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经济全球化日益影响到法国人的生活,因此,法国左翼必须提出一个以旨在提高法国企业竞争力的深刻改革为中心的严谨的政治纲领,这是法国能否在经济全球化中取胜的关键。这对法国左翼是一个必须要面对的挑战。  相似文献   

Pournous,lechocesttropbrutal.Le 1 8octobre ,jevaisauM啨tro ,j′ach埁te unedizainedebouteillesdevinchinois.Commeconvenu ,FrancisDevaux ,notreami,devraitarriverdansunesemaine劋Wuhan ,entourn啨edeconf啨rences.Ilhabiterachezmoi.J′ensuistr埁scontent.Grandbuveur,ilauradequo…  相似文献   

Professeur de et non chercheur, Je n'ai pas de donner unpoint de l'Histoire de la , mais nous avons la mission de servirde relais entre la recherche et la nation pour notre enseignement. Il nous revient le dif-ficile travail de transposer vos recherches dans des simplifications non ,la de jeunes esprits, d'une collective familiale,  相似文献   

弗朗西斯·德沃 ,法国作家 ,历史教授 ,已出版小说三部 ,其中两部以中国明代历史为题材 :《光明之路》与《光明之子》。由周汉斌译《光明之路》 ,已于 2 0 0 0年在长江文艺出版社出版。应武大法语系之邀 ,德沃先生应于 2 0 0 2年 1 0月 2 5日来汉讲学 ,无奈命数无常 ,在他临行前一周 ,我们惊闻噩耗 :年仅 48岁的德沃在家中病故。我们深感悲痛。《法国研究》谨刊发德沃交付的两篇短文 ,藉此表达我们对这位法国作家的深深悼念。  相似文献   

La presencia recurrente del color rojo en La ocasión de Saer desempeña una función desestabilizadora en relación a la representación figurativa. En el artículo se establecen analogías entre esta función y el elemento voluble, no mimético de la pintura que el pensador e historiador de arte, Georges Didi-Huberman, denomina como “pan” en contraste con el detalle, categoría asociada con el carácter icónico de la pintura. Al igual que el “pan”, las manchas rojas en la novela apuntan a la dimensión de lo real que se resiste a la legibilidad y señala los límites de la narrativa realista. Saer se vale de contrastes cromáticos para aludir a tensiones políticas y epistemólogicas y a las paradojas de escribir una novela situada en el siglo diecinueve pero incorporando la experiencia literaria del siglo veinte.  相似文献   

此文是对 2 0世纪上半叶法国文化在中国的传播和接受过程的总体回顾。作者结合现代中国的特殊历史背景 ,着重论述了五四运动和《新青年》杂志、留法勤工俭学运动、中法大学等历史事件和相关人物对传播法国文化所起的作用 ,并介绍了这个时期法国思想和文学在中国的译介情况。  相似文献   

The aftermath of the Korean War (1950–1953), the North Korean refugees and political prisoners in the South, the separation of families, and others painful traces of the division of Korea (1945), have occupied a central place in South Korean cinema. However, for decades, the cinematic representations of the ideological conflict did not take into account the way in which violence and horror struck the Korean diaspora. The presence of these memories in Our School (2006) and Grandmother's Flower (2008) has produced a new challenge to the ways of seeing and narrating the historical memories in visual images. In this article, I will focus on revealing the values of the past in terms of memory space. I suggest a reading from a peculiar understanding of violence, oppression and discrimination. By comparing these two acclaimed films, I have attempted to rethink the boundaries and dispute processes of appropriating historical traumas and its relation to the multiple locations of historical memories.  相似文献   

Pour les petits Etats européens, comme la Suisse, qui avaient réussi à concilier stabilité politique et flexibilité économique, les années 90 marquent un tournant important par l'ampleur des mesures de libéralisation réalisées ou en cours. L'"ajustement" à l'évolution de l'environnement international ne se limite plus aux secteurs déjà soumis à la concurrence internationale mais touche l'ensemble de l'économie: agriculture, entreprises publiques, marchés publics, marché du travail, réglementation de la main d'oeuvre étrangère ou encore promotion de la concurrence sur le marché intérieur. Alors que l'ancienne législation sur les cartels se caractérisait par sa permissivité et sa faible portée, la nouvelle loi s'apparente dans ses grandes lignes au droit européen de la concurrence. Après une présentation des particularités de l'ancienne loi, le texte analyse le processus de révision: les impulsions internes et externes, le rôle des acteurs impliqués et les coalitions qui ont permis l'aboutissement de cette révision. Pour terminer, nous revenons sur quelques considérations théoriques plus générales.  相似文献   

Monsieur le président,Messieur les Directeurs,Mesdames,Messieurs,Chers Amis,L′Ambassadeur de France ayant étéappelé pour consultation par M.Roland DUMAS,Ministre des Relations Extérieures,l′honneur m′échoitde le représenter àcette commémoration du cinquième anniversaire de la  相似文献   

Movements of people are a crucial element of global integration. Most destination countries favor the entry of highly skilled migrants, but restrict that of lower-skilled workers, asylum seekers and refugees. A major cause of migration is the growing inequality in incomes and human security between more- and less-developed countries. Further driving factors include uneven economic development; rapid demographic transitions; and technological advances in transport and communications. Increasingly, migrants do not shift their social existence from one society to another, but maintain transnational connections. The global economic crisis that began in 2008 has brought a hiatus in some of these factors, but has not undermined their long-term significance. Australia's traditional model of permanent-settlement migration needs to be adjusted to the new realities of global mobility and connectivity.  相似文献   

Nous savons encore peu de choses sur la place qu'ont les femmes dansla francaise, sur leur participation aux qui ont I' de la France dans la . Certes quelques noms de femmes qui ont un pendant la flottent dans la commune: Marie-An-toinette, Manon Rolland, Charlotte Corday etc…En les prenant pour de  相似文献   

Mexico’s security crisis and Felipe Calderón’s (2006-2012) security strategy had its roots in drug trafficking, the prohibition of drugs, contraband and the border shared with the United States. Standard accounts of the violence experienced in the country, which reduce it to confrontations between drug cartels, are of little use. This article presents part of the context in which the security crisis developed, putting it in a historical perspective, and attempting to take a step towards a more nuanced interpretation. It holds that drug trafficking between Mexico and the United States is a complex, many-sided reality which admits dense symbolic elaboration. Apart from the very concrete shipping of drugs, drug trafficking is part of Mexico’s relation with the United States, a register that imbues the asymmetry between both countries with meaning, a space of political negotiation and a resource of American global diplomacy which is crystallized in a clandestine foreign policy system. Furthermore, through the demystification of the imagery that envelopes organized crime, corruption and contraband are examined, conceiving these two as phenomena that are integrated organically into borderland society.  相似文献   

Bataillealarencontred'unsaint:VanGoghEmmanuelLINCOT《Onlesaitaujourd′hui:Batailleestl′undesecrivainslesplusimportantsdecesiecl?..  相似文献   

This article expands on existing work done on the Catalan Eugenics Society and its focus on Josep Vandellós, a demographer and organiser of the Society. It places the Catalan Eugenics Society within the growing volume of work on the international, particularly “Latin” eugenics movement. In doing so, it explores discourse on questions of “race,” immigration and “national” identity as refracted through the nascent eugenics movement and the political concerns of the time in Catalonia. In particular, the article assesses the question of “racial mixing” between Catalans and Spaniards from other regions and argues that, rather than rejecting miscegenation outright, Vandellós valued certain mixes as part of a eugenic project to fortify and maintain the Catalan “race” in the face of population loss and the dissolution of Catalan identity.  相似文献   

本文通过对一电台节目——“法兰西例外”(Exception francaise)的时间构成、题目内涵、音乐效果和主持风格的分析,试图把握法国文化电台所体现的文化宗旨和由此而见的法国文化政策。  相似文献   


The nobility and the Netherlands Senate 1815–1830

From 1815 to 1830 the northern and southern Netherlands formed a single kingdom under Guillaume I. In this kingdom the nobility was the only social order to enjoy special political rights. The political influence the nobility could exercise as an order was primarily at the provincial level. The Corps Equestres had a role as a sort of electoral college for the Provincial Estates of the separate provinces. In 1815, after the States General had been divided into two chambers, the influence of the provinces made itself felt particularly through the elections for the Second Chamber, the members of the First Chamber, the Senate, being appointed by the king. Despite the fact that over ninety percent of them belonged to the nobility, the nobility as an order never became a political group exercising power at the national level.  相似文献   

雅克·普雷韦尔是法国20世纪著名诗人、电影编剧。他的诗歌通俗易懂、贴近生活,有如诗歌领域中一股清新的空气;此外,在其简洁生动的语言之下,往往还蕴藏着丰富的生命哲理。本文试图通过雅克·普雷韦尔的诗歌《在花店》,来分析其诗歌的主要特征。  相似文献   

法国礼仪是西方礼仪的重要代表 ,十七和十八世纪被誉为“欧洲高雅礼仪的中心”。法国礼仪在历史上经历过波澜起伏。骑士文化 ,文艺复兴 ,沙龙文化 ,法国大革命等 ,无一不与礼仪的变革有关。今天 ,传统的礼仪形式受到了极大的冲击 ,但它仍然以新的精神和形式展现出来。  相似文献   

如果说孤独和交流障碍的主题贯穿马尔罗全部作品的话, 它在《人类的命运》中尤其突出。人从根本上说是孤独的,人与人之间的真正交流是不可能的,这就是整个作品的悲剧主题。《人类的命运》这一题目让我们联想到帕斯卡尔,他把人类的命运看作死囚犯的命运,而马尔罗把它比作禁闭者或失语症患者的命运, 从而暗示了人类注定无法沟通的悲哀。在谈到这部作品时,马尔罗在一封写给加埃唐·皮康的信中写道:“这部小说的历史背景当然不是首要的。最重要的显然是您称之为帕斯卡尔特性的东西。”本文从这个思路出发,旨在对《人类的命运》中人的孤独和不可沟通性在文本中的不同表现进行分析,从这一侧面揭示出马尔罗作品的现代性之所在。  相似文献   

This paper proposes rethinking conceptual scopes of the term “political mediation”, in order to illustrate the analytical scope of indirect politics, whose range of possibilities has usually been thought of as if contained between the extremes of political representation and patronage. An analytical exercise is offered as one possible and tentative path to specify not only a vocabulary which is more sensitive to the demands of the present but to –in the words of Bunge– allow the initial reinterpretation of old symbols of our political vocabulary. To this end, in addition to a linguistic and conceptual journey of the term “intermediation”, three analytical dimensions of indirect policy are developed; thus facilitating dialogue with theories of representation, and leading to an analytical model that we call “cube of indirect politics”. We conclude with a brief case classification exercise intended to show the displacements produced by this model in understanding certain indirect political experiences.  相似文献   

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