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在美国的刑事证明责任分配标准中,犯罪构成要件标准一直占据着正统的地位,而无罪推定标准只是昙花一现。无罪推定标准无法长期在美国刑事证明责任的分配中占据一席之地的原因在于:第一,无罪推定标准与美国的犯罪构成模式格格不入;第二,在美国采用无罪推定标准更不利于保护被告人权利。犯罪构成要件标准的优点在于它既与美国对抗式的刑事诉讼模式相契合,又降低了控方的证明负担,有利于提高起诉的效率;它的缺点在于有时很难区分犯罪构成要素与辩护理由。  相似文献   

进入后立法时代,民法的体系化,已然构成了法教义学的核心内容。体系化的思维,是法教义学的逻辑主线。在法律的适用过程中,体系化既有助于减轻法律适用者的负担,亦有助于法律职业共同体的形成。法教义学所建构的民法的双重体系,有助于保障民法规范体系的相对独立性,同时又能促进法律适用与社会的互动。  相似文献   

《纲要》作为我国第一部全面规划建设法治政府蓝图的纲领性文件,在推进依法行政的历史进程中具有里程碑意义。坚持法治规律与中国国情的创造性结合,是《纲要》的核心精神,也是《纲要》的最大特色。《纲要》的理论精髓体现在:(1)《纲要》贯穿的内在主线:监督、规范行政权与保护、扩展公民权相结合;(2)《纲要》规定的基本内容:依法行政理念与依法行政制度相结合;(3)《纲要》确立的法治目标:建设法治政府与形成法治社会相结合;(4)《纲要》选择的法治道路:自上而下政府推进与自下而上全民参与相结合。  相似文献   

The Law on the Status of Deputies to Soviets of Working People's Deputies in the USSR, adopted by the Supreme Soviet, has been in effect now for over a year and a half. Taking into consideration the special importance of exact and undeviating implementation of that law, the Committees on Legislative Proposals and the Mandate Committees of the two houses of the USSR Supreme Soviet have made a careful study of experience in carrying out this law and discussed this question in March 1974 at a joint meeting. A report to this meeting was presented by I. K. Lutak, deputy to the USSR Supreme Soviet and leader of a group of member-deputies of these committees who had prepared this question for consideration. G. I. Usmanov, chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Tatar Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic and deputy to the USSR Supreme Soviet, presented a report on experience in applying the Law on the Status of Deputies, as did N. A. Evsigneev, chairman of the Executive Committee of the Voronezh Regional Soviet of Working People's Deputies. Animated discussion arose at the meeting. Participating in it were deputies R. Kh. Abdullaeva, L. T. Torkkeli, A. N. Balandin, F. S. Kuralenok, B. P. Beshchev (USSR minister of transportation), and also S. I. Gusev, deputy procuratorgeneral of the USSR. I. V. Kapitonov, chairman of the Committee on Legislative Proposals of the Council of the Union and a secretary of the CPSU Central Committee, also spoke at the meeting.  相似文献   

我国现行《继承法》侧重保护继承人的利益,而忽略了对遗产债权人利益的保护。在制度内容上存在着遗产债务范围过于狭窄,接受和放弃继承的期限不明确,对债权人利益保护和权利救济的具体制度缺失等明显缺陷。为此,当以《继承法》修订为历史契机,抓紧建立有条件的有限责任继承制度,进一步明确遗产和遗产债务的范围,完善遗产管理制度,增设对债权人利益保护和权利救济的具体制度等,以协调与平衡遗产继承中继承人与债权人之间的利益关系。  相似文献   

仲裁机构管理权的过度扩张会引起仲裁程序中当事人意思自治边界的冲突,主要表现为仲裁规则规定与仲裁协议约定之间的不兼容。维护当事人利益离不开对其意思自治的尊重,仲裁机构管理权的扩张应当适度,并尊重当事人的意思自治。当事人选定的仲裁规则与当事人约定的仲裁协议均为意思自治的成果,两者在地位上是平等的,不存在优劣之分与高低之别。追求仲裁机构管理权与当事人意思自治之间的协调平衡,不能简单地将当事人意愿与仲裁规则进行粗暴的拼接结合,而应当通过在仲裁规则中构建"冲突指引"来提升当事人对于仲裁程序的合理预期,从而有效解决仲裁机构管理权扩张与当事人意思自治边界间的紧张冲突。  相似文献   

Firings at cloth targets and at human skin from autopsy material were performed from the pistols 7.62 mm Tokarev (TT), 9 mm Makarov (PM) and 9 x 19 mm Glock 19 with common ammunition. The differences were in the soot deposit pattern, the degree of scorching of the synthetic fibres on the edges of the entrance hole and in the findings of the soot and the gunpowder particles. The results were similar on the cloth and on the skin targets. In the case of the TT and the PM, the soot deposit patterns reminded of a blossom or shafts of rays or fans, or the bullet wipe had four narrow and four wide sections regarding the number of lands and grooves. The TT left a large amount of soot and many gunpowder particles and caused the melting of the synthetic fibres on the edges of the entrance hole, producing a defect of the material 0.1-0.3 cm in diameter and defects of textile fibres around the entrance hole. In the skin the TT caused many intraepithelial tears, folds of the epidermis and recesses of the epidermis containing soot. Firings from the PM and the Glock 19 caused the melting only of the ends of individual synthetic fibres on the edges of the entrance hole. The PM left a large amount of soot and only a few gunpowder particles. The Glock 19 gave the least soot and the greatest number of gunpowder particles and also caused tears and recesses in the epidermis. Only in the case of the Glock 19, hexagonal or polygonal zones were seen in the soot deposit pattern. The differences in the soot pattern were more distinct at the firing distance of 10 cm. By increasing the distance from 10 to 15 cm, the intensity of soot diminished and began to disappear at 25cm, but remained more visible in the case of the TT. The gunpowder particles could be found in the epidermis and deeper in both layers of the dermis at all distances fired from the TT and the Glock 19. In the case of firings from the PM, at the distance 10 cm some of the gunpowder particles had penetrated into the dermis and most of them were in the upper layer of the dermis. At the firing distance of 15 and 25 cm, the gunpowder particles were only on and in the stratum corneum.  相似文献   

《民法典》保理合同章规定了保理合同、担保合意和应收账款债权转让三部分的内容。无追索权的保理本质上是债权买卖合同结合应收账款债权转让,买卖合同是债权转让的原因行为。有追索权的保理本质上是借款合同结合担保合意和债权让与担保。担保合意构成债权让与担保的原因行为,并决定债权让与担保中的清算义务。《民法典》第768条规定了同一应收账款订立多个保理合同的数个保理人之间的优先顺序,确立了登记优先、通知次优的规则。在未登记也未通知时,引入了按比例分割债权的规则。尽管我国学说对于债权分割规则批评较多,但是这一规则的价值基础在于债权人平等原则。在债务给付可分的情况下,多数债权受让人之间形成按份债权关系;在债务给付不可分的情况下,多数债权受让人之间形成债权准共有。  相似文献   

分析有关自然资源权属制度的不同观点,对自然资源物权这一提法提出谨慎的质疑。回顾《中华人民共和国物权法》立法过程中对"海域使用权"和"渔业权"关系的处理及最后的规定,并在此基础上,分析海域物权概念能否成立的问题。最后,总结把海域使用权写入《中华人民共和国物权法》的理论意义与实践意义。  相似文献   

我国犯罪构成体系完善探略   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
陈建清 《法律科学》2003,3(4):73-80
定罪乃判定某一危害行为构成犯罪与否的认识活动,应当合乎认识论的基本原理;在这一认识活动中,危害行为是认识的客体,犯罪构成是认识的中介。传统犯罪构成理论将危害行为视为犯罪构成客观要件之一,混淆了认识客体和认识中介之间的界限。期待可能性成为犯罪构成主观要件之一具有理论和实践的根据;犯罪目的是希望意志的核心,不是独立的主观要件;犯罪动机是独立于罪过心理而存在的选择性主观要件。犯罪主体要件、客观要件和主观要件形成了犯罪构成系统的基本构架。  相似文献   

梅文娟 《现代法学》2014,36(5):128-135
我国刑事诉讼法未就未成年人刑事判决宣告方式做特别规定,这一法律漏洞致使未成年人刑事判决只能适用成年人模式即公开宣告,但公开宣判方式不符合未成年人隐私保护和少年司法矫正之宗旨,因此,急需通过法律修订以填补法律漏洞。修改时,需将未成年人刑事案件判决宣告和判决文书网络公开之法律规定作为一个整体予以考量。为了未成年人隐私保护、公众知情权和司法监督等诸价值之平衡,未成年人刑事判决应当有限公开,即未成年人刑事判决宣告原则上实行不公开主义,无罪判决可申请公开;未成年人刑事判决文书采用隐去未成年人个人信息的网络有限公开模式。  相似文献   

This publication deals with the analysis of application of the "Medical criteria for the harm to human health" put into force on September 16, 2008, as exemplified by the work of the Bureau of forensic medical expertise (BFME), Central Health Department of the Moscow region, during the period from 2007 and 2010. The data were borrowed from the materials of departmental statistical reporting (F.42) on forensic medical examinations of the harm to human health carried out during the period between 2007 and 2010. In addition, the statistical report of BFME on the application of the medical criteria in 2010 was used. The number of forensic medical expertises for the estimation of the degree of harm to human health was shown to decrease by 9% but remain 3% higher than the average across the country. The number of expertises of severe harm to the health increased by 15% as in the whole of the country with the concomitant 20% reduction in the number expertises of mild and moderate harm. These trends are unrelated ether to the changes in the frequency of crimes leading to the serious harm to the health or to the number of subjects convicted of such crimes. It was found that p.p. 6.1.1 - 6.1.30 of the "Medical criteria" that list life-threatening injuries are most frequently (in 58% of the cases) used to document facts of severe harm to the health. The same is true of p.p. 6.11. - 6.11.11 listing the injuries responsible for the persistent loss of occupational capacity (by at least one third). The frequency of application of concrete paragraphs of the (Medical criteria, is determined within each group. The largest number of expert errors (3.2%) were committed while estimating serious harm to the health based on the paragraphs listing the injuries responsible for the persistent loss of occupational capacity (by at least one third). The minimal number of such errors (1%) were committed while estimating serious harm to the health from life-threatening injuries.  相似文献   

立足刑事诉讼多元化繁简分流体系,检察机关的刑事诉讼主导地位有广义和狭义之分,前者是指检察机关在办理全部案件过程中发挥主导作用,后者是指检察机关在办理认罪认罚案件过程中具有实质影响乃至决定案件结果的特定权力。借鉴描述大陆法系和英美法系检察权扩张现象的“检察权裁判”理论,狭义的检察机关主导地位才是未来合作式诉讼中检察职权演进的应有之义。审视体现我国检察机关刑事诉讼主导地位的认罪认罚具结、量刑建议和酌定不起诉三个维度,可以发现,目前确立狭义的检察机关主导地位,尚缺乏足够的理念基础与制度支持。未来,随着合作性司法理念渗透至我国刑事诉讼主要领域,立法机关可以前瞻性地从辨析检察权时代内涵、明确认罪认罚从宽制度功能、推进具结准诉讼化改造以及提升内外部监督质量和效果等方面出发,推动狭义的检察机关刑事诉讼主导地位的巩固与发展。  相似文献   

商标侵权案件中重复起诉的识别主要体现在当事人相同的识别和诉讼标的的识别。当事人相同的识别要区分商标许可和商品流通两个环节。商标许可中当事人是否相同以许可人和被许可人之间形成的共同诉讼或诉讼担当来识别;商品流通中当事人是否相同以被诉侵权商品的生产者在前案中的责任范围来识别。诉讼标的的识别以实体法律规范为依据,从前后两案的诉请保护的商标是否同一、商品类别是否同一、被诉侵权标识是否同一来确定,当三者同一时可以认定为同一诉讼标的,商品型号和商品系列不构成识别诉讼标的的要素。商标侵权重复起诉的识别还应当关注停止侵权民事责任的效力等因素。  相似文献   

劳务派遣单位与劳务用工单位的侵权责任是用人单位责任的一种特殊形态。采用劳务派遣用工方式时,劳务用工单位责任的理论基础为报偿说,适用无过错责任原则。劳务派遣单位责任的理论基础为控制理论,适用过错责任原则。劳务派遣单位与劳务用工单位均为责任主体时,用工单位应先承担责任,劳务派遣单位承担与其过错相应的补充责任。用工单位承担全部责任后,可以向劳务派遣单位追偿。劳务派遣单位虽不能以劳务派遣协议中有免除其责任的约定对抗受害人要求赔偿的请求,但可以以此作为对抗用工单位追偿请求的抗辩事由。  相似文献   

海域使用权是合理使用海洋资源的基础,其核心是海域有偿使用制度。《海域使用管理法》的颁布和实施为海洋资源的使用和管理提供了法律依据。本文就海域使用权的性质进行了初步探讨,并对海域使用权的取得、管理、流转与消灭,就我国新颁布的《海域使用管理法》进行了简要的分析。  相似文献   

梁鹏 《环球法律评论》2011,33(5):102-112
我国规定保险合同复效须由投保人与保险人达成协议,这种模式容易导致保险人滥用同意权阻碍保险合同复效,宽松的可保主义模式能够平衡投保人与保险人之间的利益。衡量投保人提供的可保证明是否符合复效要求应当采取理性保险人标准。复效合同性质上应为原合同与新告知内容的特殊组合,对新告知内容,投保人应当履行告知义务,保险人对新告知内容的抗辩应自复效之时起算,而自杀免责期的起算则应从保险合同成立之时起算。在宽松的可保主义制度下,自动复效阶段的复效时点为投保人补缴保险费及其利息之时,可保复效阶段,保险合同复效的时点因情况不同各有差异。  相似文献   

王良顺 《河北法学》2005,23(12):19-24
社会危害性是犯罪的本质特征这一刑法学命题,近年来受到学界许多学者的质疑与批判。质疑与批判的理由主要集中在社会危害性具有模糊性、易变性,社会危害性与刑事违法性之间存在着冲突,并会破坏罪刑法定原则。同时,有学者对社会危害性理论进行辩护和论证,但是仍未消除批判者们的疑虑。正确解读社会危害性与刑事违法的关系,仍是刑法理论研究的重大课题。社会危害性与刑事违法性的关系,不能脱离社会历史条件。在现代社会的条件下,刑事违法性是犯罪评价的基本标准,社会危害性是犯罪评价的限制性的补充标准。  相似文献   

行政许可证照是行政管理的重要表现形式之一。行政许可设立的具体内容由行政法规、规章等予以规定。故行政法规、规章等的更新往往引起许可证照的变化。然而,由于法律的特别规定,许可证照的变更与法律的更新却不必然同步,前者往往滞后于后者。正是由于这种滞后性的存在,执法人员在处理许可证照类案件时极易出现错误。本文试图剖析法律变更情况下,开展与许可证照相关的卫生行政执法时易出现的问题以及解决途径。  相似文献   

获得胜诉判决不是债权人行使撤销权的终点,债务人的责任财产实际恢复,才能有效保全债权。最高人民法院指导案例118号从执行程序角度给出了撤销权判决实现的方案,但未完全解决问题。债权人撤销权判决有两种类型,一为形成判决,一为形成判决与给付判决之复合,后者包含返还财产的给付内容,借助执行程序才能使被转移的财产回归债务人的责任财产。主债权可以强制执行时,因撤销权判决能回复物权,债权人可直接执行被转移的财产清偿债权,一体实现保全债权和清偿债权,但这一简便路径不适用于返还标的为金钱的案件。更简化的“执行脱逸财产”方案缺乏正当性。主债权不能强制执行时,撤销权判决应通过独立的执行程序实现,该指导案例就此确立的执行当事人规则完全正确。“撤销权与代位权同时行使”的方案忽视了执行程序对于撤销权行使的意义,没有必要性和可行性。  相似文献   

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