics, and management. This paper brings the perspective of entrepreneurial finance into the realm of technology transfer, and identifies emerging topics that can complement our understanding of some aspects of technology transfer, especially with regard to supply-side public policies. This article introduces the rationale for the special issue dedicated to entrepreneurial finance and technology transfer. We summarize the main topics and themes covered by a selection of papers presented at the annual conference of the Technology Transfer Society in 2013, and suggest areas for future research.  相似文献   


Three professors at a regional public university describe the goals, methods, and results of an experimental course in empowering a diverse group of students to build a more just community among themselves. Students critically examined theories of community and justice in relation to the social construction of difference, including their own experience as members of various social class, racial/ethnic, gender, sexual orientation, and ability groups. A six-hour diversity workshop designed by the National Coalition Building Institute and Arnold Mindell's principles of deep democracy were used to transform the class, increase group awareness, and model more authentic, generous interactions. Students then developed Action Research teams to plan and carry out a project to enhance the larger campus community. Faculty and students reported increased critical consciousness, empathy skills, empowerment, and a sense of community among students. Faculty concluded that it was necessary to focus specific attention on social injustice within the classroom and on campus, rather than "out there" in the world. Sharing our experience and responding to different needs of group members promotes learning, strengthens democracy, and humanizes us all.  相似文献   

Kyoto Protocol has certain provisions concerning environmentally sound technologies (ESTs) transfer, primarily including the direct provisions, the clean development mechanism and the fund mechanism, which are supposed to favor technology transfer for reducing the emission of greenhouse gases (GHG) in the world. However, mainly due to the flaws of these provisions, ESTs have not been transferred as smoothly as possible to realize the Kyoto Protocol’s objectives. Therefore, the international community shall take the effectiveness of Kyoto Protocol as a fresh impetus to consummate the legal system of international technology transfer, that is, to develop a uniform technology transfer agreement under the WTO with a focus on promoting ESTs transfer, which may make the developing countries to acquire the technologies they need under the fair terms and help them build their capacities for sustainable development. China does not need to perform the obligation of reducing GHG emissions until 2013 according to Kyoto Protocol, but precautions shall be taken to improve its legal systems on technology transfer to make preparations for implementing the policy of scientific development and playing significant roles in related international legislation.  相似文献   

This paper explains why and how a technology transfer revolution is taking place in Saudi Arabia to meet the mandate that Saudi Arabia become globally competitive as a knowledge-based innovative economy. The paper explains and identifies the new policies and institutions that have been introduced and developed to facilitate technology transfer and knowledge spillovers from the universities for commercialization and ultimately innovative activity and economic growth. The paper finds that a technology transfer revolution in Saudi Arabia is taking place, with the goal of leapfrogging from the factor-based stage of economic development to the innovation-based stage of economic development, while bypassing the intermediary efficiency-based stage of economic development.  相似文献   

The concepts, framework and methodology of the technology transfer process are discussed. On the basis of research a model of the transfer mechanism is developed. This model is carried through several iterations to arrive at a predictive model of technology transfer. The model is useful in terms of exposing difficiencies in the acceptance of new and/or innovative technology. In addition the model has a future usefulness in terms of providing a basis for a quantitative measure of the effectiveness of an organization to capitalize on the technology transfer process.  相似文献   

Transferring and utilizing technology in developing economies is a vital issue for economic growth. Often the separation between R&D institutes and industrial concerns limits the transfer of technology. The People's Republic of China, which has conducted R&D in institutes separate from the potential user firms, has recently moved to facilitate domestic technology transfer from R&D institutes to R&D consumers. This study, based on the statistical analysis of 60 R&D institutes in the machinery sector in China, found that, while R&D intensity improves transfer of technology, funding and employee mobility hinders transfer. His special area is in science and technology policy. He had worked for the State Science and Technology Commission of China for six years before he came to the US.  相似文献   

A new type of organization which is explicitly dedicated to technology transfer has emerged in the United States: Companies which manage inventions produced by universities, independent inventors and other creative groups. This paper shows that these “Invention Management Companies” (IMCs) make important and unique contributions to technology transfer on legal issues (e.g., guarding against patent infringements), marketing (e.g., convincing a company to commercialize au invention) and advocating the invention against the organized opposition of established technologies. Given the contributions of IMCs to an emerging system for encouraging innovation (an “Inventive Society”), the paper recommends broadening the role of IMCs as information providers and linking them to incubators and venture capital companies.  相似文献   

In 1990, Congress authorized the creation of a pilot Technology Access Program (TAP), to be administered jointly by the Small Business Administration and the National Institute of Standards and Technology. TAP, modelled substantially on a Minnesota state program, will subsidize access by small businesses to [1] a network of several thousand peer-recommended technical experts across the country and [2] interactive searching of technical and business literature databases. Preliminary evidence, from two surveys of random samples of companies that subscribe to the Minnesota service, indicate that this form of technology transfer is effective and could have a substantial positive impact on the productivity of small companies. If the pilot TAP program is successful, it could serve as the basis for a national technical-extension service.  相似文献   

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