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人们在工作和生活当中,经常会忽略了细节的存在,从而让一些伟大的发现擦肩而过,让灾难有机可乘。其实,面对“创新”这个在企业界里非常时髦的字眼,又何尝不是存在于细节之中。在一些人的错误观念里,创新是始于宏伟的目标、终于倍受瞩目的结果。其实他们不明白:要想获得创  相似文献   

拿破仑:成也用人 败也用人赵元十九世纪初,法兰西第一帝国皇帝拿破仑指挥他的军队横行欧洲大陆,以秋风扫落叶之势打击了欧洲的封建势力。拿破仑赫赫军功的取得,一个重要的原因是他善于用人:一是拿破仑一反传统的以出身择人用人的门阀观念。公开宣称"每个士兵的行囊...  相似文献   

神州大地 涌现了企业扩张浪潮。 扩张中,一些企业壮大了,发展了, 谱就了辉煌的宏篇巨制。 然而, 一些企业甚至一些著名的企业在扩张中却失败了, 乃至破产了。 为什么同是扩张却有 两种不同的 结局?  相似文献   

International hot money flowing into Chinese capital markets has caught the attention of Chinese watchdogs The Chinese are not the only ones feasting on the thriving property and stock markets. Apparently, these markets are the targets of international hot-largely speculative-money.  相似文献   

Money Advisor     
Fan Gang, 52, a proponent of employing a tight monetary policy coupled with an expansionary macro-economic policy to stimulate China's domestic demand, has been appointed to the People's Bank of China's Monetary Policy Committee, as outside commissioner. The appointment,  相似文献   

3年前戈登·布朗以逼官方式迫使布莱尔辞去英国首相一职时,大概没想到自己离开首相府的背影比布莱尔还要黯然。5月11日,在首相府前携妇挈子宣布辞职时,布朗眼带泪光。不知道他有没有想起3年前这一刻布莱尔的泪光。  相似文献   

Many local shoppers are buying merchandise as gifts, especially around traditional Chinese festivals. Olympic souvenirs are considered a generous and tasteful choice.  相似文献   

Follow the Money     
Earthquake relief donations to be carefully audited to ensure transparent distribution of funds Funds to help the Sichuan earthquake victims are pouring in from all cor- ners of the world,and as this figure grows into billions of dollars,much public concern is being raised about the transparent use of donations.  相似文献   

As the world's guitars, drums and pianos are manufactured in China, more locals are playing too.  相似文献   

Now that it has a handle on excessive liquidity, the central bank hints at a looser monetary policy The report issued by People's Bank of China on August 15 indicated rosy results for the country's monetary policy during the second quarter of  相似文献   

Yuan Xinyao is a pretty 20-something and an outdoor sports enthusiast. Three years ago, Yuan took to such sports as rock climbing, skating, boating, trekking and paragliding. "Outdoor sports offer opportunities for travel and for fresh, exciting adventures," said Yuan. Later, when she discovered that many others shared her interest,Yuan set up an outdoors club and opened an outdoors equipment shop. "I meant to promote a healthy lifestyle by bringing people close to nature and helping  相似文献   

Too Much Money?     
The supply of renminbi should be determined by the demands of the economy China’s broad money (M2) stood at 99.86 trillion yuan ($16.08 trillion) at the end of February, a year-on-year increase of 15.2 percent. The data released by the People’s Bank of China,  相似文献   

Profit was once the most important criterion to judge a company's success as indicated by the famous Fortune magazine,which ranks Global 500 based on wealth.  相似文献   

The huge influx of international hot money is threatening inflation and affecting the country's monetary policy In the last three months, the country's financial supervisory departments have conducted frequent but atypical investi-gations of hot money.  相似文献   

Many companies are now seeking to quote or settle in renminbi in international trade The new sales contracts of COSCO Corp.(Singapore)Ltd.,a Singapore- listed Chinese shipbuilding com- pany,will be quoted in renminbi, announced the company's president Ji Haisheng.This is the first time a large Chinese company has officially announced that it will quote in renminbi when export- ing.  相似文献   

作风就是形象,就是力量,就是保证。一个地方的工作,成在干部作风,败也在干部作风;干部的形象,好在作风,坏也在作风;人民群众对干部的态度,敬佩的是作风,不满的也是作风。新班子,从一开始就要有一股新风新气、一种新容新貌,以良好的形象赢得人民群众的认可和信赖。  相似文献   

作风就是形象,就是力量,就是保证。一个地方的工作,成在干部作风,败也在干部作风;干部的形象,好在作风,坏也在作风;人民群众对干部的态度,敬佩的是作风,不满的也是作风。新班子,从一开始就要有一股新风新气、一种新容新貌,以良好的形象赢得人民群众的认可和信赖。  相似文献   

ImperialMingDynastyPaperMoneyNotesAnumismatistdiscussesthehistoryandfascinationofChinesecurrency.WHATISaMingNote?WhyisaMingNo...  相似文献   

政者,正也,来自几千年前记载孔子语录的《论语》。这句话按笔者的理解,就是执政者,办事要公正。这也是执政者的执政规律。纵观古今中外的执政者,凡遵循这一规律,就会政通人和,国泰民安;凡违背了这一规律,就政息人亡,祸国殃民。政者,正也。主要表现在三个方面:一、方向要正。即路线、方针、政策要正确。方向正,必胜利;方向错,必失败。中国工农红军在第五次反围剿中惨遭重挫,主要原因就是王明等人推行的极“左”路线。遵义会议后,毛泽东领导的中国工农红军从失败走向胜利,从胜利走向更大的胜利,最后推翻蒋家王朝,建立新中国,这主要得益于方向…  相似文献   

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