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The determination of corporate executive compensation is a kind of affiliated transactions including special conflicts of interest in the company. The regulation of executive compensation by law is extremely necessary but plays a limited role, and the scope and mode of such role are specific. The due process and information disclosure system in determining executive compensation prescribed in company law and securities law, the policy guidance of the tax legal regime, and the active and prudential judicial review are the three aspects of the regulation of executive compensation by law, the common goal of which is to ensure and enhance the correlation between executive compensation and corporate performance, i.e., the realization of the principle of “performance-based compensation.” Li Jianwei, Ph. D, is an associate professor of law at China University of Political Science and Law, and a visiting scholar at Faculty of Law, University of New South Wales, Australia. His major research is in corporate law, corporate governance and corporate management system, and his major works include: Corporate Law (RUC Press, 2008), Legal Regulation on Affiliated Transaction (Law Press, 2007), The Role of Law in Corporate Management (People’s Court Press, 2005), A Research on Independent Director System (RUC Press, 2004), A Research on the State-owned Exclusive Company (Law Press, 2002). Moreover, he has more than 30 articles released in core academic journals.  相似文献   

孙冕 《行政与法》2007,(11):28-31
乡村法治化运动在乡村社会遭遇的窘态与困惑是发起者始料未及的,国家法治被乡村社会有意无意的歪曲,“下乡的法律”不断被乡土社会知识传统解读,法治与乡村社会之间的冲突愈显突出。本文放弃简单地对法治与乡村社会二者中的任何一方进行批判的进路,试图通过借鉴和采用法社会学的一些观点和方法,强调回到中国的特定语境,回到乡村的生活场域和具体经验中,探讨当前造成乡村法治化困境的政治、经济、文化等因素,分析实现乡村社会法治化之可能和必要,进而提出实现乡村法治化的可行路径。  相似文献   

This paper is broadly concerned with Deleuze’s distinction between ‚la loi et les lois’ on the one hand, and jurisprudence on the other. Jurisprudence is the␣creative action of legal practice, the process by which it is forced to think constructively and anew. In such circumstances legal thought is akin to Deleuze’s concept of the event. I explore the distinction between law and jurisprudence by way of Deleuze’s comments on control societies, arguing that, under control, law ceases to be a juridical hierarchy conforming to disciplinary modes to become a regulatory practice of interminable modulation. In order to begin to explore the relations and connections between law/jurisprudence and control, the paper will look to the semiotics of C.S. Peirce (who influenced Deleuze’s work on cinema). In particular it will argue that control operates predominantly through icons. As a consequence I argue that the proper ground of the sign, the event, is co-opted and, following from this, that control functions through the confusing of sense and meaning. Thanks to Anne Bottomley, Ronnie Lippens and Jamie Murray.  相似文献   

在当前药品安全的严峻形势下,刑法作为保障药品安全的最后一道防线,应当进一步强化对药品安全的保护作用。尽管《刑法修正案(八)》对药品安全的本罪进行了相应的修改,但现行刑法关于药品安全本罪的规定依然存在犯罪归属体系错误、主观罪过范围过窄、犯罪行为规定不全面、罚金刑规定过于原则、资格刑缺失等不容忽视的问题,针对这些问题刑法还应当作出进一步的修正,以期实现对药品安全的周全保护。  相似文献   

We present a model where an incumbent firm has a proprietary product whose technology consists of at least two components, one of which is patented while the other is kept secret. At the patent expiration date, an entrant firm will enter the market on the same technological footing as the incumbent if it is successful in duplicating, at certain costs, the secret component of the incumbent's technology. Otherwise, it will enter the market with a production cost disadvantage. We show that under some conditions a broad scope of trade secret law is socially beneficial.  相似文献   

论私有财产权的法律保护   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
安树昆 《行政与法》2002,3(12):76-78
随着我国非公有制经济的发展,私有财产权的法律保护显得尤为重要,然而,目前我国对私有财产权的法律保护还不充分,制约了我国经济体制改革和市场经济体制建设的发展。因此,必须采取各种方式和途径加快我国私有财产保护的法律制度建设,保证个体工商户和私营企业主的财产安全,发挥其社会主义现代化建设的积极性。  相似文献   

扩大行政诉讼受案范围的路径分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国的<行政诉讼法>所确立的受案范围过于狭小,已成为制约我国行政诉讼制度发展的瓶颈.为了使我国的行政诉讼制度更好地满足现实的需要,应当扩大行政诉讼的受案范围.具体路径包括:行政诉讼的审查标准应从"合法"扩展至"合理";行政诉讼应扩展至对抽象行政行为的救济;同时,内部行政行为引发的争议也应纳入司法救济的范畴.  相似文献   

Protected ownership and freedom of contracts are two basic parts of the institutional framework of successful countries according to Douglass North, winner of the Nobel Prize in 1993. The incentives to make long-term investments are strengthened if ownership rights are protected and freedom of contracts is a basic element in the process of efficient allocation of scarce resources. An important engine in prosperous societies is the family firm. Most companies in these societies can be classified as family firms and a major part of GDP is produced by family businesses. Consequently, how ownership is protected in family firms is an important issue.Three important factors of private ownership of property are the rights to determine use of owned assets, the return generated from them and to transfer the assets at mutually agreeable terms to a new owner(s).The incentives of a founder entrepreneur to put efforts into the establishment of a firm are determined by all the three factors. We will here pay special attention to the third factor, transfer of the ownership of the firm. The founder often places contractual restrictions on such transfers to ensure that the structure of ownership is stable and that the firm stays in the family. The possibility to do so is part of the freedom of contracts and is associated with the extent of ownership held as well as the incentives to invest in new businesses.This paper is primarily about how protection of family ownership can be achieved from a legal point of view and discusses the reasons to enforce these legal relationships in the future for second, third, fourth etc. generations of family owners.  相似文献   


British Nationality Law and The 1981 Act. By Laurie Fransman. [Fourmat Publishing. xiv and 129 pp. (inc. index). £6.25]

Tort: Cases and Materials. Second Edition. By B. A. Hepple and M. H. Matthews. [Butterworths. 1980. xlii and 757 pp. (inc. index). £14.95].

Mercantile Law. By Kenneth Smith and Denis Keenan. Fifth Edition. [Pitman 1982. xiii and 753 pp. (inc. index). £8.95 (paperback)].

The Politics of the Judiciary. Second Edition. By J. A. G. Griffith. [Fontana. 255 pp.(inc. index). £2.50].

Introduction to Law in the Republic of Ireland. By Richard H. Grimes and Patrick T. Horgan. [Wolfhound Press. 368 pp. (inc. index). £10.75].

Family Law in the Republic of Ireland. By Alan Joseph Shatter. Second Edition. [Wolfhound Press. 1981. Distributed outside Ireland by Sweet and Maxwell. xl and 408 pp. (inc. index). £18 (paperback)].  相似文献   

著作权是知识产权的重要组成部分。中国加入WTO,履行TRIPS协议,意味着要对著作权进行更为广泛的保护。反映在刑事法领域,应降低刑事起诉门槛,划定更大的犯罪圈,以加大对著作权犯罪的惩治力度。由于我国刑法对著作权犯罪规定的罪名较少,适用的范围相对较窄,客观上限制了对著作权犯罪的打击,难以适应保护著作权的需要,为此,需要时刑法进行相应的完善。  相似文献   

徐秀霞 《行政与法》2007,(12):58-60
党的十七大报告把"表达权"列为公民四权之一,并强调要依法保障,这对我国推进社会主义民主法治、构建和谐社会以及大力发展文化创新都具有非常重要的意义。然而,现行法律、法规以及司法资源对"表达权"的保护相对不足,因此,需要进一步健全和完善公民表达权的法律保障机制。  相似文献   

弱势群体已成为当今社会的主要问题,保护弱势群体的权利是法律不可推卸的责任,在法律的各个环节都必须树立人权观念,坚持公平正义的法律价值观,解除社会危机的隐患,建立和谐、秩序的社会。  相似文献   

曲伶俐 《法学论坛》2002,17(3):80-84
公司是市场经济的主要主体。我国缺乏公司法律制度传统 ,公司利益的法律保障机制尤其是刑法保障机制十分薄弱。本文通过分析我国刑法中针对公司利益保护的立法与司法实践 ,借鉴国外公司刑法的立法经验 ,提出了改革我国刑法中有关公司利益保护的立法和司法建议。  相似文献   

徐波 《行政与法》2006,(8):87-88
社会保障法律的制定,还需要强有力的行政执法手段将其贯彻落实。社会保障行政执法行为的主体是各级劳动和社会保障行政部门及法律授权行使社会保障行政管理职能的组织。据此本文提出了社会保障行政执法的主要措施、劳动和社会保障行政执法的主要形式、劳动和社会保障行政执法活动的行政监督、社会保障争议仲裁。通过社会保障的行政执法保护,使公民的社会保障权确实得到解决。  相似文献   

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