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家庭治疗是对个体心理治疗的一次革命,它挑战了"以个体为整个心理范畴中心"的基本信念,将所存在的问题或症状从个体转向了关系,从家庭环境的人际背景和家庭生命周期中寻找心理行为障碍的原因,认为家庭是解决与家庭相关联的个人问题的治疗所,通过家庭或更大的机构在内的系统的改变,来处理和消除个体所存在的问题或症状,提供了一种新的分析人类行为的框架,代表了心理治疗的一个新领域和新方向.  相似文献   

传统心理疗法一直注重对个体的考察和干预,这种抽象化的治疗方式在二战后受到以一般系统论代表的新思维模式的冲击,家庭治疗在这种背景下应运而生.家庭治疗强调人际关系,特别是家庭关系,认为个体不是孤立的,只有当其处于一定关系中才能得到说明和理解,个体的心理问题实际上是关系的问题,所以它的解决有赖于关系的调整和变化.在这样的前提下,家庭治疗家们从不同的侧面进行了深入的探讨,提出了一些颇具启发意义的理论观点和应对技术.家庭治疗是对传统心理疗法的重要补充和扩展,当有很大的发展空间.  相似文献   

西方女性主义思潮对传统家庭治疗理论模式和方法造成冲击和影响是从20世纪70年代后期开始的,可以将其概括为四个主要的方面:其一是强调用政治的眼光看待家庭;其二是反对"谴责母亲";其三是主张从社会性别的视角看问题;其四是正视家庭暴力.当人们尝试以女性主义所引导的视线来认真地对我们的社会生活、家庭生活审视一番,人们就会在那些已被认为是司空见惯的事实、理所当然的真理背后找出存在的问题.女性主义将会为家庭治疗领域的整体发展做出自己的重要贡献.  相似文献   

转型时期家庭结构变化下的社会保障应对   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着人口老龄化、家庭结构核心化、家庭生活进一步多样化、就业越来越缺乏稳定性、社会流动的日益加剧,我国在家庭政策方面不得不面对新的日益严重的挑战。本文概述了我国家庭结构的变化情况,并对有关问题进行了解读与对策构思,意在通过社会保障制度的进一步改革,促进家庭的健康发展与和谐社会的建构。  相似文献   

论政府法制管理创新   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
薛明 《行政与法》2005,2(12):18-21
政府法制管理是一个新的政府管理模式,它包括政府的法制化和政府依法实行管理两大方面。政府法制管理创新是实现政府法制管理和政府科学管理的有效整合,以形成一个科学、合理、高效、协调的法制政府系统。政府法制管理创新不仅会提高政府管理工作的效率,而且会促进社会发展的长期的整体的效益。实现政府法制管理创新必须解决好政府官员及专家与人民群众的素质整合、政府法制管理与执政党领导的整合、政府权力与公民权利的整合、政府管理效率与社会效益的整合等问题。  相似文献   

我国是一个有着浓厚民间法传统的国家,一段时间以来民间法与国家法同时在社会的的婚姻与家庭关系、邻里关系、继承关系、债权债务关系及共同利益的保护等关系方面得以体现.因此我国存在大量民间法与国家法冲突与整合的现象,本文通过对我国国家法与民间法关系的分析,总结了国家法与民间法冲突的原因,并从原因入手提出了民间法与国家法的冲突与整合.  相似文献   

我国中小律师事务所发展模式与建议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
金鹰 《法治研究》2011,(6):101-107
我国中小律师事务所的发展可以分为四种模式:坚持专精、保持规模,选定专业、专注发展,专业连锁、品牌连接,专业分工、紧密整合,每一种模式都有自身的优点,也都需要具备特定的条件。但不管采用哪一种发展模式,都需要注意技术专精、差异化发展、组织整合与开放式创新。  相似文献   

社会支持通过整合各类社会资源,帮助罪错未成年人修复断裂的“社会腱”,从而复归社会,引起了学者们的广泛关注。多数学者对未成年社区矫正人员社会支持的状况、作用机制、影响因素等进行了实证研究,但特定地区研究数据不具备普遍代表性,以国家统计局、各省市司法厅(局)公布的数据为基础,发现未成年社区矫正人员的社会支持存在政府人员与财政不足、社区服务机构缺少、社会工作者规模有限以及困难家庭支持不力等问题,应当通过明确政府权责、拓展社区参与空间、完善社会工作保障机制以及加强困难家庭帮扶等途径予以完善,以形成未成年社区矫正人员的社会支持体系。  相似文献   

改革开放加速了中国从传统社会向现代社会的转型,这种现代化的社会变迁过程是人类历史上最深远的一次社会革命,它促进了中国社会的发展与进步,但也引发了社会失范和社会解组现象。要恢复社会的良性运行,就必须使社会在新的基础上重建其整合,这种新的社会基础就是非赢利组织。作为横向合作的社会结构,它对现代社会具有价值整合、利益整合以及制度整合、结构整合等重塑功能。而要充分发挥其整合功能,就必须不断提高其自治程度、完善其结构、加强其自律性和社会公信度等,使其成为真正的市民社区。  相似文献   

肖立梅 《法制与经济》2009,(2):36-37,39
家庭共有财产有其特定涵义,是指归属于整个家庭,由全体家庭成员平等享用,以保障家庭的稳定存续和家庭成员生存与发展的财产。分析家庭共有财产的来源途径主要有三种,不同的来源途径在家庭共有财产形成时受家庭成员个人意愿的影响不同。据此可将家庭共有财产分为传统模式的家庭共有财产和现代模式的家庭共有财产。  相似文献   

Abstract Juvenile delinquents are frequently referred to community mental health centers (CMHCs) for family treatment as part of their probation. Whether these court-referred or court-ordered delinquents attend regularly enough to benefit from treatment is not known, nor are factors that predict which delinquents drop out. The records of 150 families from three CMHCs in rural southeastern Ohio were reviewed to determine rate of attrition and to identify demographic and situational variables that differentiate families who either drop out of or remain in court-referred and court-ordered family therapy. A 37% drop out rate was comparable to that of adult individual, child and adolescent, family, and group psychotherapy. The median number of sessions attended (5) is considered to be far below the minimal “dose” needed to demonstrate positive effects of family therapy. Families who remained in therapy had fathers present more often in therapy sessions. Type of court referral (referred or ordered) and presenting identified patient problems and behaviors in therapy. One of the three CMHCs was more sucessful at retaining the three CMHCs was more successful at retaining families in therapy. Characteristics of this center included frequent communication, coordination, and follow-up efforts by therapists and juvenile court officials following a family's court referral into therapy. Suggestions are made for juvenile court officials and mental health professionals to increase the probability of retaining these court-involved families in therapy long enough to effect change in their dysfunctional behavior.  相似文献   

Judicial supervision of offenders is an important component of many family violence courts. Skepticism concerning the ability of offenders to reform and a desire to protect victims has led to some judges to use supervision as a form of deterrence. Supervision is also used to hold offenders accountable for following court orders. Some family violence courts apply processes used in drug courts, such as rewards and sanctions, to promote offender rehabilitation. This article suggests that while protection and support of victims should be the prime concern of family violence courts, a form of judging that engages offenders in the development and implementation of solutions for their problems and supports their implementation is more likely to promote their positive behavioral change than other approaches to judicial supervision. The approach to judging proposed in this article draws from therapeutic jurisprudence, feminist theory, transformational leadership and solution-focused brief therapy principles.  相似文献   

This literature review attempts to identify the underlying factors and commonalities regarding the killing of children in occurrences of familicide (wherein the entire family is slain by a family member). Numerous journal and newspaper articles were reviewed to glean information regarding similarities in victim families, the breakdown of the family prior to the incident of familicide, and the degree of pre-meditation by the perpetrator. This information is then used to discuss and inform possible implications in counselling such as assessment, prevention, and grief and loss therapy as well as directions for future research.  相似文献   

This article describes one model from a variety of therapy methods used in the Center for the Prevention and Treatment of Sexual Aggression Among Children. The model combines family and individual therapy for children with sexual behavior problems. The frequency is of two successive individual sessions followed by one family session. The family sessions include the child and both parents, and in some cases siblings are also invited. The article specifies the importance of family therapy for this population and describes the context for appropriate interventions. It gives the characteristics of families whose children are having sexual behavior problems and who are suitable for therapy according to this model. The article deals, among other issues, with the importance of marking boundaries, talking about the fear, restructuring the family and changing behavioral patterns, and recreating communication channels.  相似文献   

This paper describes progress made by violence-prone spouses and parents in keeping their anger under control and stopping themselves from battering other family members. A total of 134 subjects took part in a 10-week structured group therapy program. All had experienced violence in their family, either as a perpetrator or as a victim. After anger control training 85 % of the families were free of further violence and remained so, according to an independent survey completed 6–8 months later.  相似文献   

Screening for intimate partner violence and/or abuse (IPV/A) in family mediation is important, perhaps particularly among cases without attorney representation. While most mediators agree that it is ideal to consider IPV/A in case planning, there is less agreement regarding the need to universally and systematically screen for IPV/A among all cases. Such attitudes are of concern, given research in other fields (e.g., medicine, couples therapy) and our own research in a family mediation clinic, which documents that the lack of consistent and formal IPV/A assessment results in underdetection of IPV/A. While a variety of IPV/A screening measures exist, each has shortcomings. Thus, our research and clinical experience led us to develop a new IPV/A screening measure, the Mediator's Assessment of Safety Issues and Concerns (MASIC). We discuss features of the MASIC and provide the full measure in the Appendix. The MASIC is a behaviorally specific IPV/A screen that assesses various types of abuse (e.g., coercive control, stalking, physical violence) over the course of the relationship and in the past year. It is administered as an interview to build rapport and assesses lethality indicators and offers optional recommendations for procedural changes in mediation based on IPV/A. Although we have begun relevant research, it is important to note that the MASIC has not yet been validated. Nonetheless, we recommend the use of systematic IPV/A screens in family mediation and suggest that such measures may prove especially important in providing unrepresented parties a safe and appropriate environment for mediation.  相似文献   

Protected ownership and freedom of contracts are two basic parts of the institutional framework of successful countries according to Douglass North, winner of the Nobel Prize in 1993. The incentives to make long-term investments are strengthened if ownership rights are protected and freedom of contracts is a basic element in the process of efficient allocation of scarce resources. An important engine in prosperous societies is the family firm. Most companies in these societies can be classified as family firms and a major part of GDP is produced by family businesses. Consequently, how ownership is protected in family firms is an important issue.Three important factors of private ownership of property are the rights to determine use of owned assets, the return generated from them and to transfer the assets at mutually agreeable terms to a new owner(s).The incentives of a founder entrepreneur to put efforts into the establishment of a firm are determined by all the three factors. We will here pay special attention to the third factor, transfer of the ownership of the firm. The founder often places contractual restrictions on such transfers to ensure that the structure of ownership is stable and that the firm stays in the family. The possibility to do so is part of the freedom of contracts and is associated with the extent of ownership held as well as the incentives to invest in new businesses.This paper is primarily about how protection of family ownership can be achieved from a legal point of view and discusses the reasons to enforce these legal relationships in the future for second, third, fourth etc. generations of family owners.  相似文献   

It is generally assumed that the conjugal family—the family that lived independently from extended kin—came into existence in the Netherlands relatively early, and that a new attitude towards children, characterized by an emphasis on the individuality of the child, developed at more or less the same time. To test whether this more narrow range of kin and the stronger emphasis on the individuality of the child translated itself also in a deviation from the traditional practice of naming newborn children for kin, the article analyzes naming patterns in a rural area of the Netherlands during the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. The conclusion is that the rise of the conjugal family and the new attitude that recognized the child as an autonomous individual had no impact on the degree of naming for kin. In a more general sense, the findings raise doubts about the idea that changes in family structures and mentality directly express themselves in changes in naming practices.  相似文献   

It is generally assumed that the conjugal family—the family that lived independently from extended kin—came into existence in the Netherlands relatively early, and that a new attitude towards children, characterized by an emphasis on the individuality of the child, developed at more or less the same time. To test whether this more narrow range of kin and the stronger emphasis on the individuality of the child translated itself also in a deviation from the traditional practice of naming newborn children for kin, the article analyzes naming patterns in a rural area of the Netherlands during the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. The conclusion is that the rise of the conjugal family and the new attitude that recognized the child as an autonomous individual had no impact on the degree of naming for kin. In a more general sense, the findings raise doubts about the idea that changes in family structures and mentality directly express themselves in changes in naming practices.  相似文献   

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