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Instructions for Authors

Instructions for Authors  相似文献   

谈当代大学生心理健康的环境要求   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
当前大学生的心理状况复杂多变 ,缺乏稳定性 ,主要存在心理不适应、自我封闭、自我逃避和性心理障碍等问题。产生这些心理问题的环境因素 ,既包括大学生自身的因素 ,也包括社会的和学习的、生活的因素。解决这些问题的途径 ,在于创造良好的心理环境 ,建立科学的预测系统 ,完善心理服务的机构和机制。  相似文献   

The care of the frail elderly should be a subject of especial and growing importance to the women's movement. Two-thirds of the 75+ age group in England and Wales are women, who, when subject to the disabilities of advancing age, are usually assisted or cared for by other women. Current government policies emphasize care at home and assume the availability of unpaid female labour. Care in residential institutions depends largely upon the low paid labour of women. How can the dilemmas posed by different policy options be resolved? Can modes of care be devised which do not rely on exploiting women's labour and which offer choice to elderly women?  相似文献   

《劳动合同法》虽然规定了劳务派遣工有同工同酬的权利,但现实生活中同工不同酬是不争的事实,不仅表现在基本工资、加班加点工资、奖金、各类津贴和补贴等显性利益分配方面,还表现在劳动安全保障费、教育培训费、社会保险费等隐性利益分配方面。破解劳务派遣工同工不同酬难题,最关键的是要从源头上根治,在立法上确保劳务派遣工同工同酬,同时还要多措并举。一方面,相关职能部门要切实履行好自身职责;另一方面,需要劳动者提高维权意识,用法律的武器维护自身权益。  相似文献   

books for review     
《Feminist Review(on-Line)》2006,82(1):144-147

Call for Papers     

Call for Papers

Call for Papers  相似文献   

Rapid industrial growth in post-World War II Japan has contributed to radical external changes in the lives of Japanese women. Among them, the increase in the average woman's lifespan and the decrease in family size have given women a number of years when they are relatively free of childcare and therefore available to enter the job market. Nevertheless, traditional values help to maintain rigid sex-role stereotyping and are woven together with the aims of the capitalist, corporate society to form a complex socio-economic fabric in which women are kept in a subordinate position economically, socially and psychologically. It is against this background that the International Women's Year and the UN Decade for Women have been introduced to Japan and have had the positive effect of providing both validity to the efforts of individuals and organizations struggling for sexual equality, and tools with which to apply leverage in the struggle to change discriminatory social institutions. In this brief paper, a number of issues that are being confronted by women in Japan today will be discussed within the context of the general socio-economic trends with the aim of clarifying gains in the struggle to ensure equality for women as well as some of the challenges which lie ahead.Note: As this paper was written in the summer of 1984, the political situation has changed somewhat since then.  相似文献   

同辈群体是个体成长发展的一个重要的环境因素。只有发挥同辈群体作为青年思想政治教育平台的优势,并对其不足之处加以引导,增强思想政治教育的实效性,才能确保青年的健康成长。  相似文献   

The desired outcome for children in foster care is to be reunited with their parents or to be permanently placed in a stable home. Federal and state legislation directs increased efforts by the social welfare and judicial systems in the United States to act in the best interests of the child and to identify and reduce barriers to permanency. Records from two county dependency courts in Florida were examined and caregivers surveyed to identify issues that prevented them from adopting the child in their care, and to identify services that would have enhanced the likelihood of adoption. The findings and their implications suggest that more integration of the two systems and support for concrete assistance to caregivers are paramount to facilitating adoption of children in foster care.  相似文献   

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