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江西银燕物流基地是江西省大型物流基地之一,占地32万平方米,总建筑面积27万平方米。银燕物流基地地处南昌市生米大桥东桥头,昌南大道与桃花路交汇路口,交通便捷。  相似文献   

为贯彻落实党的十七届三中全会精神,响应省委、省政府新农村建设号召,顺应现代服务业发展潮流,实现企业转型升级,浙江省农村发展集团有限公司审时度势,把握机遇,倾力打造现代农产品物流业的航空母舰——浙江新农都现代农产品物流中心。  相似文献   

<正>Chinese military contributes its fair share to a better world This year,the Chinese People’s Liberation Army(PLA)has turned 90.Since its founding,the PLA has made great achievements for national independence,the liberation of the people and China’s modernization drive and become an important force in safeguarding national security and world peace.As China develops,the PLA has also been  相似文献   

A continued guarantee of employees’ jobs,rights and interests Growing up in a small village in Yongjia County,Zhejiang Province,Li Feng has worked his way up from truck driver to purchasing manager at a large hi-tech enterprise in Shanghai.He has now been living and working in the metropolis near his hometown for two and a half decades.  相似文献   

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