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The Islamic world represents an important force to be reckoned with in the international political arena. Being endowed with huge oil and gas resources and commanding a special strategic position on a vital route for international commerce, trade and shipping, it has always been a focus of contention among major powers, and is now an area to which the U. S. global strategy pays special attention. Under the double pressure of economic  相似文献   

As Abe was replaced by Fukuda, Japan's domestic and foreign policies were also amended. Abe's "proactive diplomacy" has been replaced by Fukuda's "synergy diplomacy" which emphasizes strengthening the Japan-U.S. alliance and Japan's ties with Asia. Abe's diplomacy toward Asia was characterized by "value oriented diplomacy", whereas Fukuda seeks to carry out "active diplomacy toward Asia" after his cabinet was formed. The changes in foreign policy of the Abe and Fukuda cabinets show that Japan's nationalist foreign policy is evolving in twists and turns from being radical to being more rational against the backdrop of domestic and international political reality. To explore this change and its causes is conducive to the better understanding of some features of Japan's diplomacy toward Asia.  相似文献   

正Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China,under the leadership of the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core,China has made great achievements,in social and economic development with rapidly rising comprehensive national strength growing international influence and the expansion of diplomatic work.China’s diplomacy is stepping into a whole new era,in which opportunities and  相似文献   

The current international situation is volatile and highly complicated with abrupt changes. Various contradictions develop successively, and different challenges present them- selves one after another.  相似文献   

With the implementation by China of the policy of reform and opening to the outside world, China's diplomacy has undergone a great reform of profound significance, and has made outstanding achievements. China's development and its diplomacy supplement, enrich and promote each other. The former provides good conditions for the latter's development, while the latter safeguards China's sovereignty and territorial integrity, creates a peaceful international environment for the country's cause of socialist construction with Chinese characteristics, and makes remarkable contributions to the great undertaking of reform and opening-up and the Four Modernizations.  相似文献   

Arthur de la Mare, an under-secretary of state at the British Foreign Office, wrote in 1967 that the ending of the Malaysia–Indonesia Confrontation of 1963–1966 was “the greatest success of British diplomacy in East Asia in recent years.” However, historians generally believe British influence in the process to end this conflict was extremely limited, as it has been widely accepted that this conflict ended through bilateral negotiations between Jakarta and Kuala Lumpur. On one level, this view is accurate, but “Confrontation” took months to end and, during this process, British, American, and Malaysian officials hoped to encourage a change in leadership in Jakarta and an eventual end to the conflict. Confrontation was an anti-colonial and a regional dispute greatly affected by the Cold War environment in Southeast Asia and, therefore, not immune from international events or actors, especially the final phase of the conflict.  相似文献   

At the end of April 1922, S.P. Waterlow of the Central Department of the Foreign Office, which dealt with Franco–German relations and European security, put up a memorandum. This claimed: “Except on paper and as an expedient for minor purposes or an escape for some dilemma, we have not taken the League [of Nations] seriously.” It contrasted London's indifference with the active use which Paris was making of the League, asserted that “the objects of British policy and those of the League are broadly speaking identical,” and urged: “let us institute a genuine and energetic League of Nations policy.” This recommendation was strongly endorsed by the Assistant Under-Secretary, Sir William Tyrrell, who believed that such a policy would secure almost universal popular support for co-operation with France, and he proposed making a joint declaration that for the purpose of maintaining the frontiers created by the Treaty of Versailles: “the two countries would place at the disposal of the League all their resources for the enforcement of its decisions.” 1 1. Waterlow memorandum, 28 April, Tyrrell minute, 29 April 1922, both FO 371/7567/6200/6200/18 [Foreign Office Archives, The National Archives, Kew, England}.   相似文献   

Currently, China's surrounding environment is undergoing a historic profound change. This change is not only an important reflection of thein-depth development of globalization and informatization under the global readjustment of the international power structure and regional order, but also the result of the interaction between the accumulated energy "vibration" caused by China's 30 years' rapid development and its neighboring countries "readapting" to it. A comprehensive,  相似文献   

The concept of"a harmonious world,"a phrase used by the incumbent leadership of China to encapsulate China's diplomatic goals,has become a new guideline for China's diplomatic activities.By applying this concept, Chinese diplomacy has taken a new turn,pushing China into a new and powerful role in world affairs.China's diplomatic effort,however still faces numerous problems,challenges and risks,requiring the Chinese leadership to refine the concept of"harmonious world"through creative thinking and application.  相似文献   

Entering the White House at the crest of the African independence movement, John F. Kennedy and many of his advisors believed that Africa had surpassed Asia as the most permeable battlefield in the East–West Cold War struggle. While the battle lines of the Cold War had already been clearly drawn in Europe and in much of Asia, newly independent Africa was wide open for superpower competition. The central component of Kennedy's approach to dealing with Africa was his use of personal diplomacy with the leaders of that continent. This article is a case study of Kennedy's first successful use of personal diplomacy with an African head of State—Guinea's Sékou Touré.  相似文献   

This study uses four waves of panel data to analyze inadvertent learning—that is, learning in the absence of interest or motivation—from watching public service television channels. Previous research suggests that motivation-based gaps in political knowledge are at least partly a function of the political information opportunities provided by the major television channels in a country, which influence the likelihood of being inadvertently exposed to news and current affairs programs. The present study puts the inadvertent learning hypothesis to a thorough empirical test by analyzing individual-level growth in knowledge over time, based on panel data collected during five months leading up to the Swedish 2010 national election. Using multilevel growth curve modeling and an extensive battery of surveillance knowledge questions, the results show not only (a) that public service channel viewing was related to learning, but also (b) that knowledge growth occurred among public service viewers independently of their political motivation and news attention, and (c) that such learning was even more pronounced among viewers lacking an interest in politics. The findings are discussed in light of ongoing media environmental transformations as well as cross-national comparative media systems research.  相似文献   

Beginning from the advent of the 21st century, the world has increasingly shifted toward multi-polarization, and international relations are becoming normalized and institutionalized due to economic globalization and regional integration. The concept of multilateralism has gained currency in the international community and become a cornerstone of international relations.1 In this context, India highlights multilateral diplomacy in its foreign strategy, and enthusiastically engages in the construction of multilateral systems.  相似文献   

This paper calls into question the extent to which ethical dualism, broadly conceived as raison d’ état, does justice to Machiavelli’s understanding and practice of the diplomatic arts. Arguments are advanced herein that Machiavelli did not so much abandon morality as he sought, through the examples of Rome and antiquity, to find a different remedy for the disorder and violence rampant in the Italy of his day. Machiavelli’s reports in the diplomatic service of Florence illustrate qualities and skills of the diplomat often at odds with the caricature of the immoral statesman.  相似文献   

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