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官僚制作为一种组织体系和管理方式为社会化的大生产发展起到过积极的作用,但随着实践的深入,它也日益暴露出诸多弊端。在社会转型时期,更需要对此体制进行理论的探索和重构,以期为社会的改革和发展提供理论指导,更好的服务于实践。  相似文献   

从唯物史观的以人为本到科学发展观的以人为本   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
郝孚逸 《理论月刊》2007,(2):52-55,88
科学发展观在提出以经济建设为中心、经济社会全面协调可持续发展的同时,强调以人为本是其本质和核心,这无论从其理论内涵还是实践经验来说,都是以人为本的科学发展观。这是对唯物史观、尤其是对唯物史观中的以人为本的继承和发展。  相似文献   

Good as New     
正Plan to renovate aging urban residential areas will benefit millions of households Since the renovation of her community, Li Guizhen, 82, likes sunbathing in the residential yard much more.A large number of flower pots have been added, the lawn has been expanded, and new fitness equipment installed at Anju Community in Qinhuangdao, a coastal city  相似文献   

<正>Wall Street-pocketed U.S.legislature continues the nation’s imperialist crusade The delusional United States Congress has just approved sanctions legislation which destabilizes the international system and the U.S.constitutional order.Will it lead to war?The hysteria in Washington over Russia,North Korea and Iran has produced unilat-  相似文献   

<正>Trump brushes up U.S.policy on the Middle East with his first trip abroad U.S.President Donald Trump chose Saudi Arabia,the most important U.S.ally in the Gulf area,as the first stop of his maiden trip abroad since he took office in January.In the past,other U.S.presidents would normally make their first foreign trip to a European or American  相似文献   

吴中胜 《理论月刊》2004,(7):128-130
中国古代文论常把文学艺术作品比作水。古人以为水德与文德相通,这受历史文化多方面的影响。以水喻文反映中国古代文论对平淡自然风格的追求。  相似文献   

The present article discusses convents as homes. Resulting from the study of a Gregorian source presently housed at DePaul University's Richardson library, this article probes the complexities and restrictions of convent life in 17th century Spain. The Sanctoral de Visperas (1653) functions as a backdrop for a consideration of how singing chant and attendant rituals enriched the lives of nuns. Also included are references to nuns from this period who were outstanding musicians and poets and whose works have recently received enthusiastic attention.  相似文献   

Fighting as One     
Global collaboration urged to battle COVID-19 and its socioeconomic fallout In 1992,after the Cold War ended,28individuals established a think tank to suggest new ways for the international community to work collectively for global security.The Commission on Global Governance presented its report,titled Our Global Neighborhood,at the UN for discussion.  相似文献   

Soft as Silk     
In AD 300 a Chinese princess smuggled a silkworm out of the country.It was this treasured dowry item that brought the secrets of silk industry to the rest of the world,at least as legend would have it.  相似文献   

Love as Beauty     
HE is a good teacher. As a part-time professor at a Shanghai university, he is loved by his students. He also showed potential as a lawyer, jour-nalist and a TV anchor. What did he become? A pastor. Many people can be excellent teachers, lawyers and journalists, but far fewer can become good pastors, particularly one who loves life and art.  相似文献   

张银满 《公安学刊》2005,(1):107-108
在职和初任警察培训在警体教学中占了较高的比例.但是,目前在职和初任警察培训警体教学上还存在着教员与学员比例不合理、考核内容偏多且有一定的随意性、教员的教学法规范程度不一、教学时间得不到保证等问题.规范在职和初任警察培训警体教学的主要途径有:一是实行分层次分层面培训,制定相应训练规范和标准;二是"授之以鱼"不如"授之以渔";三是加大培训制度贯彻落实力度;四是按实际需要制订警体技能的考核标准;五是加强教学法研究;六是增加师资力量,按教学规律办事.  相似文献   

WHEN I first took the post of headmistress at Pingnan Primary School in 1999, it was a shabby place. There were 196 students, 60 percent of whom were the sons and daughters of migrant workers in Shanghai.As the economic hub of China, Shanghai has a large drifting population, many of whom are settling and starting families.  相似文献   

在北京建立教育博物馆的意义中国是一个历史悠久、教育文化丰富的古国,但是目前缺少展示悠久教育历史的专业化场所。教育资源丰富是北京从古至今最突出的特色之一,从北京作为国际化大都市的未来发展远景看,教育不仅是北京市应该凸显的特色,作为有着五千年文明历史的  相似文献   

"Oncethe door is open,it is impossible to close it again,"said a Chinese friend as we discussed this year's National People's Congress(NPC)debates on the snbject of the economy.  相似文献   

Li (pseudonym), once a "seasoned" drug taker, was sent by his family to the Sanshui Drug Rehabilitation Center of Foshan City, Guangdong Province, in mid-2007. He had tried, involuntarily, to get rid of drug taking at three other centers. Shortly after leaving a center, he would be lured into picking up drug taking again.  相似文献   

IT was 11 years ago when Chen Bei, then a high school student in Henan, stood at one of life's first crossroads. She, like several million other Chinese students, faced the annual "Gaokao," China's college entrance exam. Although it is equivalent to the SAT in the U.S. or the "A" levels in the U.K., it is considerably longer and more intimidating.  相似文献   

邓小平在设计和思考中国现代化建设道路和战略时 ,始终把中国人口问题作为一个重要内容 ,从国情论、全局论、国策论、人均论、素质论等方面系统地、正确地问答了“人口政策是带有战略性的大政策”的基本问题 ,从而进一步丰富和发展了马克思主义人口理论  相似文献   

Pay as You Go     
正China's pay--for--knowledge industry explodes as people seek to improve themselves Worries about her declining English language proficiency have been rattling around in Liang Rui's head since she graduated from the University of Huddersfield in Britain three years ago.Working at a private company in her hometown of Taiyuan,capital of north China's  相似文献   

On a drab street lined with low-rise shops,restaurants and shish kebab stalls,Dandelion Middle School is hardly noticeable.In the July rain,the run-down street in a Beijmg southern suburb even looks a little dreary.  相似文献   

A Chinese nature reserve is providing a safer and better home for a precious species  相似文献   

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