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Few areas of public administration have been more discouraging, over a longer period of time, than the struggle to build public trust in government's work. However, new research suggests that public administrators can build trust by improving the results they produce for citizens. Practical, practicable steps can produce big improvements: improving government's focus on citizens' needs; engaging employees; focusing on fairness; and, especially, concentrating on the delivery of public services at the “retail” level. Citizens, research shows, can discriminate among levels of government, the administration of different programs in different functional areas, and the work of individual administrators. That provides strong hope for improving trust, in an era when too often government appears too untrustworthy.  相似文献   

把制度优势更好转化为治理效能,是推进国家治理现代化的实践遵循。制度优势向治理效能转化,能够展现制度根本优势而优化治理结构,能够提升制度执行能力而优化治理功能,能够促使制度和制度执行能力充分结合以及制度建设和治理实践有效互动,从而整体上有力推进国家治理现代化。遵循把制度优势更好转化为治理效能这一实践取向,推进国家治理现代化,要依托由最大优势和显著优势共同构成的制度基础、由制度完善和现实发展共同构成的价值基础、由治理经验和主体创造共同构成的实践基础,坚持科学的实践进路,突出治理实践这一关键环节,通过三个阶段推进实践过程,基于十三个坚持和完善把握任务重点,不断实现制度优势更好向治理效能转化。  相似文献   

《Patterns of Prejudice》2012,46(3):50-61
Led by William Pierce, a former officer in the National Socialist White People's Party, America's National Alliance has achieved particular notoriety as a result of Pierce's authoring of a genocidal political thriller called The Turner Diaries. Pierce argues, both in his fiction and elsewhere, for the recruitment of an elite that will one day lead to an armed struggle against The System. The argument of others on the extreme right in the United States, however, that only individuals or at most small cells can successfully overthrow the state represents a grave challenge to the Alliance's groupuscular logic.  相似文献   

邓小平是有中国特色社会主义概念的发明人,对此做了很多具体论述。但是,他没给中国特色社会主义下明确定义,相反还强调,过去我们对什么是社会主义这个问题的认识不是完全的清醒。中国特色社会主义建设既不能照抄经典,也不能照搬别国模式,需要当代中国人在实践中探索解决。现今,重温邓小平论述的启发是:只有在中国特色社会主义与马克思恩格斯设想的社会主义、苏联模式社会主义、资本主义以及与民主社会主义等各种关系中,充分认识其异同,才能对中国特色社会主义给出比较恰当合理的定位,从而引导中国持续、快速、协调、健康地发展。  相似文献   

民主社会主义建立的混合经济模式致力于克服资本主义市场经济的弊端,在资本主义私有制上加入更多的公有制成分,在分配方式上更重视按劳分配和社会福利,在市场机制中强调计划调节。我国混合所有制经济的起点和主体都是公有制经济,这同民主社会主义的混合经济有本质不同,但我们可以借鉴民主社会主义在这方面的成功经验,在高起点和高目标上实现对民主社会主义混合经济模式的超越。  相似文献   

Radical Sheffield: from Socialism to Entrepreneurialism   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

In a continuation of his earlier work on the history and structure of psychiatry and psychoanalysis Bercherie examines Frued's views on epistemology and then identifies the presence of four metapsychological models in his writings. The models are then related to the four major currents in post-Freudian psychoanalysis: Kleinian analysis, ego-psychology, Lacanianism and the more diffuse ‘marginal’ current. He ends by expressing the hope that the prevailing climate of theoretical dogmatism will give way to a new spirit of synthesis and tolerance which will lead to major developments in both the theory and the practice of psychoanalysis.  相似文献   

现代国家治理理念是国家治理现代化的科学遵循,影响和支配国家治理主体间的政治行为。传统工具主义与现代国家治理存在冲突,迫切需要作出转型,转型的方向即人本主义。人本主义弥补了工具主义的缺陷,是国家治理理念现代化转变的最佳选择。为了进一步实现人本主义对工具主义的超越,需要以政治伦理的规范优化治理价值观、以多重权力的博弈优化治理权力观、以制度价值的彰显优化治理发展观,建构以人民为中心的中国治理话语体系。  相似文献   

This paper presents a case study of policy introduction, implementation and termination. It demonstrates how the coupling of a well-defined problem with a workable solution by advocates can generate policy change, even in an area where there has previously been scant governmental interest. It also reveals that increased public funding associated with policy implementation can provide administrators with the legitimacy and authority to advance reform. Finally, this case study indicates the fragility of policies which: have short histories of governmental attention and financing; cross major party political differences towards federalism and Commonwealth/state responsibilities; and solely benefit repressed interests.  相似文献   

从传统社会主义到中国特色社会主义的历史流变不是在一个封闭的体系中实现的,恰恰相反,它是在现当代全球化的世界图景这一宏大叙事中不断丰富和发展起来的.从全球化的视角来看,传统社会主义模式是一种社会主义全球化攻略,是在资本主义主导的全球化挤压下被动回应的逻辑体现.与传统社会主义形成鲜明对照的是,中国特色社会主义是在传统社会主义模式的危机和全球化的挑战中兴起的,是逐步地、自觉地、全面地、深入地参与全球化进程的社会主义.用全球化视角省察从传统社会主义到中国特色社会主义的历史流变,我们得到深刻的启示:在全球化面前的得与失与社会主义的兴衰存亡紧密相关.重新把社会主义置于世界文明发展的大潮之中,使社会主义真正成为"世界历史性"的存在,是社会主义从传统形态走向当代形态的重要标志.  相似文献   


Okay if you are worried about the greenhouse effect, if you want us to be responsible corporate citizens of the world, you must also understand we are a Third World nation and need the money. Give us 200 million PGK a year for our budget and you can be in charge of our forests.  相似文献   

毛泽东在探索中国特色社会主义道路的过程中,形成了自己的社会主义思想,又发生了严重的失误,给后人留下许多思考与启示.毛泽东是探索中国特色社会主义的先驱,功不可没.  相似文献   

In the context of the current debate on multiculturalism, this article draws on three models of state policies towards families to propose a reframing of multiculturalist policies. They are the ‘authorisation’ model, wherein the state authorises families to define and enforce family obligations as law; the ‘delegation’ model, wherein the state prescribes the norms families are to follow and delegates to families the role of enforcing them; and the ‘purposive abstention’ model, wherein the state uses the voluntary performance family norms as a tool of policy, giving them limited legal recognition within the continued application of the general law. The article considers how these models might guide policy towards communities, which can be seen, substantially, as collections of families. It favours the ‘purposive abstention’ model, which, in the context of cultural groups, could be termed ‘cultural voluntarism’.  相似文献   

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