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Equal rights to work between men and women are recognized as fundamental human rights by many international conventions including the United Nations Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women and the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights. Also, constitutions of many countries recognize equal rights to work as basic constitutional rights. But women all over the world still face numerous kinds of sex discrimination, including direct sex discrimination and indirect sex discrimination, especially in working life. Indirect sex discrimination against women in working life undermines women's equal rights to work in a covert way, which is just as harmful as direct sex discrimination and should be prohibited by law.  相似文献   

This article examines the evolution of politics and laws related to sustainable development in China. Sustainable development has been positioned as an economic development strategy many years ago. However, in earlier times, it bore a heavy tint of national strategy, followed by a kind of soft sustainable development with a technological orientation. The recent decade has seen China on track for strong sustainable development. At the present, China is around the turning point of the "Environmental Kuznets Curve," where both domestic and international multiple pressures are forcing the whole country to make new choices for its dimension of sustainable development strategy. Although sustainable development has been recognized by the legal field of environmental resources, it is still not yet fully integrated into other areas of law. The period from weak to strong sustainable transition is accompanied by another transition, more significant in China, from industrial civilization to ecological civilization. Compared to weak sustainable development, the complex and contradictory character of strength has brought more challenges. Sustainable development of dualism and compromise, which corresponds with the actual needs in China, is an important theoretical basis and practical standards for implementing the scientific view of development. Finally, it concludes by noting that ecological civilization is attempting to solve the problems from a more broad perspective, and to pay more attention to public participation, at the same time to cover the shortage of environmental legislation.  相似文献   

孔庆平 《中外法学》2008,(6):900-910
<正>个人与社会或个人本位与社会本位,确切地说个人权利与社会利益,在法律当中究竟应该占有怎样的地位,这种本位说,在当前的法律理论中,不再是一种流行的表述方式,但在民国时期的法律理论中,却是一个非同寻常的问题。无论这个问题是否依然值得关注,  相似文献   

76例113耳的耳蜗电图及听性脑干反应的法医学鉴定   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
使用NicoletSpirit诱发电位测试系统,结合纳音测听等对76例耳部和头领受伤者113耳进行检测。受试者分为两类:一是鼓膜穿孔32耳,分为小穿孔、中穿孔及大穿孔;二是鼓膜无穿孔81耳,分为轻度聋、中度聋、重度聋、严重聋及极度聋。分别进行耳蜗电图(EcochG)和听性脑干反应(ABR)测试,将鼓膜小穿孔、中穿孔和鼓膜无穿孔的轻度聋、中度聋与正常对照组的相关反应波潜伏期分别进行统计学分析表明,在方差分析和60项双项比较的Q检验中得出有显著差异者(P<0.05)达76.7%,其中极显著差异者(P<0.01)达70%。  相似文献   

Alienated children in high-conflict (HC) custody cases differ from nonalienated children in HC custody cases. Efforts to assess and differentiate between the children should focus first, on establishing what differences do exist and then on what psychometrics are of most help in the assessment. Five categories of HC children and areas where HC children are all alike and where alienated and nonalienated children differ are reviewed. Psychometrics appropriate for the tasks of research and evaluation are proposed.  相似文献   

<正> 1955年,Smithies 使用淀粉凝胶电泳技术发现 Haptoglobin(结合珠蛋白,简称 Hp)有多态性,并将它分类为3型,即Ⅰ型,ⅡA 型,ⅡB 型。随后 Smithies 和Walker 调查了18个家系的 Hp 出现频  相似文献   

China is suffering severe soil contamination,but no specific national legislation has been adopted to address this issue.Under the current regulatory framework,there are numerous relevant provisions on contaminated land management.It is recommended that a specific legislation should be promulgated at the national level to improve the current situation.Foreign experiences shouM be considered in China's specific social environmental context.A proper liability mechanism should be established for a better judicial treatment to contaminated land issues.While a proper contaminated land liability mechanism is being developed,the principles of state liability and retroactive liability,and the principle that polluters pay should be followed Public participation should be encouraged in contaminated land management.  相似文献   

<正> 实验性吸入性呼吸道损伤的组织学变化已有很多报告,烈火中烧死人体的气管及肺病理学变化的报告不多。我们对两起意外交通事故烧死的较完整的9例资料,其气管及肺脏尚可供组织学观察,现将结果报告如下。材料与方法 1986年2月,先后发生两起公共汽车燃烧事故,当场共烧死乘客12人,其中9例资料较  相似文献   

PCR法对HLA-DQ_α基因的分型及其在性犯罪鉴定中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文应用 PCR 法及 ASO 探针斑点杂交技术,对100例无关个体血液 DNA 及10例性犯罪案件混合斑中精子 DNA 进行了 HLA-DQα基因的扩增及其 DNA 分型。结果正常人0.1~0.3μgDNA 就能满足 DQα基因扩增的需要。在100例个体中可以观察到由4种等位基因组成的10种 DQα基因型。10例不同条件的混合斑中精子 DNA 经30~60次扩增后与 ASO 探针杂交均能准确地判定 DQα基因型。HLA-DQα是个体识别能力较强的遗传标志。本文为性犯罪中精子来源的个体识别提供了一个新方法,具有一定的实用价值。  相似文献   

Obtaining effective rehabilitation and gaining access to full development services are fundamental for children with disabilities to fully participate in society and achieve social inclusion. A disabled child’s right to rehabilitation is specially protected by law in China and internationally. Chinese law specifically provides that the State shall ensure the enjoyment of the right of children with disabilities to rehabilitation services. This study shows that in the last five years, the rehabilitation services for children with disabilities are generally improved. But due to the incomplete protection mechanism, the right of children with disabilities to rehabilitation still could not be fully realized. This article concludes that the rehabilitation situation of children with disabilities in China presents the general feature of lacking of opportunities and structural imbalance. The Chinese government should take more responsibility to improve the rehabilitation system for children with disabilities. Specifically, the Chinese government should undertake the obligations as stated in the Convention on the Rights of the Child and Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities to provide rehabilitation services for all children with disabilities. To ensure the effective implementation of the right of children with different disabilities in different areas, China shall improve the rehabilitation legal system, establish an urban-rural integral rehabilitation system, enlarge financial invest and increase professional level of rehabilitation staff.  相似文献   

Mental health and legal professionals have struggled, too often isolated from each other's disciplines, to establish methods to assess and demonstrate whether a particular child has been abused and whether a particular adult is, in fact, the perpetrator. Complete, accurate, and neutral assessment must be the first step in the healing process; however, barriers imposed by professionals often interfere with the assessment process. This article critiques these barriers and suggests improvements for both good clinical practice and effective use in increasingly adversarial legal proceedings.  相似文献   

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