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This summary relates to the consultation held at St George's House, in Windsor, England, on February 2018. The attendees came from across Europe and from the United States, and they discussed a range of initiatives designed to address the challenges in modern family justice and the changes in the social, political, and economic environments that are impacting family life across the globe. Although the challenges are very similar, the approach to resolving them varies from jurisdiction to jurisdiction. The attendees concluded that there is much we can learn from each other, and that greater cooperation between family justice professionals across geographic boundaries would be highly beneficial.  相似文献   

"存疑有利于被告人"的思想源于古希腊自然法思想之正义观。作为一项法律规范,它最早出现于古罗马时期。在法律文化的变迁过程中,罪刑法定、无罪推定、刑法谦抑主义、正当程序等刑事法律思想为该原则的形成提供了思想滋养与理论支撑。但是,由于缺乏对该原则内涵的准确把握,导致我国司法实践中至今仍存在多种滥用该原则的现象,这不仅损害了司法公正,也削弱了刑法的法益保护机能。所以,对该原则的使用范围、使用条件和使用阶段需要从司法实践出发认真思考。  相似文献   

With marriage comes in‐laws, and if the in‐laws include delinquent males, their delinquency could affect the prosocial effects of the given marriage. In this article, I focus on the effect of having a convicted brother‐in‐law as a general indicator of this broader phenomenon of family‐formation processes impairing the positive impact of marriage on crime desistance. I use registry data on all men from birth cohorts 1965–1975 in Denmark (N = 69,066) to show that when a man marries, his new family ties to delinquent brother(s)‐in‐law do indeed hinder his criminal desistance. The results that take into account the characteristics of husbands, wives, their shared family‐formation process, and the criminality of male family members suggest that 1) family dynamics tend to keep criminality within family networks and 2) influences from one's broader social network through marriage are important for the protective effects of marriage. Analyses of previous conviction, co‐offending between a man and his brother‐in‐law, as well as analyses of in‐laws who reside in close proximity confirm the two mentioned main findings. In all, the findings reported in this article add to our understanding of the processes by which families are tied, and how these family‐formation processes influence men's behavior.  相似文献   

石静霞 《时代法学》2012,10(3):36-42
本文讨论ECFA项下两岸的服务贸易自由化和双向服务投资的相关问题。文章首先分析了EC—FA纳入服务部门对台湾及两岸经贸发展的重要意义,然后归纳了服务贸易早期收获清单的主要内容和代表性措施。ECFA对“服务提供者”进行了符合两岸特殊情况的专门界定,以确保协议优惠措施不外溢到其他国家或地区。ECFA目前在实施中也存在一些问题。  相似文献   

证人拒证行为的刑事立法及对策探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
牟军 《现代法学》2000,22(3):123-126
作者为拒证行为的刑事立法提供了参考的依据,并在此基础上,探析了拒证罪应具备的四个犯罪构成要件。  相似文献   

郑飞 《证据科学》2015,(1):71-80
司法公开是司法公信力的基础,但司法公开并不自动实现公众对司法活动过程和结果的信任与认同。通过对9省市的实证调研和数据挖掘,课题组发现除了司法公开以外,司法公信力还与司法独立、司法工作作风、司法过程、司法结果等方面密切相关。因此,建议可从以下几个方面重点着手来提升司法公信力:夯实司法公开以增加司法透明度,增强司法机关的独立性以保证司法权威,转变司法工作作风以提升司法权力主体的公信力,并更加注重司法过程的程序公正和司法结果的实体公正。  相似文献   

农村法律服务问题实证研究(一)   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
在广大农村地区,法律工作者通过诉讼代理等方式为农民提供的法律服务,有可能成为“国家”与“社会”之间的一种连接机制。基于对中西部地区进行田野调查所取得的资料,初步建立了一个相关的理论模型并对其构成命题做了具体描述。  相似文献   

There are only a few cases of drug‐facilitated sexual assaults on children reported in the literature so far. Here, a case of a four‐year‐old boy is presented. He was unconscious, and the accompanying adults reported that the child had been at a playground on his own. Returning home, he complained of having been stung and collapsed immediately. Urine and serum samples of the child were investigated. In the toxicological analysis, xylazine, a sedative and muscle relaxant used in animals, was detected. Subsequent quantification by GC/MS after solid‐phase extraction revealed 0.053 mg/L xylazine in serum and approximately 0.63 mg/L in urine. Furthermore, the child was examined by a forensic medical specialist. Police investigations revealed that the godfather, who had been previously accused of sexual abuse of children, had injected the child with the drug, possibly in preparation for a shared bath.  相似文献   

Synthetic cannabinoids are sprayed onto plant material and smoked for their marijuana‐like effects. Clandestine manufacturers modify synthetic cannabinoid structures by creating closely related analogs. Forensic laboratories are tasked with detection of these analog compounds, but targeted analytical methods are often thwarted by the structural modifications. Here, direct analysis in real time coupled to accurate mass time‐of‐flight mass spectrometry (DART‐TOF‐MS) in combination with liquid chromatography quadruple time‐of‐flight mass spectrometry (LC‐QTOF‐MS) are presented as a screening and nontargeted confirmation method, respectively. Methanol extracts of herbal material were run using both methods. Spectral data from four different herbal products were evaluated by comparing fragmentation pattern, accurate mass and retention time to available reference standards. JWH‐018, JWH‐019, AM2201, JWH‐122, 5F‐AKB48, AKB48‐N‐(4‐pentenyl) analog, UR144, and XLR11 were identified in the products. Results demonstrate that DART‐TOF‐MS affords a useful approach for rapid screening of herbal products for the presence and identification of synthetic cannabinoids.  相似文献   

王志祥  刘江格 《河北法学》2004,22(12):54-56
在大陆法系刑法理论中,以行为与法益的关系为标准,可以将犯罪划分为形式犯和实质犯。在我国刑法理论中,没有必要采取这种分类。  相似文献   

Cash‐and‐valuables‐in‐transit (CViT) robberies have become a substantial problem—especially in the current global economy. Over £19.4 million were stolen in 2008 and £17.1 million in 2009 in the United Kingdom alone. The transportation of cash and valuable items between financial institutions has long been a target of robberies in the U.K. After a robbery has occurred, police collect evidence in the form of ink‐stained currency. These stained notes are submitted for analysis. Samples are subjected to polymerase chain reaction in order to amplify any possible botanically derived DNA markers present on the notes. After amplification, capillary electrophoresis allows for the deciphering of the “DNA profile.” The DNA profile is then linked to a particular cash box, and this information is compared with records of whether or not that box had been stolen. The cases below are three such instances where botanically marked currency was used to help solve robberies.  相似文献   

谭冰涛 《政法学刊》2004,21(4):30-32
质量侵权包括产品质量侵权、服务质量侵权、建筑质量侵权三种情态,在产品质量侵权责任中,责任的承担主体是生产者和销售者,在建筑质量侵权责任中,责任的承担主体则是施工单位、设计单位等,在服务质量侵权责任中,责任的承担主体则是服务经营者。  相似文献   

The decision of the US Supreme Court in International News Service v Associated Press (1918) has variously been interpreted as recognising a ‘quasi‐property’ right in ‘valuable intangibles’, such as hot news; as turning on unjust enrichment; or as creating a novel tort of unfair competition by misappropriation. It is suggested that the case is more authentically understood as an incidental result of a process by which the Supreme Court extended the boundaries of tort liability, and the corresponding scope of property protection, in a series of decisions against organised labour. The argument is pursued with reference to the prima facie tort theory of Oliver Wendell Holmes, the American ‘labour injunction’, and the labour law record of the author of the majority opinion in International News, Justice Mahlon Pitney.  相似文献   

论刑事被害人的诉讼地位、诉讼权利及其保障   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
被害人在刑事诉讼中的地位是刑事诉讼的重要问题 ,保护被害人 ,给予其恰如其份的诉讼地位和诉讼权利成为追求司法公正的重要组成部分。我国刑事诉讼法对被害人的诉讼地位和诉讼权利的重视应当肯定 ,但是在保护受害人合法权益方面仍有一些不周到之处 ,应当采取相应措施加以完善。  相似文献   

李锐 《政法学刊》2001,18(3):31-33
修改后的刑法大幅度地增加了罚金刑,罚金刑的定义、适用方式,罚金刑执行中存在的问题都应进一步完善。  相似文献   

从损害在侵权行为法上的地位出发 ,论述了侵权行为法范畴中损害的概念和特征 ,并对相关概念进行了比较。在对损害的性质进行探讨的基础上 ,认为侵权行为法上的损害本质上是一种法律保护的利益丧失状态。并且 ,作为侵权行为构成要件的损害和侵权赔偿中的损害在内涵上应该是一致的。进而对损害概念进行了分类 ,并认为我国即将制定的侵权行为法应该专门对损害概念予以规定。  相似文献   

公法上不当得利是指在公法范围内,欠缺法律上的原因而发生的财产变动,致一方受有利益,他方受有损害,受损的一方有请求返还所受利益的权利,其判别标准为:公法关系、财产变动与欠缺法律上原因。在我国,宪法上的财产权、行政法上的依法行政原理与财产法上的衡平原理均为公法上不当得利存在的法学基础。公法上不当得利按不同标准可分为多类,但按请求权分类已成为习惯,可将其分为相对人向国家或其他行政主体请求、国家或其他行政主体向相对人请求与机关间相互请求等,这些在我国现存的公法规范中均有所体现。  相似文献   

注册会计师的法律责任,是指注册会计师因违约、过失或欺诈对审计委托人、被审计单位或其他有利益关系的第三人造成损害,按照相关法律规定而应承担的法律后果。导致注册会计师法律责任的不仅有会计师事务所和注册会计师自身的原因,还有整个社会环境和市场机制的因素。  相似文献   

张金海 《河北法学》2006,24(10):176-181
德国民法错误制度的适用对象包括了表示中的错误及意思形成中的错误,具有清晰的二元特征,另外就这两种错误分别规定了错误方可以获得救济的条件.其不足之处主要是对表示中的错误限制得不够严格,以及未充分考虑相对人的因素.我国现行民法中的重大误解制度问题颇多,今后可在吸取德国民法错误制度的优点而避免其不足的基础上设计出合理的错误制度.  相似文献   

论网络发表权   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
何炼红 《河北法学》2004,22(6):41-44
网络发表权是指作者决定是否将其作品通过网络公之于众的权利,所反映的是一种待实现状态,也可以理解为是权利人依法享有的一种静态性权利;而网络传输权是指著作权及相关权利人享有以有线或者无线方式向公众提供作品,使公众可以在其个人选定的时间和地点获得作品的权利,其反映的是作者实现发表权的现实状态。我们有必要正确区分性质不同的这两项权利,从而为作者在网络环境下发表权的保护提出相应的理论依据。  相似文献   

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