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王欢 《学理论》2011,(4):74-75
简要介绍了世界体系理论的理论渊源、基本内涵、分析方法和基本观点,尤其是"中心—半边缘—边缘"的分析框架,比较深刻地分析了世界资本主义国家发展的动态演变。在对上述问题梳理后,还简要地评析了沃勒斯坦的世界体系理论。  相似文献   

研究资本主义有不同的视角,本文认为从世界体系理论的视角来研究资本主义体系,能够为我们密切结合全球化进程的现实,深刻认识资本主义历史发展的趋向提供一个较新的视点.文章首先阐述了马克思主义关于世界体系的思想,并结合西方学者有关现代世界体系的重要观点,论述了现代世界体系理论产生和发展对认识和把握世界资本主义的重要性.其次,文章从世界体系的结构出发分析资本主义世界的新变化及问题.最后,根据当代资本主义世界体系的新变化,提出作为一个世界体系的资本主义的发展趋向.  相似文献   

论当代资本主义世界体系的结构与矛盾   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
当代世界经济体系是经济全球化的历史进程的结果,是以西方资本主义国家为中心、欠发达国家为外围的,存在于统一世界范围的资本循环过程中的双重结构,应当从世界体系的视野,认识当代资本运动的矛盾与规律。  相似文献   

林爽 《学理论》2011,(18):58-59
2:0世纪70年代,美国学者沃勒斯坦创立的世界体系理论在学术界产生了巨大的反响。作为社会发展理论,它从世界体系的角度对资本主义制度进行了全1面地批判,试图从经济、政治和文明三个层面来重新建构世界秩序。作为分析方法,它深刻地批判了现代化理论和社会科学的传统范式,主张对近代以来的世界历史进行长时段和大范围的整体性研究。这一研究范式进一步丰富了对马克思主义的认识和理解,为破解社会发展问题和重建历史体系提供了重要的思路和借鉴价值。  相似文献   

布哈林在《世界经济和帝国主义》这部马克思主义经典著作中阐述了一种世界经济体系理论,认为资本主义世界经济构成了一个体系,这个体系以生产关系的国际化为主要动力,其深层结构特征是无政府状态。通过运用世界经济体系理论,布哈林对帝国主义战争的三大经济根源进行了分析,从而奠定了帝国主义理论的经济学基础。布哈林对世界经济体系发展动力、体系的深层结构及其特征的思考是经得起检验的,但对帝国主义战争三大经济根源及其不可调和矛盾的分析则绝对化了。  相似文献   

始于2008年的世界金融和经济危机使资本主义体系受到重创,也为世界社会主义的振兴带来新的机遇。然而,由于资本主义还有自身调整的能力,加之推翻资本主义制度的社会力量准备不足,革命政党尚不强大,迄今为止危机尚未引发新的社会主义革命高潮。当前世界社会主义运动仍面临社会主义理论的创新、社会主义力量的整合以及现有社会主义国家如何在世界资本主义体系内增强自身的发展并有效地与资本主义进行较量等挑战。  相似文献   

当今世界格局正发生着深刻变革,世界社会主义运动的发展推动了资本主义世界历史发生着深刻的转变。在当代视阈下,马克思世界历史理论凸显出三重意蕴:世界历史在时空交互作用中形成的生成意蕴;推动资产阶级向工人阶级的主体转向中的世界历史主体意蕴;在确证共产主义的实现中形成的实践批判意蕴。在这个"世界向何处去"的历史转变的重要关口,深刻挖掘马克思世界历史理论与人类命运共同体思想的共同指向具有重大的理论和现实意义。  相似文献   

现代化理论、依附理论和世界体系理论、转型理论、社会资本及发展道路、结果等相关理论是发展社会学的重要理论,每一种理论都是对世界发展和现状的解释,每一种理论都启示各个国家对于发展道路的选择。这些理论为我们提供认识世界发展的角度和方法。  相似文献   

21世纪是世界走向数字化的世纪。数字化生存世界是指数字化的生存范式及价值原则已经全面渗透到人类的生活世界,对人类社会的经济、政治、文化、社会生活及人们的思维方式和精神世界产生了实质性的影响。数字化生存世界与人类的精神世界呈现出深刻的二律背反:一方面,数字化的正常体验与人类的精神世界有着积极的适应关系,数字化生存强化了金融资本对社会的穿透力,使生存世界的发展意志更加强硬;另一方面,数字化生存又极大地促进了公共空间的商品化,对人类主体地位及其智识能力造成了重大挑战,亦导致了人的精神生活的深度殖民化,强化了资本对劳动的剥削关系。应强调人文精神对数字化生存的价值建设与意义支持,构建更加文明、公正、合理的制度体系,真正实现人的自由全面发展。  相似文献   

《共产党宣言》发表 1 50多年以来 ,世界政治发生了一系列深刻、巨大和曲折的变化 ,主要是 :其一 ,西方资产阶级成为世界范围内的统治力量 ,封建主义专制被驱逐出历史舞台 ;其二 ,社会主义从科学理论发展成部分国家的制度实践 ,在取得了具有划时代意义的初步伟大胜利和经历了严重挫折后 ,正在探索继续前进和振兴、发展的道路 ;其三 ,资本主义的世界殖民体系崩溃 ,但广大发展中国家仍在同西方大国的新殖民主义统治进行艰难的斗争 ;其四 ,当前世界政治格局呈现出一元主宰下的多元并存 ,一极独大下的多极竞争新局面 ,多元和多极力量的发展终将打破西方一元主宰、美国单极称霸的世界政治格局。  相似文献   

In this article the contemporary international capitalist system is examined and a rising New International Division of Labour is defined. It is argued that while in previous epochs an international market of commodities existed, during the post-war period a global network of closely interconnected production units and financial institutions has been created as well. But while production, finance and commerce are decentralised worldwide, their management and control is centralised in a few headquarters in the advanced capitalist countries. A colossal concentration of economic power and control over the world means of production, resources and labour force, unprecedented in the history of capitalism, is taking place. Information Technology is shown to be the current day means of centralisation of organisation and control of both material and service production by capital. It, at the same time, allocates work and degrades its knowledge content. Coupled with the prevalence of services in western society, it changes the features of its class structure.  相似文献   

This study aims to provide a perspective on the symbolic characteristics of oil cities by focusing on the example of the first oil city in the Middle East, Masjed Soleyman city. Studies of oil cities are generally based on their industrial characteristics rather than their symbolic meanings. However, since oil became a distinctive symbol in the Middle East, these cities need to be examined from an altered perspective. Therefore, the present study analyses the urban context of Masjed Soleyman city based on four concepts of “city as overall sign”, “image of city”, “language of city” and “interpretation/communication” as well as the derived indicators from each concept. It is concluded that given the critical importance of oil at both the national and international levels, oil production was arguably maintained or sustained by various treatments of this city's inhabitants. In the process of exploring this ancient city, the study portrays that Masjed Soleyman characteristically symbolises control, social segregation and surveillance.  相似文献   

This article explores the relations between voluntary organisations and the city administration in two British cities through an analysis of the impact of social capital. It provides a corrective to the dominant individual-level approach by offering an organisational-level analysis of social capital. The evidence suggests that inter-organisational social capital is not distributed equitably within cities. Voluntary organisations that regularly engage with a city administration can build networks of trust and information flows that outstrip those available to other voluntary organisations. Although it is easier to build social capital within a sector, such as the voluntary sector, building it in tight networks with voluntary organisations would appear to be an achievable goal for a city administration – but such networks do not guarantee an enhanced overall confidence in the local political system.  相似文献   

Budget execution traditionally has been defined as a straightforward process of implementing the budget as approved. Research into the process has been limited, particularly with regard to local government budgets. This article examines the rebudgeting process using a case study of 15 West Virginia cities. Rebudgeting displayed a consistent pattern for the various budget categories—personnel, contracts, commodities, capital, and contributions—closely resembling the "increase-then-decrease" pattern seen in the overall budget. Empirical data on budgetary adjustments and structured interviews with city finance officials helped to describe budget changes and explain probable causes and effects of behavior during budget execution for these smaller cities. Budget changes were found to be the result of managerial necessity and the exercise of discretion to generate and distribute surpluses.  相似文献   

首都城市功能问题是一个关系到民族国家兴衰的大问题。本旨在从政治学角度研究首都城市功能,为首都城市更好地发挥在国家现代化建设中的“龙头”作用提供理论依据。本探讨了首都城市的内涵和功能叠加过程,阐述了由核心功能与叠加功能构成的首都城市功能系统,分析了“聚变叠加”与“裂变叠加”两种不同的功能叠加模式,提出了“叠加功能异化论”、“叠加功能木桶论”、“叠加功能中心聚焦论”和“功能转移论”等理论观点。本侧重于从应然与实然的双重角度对首都城市功能加以考察,并采用历史分析法、系统功能分析法和比较法进行研究。  相似文献   

Dascher  Kristof 《Public Choice》2000,105(3-4):373-392
With a few prominent exceptions, a capital city is typically alsothe biggest city of its country. This might suggest that a capitalcity is more attractive than other cities because of thecapital city function. In the paper, we test this hypothesis bylooking at employment growth in a sample of capital cities.Employment growth might indicate outmigration from the politicalhinterland and immigration into the capital city. Specifically, welook at a sample of regional capitals that consists of West-Germancounty seats. These county seats underwent reform in the latesixties and early seventies. In this sample, we can rejectthe idea that the county capital role does not have apositive influence on local employment growth.  相似文献   

President Ronald Reagan introduced a major new domestic initiativeduring his first term. The intent was to reduce the size andscope of the federal government and to increase the fiscal responsibilityof local governments. Mail questionnaires were sent to mayors,city managers, and finance officers in cities over 25,000 populationin Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, and Wisconsin asking the respondentsto indicate their perception of the impact the Reagan programhad had on their cities in the previous year and their perceptionof its anticipated impact. Response rates were nearly 50 percentfor each survey. The respondents consistently overestimatedthe impact the Reagan program would have on their cities. Thefollowing analysis explores the relationship between perceivedeffects and city and respondent characteristics, such as size,partisan identification, and state. While the Reagan policieshave had a substantial impact on these cities, the impact isnot as negative as the respondents originally thought.  相似文献   

城市与西方现代资本主义兴起的关系问题,是马克斯@韦伯的政治社会理论中的重要内容.韦伯在比较世界城市尤其是东西方两种理想类型城市的基础上,揭示了城市与现代资本主义兴起和发展的内在关联.考察韦伯的城市观,对于思考传统中国的近代转型乃至当代中国的相关社会政治问题,无论在理论上,还是在实践上,都有重要的启迪意义.  相似文献   

We analyze locational policy coordination in the metropolitan regions of secondary capital cities. Secondary capital cities—defined as capitals that are not the primary economic city of their nation states—serve as the political center of their nation states; however, they must simultaneously explore new ways to develop their own regional economies. Locational policies, and their regional coordination, aim to strengthen the economic competitiveness of metropolitan regions. Our comparison of the metropolitan regions of Bern, Ottawa–Gatineau, The Hague, and Washington, D.C., reveals that vertical institutional fragmentation, together with high local tax autonomy, create an unlevel playing field, which prompts jurisdictions to behave fiercely in regional tax competition. These findings are troubling for secondary capital cities given their propensity to be located in fragmented metropolitan regions and the capital city‐specific local tax autonomy constraints imposed on them.  相似文献   

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