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<正> 一、民事责任的基本原则和民事责任的不同种类对实施不法行为所导致的损害承担赔偿义务是民事责任特有的要素。民事责任的基本原则体现为:强制不法行为人恢复原状,或赔偿其所造成的损失。在私法关系中,损害赔偿旨在通过责令不法致损行为人向遭受不法行为侵害并遭受损害之人赔偿损失,从而平衡违法行为造成的恶果。  相似文献   

While the "War on Drugs" has been criticized in many respects, there has been little attention given to the detrimental impact it has had on children. Fortunately, both state and federal governments are recognizing the problem and have begun taking steps to combat the negative effects the "War on Drugs" has had on children. More work however, still needs to be done. This Note advocates for Congress to amend the Juvenile Justice Delinquency and Prevention Act to induce states to offer rehabilitation to nonviolent youth drug offenders, rather than incarceration, which will reduce incarceration and its detrimental effect on children, promote public safety and save money. As a funding stipulation, the amendment will require states to develop and implement deinstitutionalization programs for nonviolent juvenile drug offenders.  相似文献   

This article describes a program of research on effectively transporting the New Beginnings Program (NBP), a university-tested prevention program for divorced families, to community settings. The four steps in this research are described: (1) selecting a community partner, (2) developing effective methods of engaging parents, (3) redesigning the NBP to be easily delivered with high quality and fidelity in community agencies, and (4) adapting the NBP to meet the needs of the full population of divorcing families. The article concludes with a discussion of plans for an effectiveness trial to evaluate the NBP when delivered in community settings.  相似文献   

Finally, the scholarship of teaching, in which research is conducted on effective and appropriate teaching methods, must be emphasized for all scholars. Teaching that is not grounded in the most recent research is not appropriate for a college or university setting.  相似文献   

It is well known that transgender youth in foster care often face egregious discrimination and victimization based on their gender identities. Unfortunately, transgender youth in foster care have also been deprived of transgender-specific medical care that is vital to their health and well-being. This Note advocates that child welfare agencies adopt legislation that will demonstrate their commitment to fulfilling their constitutional duty to provide medically necessary care to transgender youth in their custody. This Note examines recent case law on the topic and addresses counterarguments to the proposal, including risks associated with treatment, high cost, and the stigma of gender identity disorder. Ultimately, this Note concludes that adopting the proposed legislation is a necessary step toward securing health care rights for transgender foster care youth.  相似文献   

“宅基地使用权”评释 评《物权法草案》第十三章   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
朱岩 《中外法学》2006,(1):86-91
<正>引物权制度是民法中体现本土性的一个领域,我国物权起草工作再一次验证了这一点。"宅基地使用权"是新中国建立以来在中国土地政策基础上形成的一个"固有制度",因此,物权法起草过程中,有关宅基地使用权的内容本质上首先涉及到法律政策,其次才涉及到立法起草的技术。实际上,整个物权法起草过程中涉及土地制度都必然受到国家土地政策的限制。从这一个角度出发,立法者面临的不仅仅是理论的问题,而且更重要的是能否通过立法工作推动甚至改变现行土地政策中的某些不良之处。所以,下文有关的评释力图从土地政策的角度出发,最终回到民法的立法论上,力求对物权立法有点滴之见。  相似文献   

Kelly and Ramsey (2009 ) propose that it is time to examine the costs and benefits courts and participants derive from child custody evaluations. A structure for a research program was suggested. This article endorses this call for such an examination on the system that provides for forensic mental health evaluations for custody disputes. There is a need to examine the costs and benefits of various types of approaches that are emerging, including the comprehensive evaluation and brief, focused evaluations. This article suggests that there is a need for forensic quality control of the work product that is produced by evaluators. Courts are cognizant of the need to encourage settlement between parties, but they also need to be accurate in making judicial determinations that will be in the best interests of children. Quality evaluations are a cornerstone in working toward this goal. Kelly and Ramsey are mindful of the need for evaluations to facilitate settlement, but also to get it right for the court on accurate predictions about children's developmental outcomes.  相似文献   

Copenhagen Climate Change Conference began with high expectation but ended in despair. It reached the so-called Copenhagen Accord with some dissenters. The Copenhagen Accord calls for deep cuts in global emissions, but it has not reached a binding goal of greenhouse gas emission reduction commitment and is not a legal effective agreement. EU played a limited role in Copenhagen Climate Change Conference, while the US and China were crucial to achieve the Copenhagen Accord. The subsequent Cancun negotiation reached the Cancun Agreements, but many substantial issues remained unsolved, such as the second commitment period of the Kyoto Protocol and other core issues. Durban Climate Summit successfully managed to include the main polluters of the globe, especially the US and the main emerging economies (including India and China), to commit their obligations for the first time to reduce greenhouse gas emission reduction under the international framework, and all the parties of the conference agreed that they would negotiate new mechanisms of greenhouse gas reduction which will be implemented by 2020 before 2015. Durban Climate Summit has also reached a package of agreements on climate change. Among them, an important one is about the Global Climate Fund. But some key issues including quantified GHGs emission reduction goals among countries have not been solved.  相似文献   

While advances in neuroscience have clearly delineated the areas of the brain that are affected by mood-altering drugs, the success rate of treatment for people dependent upon or addicted to these drugs remains essentially unchanged over the last several decades. This is due in large part to paying inadequate attention to the craving that occurs after discontinuing a mood-altering drug that produces physical dependency. This article will review the changes that occur when one becomes physically dependent on a mood-altering drug and the process to follow in order to maximize the chances of success in maintaining abstinence when drug use has been discontinued.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to examine the participation of criminology and criminal justice graduate departments at the 1977-1979 American Society of Criminology meetings. Results show that institutional prestige. not productivity, is the leading predictor of meeting participation. In addition, meeting participation does not appear to be influenced by meeting site. Finally, it is suggested that criminologists focus more attention upon professional activities in order to facilitate our understanding of criminology as a science.  相似文献   

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