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当前乡村司法呈现出双二元结构形态:基层法官的司法有着法治化和治理化两种形态,乡村干部的司法则是治理化形态。综合考量乡村社会变迁及其所受到的结构性约束,双二元结构形态可以呼应乡村社会的司法需求,回应乡村纠纷的延伸性和非适法性,适应中国乡村的经济基础。在很长时间内,乡村司法都应当在法治化和治理化之间保持某种平衡。  相似文献   

何金阳 《法制与社会》2012,(24):206-207
在中国推行法治化进程道路上,乡村社会的司法状况因其自身的多方面原因,显现出与城市社会不同的影像.司法在化解乡村社会的矛盾时常显的较为软弱,司法运作的结果较难为村民所接受和认同.本文通过对司法权在乡村社会中的运作现状,分析当前乡村社会的司法国情,并对如何在乡村社会推进法治化建设提出应对措施.  相似文献   

由于客观归责理论与传统理论的差异,对于客观归责理论的定位,学界存在不同的见解,本文将联系犯罪阶层理论的取舍来展开对客观归责理论体系性定位的探讨。  相似文献   

1978年以来的改革开放政策,在促进中国经济快速增长的同时,也带来了社会结构的深刻变化,尤其体现在农民阶层的分化上。农村社会结构的变化使得农村社会问题日益复杂,因此,深入探究和分析农民阶层分化的历程、原因及特点等,有利于宏观的把握我国农村社会的发展方向,从而更好地推动我国农村社会的转型和发展。  相似文献   

对消费者权益尤其农民消费者权益的保护是一项系统工程,相关的法律制度的建立是发挥法律实效的重要前提。本文从我国当前农民消费者权益保护的现状出发,论述了我国司法保护制度在保护农民权益的情况,并提出具体的完善措施。  相似文献   

新司法联邦主义源于美国宪法的联邦制设计,由美国大法官布伦南首先提出,在20世纪70年代起逐渐成为一种趋势和潮流。它所强调的地方司法的独特人权保障功能,深刻地改变美国司法制度面貌,使之成为美国联邦主义一个明确的特征。它以成功的实践向我们表明:地方法院体系的功能和价值,多样性判决的意义和作用,以及法治与民主相互融通的可能。  相似文献   

士绅阶层是影响乡村政治的一支重要政治力量。在晚清科举废除过程中,其作为社会文化重心的独特地位逐渐被动摇。随着民国时期新教育的不断扩张及新知识阶层离乡步伐的加速,乡村士绅出现了严重的侵蚀化现象。优秀分子的离开及乡村管理者的食利倾向使得士绅群体迅速劣质化,整个乡村政治处于破产和崩溃边缘。  相似文献   

恢复性司法理论及其引入与借鉴   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
作为一种新的刑事司法模式,恢复性司法目前已经在很多国家都有立法和司法实践,并且已经受到了以联合国为代表的国际社会的普遍关注。虽然我国的刑事和解与西方的恢复性司法在基本原则、价值追求方面有相似之处,但并非完全等同,我国虽不宜全盘引入恢复性司法理论,但可以借鉴其合理成分以完善我国现有的刑事和解制度。  相似文献   

通过对乡村司法现状的田野考察发现,乡村社会依然存在着司法形态多元化特点。然而,多元化并不必然带来乡村司法的有序化。究其原因,不同的司法形态在管辖权问题上存在着隐性的竞争关系。因为这种竞争关系的存在,乡村司法资源供给错综复杂,乡村司法结构混乱,这些情况都不利于乡村司法的合法性建构和乡村秩序的重建。研究表明:乡村司法的合法性建构不仅仅只是国家权力和符号权力的建构,更应该是一种具体实践意义上的合法性建构。这种合法性建构要求以多元司法知识为基础,以行动者需求为导向,通过非正式司法的伦理重建和正式司法的权限界定来实现乡村司法资源供给的合理配置,并使民众能够更好地接近司法。  相似文献   

司法理论是习近平法治思想的重要组成部分,是我国司法建设、司法改革、司法工作的根本遵循。习近平法治思想的司法理论博大精深,其核心要义和实践要求可概括为“八个明确提出”,即明确提出坚持党对司法工作的绝对领导;明确提出坚持以人民为中心的司法理念;明确提出加快建设公正高效权威的社会主义司法制度;明确提出司法权是对案件事实和法律的判断权和裁决权,是中央事权;明确提出以司法责任制为牛鼻子,全面推进司法体制改革;明确提出加强对司法权的制约监督;明确提出建设德才兼备的高素质司法队伍;明确提出奋力推进政法工作现代化。  相似文献   

A Theory of Impartial Justice   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Abstract. The dialogue focuses on the book by Martha C. Nussbaum Frontiers of Justice. The discussion covers the major issues treated in the text, including the relationship between the capabilities approach and the theories of Rawls and Sen, nonhuman animals, people with mental or physical disabilities, and transnational justice. * * Abstract by F. Lelli.

孙洪波 《政法学刊》2013,(5):118-122
社会正义是指在一个社会内分担责任、安排社会地位、及社会资源分配上符合正义的原则。社会正义观理论要求政府公平对待每一位社会成员。新型的社会正义观要求政府职能由过去注重政治统治职能向社会管理职能转变。警察权的职能也必然随着政府的职能转变而转变,弱化政治镇压职能、强化社会管理职能和公共服务职能,由监管者走向服务者。这种职能的转变将对警察维护社会秩序,进行公共管理,提供公共服务并最终保障公民个人的合法权益起到有效的促进作用。  相似文献   

In this special issue, the relationship between feelings and justice and its consequences are highlighted. Five articles discuss the role that affect, feelings, and emotions play in justice processes across a variety of social settings. In the present introductory article, the position of past and present justice research in relationship to these topics is briefly reviewed. In addition, reasons are outlined to show why a focus on these issues may be pivotal for a better understanding of social justice and how this may pave the way for a new, more process-oriented era in social justice research, focusing more on “hot” cognitive aspects as they pertain to social justice concerns.  相似文献   

The author considers the role and place of theory in criminal justice studies. The argument is that the operation and interrogation of fundamental categories is integral to social scientific enquiry and if criminal justice studies is to resist a technocratic “protective service” orientation it must promote theorising and thinking conceptually via the texts which represent the discipline to undergraduates. Although theory is situated at the core of social science curricula, there is little or no agreement on its role or place in research and pedagogy. The dominant understanding of theory within criminal justice studies (including its sociological and criminological incarnation) is that it is something to be referred to. What is seldom emphasised in theory or methods texts is the practice of theorising. Texts that are designed to be the student’s first contact with the field of criminal justice studies, and which reflect broader attitudes toward social enquiry, seldom consider the methodological and pedagogical issues related to the production and role of analytic concepts and do not present social science as an imaginative or reflexive practice. Drawing on critical realist metatheory, this paper advances a distinction between social and sociological problems and social science and protective service toward illustrating that a social science approach to the study of criminal justice demands the operation and interrogation of analytic categories and explicit consideration of issues of epistemology and ontology. Works which seek to avoid this serve only to foster a passive rather than active engagement with their subject matter.  相似文献   

This paper reviews the criminal justice system in Russia from historical and contemporary perspectives. The realities of greater liberalization and the dissolution of the Central Soviet Government will have a significant impact of the future criminal justice program. Based on a criminal justice delegation including meetings with Soviet criminal justice participants, it is argued that the Soviet will likely lean toward incorporating a more continental crime reduction ideology instead of a Western-style Common Law that emphasizes legal process rather than crime reduction.  相似文献   

"遗产无限继承论"是《继承法》时代的产物,具有历史性贡献。但随着经济发展,在私人财富巨额增长,财富的种类、来源多元化,以及现代家庭伦理发生巨变的今天,仍坚持此种解释论却有诸多弊端。"遗产限定继承论"以社会主义核心价值观为价值基础,可以准确回应现代家庭伦理的文化共识、合理地解决父母继承顺位的立法技术难题、圆满实现规范领域内条款之间的自洽性与协调性,并可有效地发挥家事法的教育功能,因而应成为《民法典》体系化建设重要的理论基础。  相似文献   

中国能动司法理论的宪政逻辑   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
法律职业化理论和司法能动理论是对中国司法发展道路的不同探索理论。中国能动司法理论的可能宪政逻辑是:民族国家之间的激烈竞争、司法社会主义特色的塑造、司法服务于政治、转型时期需要司法快速做出回应等。能动司法理论宪政逻辑的合理之处在于它是从中国国情、中国民众的社会需求出发而不是西方的现行司法理论出发去论证自己的合理性。但中国能动司法理论始终面临着司法规律的普适性、政治统摄司法抑或司法控制政治、法律是统治工具抑或法律具有自身价值等理论追问。中国能动司法宪政逻辑面临的困境是政治系统和法律系统相对分立而引发的社会结构性危机。通过论争来寻求更多的政治共识,对中国司法发展道路的探索具有重要意义。  相似文献   

社会的根本问题均可归结为社会基本制度问题,而社会基本制度问题的核心则是正义问题。社会基本制度的正义必须建立在正义对效率的优先性和自由对利益的优先性原则之上。在罗尔斯看来,正义的优先性是一个关乎人们的尊严与价值以及社会合作的可能性与有效性的条件。  相似文献   

There are many projects that facilitate the delivery of services to various cyber communities around the world (see S. Turkle , Life on the Screen. Identity in the Age of the Internet, Weidenfeld & Nicolson, London, 1996). The major projects concentrate on helping the building up of these cyber communities and facilitating the training and awareness raising of these communities. The communities are educated on the use of technology and the importance of using internet and multimedia based technology to enhance some or a few aspects of their lives. The delivery of health and justice related services require the development of overall technology infrastructure that incorporates the use of existing and planned telecommunications developments for remote and rural communities. The facilitation required for the delivery of these services to remote and rural areas requires that the government and private sector cooperate to provide the necessary environment (P. Uimonen Internet as a Tool for Social Development UNRISD, Geneva, 1997) . In the developed world this has been achieved by the governments providing generic funding for the advancement of the telecommunication carriers that in turn provide the infrastructure development to rural areas. In the developing world, the issues are very different and there is currently aid related funds being channelled to improve the telecommunication barriers faced by these countries (International Telecommunications Union Report, 1997) . This paper attempts to outline a model to deliver justice services to remote and rural communities. The infrastructure issues that help to deliver such services effectively and an evaluation format for such a project will be outlined. The training issues involved in such a project will also be discussed. The paper will identify factors that help to provide these services to a larger proportion of the rural population.  相似文献   

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