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被害人过错的界定,需要把握被害人行为的不正当性、被害人行为与犯罪行为的关联性以及犯罪行为的针对性.据此展开,判断被害人行为是否构成被害人过错,被害人行为违反某种善良的社会规范是规范条件;被害人主体适格性是主体条件;利益关联性是事实条件;时间关联性是紧密性条件;犯罪行为的针对性是对象条件.国外有关被害人过错的立法例对我国有借鉴意义,被害人过错影响量刑有其刑事法学、文化传统以及自然法哲学方面的正当性与合理性.结合我国刑事司法实践,被害人过错这一酌定量刑情节需要法定化.  相似文献   

虞浔 《犯罪研究》2003,(5):19-21
台湾地区犯罪学研究十分繁荣,专家众多、学派林立,为了加强对台湾地区犯罪学发展情况的了解,有必要对岛内几个具有代表性的犯罪学理论观点进行梳理、比较。  相似文献   

The people and government of Taiwan have made special efforts to curb the increasing juvenile delinquency of recent years. This report provides the most current statistics concerning juvenile delinquency, and describes the prevention programs administered by the different branches of the government and other organizations. Based on cultural tradition, the programs are mostly primary prevention directed at the general population and focus on improving family relationships.  相似文献   

National technological programs in Taiwan aiming at commercial applications have been proliferating. However, their management is incompletely documented. This paper uses a comparative-technology perspective to examine taiwan's eight national programs in energy, materials, information, automation, biotechnology, electro-optics, hepatitis control, and food. It offers management implications concerning (a) national technology capability based on technology imitation and a strategy of backward integration; (b) R&D selection, technical service strategy, and performance; (c) interorganizational technology transfer; (d) alliance strategies; and (e) functional integration.  相似文献   

Taiwan is known for rapid economic growth, but in 1988, the government ended 40 years of martial law, resulting in greater political and social freedoms. This paper explores the influence of economic, social, and political structures on crime in the Republic of China on Taiwan. A time series analysis examines the structural correlates of crime in Taiwan from 1964 to 1990. Both total crime and burglary/larceny rates are regressed on seven independent variables derived from various theoretical perspectives. The results support Hagan's power-control and Christie's crime-industry perspectives for total crime, while measures assessing lack of economic means and the economic deprivation were significant for burglary/larceny.  相似文献   

论法官造法   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
何家弘 《法学家》2003,(5):134-143
法是人造的,又不完全是人造的;造法不是一种纯粹的创造活动,而应该是人类在发现法的客观规律和基本精神的基础上进行的"制造".英美法系国家更强调司法者造法的机制;大陆法系国家则更强调立法者造法的功能;但是二者的发展历史却呈现出殊途同归的趋势.在中国历史上,判例法也曾经在司法实践中发挥过重要的作用.因此,中国应该在一定程度上承认法官造法的功能.  相似文献   

本文概述了台湾户籍法律制度的框架,分析了台湾户籍法律制度的特点,并在此基础上探讨了当前大陆户籍制度的改革。  相似文献   

This study conducts an investigation of fatal falls from height, examines gender differences, and compares our findings with those of Western countries. We review deaths in Taiwan caused by falls from height that underwent forensic autopsy from 1994 to 2010. Among the examined cases, 182 were suicide, 156 were accidents, and 18 were homicides. Men who fell from greater heights had a lower probability of fatal head trauma (p = 0.045), and women exhibited a lower fatal head trauma rate when falling from heights of between 10 and 25 m in accident group (p = 0.003). There was no significant difference between cases of falling from greater and lower heights within the suicide group (p = 0.834). Psychiatric illness was only reported in 20.3% and 28.8% cases in suicide and accident groups. Only in male cases was the use of psychotropic substances higher in the suicide groups than in the accident groups (p = 0.047).  相似文献   

李袁婕 《中国司法》2010,(11):100-101
台湾“法务部”司法官训练所成立于1914年,时称司法讲习所,其后该组织历经多次更迭。1926年改为司法储才所、法官学校,1929年~1943年期间称法官训练所、中央训练团,1943年~1949年再改称中央政治学校法官训练班,1950年一1954年又称司法人员训练班,1955年根据“立法”正式确立名称为“司法行政部”司法官训练所。  相似文献   

This paper aims to evaluate four restorative justice programs in Taiwan: (1) a mediation system; (2) deferred prosecution and conditional suspended sentence; (3) a youth justice system; and (4) the Taiwan Restorative Justice Initiative. In this paper, models proposed in Marshall (Restorative justice: An overview. London: Home Office, 1999) and Braithwaite (British Journal of Criminology 42:563–577, 2002b) are used as criteria to evaluate the four programs. Based on governmental documents, official statistics, and the findings of previous empirical studies, this paper will examine whose needs and power is focused and what types of value are highlighted in those four programs. This paper finds that current restorative justice programs in Taiwan place greater emphasis on offenders than on other parties such as victims and communities. In addition, maximizing and emergent standards that Braithwaite identifies are implemented more in Taiwan’s restorative justice programs than constraining standards. This paper suggests that restorative justice practices in Taiwan need to be more concerned with victims’ needs and interests, and to strengthen constraining types of restorative justice values.  相似文献   

有知情人士表示,在中美贸易关系越来越政治化的情况下,美国对中国产品诉以反倾销的可能性越来越大。美国对华贸易制裁随着美国商务部部长埃文斯的访京而遽然升级,埃氏表示,如果中国不能立即采取行动继续开放中国的市场,美国国会就会通过有关法案对中国产品增加27%的关税。而  相似文献   

论台湾的法律地位兼驳台独理论   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
王鹏  李毅 《河北法学》2001,19(3):2-5
根据国际法理论和实践 ,结合台湾问题的历史和现实 ,可以得出结论 :台湾是中国领土的一部分 ;自 1949年新中国成立以来 ,中央政府对于台湾领土享有国家主权 ;台湾当局早已不是中国的合法代表 ,而是一个类似于交战团体的中国地方叛乱政府 ,无权从中国分离而宣布独立 ,中央政府对于台湾当局的交战权是国际法所认可的 ,中央政府有权保留最终以武力手段解决台湾问题 ;任何国家对于台湾的承认只能限于对一国内战中“交战团体”的承认 ,或者根本否认其国际地位 ,并负有不支持台湾当局对抗中国政府的义务 ,严禁干涉中国内政  相似文献   

Taiwan, in spite of its limited land and natural resources, has achieved remarkable economic growth during the past four decades. Taiwan's gross domestic product (GDP) has grown 40 times and its industrial production has increased 87 times. The Industrial Technology Research Institute of Taiwan (ITRI) has played important roles in transferring applied technologies to industry. This diffusion of technologies, along with the government's efforts toward industrialization, has helped create a strong national economy in Taiwan.  相似文献   

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