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Dolan Muqam and Dolan Meshref music and dance seem to have brought people back to the Bronze Age because what happened to Dolan ancestors seems to have resurfaced. Dolan people's struggles and aspirations to conquer nature and change the environment, as well as their romantic thoughts and feelings are freeze-framed at the very beginning of the music and dance.  相似文献   

WITH increasing exchanges between China and the West, many Western ideas and customs are modifying Chinese lifestyles, and Valentine's Day is one of them.  相似文献   

DESCRIBING his physi-cal and mental statesince opening his ownarchitecture firm, ZhangYubin says: "I havemore money, but less hair. Mymain complaint is feeling con-stantly tired." At university Zhang Yubinmajored in architecture. In 1996he gave up his dream of becominga master architect and resigned  相似文献   

The right to freedom of mar-riage has always been promot-ed and protected in China, and since the 1980s the increasing numbers of seniors have made their second marriage an issue of social concern.  相似文献   

Shanghai municipality's announcement late last year that bicycles were to be banned from the city's main thoroughfares was ill received by many residents. The measure was taken to relieve traffic congestion and reflects how traditional modes of transport fail to meet the changing needs of Chinese contemporary life.  相似文献   

ON her way to the rail-way station to meet afriend, Miss Sun wasunderstandablyalarmed when thicksmoke began pouring out fromunder the hood of her car. At a lossas to what to do, she called herboyfriend, but he was equallynonplussed. Eventually twomechanics were called to thescene, and it transpired that thewater tank was empty. Like the  相似文献   

在浮躁喧嚣的社会风气中,人们正在忽略和失去一些有价值的、看似无关轻重的细节。  相似文献   

IN my life I have made many friends, both Chinese and foreign, quite a number of them intimate to the extent that I can repose in them my full confidence. Israel Epstein, known as Eppy to his friends, is one of the most outstanding. In appearance he is foreign, but emotionally he is Chinese, having taken Chinese citizenship in 1957. Those who have heard and read his analyses of Chinese issues are impressed with his deep insight. Epstein, who turns 90 on April 20, is a living witness to the radical changes that have  相似文献   

JEAN-HUGUES Depigny and his wife are from France. They have lived in China for 10 years and are known by the Chinese names Yang Peiyi and Yang An. Their home is resplendent in Chinese furnishings and ornaments. Jean-Hugues Depigny is vice president of Airbus China customer services in Beijing. Airbus and China have been in cooperation since 1985, when China Eastern Airlines, formerly the CAAC East Regional Administration, became its first client in China. Since then, Airbus and the China aviation manu-  相似文献   

张海容  苏东 《台声》2004,(6):46-49
采访李文前,在电话中曾被她告之,有二点要求必须要做:1、提前把名片传真给她:2、一定要把她的书看完:3、她不回答与书中内容重复的任何问题。 我知道,这是个不好对付的女人。冰河期的幸存者 李文是以投诉来迎接我们的,原因是尽管她提前打过招呼,小区的保安还是拒绝让我们的车进院。  相似文献   

沈奇岚  姚松鑫 《台声》2004,(7):48-50
对张曼娟的访问被安排在她此行下榻的上海某宾馆客房里,摄影师忙着布光,化妆师忙着化妆,而一旁的我则认真地听她谈爱情。 谈起爱情,她该算九段的高手,每一种问题几乎都思考过,所以才会有那几十本“谈情说爱”的书。 可是她单身,在台湾她又被归类于“三高”女性:学历、身材和年龄都“高”的女性。“我单身,因为我选择单身。”她说。说的时候,神态并非是在捍卫某种  相似文献   

Just 30 percent of the Forbes 2003 Chinese rich list appearing on the Forbes 2004 honor roll of Chinese philanthropists comes from China‘s mainland; their charitable donations account for a mere fraction of their total assets.  相似文献   

这辆车号为“HT3897”的“大奔”车,已经开了五年了,车内却整洁得如同新车一般:没有任何多余的挂饰和摆件,甚至没有装上座位套。  相似文献   

几缕火焰,几缕青烟,伴以几块石头,或一个铁三脚架,看去平平常常,但它却与人朝夕相伴,患难与共,与人的社会、文化融为一体———  相似文献   

Social competition grows ever fiercer in China as the economic boom of recent years continues. Chinese citizens of school age feel it in the pressure emanating from parents, teachers, and the education system in general. The uncertainties of adolescence are thus intensified, and the consumption of high-tech toys and designer clothes that offsets it exerts  相似文献   

因为工作的缘故,有幸数次率团出访南半球的那块美丽大陆——澳大利亚。虽然每次逗留的时间只有半个月,但是依然有很多让我印象深刻的地方值得回味。  相似文献   

如果您简单地认为,“侍酒师”就是星级酒店里专门为客人倒酒水的服务员,那就大错特错了!这是一个品味高尚的精英群体.他们不仅对每一种美酒了如指掌,对佳肴、咖啡、雪茄也颇有研究。其中的精英,全世界只有200多人!他们既是美食与美酒的“媒人”,也负责饭店酒单的编排、葡萄酒的采购以及酒窖管理,年薪在15—40万元之间。神秘侍酒师的生活究竟怎样?普通人能否挑战这种酷职业?走进女大学生刘畅的新鲜经历,令人大长见识。  相似文献   

远航 《人大建设》2004,(10):32-33
单亮是成都西南交大外语学院的保送研究生.全年级综合测评的“状元郎”。孝师和同学都相信,单亮今后一定会有一个锦绣的前程。但是.一场没有任何征兆的疾病让这一切成了泡影。2004年6月中旬.单亮由于过度劳累导致免疫力下降,引发化脓性脑膜炎.在医院永远闭上了眼睛。是什么让这个身高1.82米的小伙子匆匆离开人世?又给我们留下了哪些启示呢?  相似文献   

"气候变化"已成了不可逆转的事实.我们从开始认知、理解这个命题,到切实感到它的无处不在,再到从我做起,节能减排,不过几年时间而已."气候变化"来得让人有些猝不及防.  相似文献   

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