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阿碧 《检察风云》2006,(15):38-40
世界杯足球赛的"硝烟"刚刚散去,本届世界杯再度安全地度过,没有出现1972年慕尼黑奥运会那样的恐怖袭击事件.尽管如此,在整个世界杯赛事期间,德国的警察和各个参赛球队所在国的特派警察都严阵以待.  相似文献   

在天山南麓、叶尔羌河之畔,有一座集工业、农业、药材、果园、畜牧于一体的现代化小镇——新疆生产建设兵团农三师四十三团场。提起共产党员、法律工作者黄德刚,全团场几乎没人不知道他的名字。他今年52岁,脸色黝黑。自1995年从事基层司法行政工作以来,他风里来,雨里去,任劳任怨,足迹踏遍了每一个连队,汗水洒遍了每一寸土地,在“政法战线的前沿阵地上”谱写了一曲曲动人的凯歌。  相似文献   

正祁门,处黄山西麓,与江西毗邻,是安徽的南大门,地理位置十分重要。正因为地理位置的特殊,常常会发生繁杂而棘手的事情或案件。两年前,汪华峰被委以县公安局长的重任,打造平安祁门就成了他时刻记在心中的信念。两年多来,他跋涉在大山深处,他的人生像一盏香茗,无喧嚣之形,无浮躁之态,清气馥郁;两年多来,他时刻牢记肩负的重任,践行着自己曾经许下的诺言,用行动言果敢,用大爱驻平安。给赌徒一个下马威祁门的安凌一带赌博之风猖獗,且有历史。在那里,常常有近10个村民组的村民聚集在一起赌博,参赌人员可以和庄家  相似文献   

亿元GDP的死亡率与女警卫身上的防弹衣,两件事风马牛不相及。尽管“防弹衣”是避伤防死的,但与“亿元GDP”的“死亡率”还是没有什么直接关系。把这两个事串在一起说,大抵是修辞里的比喻和类比。  相似文献   

<正>他们的足迹遍布广袤的呼伦贝尔草原,他们是祖国边防线上移动的钢铁长城,他们是践行守护祖国北疆铮铮誓言的骑兵卫士,他们是呼伦贝尔草原牧民心中的“守护神”。他们,就是呼伦贝尔市陈巴尔虎旗海东青骑警队。海东青骑警队是呼伦贝尔市第一支公安骑警队伍,成立于2017年8月1日,其前身为陈旗特警骑巡队,隶属于陈巴尔虎旗公安局。骑警队共有10名队员,其中8人为蒙汉兼通民警,全体队员平均年龄29岁。骑警队成立以来曾多次参与重大庆典活动安保工作,累计边境沿线巡逻近八万公里,为守卫陈巴尔虎旗和谐安宁做出了突出贡献。  相似文献   

一 不久前,有个熟人谈到他的一位同事因涉嫌经济犯罪,将由区检察院起诉,提交法院审判。涉嫌人的家属聘请了辩护律师后,却仍然象热锅上的蚂蚁。在诸多担忧中,她有这样一个忧虑:万一法庭判决不公,那怎么办?虽然允许上诉,但案子是经检察院公诉、法院判决的,上诉到第二审法院,法官会不会先入为主,走过场,草草终审定案?若果真这样,上诉岂不成了瞎子点灯——白费蜡?  相似文献   

本文介绍了能量吸收、比吸能值、临界速度和弹道极限V_(50)等防弹性能指标,着重阐述了弹道极限V_(50)的定义、计算公式等。最后用V_(50)对防弹衣安全性能进行评估、设计防弹衣及新材料评价等。  相似文献   

建行太谷支行成立于1980年10月,20年来支行在党支部的带领下,继承和发扬党的优良传统,以党建为先导,充分发挥纪检监察工作的作用,以人为本,将思想政治工作渗透到全行职工的心灵深处,体现在管理、服务和效益等方面,严格管理,从严治行,推进支行各项工作连创佳绩。 抓好党建,榜样力量最无穷 在具体工作中,党支部一是健全组织生活。制定了支部和党员学习制度,落实"三会一课",把开好支委会、党小组会、党员大会、上好党课作为党支部持之以恒的制度,并且坚持中心组理论学习。  相似文献   

源起“8·11”2004年8月11日,人民网全文刊登了时任福建省福州市连江县县委书记黄金高的来信,题为《为何防弹衣随我6年》。黄金高在信中说,1998年任福州市财委主任时,他曾因查处轰动全国的“福州猪案”(官商勾结的走私猪案件),成为某些人的眼中钉,生命受到威胁。警方派人护送他上下班达数年之久,还不得不穿着防弹衣。2002年1月,他调任连江县县委书记,又因查处连江县江滨路改造工程腐败案,再次受到人身威胁,下乡及外出又不得不随身带着防弹衣。他在信中称,该案涉及官商勾结,造成“国有资产流失6800多万元人民币,群众利益损失近300万元人民币,…  相似文献   

Patron banning involves banning individuals who engage in problematic behaviour in night time entertainment precincts from certain areas. Patron banning is used in most jurisdictions within Australia despite a lack of evidence regarding its effectiveness. To have an impact, patron banning should act as a deterrent for problematic behaviour at a range of licenced premises (individual and general deterrence), as well as constituting as an immediate punishment which prevents future problem behaviours at the establishment(s) from which an individual has been banned (incapacitation). However, for deterrence to occur, the general public must be aware of the existence and basic functions of patron banning. Therefore, the aim of this study is to determine the level of public awareness of patron banning and its use. One hundred seventy-two participants anonymously completed an online questionnaire, comprising two sections: (1) demographic information and (2) participant’s awareness, understanding, and previous experience with patron banning. The majority of participants indicated being aware of patron banning, but most did not know any details about it. The results of this study indicate that while individuals are aware that banning powers exist, they are less aware of how these powers are used in practice. In this way, patron banning fails to fulfil the requirements of a general deterrent. Given its expanding use, further research is needed to determine if patron banning does affect the behaviour of those receiving bans and of the community more generally.  相似文献   

In recent years there has been much complaint from originatingpharmaceutical companies that the test of obviousness appliedin the UK, as evidenced by decisions of the Patent Court onpharmaceutical related patents, is set unfairly low. This isof particular impact where ‘formulation’ type patentsare concerned. That is, typically, those patents that claiman existing active ingredient mixed, formulated, or combinedwith other known components or in a different way. Pharmaceuticalcompanies complain that the vulnerability of such patents againstinvalidity proceedings in the UK fails to protect the considerableinvestment made in the development of these formulations againstgeneric competition. This article looks at whether the reasons for this concern canbe traced to particular sub-tests that have been used by thecourts to try to answer the statutory test for obviousness.In particular, the sub-tests of ‘lying in the road’and ‘obvious to try’ are examined and the questionof whether there has been an imbalance between these two sub-testsis explored. Further, it is argued that the decisions in therecent cases of Saint-Gobain and Angiotech suggest that therehas been a shift in how the Court of Appeal assesses obviousness.This is away from the ‘obvious to try with a reasonableexpectation of success’ standard to one of ‘obviousto try if success is self-evident’. If the Court of Appeal follows the line taken in these two casesthen pharmaceutical patents of the formulations kind shoulda face better prospect of surviving invalidity challenges basedon obviousness in future.  相似文献   

Despite the increase in the number of females incarcerated, there is a paucity of research concerning female life-sentenced inmates in the United States. Using a nationally representative data set containing the largest known sample of this population, the present research examines the pre-incarceration traumatic experiences of female life-sentenced inmates. The results indicate that these women are more likely to experience traumatic events, in particular abuse, than either male life-sentenced inmates or female inmates in general. Logistic regression analyses reveal a significant association between abuse and a life sentence in both gender-specific models.  相似文献   

A field experiment was conducted in order to test the assumptions by the Supreme Court in Barnes v. Glen Theatre, Inc. (1991) and the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals in Colacurcio v. City of Kent (1999) that government restrictions on dancer nudity and dancer–patron proximity do not affect the content of messages conveyed by erotic dancers. A field experiment was conducted in which dancer nudity (nude vs. partial clothing) and dancer–patron proximity (4 feet; 6 in.; 6 in. plus touch) were manipulated under controlled conditions in an adult night club. After male patrons viewed the dances, they completed questionnaires assessing affective states and reception of erotic, relational intimacy, and social messages. Contrary to the assumptions of the courts, the results showed that the content of messages conveyed by the dancers was significantly altered by restrictions placed on dancer nudity and dancer–patron proximity. These findings are interpreted in terms of social psychological responses to nudity and communication theories of nonverbal behavior. The legal implications of rejecting the assumptions made by the courts in light of the findings of this study are discussed. Finally, suggestions are made for future research.  相似文献   

"艺术来源于生活又高于生活"是毛泽东《在延安文艺座谈会上的讲话》中着重阐述过的文论观点.艺术何以来源于生活,又是如何高于生活的,其深层意蕴值得探索.从西方马克思主义学者的研究看来,日常生活的边缘性与奠基性是其产生艺术等高级意识形态活动的原因;同时由于日常生活的重复性、实用主义、平均状态等特性,又要求艺术对生活有所超越.这一文艺命题同时蕴涵着毛泽东关于"生活"概念的特指意义及其改造日常生活的特定方式.  相似文献   

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