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This essay assesses whether a strong evidence‐based argument can be made to support the proposition that when police violate the rule‐of‐law they do more harm than good with respect to their collective, as well as personal, interests. The assessment is undertaken to counter the common presumption among police officers that circumstances often justify cutting legal corners in the interests of public safety. The essay first examines what research shows about the facilitators of police law breaking. It then examines seven reasons why violating the rule‐of‐law works against the instrumental interests of the police themselves. After assessing the strength of the evidence against the instrumental benefit of violating the rule‐of‐law, suggestions are made about research that is needed to make the case more compelling. In conclusion, the essay discusses how empirical knowledge might be most productively used to change the culture of contemporary policing.  相似文献   

China’s project of the rule of law is destined to have its Chinese characteristics. China also needs to think about of the way of developing its own model of the rule of law so as to achieve a rule of law society that is universal in modern society. Many rule of law countries, such as England, Germany and France, started their rule of law project with their own model. China should learn from the merits of these different models. Nevertheless, China should also try to solve the key problem of the rule of law, which is the energizing of the enforcement of the Chinese Constitution.  相似文献   

It is a long debate over whether rule of law is reliable in China, when some Chinese regulations are considered to be decided for political interests rather than the law itself. Furthermore, Chinese court decisions are often criticized for not according with statutes, even though the latter are properly written. The author examines these issues by comparing the legislation reasoning and enforcement of competition law in China, the European Union and the United States, which will not lead to endorsement of or objection to the view that rule of law is properly enforced in China, but it shall be an inevitable responsibility for the Chinese judiciary to demonstrate efforts it has taken.  相似文献   

凌斌 《中外法学》2007,(1):1-20
<正> 要做到十亿人口的国家人人注意遵守法律,依法办事,……根本的问题是……将法律交给广大人民掌握,使人民群众和干部知法、守法……我们最终说了算并不是因为我们一贯正确,而我们一贯正确仅仅是因为我们最终说了算。  相似文献   

《The Modern law review》1988,51(1):126-140
The Rule of Law : Political Theory and the Legal System in Modern Society . By Franz L. Neumann . Social Democracy and the Rule of Law . By Otto Kirchheimer and Franz Neumann . Edited by Keith Tribe. Translated by Leena Tanner and Keith Tribe.  相似文献   

In line with the ideas of its founding fathers, the European Union is a legal system built on the rule of law, internally and internationally which was highlighted by the Treaty of Lisbon (Art. 21). The EU therefore has to pursue the implementation of the principle of the rule of law also in its external relations. This paper frames the rule of law not only in the context of the Union but also in the United Nations (III. 1) and provides concrete illustrative examples for the implementation on the international scene by the EU. Section IIl deals with the Cotonou Agreement, the European Neighbourhood Policy, Central Asia, South Korea and Myanmar/Burma. Special attention is paid to the case of China (III.3f) where the preoccupation with the rule of law poses a particular challenge which is not side-stepped by the Union. In pursuing this policy, the EU contributes to the development of rule of law in international law and governance.  相似文献   

As a social norm, law in a democratic society should be established in the form of positive law by collecting opinions of people. In order for the rule of law to be properly practiced in a democratic country, the doctrine of separation of powers requires that the legislative, executive, and judicial functions should not be consolidated in a single body. However, even within a perfectly established legislative system, the principle of the rule of law may be distorted depending on the role of the judiciary. The experience of the Korean judiciary shows that even though it is designed to be a completely independent organ of the lawmaking National Assembly and the law-enforcing executive branch; it would fail to properly give effect to the country’s governing principle of the rule of law. It may be thought that the fundamental reasons lie in the endemic tendency towards the rule of man in East Asian societies. Nowadays, those who received education in a democratic society without experiencing the authoritarianism have begun to make inroads into the leadership of the judicial branch. They can be firmly determined to prevent freedom and rights of every single person from being infringed upon. In this way, they can be confident that the judiciary has fulfilled its roles in shaping a democratic country where the rule of law is exercised properly as a governing principle.  相似文献   

褚福民 《中外法学》2007,(2):224-255
<正> 一、引言1996年全国人大对刑事诉讼法进行了修改,对庭审方式作出了较大变革,完善了辩护、强制措施、被害人等制度。这些改革措施对于推动和促进我国刑事诉讼制度的现代化,无疑具有积极意义。但是,此次刑事诉讼法修改也存在很多不足,比如改革的有限性、新法内部存在的矛盾、诸多举措在实践层面无法实现等。随着近些年来刑事诉讼理论和实践的发展,这些问题暴露得越来越多,很多学者和实务界人士认为,只有通过修改刑事诉讼法才能加以解  相似文献   

With its revival in recent years, rhetoric has provided a special perspective for modern people. If we take rhetoric as a framework to rethink democracy and rule of law, we may not only grasp a new understanding of them, but also gain more knowledge of the possible role of rhetoric in the contemporary world. We will find that rhetoric was closely related to democracy and rule of law, and is still fully accordant with ideas of democracy and rule of law in modern society. Moreover, rhetoric can provide intellectual support to these concepts.  相似文献   

The American Bar Association's Section of Legal Education and Admission to the Bar's Standards Review Committee has focused law schools' efforts to modify their curriculum with an appeal to focus on outcomes and assessments. A cornerstone of the outcomes and assessments discussion is skills training. The committee's call for more skills training has prompted family law faculty to consider innovative methods to bring that training into substantive courses or to bring the substantive curriculum into a skills course. This essay discusses how law faculty are incorporating family law doctrines into first‐year legal research and writing courses.  相似文献   

Based on major landmark events and the rule of law development, the administrative rule-of-law construction in China, over 40 years since the initiation of the reform and opening up policy, can be divided into four stages: the “recovery” stage; the “rapid development by focusing on administrative legislation” stage; the “implementing the basic policy of law-based governance of the country and focusing on law-based administration of government” stage; and the “simultaneous advancement and integrated construction in building the rule of law in China” stage. Over the past 40 years, China’s administrative rule-of-law construction has achieved fruitful results in terms of theoretical shaping, system construction, and concept popularization. The future construction of the administrative rule of law should promptly respond to the theoretical needs put forward by state governance, administrative changes, emerging science, and technology development, and it should continue to improve the theoretical system of administrative law with Chinese characteristics; we should strengthen legislation in key areas, solve practical problems in the construction of a government under the rule of law, and promote the effect of law enforcement and system implementation. We should also focus on improving the awareness and qualities of the rule of law at all levels of leading cadres and form a good rule of law atmosphere in the entire society.  相似文献   

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