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中国公办普通高校高负债状况已经引起全国关注,有人主张中国资不抵债的高校应当破产。但高校能否破产,取决于我国现行破产法确定的破产能力及我国政府对高校的政策走向。在我国目前的高等教育体制下,高负债的公办普通高校不会破产,但不可否认的是,在国家教育体制发生重大变化(教育产业化)及高负债额超出政府承受极限时,高负债的公办普通高校有破产的可能,高校突出负债重围重在如何偿债。  相似文献   

公办高校从事国家规定的教育专项公共利益活动,接受国家有关部门的监督和管理,享有一定的教育管理权,习惯上归于行政主体.本文指出当前形势下应转变公办高校的角色意识,推进其法治化进程,丈中提出可以从公办高校的性质、转型期的高校变化、比较法上的法律地位等角度来分析谊问题.  相似文献   

名刊扫描高校的中国式负债欠债30多亿,对吉林大学不是一件新鲜事儿了。政府对教育的投入正在逐年增加,但高校的负债问题,却成为一个摆在面前的中国现实。在西方,大学无论公办还是私立,社会捐助资金都  相似文献   

刘大江 《政府法制》2007,(10):44-45
公办高校与民办学校的联合办学,曾一度盛行于全国各地,被称为成人高等教育快速扩张的连锁店方式。但众多事实证明,这种不同办学体制之间的“联姻”,一旦失去监督规范,就可能迅速蜕变成打着公办教育招牌而进行的一场  相似文献   

国际专利申请公布量2010年全球前50名高校中,中国高校无一入选。 国际专利数量和质量是衡量一个国家在创新活力、产业后劲等方面全球竞争力的重要指标。高校作为拥有社会最强研发资源与学术资源的组织,应该在产业核心竞争力的发展中发挥中流砥柱的作用。在我国,许多高校也承担着一些国家的科研项目,  相似文献   

中国特色社会主义理论体系是马克思主义中国化最新成果,新形势下努力探索适合大学生特点的中国特色社会主义理论体系武装方式显得重要而紧迫;因此,在方法上:充分发挥高校思想政治理论课的主渠道、主阵地作用:积极推进中国特色社会主义理论体系进课堂、进教材、进头脑;挖掘校园文化的作用;将学校教育和社会教育相结合;充分发挥网络载体的作用。  相似文献   

“依照制度选好人。切实强化经济责任。”——中共中央政治局委员、上海市委书记韩正日前主持召开市委常委会,审议并通过《上海市地方公办高等学校总会计师管理办法》。韩正强调,该《办法》是提升地方公办高等学校科学管理的重要工作.是完善学校治理结构的重大制度安排。  相似文献   

温美琳 《法制与社会》2010,(34):312-312
中国大学生肩负着祖国未来建设、文化传承的重大历史责任,当代大学生的思想政治教育一直受到社会各界的广泛关注,随着时代的发展,80后、90后相继成为高校教育对象的主流,一些社会问题也不断出现,这就更加引起了我们对于大学生思想政治教育的重视。教育专家也在不断的探索大学生思想政治教育的方法,并提出了很多较为有效的措施。在高校思想政治教育工作实践中,我们也注意到这样的一个问题,大学生对于中国传统文化的忽略、淡化,也是导致大学生追求的人生目标扭曲,社会责任感减弱,叛逆心理增强的一个因素。我们在对大学生进行思想政治教育的时候,是不能够回避这一问题的,同时,中国传统文化也同样对于推动大学生思想政治教育具有重要的辅助作用和意义。  相似文献   

肖山 《政府法制》2008,(4):18-19
随着中国名校录取门槛越来越高,近几年来。少数中国学生开始采取“曲线救国”方式.最典型的方式就是以留学生身份进入那些知名的中国高等学府。透过这一现象.人们看到了当前中国高校录取的最大漏洞。  相似文献   

鞠梦 《法制与社会》2010,(5):247-247
博洛尼亚进程确定了欧洲范围内的高等教育系统共同框架,建立本科生和研究生阶段的高等教育结构,从而创新欧洲高等教育。中国高等教育更应该把握住机会,在欧洲博洛尼亚进程中,进一步加强和欧洲的教育合作,同时注重自身体制建设,缩小与世界一流大学的差距,加快中国高校步入世界一流大学的步伐。  相似文献   


A growing literature in public management has identified the key role that innovation can play in enhancing agency efficiency, effectiveness, performance and legitimacy. However, considerably less is known about the actual sources of knowledge generating innovative activity in the public sector. This paper fills this crucial gap in the literature by explicitly analyzing the link between a key source of knowledge and ideas, universities, and the innovative activities of public organizations. By utilizing a new source of data, this paper is able to show that not only do universities play a key role in generating innovative activity in public organizations, but the nature of innovations and their impact on public sector performance are related to the role played by universities. The findings suggest that universities play a key role in generating innovative activity in public organizations as doing so can increase the quality of public services, employee job satisfaction, and interagency collaboration.


实验教学是专业课程教学的重要组成部分和不可分割的环节,构建科学规范的公安院校实验教学的管理与运行模式,优化实验教学,使实验教学走上科学化、规范化管理,对于提高专业教学水平,确保教学质量,培养学生良好的公安业务技能和综合素质将发挥重要作用。  相似文献   

This paper analyses behavioural additionality of subsidies by regional and EU framework programme public funding granted to business enterprises in terms of the ??instalment?? of research cooperation between industry and science. Acknowledging their specificities in terms of research orientation, research scale, and management of research, the science component is divided in universities and public research centres. Drawing on firm level data provided by the OECD bi-annual business R&D surveys of 2004 and 2006 for Belgium, the main result is that funding by regional governments fosters the instalment of industry-science research cooperation. However, this positive effect is limited to the case of cooperation with public research centres (and not with universities). The prerequisite of commercialisation of research in the case of funding by regional governments could explain this. Public funding provided by the EU framework programme did not exert an impact on the instalment of industry-science cooperation, neither with universities nor with public research centres. This could be due the fact that EU funding is targeted at firms that are already cooperating and does not favour the set-up of new cooperation.  相似文献   

当前,高校公共安全服务面临着日益增长的需求与政府有效供给不足的问题。本文着重探讨高校公共安全服务社会化之必要性、理论依据及实现模式,提出在高校建立校园警察与保安服务相结合的公共安全服务社会化之路。  相似文献   

法律法规将高校界定为事业单位法人,位居公私法人之间,地位模糊,权益难得司法救济,探究高校公法人定位已成为推进高校法治进程之要务,然而学界对此研究却不无缺憾.高校承载着社会高深知识的延续与发展,具有重要的社会任务取向,为社会之公器,公法人地位彰显.因高校深具浓厚的自治传统及特别权力关系理论的长期陶冶,与其他公法人相比,具有特殊性,致使司法介入其内部管理要有一定的限度.  相似文献   

美国高校信息公开研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
美国在信息公开立法和实践均走在世界前列,高校信息公开也不例外。美国高校有关信息公开的法律涉及联邦法、州法、高校规章制度和法院判例。原则上公立高校及其内部机构都适用信息公开法律;区分一般信息、涉及个人隐私的信息以及与高校特殊性质有关的高校自治和同行评议等学术信息,公开的属性、对象和方式均不相同。我国高校信息公开应当借鉴美国经验。  相似文献   

高校法治与特别权力关系   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
依法治校是我国行政法学界新关注的热点问题。近年来一些对高校的诉讼更是将对高校的依法治理问题的讨论置于公众的广泛关注之下。高校法治并不完全排斥特别权力关系理论,而需要吸收其合理内核,并做出一定的改良。通过引入法律保留、司法救济以及正当程序原则和禁止权力滥用原则等,完善我国的高校法治理论,对学生管理权的法治化进行有益的尝试,以期对实践有所指导。  相似文献   

This paper examines attempts by French and UK governments to fill the gap between the US and Europe with respect to the creation of academic spin-offs. Analysis of the contrasting cases of the UK and France, shows that there is no convergence of national policies to foster the creation of firms by academics. Rather, the two countries demonstrate different rationales and approaches to policy in this area. In UK, the rationale for spin-off policy is mainly to develop a third stream of financing. Spin-offs are a part of a policy to commercialize technology and knowledge created by universities. Policy is at the university level, leading to the creation of diverse structures. Public schemes bring public money directly to universities. In France, the rationale for policy towards the creation of new ventures by academics is the development of high technology new ventures as part of a technological entrepreneurship policy. The notion of a third stream of financing for universities is an argument that is never advanced. The UK has placed the universities at the heart of policies aimed at the creation of spin-offs, this is not the case in France.  相似文献   

The conventional wisdom is that American universities transfer technologies more rapidly and more effectively than their European counterparts. While this appears to be true, it is important to note that there are substantial cultural, legal, and regulatory differences between the two regions, and even within Europe. We believe that European universities can enhance their effectiveness in technology transfer if this function is given more visibility and prestige, enhanced public support, and formal procedures are implemented to facilitate benchmarking. In this paper, we examine some of the differences in university technology transfer in Europe and the U.S., and discuss these new approaches, which have recently been fully supported by the European Commission.  相似文献   

This paper examines the role of industry in the support of academic infrastructure, in particular university research equipment. Although the United Kingdom provides the framework for discussion the described situation should be a familiar one in most countries. The argument is constructed around the perceptions, opinions and positions of universities, government and industry. Drawing on results from a survey of academic departments the equipment situation at UK universities is outlined. Following that the position of the Government attempting to attract industrial support for university research equipment is discussed. And finally, industry's views of where the demarcation between public and private responsibility lies are presented.  相似文献   

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