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Compilation of mortality statistics from death certificate data is based on international and national conventions which in certain situations result in the underlying cause-of-death other than that established and reported by the physician. The present study compares all fatal alcohol poisonings in 1997 as registered on forensic toxicological grounds at the accredited central laboratory and as presented in the national cause-of-death statistics, according to the underlying cause-of-death, by applying international statistical rules and principles in ICD-10. Four groups were formed, and case frequencies in each group were obtained from forensic toxicological data, group "T51" for acute poisonings due to alcohol alone, and group "Comb" for acute alcohol poisonings combined with some drug, medicament or other biological substance, and from cause-of-death statistics data, group "X45", for deaths from alcohol poisoning, and group "F102" for those medico-legal fatal alcohol poisoning deaths which at the statistics office were inferred to be due to alcoholism. The study shows that in Finland the officially compiled statistics on fatal alcohol poisonings, when compared with medico-legal statements based on forensic toxicological examinations, were underrepresented by 31.4% in 1997. About two-thirds of this underrepresentation is explained by preferring, as the underlying cause-of-death, alcoholism to acute alcohol poisoning, and about one-third by preferring, in cases of acute combined poisonings, the drug component to the alcohol. From 1998 onwards, more emphasis has been put on the alcohol component when coding medico-legally proven accidental deaths from simultaneous poisoning with alcohol and a medicinal agent. This change in coding practices presumably explains the subsequent decline in the annual underrepresentation rate of alcohol poisoning in mortality statistics to the level of 15-16%. It is concluded that the present ICD rules inevitably lead to underrepresentation of alcohol poisonings in the mortality statistics, and conceptual and practical proposals for future procedures are made.  相似文献   

The entire fatal drug poisoning panorama in Finland is considered in terms of three catergories: accidental, self-inflicted and undetermined (whether accidental or with intent to harm) deaths. The study material consisted of all 500 deaths in 1997 that medical examiners, after examination(s) at the Forensic Toxicology Division (FTD) of the Department of Forensic Medicine, University of Helsinki, officially certified as resulting from drug poisoning. These deaths were matched with data on the same deaths registered at Statistics Finland (SF), the national mortality statistics office. The SF register included 72 additional instances of deaths resulting from drug poisoning. In all but two of these cases, the cause-of-death determination was based on a medico-legal inquest with autopsy and forensic toxicological examination(s) and was certified, in most of the cases, as due to the alcohol component in multiple-toxicant combinations. Reclassifying these deaths at SF to the category of drug component is in accordance with current International Classification of Diseases (ICD-10) regulation of coding "to the medicinal agent when combined with alcohol"; the principle and practice, which is recommended to be amended to equalize the status of alcohol and drug when explicitly stated by a forensic examiner as the principal toxicant in combined poisonings. With regard to manner-of-death, the agreement rates between medico-legally proven deaths from drug poisoning and those registered at SF were 79.8% for accidents, 98.5% for suicides and 0% (nil) for undetermined deaths, at the level of three-character external cause codes (E-code). All deaths originally certified as undetermined were re-assigned, most frequently to the category of accidental death. Since within an advanced and sophisticated medico-legal system, a medical examiner's evidence-based statement, even when the conclusion reached is undetermined (as to intent), should be taken as a compelling argument, the practice of reclassification cannot be considered advisable because assembled information is lost. Concerning the assigned drug-specific groups, the agreement according to the manner-of-death between certifications and registrations was fairly good. From among the accidents, however, opioid poisonings were re-assigned in 11 (29.7%) cases, mostly to the drug abuse/dependence categories, i.e. they were considered as natural deaths by the statistics office. The drug-specific observations were possible only by using the codes from the Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical (ATC) classification of drugs. This is why the incorporation of ATC codes into the ICD system, whenever reasonable, is recommended.  相似文献   

The practice of medical research with minors in Ireland consist of practices pertaining to therapeutic and non-therapeutic medical research. Clinical trials (a category of therapeutic research), is governed by legislation. However, any other therapeutic research (non-clinical trials research) and non-therapeutic research, e.g. observational medical research such as a longitudinal study of children or non-therapeutic research such as blood sample collection for analysis of cause of disease, are unregulated by legislation. This, article will outline and describe some of the medico-legal issues involved in both types of research and will comment on matters such as what national law exists, how the directive on good clinical practice has been implemented, what guidelines, if any, exist.  相似文献   

The Department of Forensic Medicine (forensic pathology and clinical forensic medicine), Aarhus, Jutland, Denmark, performs examinations of children suspected to have been sexually abused when reported to and requested by the police in Jutland, Denmark. Jutland covers an area of 210,000 km2 with about 300,000 inhabitants in Aarhus. A colposcope initially equipped with an Olympus camera, but now with a video camera attached has been used since 1994. Since 1994 the department has performed more than 100 examinations of children suspected of having been sexually abused. A preliminary study was taken to evaluate all cases from 1995 including the legal outcome. RESULTS: The material included 34 cases with three boys, mean age 11 years, and 31 girls, mean age 8 years, at the time of the examination. The sexual abuse events were fondling including penetration of the vagina, vaginal (14), anal (7), and oral (5) intercourse as well as cunnilingus and nontouching abuses. The medical examination was most often performed more than a week after the abuse. The examination revealed normal findings in 23 cases, nonspecific findings including erytherma in 13 cases, and in only one child was a traumatic lesion with rupture of the hymen seen. The perpetrators were above 25 years of ane and were family members or someone known to the child. Nine perpetrators were convicted at court, of whom three admitted having abused the child. CONCLUSION: A medical examination in cases of sexual child abuse seldom provides a legal proof of sexual abuse. The most important is the story told by the child. Therefore, the examination is a supplement which may support or remain neutral to the story told by the child.  相似文献   

In October 2010 the District Court sitting in Cairns, Queensland, found Tegan Leach not guilty of attempting to procure her own abortion and Sergie Brennan not guilty of supplying Leach with the drugs Mifepristone and Misoprostol to procure an abortion. Brennan obtained the drugs from his sister in the Ukraine through the regular postal system. R v Brennan and Leach was the first case in Queensland's history where a woman was charged with procuring her own abortion. The drugs are accepted by the medical profession worldwide for medical abortions. A prosecution witness gave evidence that Mifepristone is not harmful or injurious to the health of a woman and it is listed as an essential medicine by the World Health Organisation and approved for use by the Australian Therapeutic Goods Administration. The jury found the defendants not guilty because they were not satisfied beyond reasonable doubt that the combination of the drugs Mifepristone and Misoprostol was a "noxious" substance under the Criminal Code (Old). This article concludes that there is no regulatory miracle which will stop the traffic of Mifepristone and Misoprostol into Australia and therefore an intelligent regulatory response is required which would make it unnecessary for women to seek Mifepristone and Misoprostol from overseas networks and the internet. Among other things, this would include the repeal of confusing, inappropriate and ineffective abortion laws.  相似文献   

The compilation of research activities concerning SID in the field of legal medicine could only choose those out of a great abundance of high-quality examinations which represent applied research. By this they have contributed either to the clarifying of the aetiology which has not been cleared up or to the prophylaxis. For this looking through in a widest sense the basic approach was to consider SID being the result of an intrinsic and/or extrinsic disturbance of the modulation of respiratory regulation of the infant. This namely means a metabolic disturbance of respiratory neurons. One must not share this opinion even if it is given a certain plausibility by newer physiological examinations. But this also means that some examinations did not receive the acknowledgement which they would have received if there had been an immunological approach. The compilation was completely done without a presentation of the primary crisis intervention and the long-term care as being a fundamental medico-legal approach. Altogether may be summarized that legal medicine has completely fulfilled its duty to take care of the problem SID and that the examinations did not remain without success.  相似文献   

This Article focuses on an often overlooked barrier to efforts to enhance the quality of health care: the relationship crisis that currently exists between physicians and patients. This state of affairs has resulted from the divide between the medical and legal worlds. The medical arena has understandably tended to view the doctor-patient relationship as a purely medical issue, ignoring the law's impact in generating and sustaining problematic relationship patterns. The legal world has yet to fully recognize this state of affairs, and the law's role in its evolution and persistence. We offer a relational approach to health-care law as a means of bridging the divide between the two disciplines. In the malpractice context, this would entail adopting a no-fault compensation scheme, which is committed to strengthening collaborative doctor-patient relations, enhancing patient safety and systemic learning, while providing adequate compensation.  相似文献   

Genital surgery is one of the most controversial and contested practices, yet it is frequently described and referred to with little or no attention to cultural and social context. This article examines the practice, performed on both men and women, and the extent to which it clashes with issues of consent and capacity, as well as multicultural concepts of toleration for minority group practices. It then questions why female genital surgery, unlike male genital surgery, is legally prohibited in Australia. It argues that such legal gender bias stems from a liberal conception of "tolerance" and the limits of consent in Australia, placing female genital surgery in an "unacceptable" category and male genital surgery in an "acceptable" category.  相似文献   

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