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《试论企业员工的职业生涯管理》一文刊于《武汉冶金管理干部学院学报》2004年第3期。作者吴迪认为,员工职业生涯管理是企业人力资源管理中的一个重要课题。目前,国外大企业把员工职业生涯管理作为人力资源管理的基础性工作。中国企业也应该结合自己的管理实际,发展具有自身特色的员工职业生涯管理模式。  相似文献   

钱春华 《工友》2007,(7):58-58
在一个单位里,既离不开运筹帷幄的决策精英,也少不了踏实能干的工作人员。尺有所短,寸有所长,仔细想一下,我们属于哪块"料"?长处和短处在哪儿,给自己定在哪一个位置合适呢?我们该如何设计自己的职业生涯?如何实现自我价值呢?  相似文献   

董高显 《工友》2007,(6):47-47
学习型组织的核心除了营造知识管理和团队学习的氛围外,还有一个关键的特点就是企业要建立团队的共同愿景,并指导员工结合共同愿景确立自己的职业生涯,引导员工把自己的个人目标和企业的共同  相似文献   

罗全 《时代风采》2010,(16):7-8
员工是企业最大的资源,是企业发展最宝贵的财富。作为非公企业,云南清逸堂实业有限公司的做法是:严格执行劳动合同的法律法规,认真落实工资集体协商制度,以人为本,尊重关爱和善待员工,最大限度地调动员工的潜能,从而有效地激发员工创造性地工作,形成了员工与经营者的相互信任,员工忠于企业、企业尊重员工,两者互为依靠的和谐氛围,做到谋求企业发展与实现员工利益二者相互统一,实现企业持续健康发展和员工价值追求的双赢。  相似文献   

一是针对不同年龄阶段职工开展职业发展心理疏导。对30岁之前初入职场的年轻职工群体,加强职业生涯规划指导.解答其初入职场所面临的困惑:对中年职工群体.帮助他们重新审视自身价值  相似文献   

大江工业集团为引导广大员工关心企业,最大限度地调动员工的积极性、主动性和创造性,为公司改革和发展出谋献策,将员工的聪明才智及时转化为生产力,广泛组织开展了合理化建议活动。近两年提建议达13231人次,共征集合理化建议10428条,采纳建议3648条,实施建议2637条,创造价值达9800多万元。  相似文献   

员工职业生涯中期危机不仅危害个人而且危及组织,这种危机既有社会、组织和个体的根源,又有内在和外在的因素。化解员工职业生涯中期危机需要以现代人力资源管理理论为基础,通过人力资源战略管理、企业文化建设、员工培训与开发、绩效考核与薪酬、员工帮助计划等方面工作,对这一特定员工群体的管理提供有益的参谋与建议,促进这一阶段员工队伍克服危机,健康成长,发挥优势,创造价值,实现员工与企业共同学习、共同成长、共同发展。  相似文献   

对北京市2000名职工的职业现状问卷调查显示:金融危机下,职工工作稳定,但年轻职工跳槽频繁;职工对工作总体满意度较高,其中对同事、领导关系满意度最高,但对收入满意度最低;职工对自己的兴趣、能力了解,但对本单位发展目标不清楚,不利于员工职业生涯规划及单位职业生涯管理。职工收入与生活幸福感呈现正相关。  相似文献   

实践"三个代表"重要思想是工会工作的最高价值追求   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
实践"三个代表"重要思想是工会工作的最高价值追求.要坚持核心,以弘扬和传播中国的先进文化为己任,用党的崇高理想和奋斗纲领来指导工会工作.要服务中心,以解放和发展先进生产力为已任,最大限度地团结动员广大职工为企业提高经济效益、实现可持续发展建功立业.要凝聚民心,以巩固党的阶级基础为已任,进一步突出履行维护职能,密切党与职工群众的血肉联系.  相似文献   

事件:"一人吃饱,全家不饿。"这本是形容单身汉的"幸福生活"。如今,郑州一家公司却有另一种新鲜演变——一个人参加工作,配偶和父母都有亲情"工资"。比如一个男员工,哪怕是刚参加工作,一个月后,除了他领到应得的工资,我们还会给他的妻子的银行卡上打入200元,给他的父母邮寄或银行汇款100元。该公司负责人表示,最初只是想员工把心思放在工作上,不在单位混日子。在制定工资制度时,以此激励员工成为公司的创业家,帮助员工向父母尽一点孝心,建立和谐家庭。这个亲情工资尽管是为回报部分管理层员工推出的,但由于近一年多来,公司管理层没有一个员工跳槽,效果比较好,同时也为了增加员工归属感,留住人才,该公司打算春节后向全公司员工推广,并计划在2009年底前  相似文献   

《北京市“十二五”时期职工发展规划》为北京市职工发展事业提出了宏伟目标,首都职工素质建设工程是推动广大职工素质提升的重要平台,根据《首都职工素质建设工程五年规划(2011-2015年)》的目标和任务,工程重心未来向职业教育转变是一大趋势。韩国永进大学是专科层次职业教育的示范性专门大学,培养目标立足于地方社会及企事业单位的人才需求,培养方式有校企合作、产学结合项目等,其经验对首都职工素质建设工程有积极的启发作用。  相似文献   

美国社区学院职业教育对我国高职教育的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
美国社区学院职业教育的发展对我国发展高等职业教育有三个启示 :人们对高等职业教育的接受与认可需要一个过程 ,故我国高等职业教育工作者切不可丧失继续前进的信心 ;社区和学院配合 ,共同培养适应当地经济和社会发展需要的应用型人才 ;高等职业教育发展的趋势必然是加强职业技术教育与学术教育的融合。  相似文献   

Youth’s career attainment is associated with socioeconomic background, but may also be related to their beliefs about causes of success. Relationships between 17-year-olds’ socioeconomic status (SES) and causal beliefs about success, and whether these beliefs predict career attainment after completing a vocational or university degree were examined using data from the German Socio-Economic Panel Study (n?=?997, 48.5% female). Youth with higher SES parents and those who attended higher levels of high schools were less likely to believe that success in society is due to external causes, but SES was unrelated to the belief that success is due to personal merit or ability. Youth who believe that success is due to external causes attained lower income, occupational prestige, and job autonomy, and slower increases in income over time. There were also significant indirect effects of youth’s parents’ SES and their own high school levels on career attainment through such external causal beliefs; merit beliefs, by contrast, were largely unrelated to career attainment. These results suggest that beliefs about external causes of success may uniquely contribute to the transmission and maintenance of SES across generations and over time.  相似文献   

职业教育以提高劳动者的素质和职业技能、促进就业、促进企业和整个社会的经济发展为目的,以培养实用人才和熟练劳动者为目标。职业教育是工业化的产物,市场经济和城市化极大地促进了职业教育的发展。职业教育的发展不仅关系到职工个人的职业生涯,而且关系到企业的发展、国家的兴衰。  相似文献   

《Labor History》2012,53(3):275-295
This paper presents a study of the work of the institutional labor economist, Ben Seligman. Seligman presents an interesting case study of theory and practice because he spent part of his career working for unions. He formed his version of institutional economics before he went to work for those unions, but his work for them exposed him to the impact automation was having on workers and unions. Because his institutional economics included an appreciation for humans as active agents with the capability to act within the limits set by the context of socioeconomic institutions, he was able to set forth an analysis of automation that centered on alienation as a key indicator of the harm automation caused.  相似文献   

Young adults (N=349) were asked to evaluate, in a counterbalanced fashion, their mothers, fathers, and themselves. They also evaluated their families. Individuals from happy families were found to rate themselves significantly higher and their mothers somewhat higher than did their counterparts from unhappy families. Evaluations of fathers were not found to vary as a function of family happiness. Evaluations of fathers, but not mothers or subjects themselves, were found to vary significantly depending upon the structure of their family environments. Heider's attribution theory seems to be able to account for these varied findings.Received his Ph.D. from the University of Illinois in 1972. Current research interests are primarily focused upon social and personality development.  相似文献   

高职英语教学的目标是培养学生的语言应用能力。语言的学习离不开特定的社会文化环境,在语言教学过程中忽视社会文化能力的培养,就会在跨文化交际中产生"文化休克"现象。高职英语教学应重视培养学生的社会文化能力,使文化教学和语言教学相辅相成,最终达到语言为交际服务的目的。  相似文献   

在新的形势下,大学生的形象已经发生了深刻的变化,在围绕珠三角九所高职院校的大学生人生价值观的调查中,整体而言,当代高职大学生人生价值观主流呈现积极、进取、健康向上的良好发展态势,大学生的价值观与整个社会风气和社会环境相比更具有进步的意识。与此同时,调查中也显示当代高职大学生在精神上存在一定的困惑,存在"功利化"、"世俗化"、"多元化"价值选择倾向。在对这些倾向的分析中,可以看出在来自各种社会思潮的冲击下,加之高校思想政治教育机制的不健全和当代高职大学生自身存在的弱点,使得当代高职大学生内心世界和精神领域的思想观念隐含深层次的矛盾与困惑。  相似文献   

A life-span developmental perspective suggests that variations in social context will lead to differences among individuals in their action orientations. An action orientation is defined by an individual's values, control beliefs, goal orientation, and decision-making perspective. To investigate differences in the action orientations of adolescents embedded in different contexts, 83 sophomore and senior high school students on either a vocational training or college-preparatory trajectory participated in the study. A discriminant function analysis of action orientations showed that the action orientations of vocational training and college-preparatory students differed: College-preparatory students had a career preparation action orientation and vocational students had an adult preparation action orientation; also, sophomores may have had a socializing orientation. The findings are discussed in terms of the developmental tasks facing students in different grades and on different life-course trajectories. Received Ph.D. from West Virginia University. Research interests are cognitive and social cognitive development in cultural and institutional contexts.Received Ph.D. from the University of Iowa. Research interests include adult developmental and problem solving.  相似文献   

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