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国际刑事法院2018年正式启动了对侵略罪的管辖权,然而,由于侵略罪自身的性质以及《罗马规约》修正案有关规定的模糊性,国际刑事法院对侵略罪行使管辖权仍面临着一系列困境。除了侵略罪定义的不确定性、与联合国集体安全机制的冲突以外,作为国际刑事法院基石的补充性管辖权机制,在侵略罪问题的运行方面也面临着受害国国内法院对侵略不能够和不愿意管辖的双重困境。国际刑事法院对侵略罪行使管辖权的困境,在一定程度上反映了作为非成员国的我国对《罗马规约》和侵略罪修正案的保留,因此,应结合本国立场,适时评估侵略罪相关问题对我国自卫权、维护国际和平与安全特殊职能的行使以及我国与国际刑事法院的关系可能带来的挑战,并采取相应的对策。  相似文献   

格雷区分法律与法律渊源,这种区分本身代表他的法概念:法律是法院创造的一般规则。相较于奥斯丁法律命令论,格雷认为不是主权者,而是法官创造了法律。然而,在讨论法律渊源的法律约束力,格雷的立场徘徊于强弱两种不同的法律渊源理论,造成了其理论的不自洽。借助凯尔森和哈特对此的相关批评可以看出,如果扩大格雷法概念的外延,上述冲突将得到化解。因此,格雷所谓的法律渊源其实是法律的一部分。  相似文献   

指导性案例的效力问题是我国案例指导制度的核心和难题。本文选取一则公报案例,试图在其与下级法院同类案件判决的关系中认识其效力。在规划行政许可侵犯相邻权争议案件审理中,公报案例采用"行政义务遵守"的审查标准,形成了"合法即不侵权"的论证思路。经过对一组同类案件判决在法规范解释、采用的审查标准和论证思路等方面的分析和比较,可以发现公报案例对于《城市规划法》第32条的适用和解释发生根本转向,并在其后下级法院同类案件判决中被沿用和简化。由此,可以初步推断公报案例所产生的客观影响。它主要表现为判决思路的内容说服力和权威判决的形式说服力。无论指导性案例的效力是否以及如何被规定,这种事实上的影响是客观存在的。这种客观影响的揭示应当通过运用法解释学提取先例性规范并归纳其发展来呈现。判例的研究和竞争将促进法律适用和解释的稳定性和开放性,形式正义和实质正义则可能得以统合实现。  相似文献   

The Federal Constitutional Court's banana decision of 7 June 2000 continues the complex theme of national fundamental‐rights control over Community law. Whereas in the ‘Solange II’ decision (BVerfGE 73, 339) the Federal Constitutional Court had lowered its standard of review to the general guarantee of the constitutionally mandatorily required minimum, the Maastricht judgment (BVerfGE 89, 155) had raised doubts as to the continued validity of this case law. In the banana decision, which was based on the submission of the EC banana market regulation by the Frankfurt‐am‐Main administrative court for constitutional review, the Federal Constitutional Court has now confirmed the ‘Solange II’decision and restrictively specified the admissibility conditions for constitutional review of Community law as follows. Constitutional complaints and judicial applications for review of European legislation alleging fundamental‐rights infringements are inadmissible unless they show that the development of European law including Court of Justice case law has since the ‘Solange II’ decision generally fallen below the mandatorily required fundamental‐rights standard of the Basic Law in a given field. This would require a comprehensive comparison of European and national fundamental‐rights protection. This paper criticises this formula as being logically problematic and scarcely compatible with the Basic Law. Starting from the position that national constitutional courts active even in European matters should be among the essential vertical ‘checks and balances’ in the European multi‐level system, a practical alternative to the Federal Constitutional Court's retreat is developed. This involves at the first stage a submission by the Federal Constitutional Court to the Court of Justice, something that in the banana case might have taken up questions on the method of fundamental‐rights review and the internal Community effect of WTO dispute settlement decisions. Should national constitutional identity not be upheld even by this, then at a second stage, as ultima ratio taking recourse to general international law, the call is made for the decision of constitutional conflicts by an independent mediating body.  相似文献   

法院与当事人诉讼角色定位之机理探析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
唐力 《现代法学》2001,23(6):106-113
民事诉讼是以解决纠纷为目的的活动。在诉讼过程中 ,法院与当事人之间的相互关系即彼此在诉讼中的地位 ,直接决定了一个国家民事诉讼的体制性问题。如何调整法院与当事人在诉讼中的诉讼关系 ,是每一个国家民事诉讼法必须解决并加以规定的基本内容。民事诉讼的辩论原则、处分原则以及诚实信用原则 ,从不同的角度界定了法院与当事人在诉讼中的地位。辩论原则在形成法院裁判的基础方面起着调节作用 ;而处分原则在程序的进行、权利的处置等方面的支配权进行分配 ;诚实信用原则则在均衡并促成法院与当事人协同诉讼方面发挥着作用。  相似文献   

就《最高人民法院关于审理船舶碰撞纠纷案件若干问题的规定》所涉及的一些问题进行评述,包括船舶碰撞纠纷案件适用的准据法、比例过失原则、责任主体等,指出该规定重塑了比例过失原则,发展了中国船舶碰撞法,澄清了审判实践中的一些长期未决的问题。  相似文献   

人类社会建立一个常设性国际刑事法院的设想由来已久.经过国际社会长期、曲折的努力,国际刑事法院终于在2002年7月1日正式建立.这是国际法发展的历史性突破,更是国际刑事司法体系发展的重要里程碑.  相似文献   

The Supreme Court handed down its decision in MGM v Groksteron 27 June 2005, reversing the decision of the lower courtsand holding that peer-to-peer software services may be heldliable for inducing copyright infringement.  相似文献   

To date, no study has found evidence that the U.S. Supreme Court is constrained by Congress in its constitutional decisions. We addressed the selection bias inherent in previous studies with a statute‐centered, rather than a case‐centered, analysis, following all congressional laws enacted between 1987 and 2000. We uncovered considerable congressional constraint in the Court's constitutional rulings. In particular, we found that the probability that the Rehnquist Court would strike a liberal congressional law rose between 47% and 288% as a result of the 1994 congressional elections, depending on the legislative model used.  相似文献   

This article seeks to examine the relationship between EU law and the Italian legal order in light of the recent Italian Constitutional Court (ICC)’s jurisprudence attempting to redefine EU core principles. When fundamental rights are at stake, three assumptions are challenged: the determination of direct effect shall be a prerogative of the ECJ; EU directly effective provisions entail the disapplication of conflicting national law; judges have the discretion to refer preliminary references to the ECJ where a clarification on EU law is needed. The contribution argues that the judicial search for a balance between sovereignty and supranationality is undermined by the ICC's new resistance to the well‐established EU jurisprudence. In that respect, the paper posits that the ICC's activism is the result of an unjustified ‘argumentative self‐restraint’ of the ECJ vis‐à‐vis the evolution of EU foundational principles.  相似文献   

Justices on the Supreme Court of the United States have employed the marketplace-of-ideas metaphor to communicate how they understand freedom of expression for nearly a century. The meanings behind metaphors, however, are not static. This article examines whether justices’ references to the metaphor in twenty-first-century cases remain primarily tied to the original meaning – one related to the Enlightenment ideas at the heart of Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes's first use of the metaphor in 1919 – or if the meaning has shifted to represent more discourse-based understandings of communication in democratic society, such as those put forth by John Dewey and Jürgen Habermas. This article, through an analysis of twenty-first century Supreme Court decisions that discussed the marketplace metaphor, identifies evidence of a shift in the Court's understanding of the foundational theoretical concepts behind the meaning of the metaphor.  相似文献   

案情 1997年10月20日,原告庞某某因疝气入住被告某县人民医院诊治.同月22日,被告拟对原告进行手术,术前进行了普鲁卡因皮试,在实施硬膜外麻醉穿刺后,改为推入布比卡因和利多卡因.10分钟后,原告突然四肢抽搐、呼吸急促,继之呼吸、心跳骤停.经抢救,原告呼吸、心跳恢复.原告经被告治疗至同年12月21日方能下床活动,行走时偶尔双腿颤抖.  相似文献   

案 情1997年 10月 2 0日 ,原告庞某某因疝气入住被告某县人民医院诊治。同月 2 2日 ,被告拟对原告进行手术 ,术前进行了普鲁卡因皮试 ,在实施硬膜外麻醉穿刺后 ,改为推入布比卡因和利多卡因。 10分钟后 ,原告突然四肢抽搐、呼吸急促 ,继之呼吸、心跳骤停。经抢救 ,原告呼吸、心跳恢复。原告经被告治疗至同年 12月 2 1日方能下床活动 ,行走时偶尔双腿颤抖。原告住院期间共支付给被告医疗费 335 0元 ,后因无钱支付医疗费 ,被告停止对其治疗。经原告家属要求 ,被告又继续为原告治疗。 1998年 8月 5日 ,被告通知原告出院 ,原告家属以原告未愈为…  相似文献   

The Controlled Substances Act (CSA) is the prevailing "drug abuse" control statute in the United States. Its manifest objective is to prevent or reduce drug use's "substantial and detrimental effect on the health and general welfare of the American people." Evaluating CSA's effectiveness in 1975, a Domestic Council Task Force reported in a White Paper to President Gerald Ford that its control measures do "reduce abuse of dangerous drugs." The Task Force's evidence was based upon a before-and-after analysis of the frequency of "drug abuse episodes" reported to the nation's Drug Abuse Warning Network (DAWN). This research note challenges the conclusion of the Domestic Council Task Force, subjecting the DAWN evidence to more rigorous scrutiny, and concluding that we do not presently have adequate materials to assess whether CSA meets its health objectives. The context of this conclusion is that of drug control, but its implications apply to health policy and health policy evaluation in general.  相似文献   

Legal context: Pharmaceutical patent litigation is on the rise. The focal pointof this increasingly contentious area of litigation is the surgein pharmaceutical patent challenges mounted by generic drugmanufacturers. Pharmaceutical companies need to identify viableenforcement strategies that can survive these challenges andeffectively manage the life cycle of their pharmaceutical productsaround the world. Key points: The degree to which pharmaceutical companies can capitalizeupon the value of their second generation patents to extendthe protection given to existing drug products depends in parton the patent landscape, country by country, and also on theregulatory landscape for generic drug products and their entryinto the marketplace.This paper will examine the patent laws,drug approval regulations, and court decisions on the validityand enforceability of later stage or second generation patentsdirected to combination compounds, selection inventions, andnew indications, in three major jurisdictions: The United States,Europe/UK, and Japan. Practical significance: Successful pharmaceutical companies can maintain a competitiveadvantage in the global pharmaceutical industry by evaluatingand strengthening the way existing drug products are protectedand, in many cases, changing the nature of protection underthe patent laws by improving upon the pharmaceutical productitself.  相似文献   

我国离婚赔偿制度的确立具有重大的意义,但必须明确承担损害赔偿责任的主体和损害赔偿的方式,才能切实保护被损害者的合法权益。  相似文献   

《Justice Quarterly》2012,29(2):393-410

A good deal is known about gang members' involvement as sellers of drugs. We know little, however, about the extent to which gang members are involved in the drug market as users, and about the role that involvement in drug sales plays in the use of drugs. This paper presents data from an 11-city survey of arrestees that includes a substantial number of gang members, to explore the relationship between demographic characteristics such as age and race, gang membership, drug sales, and drug use. In addition, the gang members views' regarding drug use by their associates are explored. The contrast between the drug-using behavior and norms designed to control such behavior is examined in the group context of adolescent gang membership.  相似文献   

The English High Court has considered the meaning of “making available to the public” by online transmission in the context of database rights and has determined that the act of making available is only committed in the country where the host server is located, and not the country where the material is accessed by the public.  相似文献   

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