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从清末民初与"五四"这两个阶段探讨中国儿童文学现代性发生过程中语言的变革及其启露的美学情境,必须从外来文学翻译的语言影响与本土创作的语言风貌这两方面来考察各阶段的得失.清末民初"使童蒙闻而笑乐"、半儿童化的语言姿态,是对封建训蒙读物的超越;"五四"时期"小儿说话一样的文体"、对"美"的崇尚,则标志着中国儿童文学以儿童性、艺术性为基点的现代性的获得.  相似文献   

后现代主义认识论颠覆了传统的知识观:知识不是被展现出的而是被建构出的.后现代主义的杰出代表社会建构主义着重强调了知识建构的社会性.儿童观是认知主体以儿童为对象建构出的一种社会知识,随"儿童形象"的诞生而形成,并影响着"儿童形象"的塑造.儿童观的社会建构属性使得儿童观随着社会的发展变迁、认识论的演变而不断更替,直至引发一场范式的转型,然后在新范式的指导下进行新一轮的建构.儿童观建构取向从聚焦于尺有所短的劣势视角转变到聚焦于寸有所长的优势视角标志着儿童观范式的转型,这一转型颠覆了儿童的传统形象,开启了一种全新的儿童成长空间.  相似文献   

对儿童中心论的发生学分析表明,儿童中心论并不是以抽象的儿童为中心,而是以影响他受教育质量的某些属性为中心.当今,西方儿童中心论的主流是以"认知"为中心.其传统的片面性正在得到弥补;中国当下的儿童中心论实为反儿童中心论的儿童中心论,表现为人性观的泛化论、生物观的还原论和心理观的替代论.基于以上分析,教育观的儿童中心论以儿童的心理能力为中心,其价值诉求是促进具体儿童全面和自由的发展,研究方法论包括理论基础的综合性、方法论的追问、实证的转化和综合以及构建教育观儿童中心论的自我理论,实现教育理论的本土化.  相似文献   

龚先砦 《法制与社会》2011,(6):19-21,39
"无讼"是中国传统法律文化的基本价值取向,是司法官处理诉讼事务的指导思想.基于不同的出发点,古代官方和民间形成了二元化的"无讼"观.这种观念对当今信访困境的形成有着重要的消极影响.  相似文献   

儿童观是不同时代国家或民众对儿童的基本看法与态度,它反映出特定时代对儿童群体的地位和价值等认识考量。纵观新中国70年学前教育的发展历史,首先是新中国初期作为"社会需要"的儿童,这时候的儿童主要是"接班人"和"建设者"。到了"文化革命"时期,儿童观发生错位,"政治化、成人化"是其主要价值取向,儿童被异化。改革开放以后,我们开始"重新"认识儿童,这种认识其实质是"发现"儿童和重新确立儿童本位论。21世纪以来的儿童观念是对改革开放以后"儿童本位论"的进一步深化与研究,表现为"解放儿童"和"向儿童学习"。由此,新中国近现代儿童观念改造得以确立并正在"进行"。  相似文献   

:浪漫主义创作方法在儿童文学中不受重视有其社会、政治原因 ,也与儿童文学界的偏颇观念有一定关系。其实 ,浪漫主义和儿童文学有着特殊的亲和力 ,更适合于表现儿童求真、向善、爱美的心灵。  相似文献   

王庆学 《方圆》2020,(5):76-76
疫情防控期间,上海市青浦区检察院未检部门利用"互联网+"信息手段,开启办案"云模式",为未成年学生开展防疫宣传,为未成年嫌疑人送去观护帮教,为困境儿童传递特殊关爱,确保特殊时期对未成年人的司法保护不停歇、不延误、不留白。一是司法办案"云模式"。2019年1月,吴某因琐事与他人打架斗殴,被害人构成轻微伤。  相似文献   

传统合作行为研究以生物学的进化论和经济学的理性经济人假设为前提,推演出"物竞天择,适者生存"和"纳什均衡"等结论,描绘了一幅暗淡的人类合作画面,而以此为基础形成的各式各样的关于个体选择、社会选择和集体行动的理论则成为公共管理和社会治理的基本指导思想。然而,这种观点无论在理论上还是在实践上,都遇到了难以自圆其说的困境,被称为"集体行动的困境"或"合作的或社会的困境",亦被称为"人类合作之谜"。当代认知心理学的有限理性观及近年来在此基础上兴起的关于社会启发式的研究,为摆脱此种困境提供了启示。基于这些研究,我们提出了有限理性合作观,以还原人类合作行为的真实画面,破解人类合作之谜。  相似文献   

论儿童的审美情感   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
审美情感与儿童的生命活动息息相关,只有那些由儿童自己的心灵选择出来或感受到的与自己的生命活动相通的对象才能使其产生审美愉悦.面对审美对象学前儿童放弃了自我与非我之间的疆界,产生了移情,它是一种外显性的高峰体验.  相似文献   

中国诗画理论历来存在着诗评与画评标准的不一致性,但中国诗画理论又在美学精神上达到了对诗画共同艺术本质揭示的高度.苏轼"诗中有画""画中有诗"的命题就是对中国诗画艺术创作经验和理论的一次高度总结和归纳.在苏轼的这个命题中,前者揭示了中国传统诗歌追求"画境"的形下取向,而后者则揭示了中国传统绘画追求"诗意"的形上取向.中国诗画理论特别是苏轼诗画命题与中国哲学道器观有着深刻的内在联系,中国哲学道器观为中国诗画理论提供了哲学背景和言说语境.  相似文献   

Twenty-eight non-fatal cases of TV related injuries were noted in San Diego in the 2 years prior to September 2008. We reviewed the scene, witness reports, past history, and autopsy findings from three fatal cases and distinguished them from abusive head trauma. The recent literature was also reviewed. Our fatal cases resulted from TVs falling on small children and causing severe head injury. The literature review showed increasing injuries and deaths relating to TV tip-over, TV stands and dressers. Most of the fatalities were head injuries in small children. The reporting methods may not be complete or accurate. Some authors in the literature review suggested preventive measures so as to decrease these injuries. Forensic scientists should become familiar with these injuries and measures so that they may communicate effectively with their communities.  相似文献   

Forensic clinical psychologists who conduct evaluations and present expert testimony in sexual harassment cases must have some familiarity with the scientific literature about sexual harassment. However, these experts frequently discover that the social science research related to sexual harassment provides little in the way of tools or data that are directly applicable to the evaluation of plaintiffs in sexual harassment litigation. This article addresses that issue and offers suggestions to social science researchers that may improve the utility of sexual harassment research in the litigation of sexual harassment cases.  相似文献   


The detrimental effects of sexual harassment have been documented in the literature over the past 35 years, and recognized as a serious problem for all working women. In this paper, we review the existing research surrounding the phenomenon of sexual harassment, focusing upon the factors that may facilitate its occurrence. We also provide an overview of the differences in perceptions of what constitutes sexual harassment according to gender, organisational power and context. The negative impact of sexual harassment on its victims is also reviewed. Finally, the relatively new research on victims' responses to sexual harassment experiences and the link between this work and the stress and coping literature is recognized. Several suggestions are made for future research, policy making and treatment avenues.  相似文献   

Increases in the population of incarcerated women in the United States have resulted in the separation of growing numbers of mothers and children. The negative effects of dividing families have been noted for both the mothers and the children. The current research examines efforts at keeping imprisoned mothers and children connected through a visitation program. Through one-on-one interviews, the women prisoners share their perspectives about how their children are coping with the separation, their concerns for their children, their views of their roles as mothers, and their needs for after release. The women interviewed include participants in a specialized mother– child visitation program and a comparison group of mothers not in the program. The author suggests that keeping mothers and children connected may produce positive behavioral and emotional outcomes for both the mothers and their children that may reduce correctional costs and increase community safety.  相似文献   

《Global Crime》2013,14(1):22-41
Much has been written in the English-speaking world on the topic of sex trafficking, but little is known about what researchers elsewhere have produced on this topic. An exhaustive literature search was conducted to locate publications on this topic from Latin America. A total of 74 publications were located and put through a systematic content analysis. Four main discernible patterns were noticed: (1) the vast majority of the publications were produced by individuals affiliated with international or non-government organisations; (2) the production of trafficking-related literature sharply declined after 2007; (3) of the small number of studies involving empirical data, most were qualitative in nature; and (4) the literature was primarily focused on the sexual exploitation of children. The discourse on sex trafficking in Latin America appeared to be dominated by advocacy groups. There were few scholarly articles, suggesting limited attention from the academic community. Despite limited empirical data, many Spanish-speaking authors made claims on the nature and extent of sex trafficking, with articles citing one another as source of evidence. This review finds a great need for the involvement of the academic community and for dispassionate and empirically grounded research on sex trafficking.  相似文献   

Sexual harassment and posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) are two topics that generate heated debate in the social science literature. When the two are combined in the civil litigation context, the intensity of the debate is heightened by the adversarial context of the courts. The current paper examines research on both sexual harassment and PTSD separately, before addressing the issues that arise for psychologists and psychiatrists who serve as expert witnesses in sexual harassment litigation. Proposed resolutions of controversies are offered that attempt to expand the knowledge base for expert witnesses on the topic of sexual harassment as well as work within the current Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM-IV-TR; American Psychiatric Association 2000) framework of PTSD.  相似文献   

Family aggression patterns and behavior problems of children, aged 6-12, recruited from shelters for battered women (shelter group) were contrasted with three comparison groups of currently nonviolent families: two-parent, single-mother, and homeless. Girls who had been exposed to recent interparental wife abuse were predicted to show more internalizing and externalizing behavior problems than similarly exposed boys, based on recent literature. Homeless and shelter mothers reported the highest rates of parent-child aggression. Shelter girls obtained significantly higher total, internalizing and externalizing behavior problem ratings than shelter boys, and than two-parent and single-mother girls. Shelter boys obtained significantly higher internalizing ratings than two-parent boys. Shelter and homeless children were rated as having equivalent levels of behaviour problems. Across all groups, mothers' psychological adjustment was a better predictor of daughters' adjustment than that of sons. The study concluded that the assumption that preadolescent girls have greater immunity to psychosocial risk is unfounded.  相似文献   


Sexual harassment is a traditionally underreported crime. One factor that might affect perceptions and willingness to report harassment is its occurrence over time: harassing behaviours that gradually increase or decrease in severity over time might impact its perception. In the present research, 177 female participants read a series of daily scenarios about increasing, decreasing, or steady harassment, and completed measures regarding their perceptions of and willingness to report it. Participants displayed increases and decreases in negative reactions as harassment increased and decreased, respectively, suggesting that each instance of sexual harassment is interpreted independently of earlier harassing behaviours, and that early, strongly harassing behaviours have little impact on how subsequent instances of harassment are perceived. This explanation is supported by the similar ratings in the midpoint (day 4) of the scenario series, regardless of whether harassment was increasing or decreasing.  相似文献   

职场性骚扰雇主责任就是雇主要为其雇员的性骚扰行为负责任。通过法经济学的分析,对于监督管理者雇员实施的交换型性骚扰雇主承担严格责任;对于敌意环境型性骚扰雇主承担过错责任。这对预防与抑制职场性骚扰更有效率,同时,可以使社会成本降到最低。  相似文献   

The article deals with public attitudes toward family responsibility in early-nineteenth-century Bienos Aires, particularly as revealed in lawsuits occasioned by disputes over the custody of minors. The care and education of minors was ordinarily entrusted to parents, but death, incapacity, licentious conduct, poverty or abandonment often resulted in the minor being removed from parents and taken by others into custody of guardians or institutions of public welfare. The majority of the analyzed lawsuits resulted from an attempt by parents to recover their authority over their children. The lawsuits indicate that the racial, gender, social, and generational “disadvantages” of plaintiffs did not a priori determine the judgement, but rather that arguments for family stability frequently were decisive when heard by sympathetic judges. Disadvantages persons thus frequently argued sucessfully about the meaning of the family, as protagonists in the legal system that otherwise often marginalized them.  相似文献   

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