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The earliest case of acupuncture In the Neolithic Age more than 8,000 years ago,the forefathers of the Chinese began to use stone needles to treat illness. This is how acupuncture originated.  相似文献   

The Earliest Knowledge on Causes of Disease Chapter Han Wen Jia of Li Wei (Theological Interpretation of the Book of Rites, written approximately in the late Western Han Dynasty, 206 BC-AD 24) reads  相似文献   

THE free-hand painting Liu Zhongxin (1948-) did to celebrate the beginning of a new business has encoded in it best wishes for the proprietor's success in the years to come. A litchi branch loaded with crimson red fruit signifies a prosperous business, for the branch conveys an image that stands for a "line" of business, while the fruit is a play on the word "profit," which in Chinese is a homonym for "litchi." ff a rooster is added under the tree, the artist said,  相似文献   

Meridians and Collaterals More than 2,000 years ago the Chinese people had discovered and studied the main and collateral channels. According to The Yellow Emperor’s Canon of Internal Medicine, the earliest TCM book, which was written during the Spring and Autumn Period (770-476 B.C.):  相似文献   

Functions of Herbal Medicines According to traditional Chinese medicine, all diseases are the result of imbalances between yin and yang and dysfunctions of internal organs and meridians and collaterals.The basic functions of herbal medicines are to dispel pathogenic factors, regulate yin and yang, and restore normal functions of internal organs and meridians and collaterals.  相似文献   

HowHongkongdevelopedfromanagrariancommunityintoamodern,internationalcenterOftradeandfinance.DURINGTHElastcenturyHongkongdevelopedfromaself-sufficientagriculturalareaintoamodernmetropolis.ItsrapideconomicgrowthwassoimpressivetheworldhasdesignateditoneofAsia's"FourDragons."RetrospectivePre-EntreP6tPeriod(184o-186o):IntheearlystagesofBritishrule,BritishmerchantsinHongkongwereprimarilyopiumtraders.HongkongwasthelargestopiumtradingportinAsia.AccordingtoareportbyColonialTreasurerR.M.Mart…  相似文献   

孔子治学思想是孔子认识论和教育思想的突出重要的组成部分,在孔子世界观复杂矛盾的背景下,这一部分又具有朴素唯物论和辩证法的倾向,特别是其中的乐学观达到了极高的审美境界。一一解析《论语》中孔子及其弟子的治学思想,彰显其当代价值,应是建构现代治学学的一件基础性准备工作,也有助于思考认识论的有关问题。  相似文献   

Staying Employed     
Boosting employment will be the biggest livelihood challenge facing the Chinese Government in 2009  相似文献   

<正>The advantage of being a late follower is not forever In 2016 China made $5.5 trillion worth of mobile payments while the United States made $112 billion.China is far ahead of Western countries in the field of mobile pay-  相似文献   

正Chinese economic growth is still within an acceptable range and is expected to pick up in the third quarter China’s economic growth continues to slow as predicted. According tofigures from the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS), China’s GDP grew by 7.6 percent in the second quarter, 0.5 percentage points lower than the growth in the first  相似文献   

Retirement looms as a difficult choice for China’s leading curling athlete From six wins and five losses, China’s Women’s Curling Team placed  相似文献   

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