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徐步 《国际问题研究》2021,(3):1-22+136
推动建设相互尊重、公平正义、合作共赢的新型国际关系,是习近平外交思想的重要组成部分。构建新型国际关系具有与时俱进的鲜明特色,蕴含着博大深厚的中华文化智慧,体现了符合历史潮流的人类期盼。国际力量对比发生深刻变化,构建新型国际关系成为应对全球化挑战的现实需要。经济全球化是大势所趋,构建新型国际关系是历史发展的必然要求。新冠肺炎疫情凸显了当前国际体系存在的缺陷,特别是全球治理体系对新形势、新挑战的严重不适应,对建立新型国际关系提出了迫切要求。中国致力于同国际社会一道携手努力,积极推动建设新型国际关系,坚定不移推动构建人类命运共同体。  相似文献   

The concept of new-type international relations is an enrichment and development of China's diplomatic theory, embodying China's vision of the evolution of the world order.  相似文献   

<正>International relations is an old subject,yet it often makes a new topic for discussion.Since the birth of nation states,how to develop state-to-state relations has always remained high on the agenda of human exploration.More than 300 years ago,with the rise of nation states,the Westphalian System was born in Europe.It established the key principles of sovereignty  相似文献   

正Building a new type of international relations with win-win cooperation at the core is a major innovation and development of contemporary China’s outlook on the international order formed after the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as General Secretary has coordinated both domestic and international situations since the 18th National Congress of the CPC.China has proved itself a country  相似文献   

The current twists and turns in the China-US relations are not a result of overinterdependence, but rather reflect the need for a more comprehensive, closer and well-balanced mutually assured interdependence. In the construction of a new type of China-US relations, the two countries must abandon the mentalities of mutually assured destruction based on the notion of deterrence, Cold War thinking, zerosum game and competition of systems.  相似文献   

正Since the winter of 2019, the sudden outbreak of the novel coronavirus disease(COVID-19) has lashed China and is now still ravaging the rest of the world. It has not only seriously threatened human life but also severely impacted the world economy and international relations. Following the pandemic, global affairs as well as state-to-state relationships Yang Jiemian  相似文献   

正In the seven decades since its founding,the People's Republic of China(PRC) has added a glorious chapter to its development epic,and achieved thetwo miraclesof rapid economic development and longterm social stability.The Chinese nation is proudly striding on the great road ofbecoming strongand embracing the brilliant prospects of rejuvenation.  相似文献   

Along with the history of New China, the studies of international relations in China have gradually evolved from imitation and learning from others to independent innovation. The critical period when China is growing into a global power calls for a more proactive role of Chinese international relations studies, and will provide a broad vista for innovative thinking in IR theories.  相似文献   

Xi Jinping Thought on Diplomacy is a momentous achievement of epoch-making significance in the development of New China's diplomatic theories. The once-in-acentury pandemic and unprecedented changes are unfolding in parallel and impacting each other, catalyzing the evolution of the international pattern, which stresses the importance and urgency of building a community with a shared future for mankind.  相似文献   

<正>Depositing the most profound spiritual pursuits of the Chinese nation,the traditional Chinese culture is the rich nourishment for the nation’s growth and development.The Report at the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China(CPC)points out that we must raise the country’s cultural soft power and cultivate high cultural  相似文献   

推动构建新型国际关系是习近平外交思想的重要组成部分,2023年是倡议提出10周年。它是新时代新征程中国特色大国外交的重要努力方向。构建新型国际关系有五个方面的历史动因,即源自国际力量对比大调整的深层动力、基于当今世界时代潮流的内在推力、来自全球性挑战造成的紧迫压力、扎根于中国战略文化与优良外交传统的思想定力和依托中国特色社会主义进入新时代的强大塑造力。它具有三大核心内涵,与构建人类命运共同体、积极发展全球伙伴关系、共建“一带一路”等习近平外交思想的其他理念相互托举、相互助力。站在世界新的历史十字路口,它的地位更加重要,意义更显可贵,前景充满光明。新时代新征程,将见证中国为推动解决“21世纪国际关系向何处去”这一时代难题、历史难题作出新的更大贡献。  相似文献   

中国提出建立新型国际关系构想,既是对当代中国外交思想的丰富和发展,也是对未来世界秩序演进方向的重要判断,对推动国际关系演变具有深远的历史和现实意义。当前,局部冲突、集团政治尚未终结,非传统安全问题日益增多,新型国际关系构想的提出响应时代呼唤,顺应时代潮流,需要世界各国共同努力,以最终实现世界持久和平、稳定与繁荣。  相似文献   

构建新型国际关系需要增加全球质量安全治理的维度,质量安全与国家形象相关联,也是质量外交的依托。质量安全作为一种超越不同安全领域的关系型价值,具有镶嵌安全与场域安全的特性,因此对构建新型国际关系有着特别重要的意义。质量安全是总体国家安全的基石,是塑造国家形象、提升质量外交的前提,也是构建人类命运共同体的重要保障。没有了质量安全,合作共赢的基础就会被消解,相互尊重与公平正义也难以达到,一个国家所建立起来的国际关系大厦终将倾倒。质量安全需要全世界的共同维护,深化全球质量合作交流,通过质量连接世界,积极参与全球质量安全共同体建构是中国参与全球质量治理与构建新型国际关系的重要路径。  相似文献   

在"逆全球化"现象升温、中美关系充满不确定性、周边总体稳定且有明显发展优势的新环境下,中国可以将周边作为建设新型国际关系的侧重点,尝试构建"新型周边关系",进而为新型国际关系的建设奠定良好基础,起到示范和带动作用。新型周边关系是中国开始从参与者、建设者逐渐转变为引领者、贡献者的新身份定位下,为了推动周边关系与时俱进、给周边发展注入新的动力而倡导构建的一种新的周边关系模式。新型周边关系以"亲、诚、惠、容"等新理念为指导思想,以周边命运共同体为新的建设目标。中国要在"利益—责任—规范"为核心的新型周边关系理论的指导下,夯实周边利益根基,深化战略机制对接,打造中国外交战略前沿和新增长点;肩负起建设性大国责任,树立负责任大国形象,逐渐淡化周边疑虑分歧;增强软实力建设,提升国际话语权,引领周边共同改革和完善现有国际规范;坚持开放的区域主义,在周边积极探索第三方市场合作,发展开放型经济,以此来构建新型周边关系和周边命运共同体。  相似文献   

<正>国际关系是一个常讲常新的话题。回顾民族国家产生以来的历史进程,人类始终在探索着国家间相处之道。300多年前,随着民族国家兴起,威斯特伐利亚体系在欧洲诞生。它确立了主权、平等这些重要原则,开创了近代国际关系的先河。但这一体系最  相似文献   

Based on the scientific judgement of China's historical orientation and the prevailing trend of world development, the Xi Jinping Thought on Diplomacy, as reflected in a group of ideas it advocates, meets the requirements dictated by the nature and direction of major-country diplomacy with Chinese characteristics. It has also contributed Chinese wisdom to the development of the theory of international relations.  相似文献   

从地区国际关系及外交政策的现实出发,拉丁美洲产生了一些富有见地的国际关系理论,但其与源自美国的主流国际关系理论有着不同的学术传统,在很多方面都显得格格不入,彼此间对话、交流很少。本文简要回顾了主流国际关系理论与拉美本土国际关系理论各自的历史发展,并以发展主义、依附论、混合模式和外围现实主义作为拉美本土国际关系理论的代表,将其与主流国际关系理论作了比较。相比主流国际关系理论,拉美的国际关系理论研究对象更宽泛,在研究方法上较不"科学化",并对主流国际关系理论的"无政府状态"基本假设提出质疑。另外,从目标来看,拉美国际关系理论旨在解决发展问题,而主流国际关系理论则力图探索和解释国际关系的普遍规律。实际上,两类理论就是从不同的研究目标出发,沿着两种不同的逻辑路径发展,从而衍生出差异。所有这些差异也可以根据这两种不同的逻辑路径串联起来。最后,本文认为,两类理论间的差异对于构建中国国际关系理论有着启示意义。  相似文献   

去年,俄罗斯正式启动了计划已久的远东发展计划,奏响了东进序曲。俄罗斯的战略目的是要借历史成功经验,乘中国经济发展东风,提升东部地区的发展水平,争取在亚太和整个国际事务中更多的话语权,这将对当代国际秩序的重建产生重要影响。本文从俄罗斯的历史经验、现实抉择和新型国际关系的构建三个方面进行了论述,认为当代新型国际关系的构建是决定性因素。  相似文献   

China’s partnership diplomacy is increasingly focusing on the extension from bilateral to multilateral, the upgrade from multilateral diplomacy to multilateralism, and the role and function of emerging markets, developing countries and regional organizations in the world order. The shift to multilateralism in global partnership building will not only help unite the strength of developing countries, shape a more balanced North-South relationship, and promote peaceful changes in the world order, b...  相似文献   

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