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Kelley R 《Newsweek》2007,149(26):37

Marc A. Fried 《Society》1966,3(6):42-47

This study examines the role of proposal authority and executive veto in the budgetary process. A five stage sequential model of the budgetary process with three institutional actors — a legislature, an appropriations committee, and an executive — is presented. We examine: (i) the factors that affect the executive's power in shaping the final budget when the executive is granted proposal authority; (ii) how increased veto authority, in combination with executive proposal authority, affects the executive's power in forming the final budget; and (iii) the effects of different types of proposal authority and veto rules on the efficiency of the budgetary process.  相似文献   


Was President Zachary Taylor poisoned? Sometimes an event in history wins our attention not solely because of its generalizable significance but because of its inviting singularity. In addition, the Taylor case is a perfect example of how “pack journalists” and “pack historians” can settle a controversy by fiat, manufacturing orthodox conclusions out of thin air, in this instance telling us to believe in the “cherries and milk” death of a president. The case demonstrates the sloppy and superficial investigative methods of both pathologists and mainstream historians. It also demonstrates how ideological gatekeepers rush to close ranks against any issue that challenges their expertise, or challenges the legitimacy and virtue of US political institutions by suggesting the possibility of conspiracy in high places.  相似文献   

目前,高校新进辅导员的职业适应和职业生涯管理问题是一个普遍长期存在的难点问题,作为高校辅导员队伍的新鲜血液,如何帮助新进辅导员顺利适应辅导员岗位并做好个人职业生涯管理,对于高校辅导员队伍建设、保证辅导员队伍后继有人具有十分重要的意义。本文基于职业锚理论,从新进辅导员对于辅导员岗位早期的职业探索实践中,明确新进辅导员个人能力、动机和价值观的综合作用而确定的职业锚类型,帮助新进辅导员适应新岗位,寻找职业发展方向,以顺利实现辅导员岗位职业生涯管理。  相似文献   

Little is known about the careers of parliamentarians after they leave parliament. We analyse the post-parliamentary careers of German and Dutch parliamentarians over the last 20 years and document the presence of a persistent and substantial gender gap. This gap exists regardless of party, country or political position and persists even when the status of the pre-parliamentary profession and achievement within parliament are controlled for. Aside from demonstrating our findings, we offer new insights into possible explanations for the dynamics behind them. Additionally, we show that parliament only serves as a stepping stone for a more successful career for a relatively small share of politicians: only 32 per cent of MPs obtain more attractive positions in the public or private sector after their legislative service.  相似文献   

Professional insecurities include the expectation that ones job or career, and all that depends upon it, are at risk through denial of tenure, dismissal from an official position, or other sanctions for non-compliance with established practices. The expanding subdivision of work in modern society exacerbates professional insecurities by precipitating conflicts of conscience and by proliferating practices that are often ambiguous and incompatible, but nevertheless must be taken seriously because they are expected to be enforced with severe sanctions. This article suggests how the problem of professional insecurities might be understood and managed by aspiring policy scientists especially, and by others as well. There are no universal or final solutions to the problem, but there are better working solutions for particular persons and situations if we are intelligent enough to find them through applications of central theory.  相似文献   

近年来,高校为了适应社会的用人需要,纷纷对大学生进行职业生涯规划教育.但在教育过程中却存在着许多偏差,以至于不能达到理想的教育效果.文章在总结与分析这些偏差的形式与原因的基础上,提出了有针对性的纠正措施,期望使大学生通过职业生涯规划的训练,真正得到收获,促使其顺利成才.  相似文献   

This article presents a discourse analysis of a popular guide to composing career portfolios. Comprised of documents from work, school, and personal life, career portfolios chart workers’ personal trajectories from past to present to future. Job applicants use these texts to sell themselves to potential employers. In explaining how to compose portfolios, it is argued, the guide examined in this article (re)produces and circulates common-sense ideas about work in our current era. Central to these common-sense notions are: personal investment in work; deterritorialization of socio-cultural resources (e.g. ways of thinking, speaking, and interacting developed in non-work domains); and reterritorialization of these same resources in the domain of work. To explore these common-sense ideas, I engage Michael Hardt and Antonio Negri's arguments about immaterial capitalism and the deterritorialization and reterritorialization of labor.  相似文献   

This article investigates the revolving doors phenomenon in the European Union (EU). It proposes a management approach that treats this phenomenon as a form of corporate political activity through which companies try to gain access to decision makers. By using sequence analysis to examine the career paths of almost 300 EU affairs managers based in public and private companies across 26 countries, three different ideal‐typical managers are identified: those EU affairs managers coming from EU institutions and public affairs; those who make a career through the private sector; and those who establish themselves in national political institutions. This identification confirms that EU institutions need different types of information and companies need EU affairs managers with different professional backgrounds able to provide it. Rather than observing a revolving door of EU officials into EU government affairs, what the authors term ‘sliding doors’ – namely the separation of careers, especially between the public and private sectors – is discerned.  相似文献   

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