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开展政府绩效评估,具有重要的现实意义。要通过分析我国地方政府绩效评估问题,研究政府绩效评估和经济可持续发展的关系。建立正确科学的政府绩效评价体系。  相似文献   

谭宗宪 《理论导刊》2004,(10):18-20
地方政府经济行为的重要性、特殊性、现实性要求必须规范其经济行为。地方政府经济行为必须是有限的、公开的、服务性的、效益性的以及法制化、科学化、程序化的行为。地方政府经济行为的重点在于微观经济规制。  相似文献   

地方政府绩效评估的"南通模式":效应、瓶颈及努力方向   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于目标导向的地方政府绩效评估的“南通模式”具有十分明显的传递效应、导向效应和监督效应。同时,也存在着指标体系没有充分体现现代政府绩效评估的要求、政府绩效评估工作机制有待统一完善、政府绩效考核的方法和工具比较单一、政府绩效考核的结果运用不够全面等亟待消除的难点与瓶颈。完善基于目标导向的地方政府绩效评估模式的主要路径是:以科学发展观指导地方政府绩效评估、完善政府绩效评估工作机制、将政府绩效评估从技术方法提升到制度安排、深化地方政府绩效评估结果运用等。  相似文献   

Berman  David R. 《Publius》1995,25(3):55-70
This article examines state interventions, sometimes amountingto nearly total takeovers, into the affairs of financially distressedlocalities and "academically bankrupt" school districts. Drawingon several examples, this study suggests that state legislatorsand administrators have been cautious about intervening in theaffairs of specific local governments. However, the decisionsmade by state officials on how to approach intervention, particularlywhether to be reactive or proactive, and the assumptions theymake about the nature of the problems to be remedied, help determinewhether takeover is friendly or hostile and its effectiveness.  相似文献   

经验表明,20世纪90年代以来,社会转型带来的权威危机和管理性危机对中国地方政府公共权力结构与功能等方面形成了严峻的挑战。面对危机情势,各级地方政府在公共管理的权力结构、制度与技术安排上进行了多项治理创新,通过对地方政府的治理创新的比较分析,笔者认为,中国地方政府的创新实践推动了地方治理变迁,地方治理正趋于取代地方管理。但是,这种可选择性替代路径仍然是地方政府主导型的,最终起作用的仍然是地方政府。地方政府的创新符合整体性改革的发展方向,并将有力地推动改革向纵深发展。  相似文献   

Local government is often characterised as being well-placed to enact a successful agenda for environmental sustainability because of its closeness to both people and the environment. The purpose of this article is to examine the extent to which this assumption is correct in terms of local government environmental policies and programs in rural Australia. Using case studies with eight local government authorities in Queensland and New South Wales, the article documents three different positions on a continuum of environmental engagement. These are 'disengaged', 'moving towards engagement' and 'engaged'. The article concludes by arguing that the resource constraints facing rural local councils limit their capacity to engage with environmental management.  相似文献   

Cross-sectional time series data in a partial adjustment model are used to examine county government fiscal behavior under a "hard" tax and expenditure limitation policy, an aggregate property tax levy limit, versus a "soft" limit under Truth in Taxation in Kansas. Results indicate that under the aggregate levy limit, per capita property taxes, own-source revenues and own-source expenditures were significantly higher than under the Truth in Taxation policy where local officials face many fewer restrictions on their ability to raise the levy.  相似文献   

胡锦涛总书记强调,坚持以人为本,全面、协调、可持续的发展观,是我们以邓小平理论和“三个代表”重要思想为指导,从新世纪新阶段党和国家事业发展全局出发提出的重大战略思想,也是发展中国特色社会主义必须坚持和贯彻的重大战略思想。其中全面发展,就是以经济建设为中心,全面推进经济、政治、文化建设,实现经济发展和社会全面进步。协调发展,就是要统筹城乡发展、统筹区域发展、统筹经济社会发展、统筹人与自然和谐发展、统筹国内发展和对外开放,推进生产力和生产关系、经济基础和上层建筑相协调,推进经济、政治、文化建设的各个环节、各个方面相协调。可持续发展,就是要促进人与自然的和谐,实现经济发展和人口、资源、环境相协调‘;坚持走生产发展、生活富裕、生态良好的文明发展道路,保证一代接一代地永续发展。  相似文献   

Foregone revenues of state and local governments have been mostly unreported. This is still a neglected subject in governmental accounting. Such significant amounts can make a difference in the choice between direct and indirect spending, and more budget officers are expected to consider the tax expenditure report as a supplement to budget documents.  相似文献   

Reinventing Local Governments and the E-Government Initiative   总被引:18,自引:1,他引:18  
The Internet provides a powerful tool for reinventing local governments. It encourages transformation from the traditional bureaucratic paradigm, which emphasizes standardization, departmentalization, and operational cost-efficiency, to the "e-government" paradigm, which emphasizes coordinated network building, external collaboration, and customer services. Based on a content analysis of city Web sites and a survey of Web development officials, this article shows that many cities are already moving toward this new paradigm. These cities have adopted "onestop shopping" and customer-oriented principles in Web design, and they emphasize external collaboration and networking in the development process rather than technocracy. The article also analyzes the socioeconomic and organizational factors that are related to cities' progressiveness in Web development and highlights future challenges in reinventing government through Internet technology.  相似文献   

中央与地方政府及地方政府间利益关系分析   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
赵全军 《行政论坛》2002,3(2):17-18
利益关系是中央与地方政府及地方政府间关系的核心。而在转型时期,地方政府自身特性发生了巨大变化,其经济人、政治人属性日渐增长,由此决定了中央与地方政府利益博弈关系更加激烈;地区利益的本位主义更是成了地方政府利益关系的本质特征,并导致了地方政府行为异化的现象。而要解决这些问题,必须在市场机制调节的基础上,依靠制度变迁,通过中央及地方政府的共同努力,实现彼此利益关系的均衡。  相似文献   

The Australian Local Government Association (ALGA) is the peak body for local authorities across Australia. Representing 698 councils, shires and other local governing bodies, ALGA advocates on behalf of local institutions, the local communities they represent and the process through which they interact. Founded in 1947 by the six states, ALGA now represents all states and territories and is a full member of the Council of Australian Governments (COAG). This article is an edited version of the ALGA's preliminary submission to the House of Representatives Standing Committee inquiry into the Financial Position of, and Cost Shifting onto, Local Government.  相似文献   

关于我国地方政府绩效评估几个重要问题的思考   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
建立绩效型政府已经成为当今行政改革的大趋势。本文对我国地方政府绩效评估的价值取向、战略规划和法律制度、评估主体、评估内容和指标体系、绩效沟通等方面进行了探讨和分析,试图使绩效评估更具规范化、制度化和科学化。  相似文献   

The development of a strategic response to local economic change has been of crucial importance to local authorities in the U.K. throughout the 1980s. This paper investigates the processes of strategy formulation and implementation in the city of Norwich. It raises a range of issues with regard to the potential effects of cooperation between the public and private sectors at the strategic level. The adoption of economic development as a strategic policy area has brought into question a number of relationships both within and between local public authorities, and is of fundamental importance to the character of public/private relations.  相似文献   

西部大开发是一项政府主导式的重大开发战略,政府诚信行政是其顺利实施的重要保证,这就要求西部地方政府扎实推进诚信建设.在西部大开发进程中,应从强化信用意识和责任意识、完善干部实绩考核机制、兑现各项承诺及遏制地方保护主义倾向四个方面加强西部地方政府的诚信建设.  相似文献   

包雷 《学理论》2008,(10):18-21
发展园区经济是促进土地资源的合理调整和集约利用,有利于城市可持续发展的一条重要途径。因此,要按照国家对建设用地的政策,将经过审批确定的园区纳入城市总体规划和土地利用总体规划,树立建设用地的紧凑度发展理念,重新修订园区的布局规划,进一步清理整顿各类园区的建设用地,并实施二次开发,促进园区的可持续发展。  相似文献   

Resource limitations and increasing citizen expectations are causing decisionmakers to reexamine existing approaches to establishing priorities in the funding of governmental services. Using local governments as a contextual example, this article investigates the decision making processes used by Texas cities The research seeks to understand the role different budgetary frameworks, i.e., incremental, performance and community values, play in resource allocation. Factors such as the budget sequence, the participants and the reference sources are considered to better understand local budget deliberations. This research indicates that a mixed or hybrid framework (any combination of the incremental, performance and community values approaches) dominates decision making in Texas cities. That is, most cities attempt to incorporate the politicalness of incrementalism, the results orientation of the performance framework, and the utility maximization desired under the community values framework. Results from this research indicate that Texas cities are moving away from a single framework orientation as a rule and are incorporating more rational and participative aspects into their budget process. This refutes common wisdom on this topic and suggests a more complicated approach to decision making that emphasizes the injection of more objective performance-related data, as well as the subjective perceptions of non-traditionally dominant participant groups.  相似文献   

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