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湖南行政学院是我省培训公务员的主阵地、主渠道,要认真实践“三个代表”的重要思想,紧密结合改革和发展实际,突出政府管理和公务员队伍建设主题,深化教学改革,努力形成鲜明的办学特色。一是要有鲜明的指导思想。要以“三个代表”总揽教学科研各项工作,明确办学方向,紧紧围绕党和政府的中心工作,以优化公务员队伍结构,提高队伍整体素质为核心,确立培训主题,策划培训类型,设计培训内容,构建科学的培训体系,用科学理论武装公务员,用现代知识充实公务员的头脑,努力建设一支高素质专业化的公务员队伍,始终为政府工作服务、为改革开放服务、为我省社会主义现代化建设服务。“十五”期间,我省国家公务员培训的总目标是:按照  相似文献   

改革开放三十年来,中国共产党在推进马克思主义中国化的进程中取得了丰硕的理论成果,这些成果的取得,是与改革开放中马克思主义中国化的路径选择分不开的,即:搞清什么是马克思主义,搞清党和国家所处的历史方位,是推进马克思主义中国化的前提和基本依据;不断地研究新情况,解决新问题坚持解放思想与时俱进,是实现马克思主义中国化的动力和法宝;尊重实践和人民群众的首创精神,是推进马克思主义中国化的根基.  相似文献   

尤柳林 《学理论》2010,(10):122-123
分析了本单位在多种用工模式形成的过程和对日常生产管理带来的主要问题。开展、加强党建和思想政治工作,是保持员工队伍稳定的重要内容。探讨了采用统编、统管"的管理方式,"尊重、融合"的文化理念,"继承、创新"的指导思想等组成的党建和思想政治工作体系,极大调动了全体员工的工作热情、主人翁责任感,确保了企业安全生产任务的顺利完成。  相似文献   

Conclusions Australia and Thailand have made great progress in partnering with NGOs to respond to HIV/AIDS through the protection of human rights. Unquestionably, the Australian experience is more advanced. However, it is important to note that Australia’s political institutions and traditions were able to empower and accept an NGO movement of this nature almost from the start of disease identification.Thailand did not have this advantage, having only moved toward political institutions that are open to public opinion and civil society’s input within the last 15 years. In spite of their varied histories, both countries eventually traveled down similar paths. In Australia, HIV/AIDS NGOs moved rapidly forward from being standard-setting, fact-finding, and advocacy organizations to becoming capable of creating new HIV/AIDS umbrella organizations and influencing existing governmental organizations on HIV/AIDS human rights issues. Indeed, by the close of the 1980s, NGOs had established themselves firmly in all of these roles. The fact that Australia still struggles with addressing an emerging epidemic among indigenous people is more a sign that the movement has thus far been incomplete than that it is faltering or ineffective. Additionally, now that NGOs are actively working through AFAO on behalf of indigenous peoples, it is likely that there will finally be more movement on human rights and H1V/AIDS issues for this group. However, sex tourism and the illegal trafficking of women and children for purposes of prostitution continue to require ongoing proactive management by the partnership before they become a serious epidemic threat. Thailand’s situation is somewhat different from that of Australia. The HIV/AIDS NGO community has grown since the epidemic exploded in the 1990s, but the organizations themselves continue to have limited power, While they have been an important voice in human rights standard-setting, fact-finding and advocacy regarding HIV/AIDS, they remain unable to fully influence the governmental organizations that ultimately make and implement human rights policies in these areas. As the NGO experience in general is new to Thai politics, continuing human rights abuses are a sign of the miles left to travel on this road rather than an indicator that the road needs to be abandoned. Regardless of their differing experiences with creating HIV/AIDS partnerships, it is impossible to say that either effort has failed to use this mechanism successfully to at least begin seriously addressing HIV/AIDS human rights issues. What can be said is that each partnership can be placed at a differing point on a continuum of effectiveness that ultimately concludes with a fully integrated partnership capable of fundamentally influencing a country’s HIV/AIDS human rights policies on an ongoing basis.  相似文献   

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