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由唐至宋,伴随着弥封誊录制度的形成和固定化,书法素质高低对科举考试成败的影响大为降低,但唐人尚法向宋人尚意的整体书法时代特征并非是宋代科举弥封誊录制度推行和应用的结果。宋人对"意"的追求是以"法"为基础的,"意"与"法"之间没有自由创作与困于樊笼的理念对立,更没有行草书与楷书之间的字体对立,而是包含了在现有的经验上寻求新的拓展空间的发展关系。至于唐宋两代书法家不同的艺术追求和书法作品所表现出的时代气质,可能是文人社会地位及精神状态的不同造成的。  相似文献   

公共危机管理需要政府与公民的合作。当前,我国公共危机管理中政府与公民的关系还存在诸多问题,对这些问题进行分析并找出其中的原因,进而提出相关的对策和建议,对构建危机管理中政府与公民良好的合作关系具有十分重要的理论意义和现实价值。  相似文献   

重庆高校离退休教职工合法权益保障中存在许多问题:如养老金低下,共享社会发展成果方面的某种不公平、不公正和不合理;实行医保后,看病难、费用高和负担重,离退休教职工的某些宪法、法律上权利受到侵犯等。上述问题的产生有各种原因:如对养老金制度的性质、原则和特点缺乏深入研究和足够认识;对共享社会发展成果缺乏应有的机制保障;对医改实行“以药养医”的错误方式;对《老年人权益保障法》的认识不足,贯彻实施不力等。针对上述情况,我们必须采取相应对策和措施予以解决。  相似文献   

Martha Woodmansee and Peter Jaszi, The Construction of Authorship: Textual Appropriation in Law and Literature David Saunders, Authorship and Copyright  相似文献   

冯军 《河北法学》2020,38(5):20-31
正在经历的新冠肺炎疫情使我们更加深刻地认识到传染病防治渎职行为的严重危害.但是,刑法第409条对传染病防治失职罪的立法规定,明显存在主体范围狭窄、行为方式单一、入罪门槛过高、刑罚配置失衡等问题.为了提高传染病防治渎职犯罪的治理效能,应当及时采取扩大主体范围、增列行为方式、降低入罪门槛、科学配置刑罚等措施,提高刑法第409条罪刑规范在传染病防治渎职犯罪治理中的能力和水平.  相似文献   

内国法院的司法审查对于保障国际商事仲裁的公平公正具有重要而积极的作用。但是,作为当事人权利救济的主要甚或唯一途径,司法审查制度却存在救济范围有限、救济效力不确定、与国际商事仲裁本质不相容等缺陷,限制了仲裁解决国际商事争议的独特优势及潜力的发挥,阻碍了国际商事仲裁的发展。克服这些缺陷的有效方法是仿效国际商品仲裁和国际海事仲裁等实践,设立仲裁内部上诉机制供当事人选择适用。  相似文献   

Changes in the law, government regulations, socioeconomic changes, increased consumerism, the public's level of awareness—all these and other factors influence the population's demand over time for lawyers'services. This article analyzes the changes over time in the two elements that determine the demand for lawyers: the number of legal problems encountered by the population and the rate of use of lawyers in solving these problems. After showing that sequential occurrences of legal problems are not independent of each other and are age dependent, the author develops a mathematical model that explains the variability in the present number of problems encountered by different age groups. The number of problems is found to result from a relatively mild accumulation with age of legal problems, coupled with a strong increase in the number of problems from generation to generation. The analysis of individual legal problems reveals a variety of patterns from problem to problem in both the level of occurrence and the rate of use of lawyers for such problems. The author concludes that the combined effect of occurrence and utilization will operate toward a continuing increase in the demand for lawyers'services at least for the very near future.  相似文献   

[Editor's Note] No criminologist today would deny the importance of public participation in crime control. Public involvement—through the family, neighborhood, schools, private businesses and public agencies—are potential assets in curbing rising crime and delinquency rates. In this article the basic concerns are two in nature: 1) how to best utilize community resources, including meaningful participation of citizens; and, 2) how public and community organizations can effectively participate in preventing, treating and controlling offenders on parole or probation. In all these endeavors, public support—moral, financial and otherwise are necessary for success.

What is more important is to achieve the most salutary form of public participation, and to obtain the most beneficial balance between local participation and the actions of many government agencies involved. Not all pure local participation is at all times positive, as is illustrated by the actions of a lynch mob. It is also true that the closer one is to local institutions, the more difficult it is to achieve any degree of impartiality. On the other hand, highly centralized judicial and law enforcement structure often tends to be arbitrary and impersonal. This balance although essential, is difficult to achieve. The community agency (welfare boards, citizen's groups, parole boards), independent of the judicial and law enforcement institutions, plays an increasing role in enlightened public participation. Other important factors include education for crime prevention and reporting of offenses, and the relative closeness individuals feel toward their local groups (family, clan, school, neighborhood), as well as the efficiency of the police and judicial organs. No effective public participation in crime control programs can be achieved when there is a wide divergence between the value systems of local and national groups, and when there are great differences of opinions as to exactly what the public can do to prevent crime.

Broadly speaking, there are four ways in which community groups can participate in crime prevention: 1) political support for social defense programs; 2) public co-operation with social defense programs; 3) delegation to community groups of elements of social defense programs; and 4) provision by community groups of autonomous social defense programs.

Much more work must be done to collect reliable data and make significant critical analyses and evaluations of the myriad ways of public participation in crime prevention throughout the world. [Source: “Participation of the Public in the Prevention and Control of Crime and Delinquency,” Fourth United Nations Congress on the Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of Offenders (Tokyo, Japan, 17–26 August 1970)]  相似文献   

全球化与政府创新   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
全球化使得后发国家的行政管理会产生广泛而深刻、持续而复杂的影响.全球化迫切要求政府行政创新.全球化过程中,后发国家政府面临市场力量与政府作用、超越主权与国家主权、有限政府与无限政府的悖论与矛盾.全球化对政府职能提出了创新要求,属于后发国家之列的中国,应确立全球化政府理念,创新政府公共行政,提升政府能力,才能提高政府治理水平,正确定位政府职能,顺应全球化浪潮对行政环境的置换.全球化进程中,如何创新政府行政,成为中国政治体制改革的一项重要任务.  相似文献   

本文认为,证券领域事中事后监管改革在不断向前推进的同时仍面临三重压力:疫情常态化防控背景下的证券发行监管放松;中概股回归导致的事前监管放松与事中事后监管压力提升;金融行政诉讼中证券行政行为审查的严格化趋向.为防止证券事中事后监管失效,应重新审视事前监管与事中事后监管的动态关系,发挥信息监管、信用监管与行政处罚的联动作用...  相似文献   

在商标评审程序中,当事人自身发生死亡、消亡、合并等变动时,应当由其权利义务的承继者承继其当事人地位。而对于相关权利的主体发生变动的,则需要区分不同的情况作不同处理。承继者应当主动及时地向商标评审委员会声明承继相关评审地位,商标评审委员会在得知相关情况后也要依职权通知。不服商标评审委员会裁决的,只有与该裁决具有法律上直接的、明确的、肯定的利害关系的主体才能作为原告提起行政诉讼。  相似文献   

Following Hannah Arendt's work on totalitarianism, the first part of the paper gives an account of the historical advances of the republican nation state that was born during the constitutional revolutions in France and America at the end of the eighteenth century. This state has organised an efficient solidarity among strangers by means of democratic legislation. The European nation state was particular and universal at once. As Arendt could demonstrate on the Dreyfus affair, republicanism of a specific people was based on the Jacobean patriotism of universal human rights. In the second part an explanation is laid out for the destruction of the European nation state during the first fifty years of the nineteenth century. Beginning with Arendt's thesis on the imperialist society that blurred the borders of state, this thesis is revised with reference to the sociological theory of modern society (Luhmann, Habermas). The last part then turns to the rebirth of the nation state after World War Two and the postimperialist development of globalisation at the same time. Again progress in globalising human rights and civil society is threatened by the uncontrolled expansion of capital and power. The lasting problem is to find any regional or global functional equivalent for the democratic rule of law that for so long only worked on the level of the nation state.  相似文献   

"礼"之效能提升离不开其神圣性与敬畏心态的作用。"礼"起源于"事神致福"的原始宗教祭祀活动,后来则演变为维护社会稳定的规章制度、道德规范以及行为准则。正由于"礼"的原初为原始宗教礼仪,在这种礼仪上,献祭、颂神、祈福等活动都具备一定程序,从而致使"礼"在源起意义上就具有一种"神"性化色彩,其本身就具有一种神秘性与神圣性。所以,尊"礼"、循"礼"、守"礼"、践"礼"必须持有一种尚诚、真诚、敬畏的心态。诚敬、敬畏、恭敬是实现"礼"之效用提升的保证,是确保祭祀礼仪活动中"天人""神人"沟通的精神支柱,更是健全社会关系的重要保障。  相似文献   

张小平 《北方法学》2010,4(6):12-19
在法律经济学的引入过程中,我们遇到了实用推广方面的障碍。这种障碍,一定程度上与法律经济学的普通法语境有关,即一种功利主义和实用主义法哲学指导下的、法官能够发挥更大创造作用和法律体系的形式理性并非非常严格的环境是有利于法律经济学的发展的。但是,另一方面,法律经济学在大陆法系的制度背景下仍然有非常广阔的实用前景,因为三段论式的形式逻辑思维不是法律人实务操作活动的全部。在立法、纠纷解决的利益估算、充分实现个案中的矫正正义以及在疑难案件中运用利益衡量方法等方面,法律经济分析都可以发挥非常重要的作用。  相似文献   

依法治国的核心是依宪治国,实现依法治国,建设社会主义法治国家,必须树立宪法的权威性,切实保障宪法实施。为发挥宪法在依法治国中的作用,要明确宪法和法律的关系,要大力宣传宪法,培养和增强全体公民的宪法意识和法治精神,强调国家机关及其工作人员要带头遵守和执行宪法,要健全和完善宪法监督制度,特别是建立违宪追究机制,把宪法的各项规定落到实处,以大力推进依法治国的进程。  相似文献   

The basic function of legal education is to cultivate and create talented legal professionals who will be employed, either directly or indirectly, in judicial practice sectors. Thus, there is, between the legal education system and the judicial profession, a supply-demand relationship—the basic economic principle between the relationship of market supply and demand, driving the relationship between the legal education system and qualified legal professionals. However, this supply-demand relationship in China, between the legal education system and the judicial profession is currently in disequilibrium and in contradiction itself. Therefore, it is necessary to observe and apply the principles of a supply-demand relationship to the reorganization of the legal education system in China in an attempt to find the most efficient balance between legal education and the judicial profession.  相似文献   

对于网络犯罪的处罚,目前世界各国基本适用本国刑法的空间效力原则,其结果不仅导致了各国刑法空间效力的极度膨胀,也引发了各国间适用该原则的冲突。有鉴于此,中外学者提出了一些关于刑法空间效力原则的新兴理论,但均存在不少问题。处罚网络犯罪,通过纯解释学的“对症疗法”力不从心,因此有必要通过立法消除这种弊端。2004年7月1日开始生效的欧洲理事会《关于网络犯罪的公约》,为处罚网络犯罪而构建国际一致的法律体系开辟了一条新路。  相似文献   

The number of forensic autopsies in cases with violent and spontaneous deaths increases from 1984 to 1996 by 11.1 and 25.8%, respectively. The rate of increase in the incidence of violent deaths outstripped 1.6 times the total mortality values. This resulted in an essential increase in the work loading of experts, with an increase in the number of complex expert evaluations. The system of registration of violent deaths is imperfect: it does not provide accurate data on the number of murders and suicides, which are overrated at regional statistical departments in comparison with the records of legal organs, while the values recorded at statistical departments are notably underrated in comparison with forensic medical records. The authors offer amendments and revisions for the current form of medical certificate of death and the order of its filling, granting, and storage.  相似文献   

对新时期劳动改造定位及功能作用的再认识   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
伴随着监狱体制改革,监狱工作法制化、科学化、社会化建设,以及全面提高罪犯改造质量的客观要求,监狱组织罪犯劳动也发生着深刻变化,罪犯以过去主要为补充监狱经费不足的客观需要创造财富而劳动,变主要为改造罪犯实现罪犯改造的社会效益而劳动,被异化的劳动改造功能开始回归。为此,本文试从劳动改造的概念与定位、功能与作用、途径与方法三方面进行探索与研究,以期劳动改造在提高罪犯改造质量的客观实际工作中发挥更大的作用,真正成为监狱改造罪犯的重要手段。  相似文献   

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