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我国未成年人法律适用存在多方面的冲突,表现在:法律与法律之间的冲突(包括法律与司法解释等适用依据间的冲突)、法律与司法实践的冲突。由于未成年人法律适用中的冲突与我国未成年人法律体系的不完善,具体法律规定操作性不强等因素具有很大的关系,所以要解决未成年人法律适用中的问题,应当构建完善的未成年人法律体系,在具体的法律制度设计中注重其可操作性等。  相似文献   

我国第一部预防未成年人犯罪的根本大法──《预防末成年人犯罪法》,于1999年6月28日九届全国人大常委会第十次会议通过,将于今年11月1日实施。该法是我国第一部专门关于预防未成年人犯罪的法律,也是继《未成年人保护法》后,我国制定的第二部关于未成年人的重要法律,该法的制定,是未成年人保护工作法制化的又一重要体现。全法共8章57条,体现我国解决青少年犯罪问题的重要战略思想,也是我国全面建设文明国家、推进社会进步的重要措施和表现。《预防未成年人犯罪法》体现了对预防未成年人犯罪要坚持教育、预防、保护和综合治理的原则…  相似文献   

今年11月1日将要实施的《预防未成年人犯罪法》,是继《未成年人保护法》以后又一部与未成年人健康成长密切相关的重要法律,它预示着我国未成年人犯罪预防工作开始纳入法制的轨道。综观我国预防未成年人犯罪工作的走向,从舆论的呼吁、行为的倡导、方针政策的制定,到今天专门法律的问世,反映出我国党和政府对未成年人健康成长的关心,标志着我国预防未成年人工作的发展。我们完全有理由相信,随着《预防未成年人犯罪法》的实施,一段时期以来我国未成年人犯罪较为严峻的发展态势将会有所控制,同时也将对整个青少年一代的教育、保护工作…  相似文献   

在继承传统文化中“恤幼”思想和借鉴西方现代福利社会理念的基础上,我国台湾地区的未成年人保护取得了长足进展,也形成了独具特色的法律制度。总的来看,我国台湾地区的未成年人法律保护制度包括三大部分:一是未成年人的早期福利保护,二是对犯罪或虞犯未成年人的司法保护与矫正,三是对被害未成年人的保护。这三部分有机结合,构成了全方位的未成年人保护法律体系。  相似文献   

涉罪外来未成年人平等权的司法保护问题研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
随着外来未成年人犯罪的增加,其司法权的平等保护问题也越来越成为社会关注的重点。我国相继制定了一系列规定和措施,以司法保护的方式来维护他们的合法权利,实质上也体现了对未成年人平等权的保护。笔者通过对涉罪外来未成年人平等权保护的现状和成因进行分析,提出了对策思考。  相似文献   

教育法律科技界专家呼吁完善《未成年人保护法》7月29日在京举行的未成年人保护法研讨会上,教育、法律、科技界的专家学者呼吁,《未成年人保护法》需要进一步完善。专家们普遍认为作为一个纲领性的儿童保护法律,《未成年人保护法》对于我国未成年人的保护作了全面的规定,但原则性较强,对实际操作过程中的一些问题没有详细明确的界定,存在执行主体不清,对责任主体较概括等问题,没有明确相关部门的责任以及不履行责任所要承担的法律后果。鉴于以上问题的存在,专家们呼吁,对于这一部全面保护未成年人权益的专门法律来说,要更好地保障我国未成年…  相似文献   

随着外来未成年人犯罪的增加,其司法权的平等保护问题也越来越成为社会关注的重点。我国相继制定了一系列规定和措施,以司法保护的方式来维护他们的合法权利,实质上也体现了对未成年人平等权的保护。笔者通过对涉罪外来未成年人平等权保护的现状和成因进行分析,提出了对策思考。  相似文献   

为有效防止性侵未成年人犯罪,日本以刑法和特别刑法中的相关法条相配合,已经建立起了一套相对完整而成熟的规制性侵未成年人犯罪的法律体系。为了进一步完善我国针对性侵未成年人犯罪的法律规制,我国应该借鉴日本的作法,顺应国际化潮流,不仅要注重处罚性侵未成年人的犯罪行为,而且需要加强保护未成年被害人的措施,通过立法加强对性侵未成年人犯罪的周边犯罪行为的处罚,扩大对未成年男性的保护范围。  相似文献   

自上世纪80年代《上海市青少年保护条例》问世后,我国相继颁布和实施了《未成年人保护法》、《预防未成年人犯罪法》等与未成年人密切相关的法律,各地也纷纷制定了地方性未成年人保护法规,这标志着我国未成年人保护开始走上了法制化的轨道。我们在充分肯定我国未成年人法律保护工作所取得的巨大成绩的同时,也已经看到过去所制定的全国和地方性未成年人保护法律法规中所存在的许多缺陷和不足。一段时期以来,众多专家学者发出了进一步加快未成年人保护法律法规建设步伐的呼声,许多全国人大代表和政协委员联名提出了修改和完善我国未成年人保护法律的提案,不少地方也开始酝酿修改地方性未成年人保护条例,这是可喜可贺的现象,预示着我国未成年人法律保护将会迈上新的台阶。  相似文献   

未成年人是指心理和生理上没有达到法律规定的具有独立行为能力成年人的群体。未成年人是祖国的希望和栋梁,是我国宪法和法律制度明确提出加以保护的群体。近年来,未成年人犯罪率呈现出逐步提高的趋势,未成年人的犯罪问题已经引起了社会各界的广泛关注。如何在我国刑事法律制度修订和完善的过程中进一步有效地构筑未成年人犯罪防范保护机制,应对刑事犯罪对未成年人的侵害,使我们必须认真研究的问题。  相似文献   

This article suggests an approach to the classical issues of the public administration theory, through the so-called new institutionalism. It argues that public policies could be taken by public administration theory as a new object of study, which this theory has gradually lost in the past. Nevertheless, whether the policy sciences can be useful1 or not to develop public administration as a discipline depends on the theoretical bridge offered by the new institutional approach. To propose how and why is the main objective of this article, based on the Mexican academic debate.  相似文献   

Several years ago, the public administration faculty of Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University issued their famous “Blacksburg Manifesto” the public Administration and the Governance Process: Refocusing the American Dialogue. In this document they call for a substantive change in the American Dialogue regarding the role of the public administrator. Nothing that the founding fathers viewed public service as a “calling”, as did the populists, Progressives, and New Dealers, they suggest that today’s government officials should percive themselves as “trustees” with a sense of a calling in serving for a cause. This call for a renewed convenant stimulated this researcher to speculate on the nature of the calling, its origins, definitions, applications, and its applicability as a psychological motivator for effective. productive performance in the public sector.

Our exploration for understanding starts with an examination of Western society’s earliest written record of man’s behaviour, the Bible, which is replete with stories of divine calls, first from God to the individual, and then to a group or society. We also review subsequent religious and secular calls, noting their universality and the reciprocal phenomena of “good” and “evil” which such calls exemplify. Thus, God’s call to Moses to lead the Jews out of Egypt is balanced by the fombat-driven calling of the city-state of Sparta.

We also not that the calling is subject to a hierarchy process. Plato writes about the natural endowments of individuals which creates three social classes that are called upon to serve the state; artisans, warriors, and philosopher-kings. Later on Eusebius defines a difference in the intensity and degree of suffering suffering between those professing a “high calling” and those following their“calling”.

This study also considers the meaning of the word “calling”. The researcher proposes a modification of its meaning which is less sacred and more secular in context. “Klesis Diakonis”, two separate Greek words, in combination, can be defined as a “call to joyous service”. This secular interpretation of the calling, frees it from its classic, religious association, and provides for its application to non-religious endeavor.

In conclusion, it is suggested that upon further research and study, the concept of a calling can be a vital and significant motivator, indded, part of the critical psychological and emotional makeup for those individuals in our society who are not fulfilled by material rewards. It is hypothesized here that the public-minded individual can find his or her calling through the medium of public service, can help restore the sacredness of public service as a public as a public trust, and can satisfy his or her search for self-fulfillment through the redefined concept of the calling.  相似文献   

In this article, we investigate the relationship between human rights conditions and terrorist activity. We begin by outlining a theory for the genesis and growth of terrorism and argue that states which deny subsistence rights along with civil and political rights create an environment that is conducive to the development of terrorism. However, we conclude that it is the denial of security rights that is a necessary condition for the creation and growth of terrorism. We then examine the causes of terrorism in Northern Ireland in light of this theory. Specifically, we explore the extent to which human rights abuses contributed to the formation and growth of terrorists within Northern Ireland. We find that limits on the civil and political rights of the Catholic minority in Northern Ireland played a significant role in the genesis of terrorism. More importantly, British abuses of security rights increased the number of Irish citizens who supported and participated in terrorist activity.  相似文献   

In this article, we investigate the relationship between human rights conditions and terrorist activity. We begin by outlining a theory for the genesis and growth of terrorism and argue that states which deny subsistence rights along with civil and political rights create an environment that is conducive to the development of terrorism. However, we conclude that it is the denial of security rights that is a necessary condition for the creation and growth of terrorism. We then examine the causes of terrorism in Northern Ireland in light of this theory. Specifically, we explore the extent to which human rights abuses contributed to the formation and growth of terrorists within Northern Ireland. We find that limits on the civil and political rights of the Catholic minority in Northern Ireland played a significant role in the genesis of terrorism. More importantly, British abuses of security rights increased the number of Irish citizens who supported and participated in terrorist activity.  相似文献   

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