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<正>New Asia-Pacific free trade agreement said to be nearing completion,but a stalemate looms large Starting in 2010,the U.S.-led negotiations for the Trans-Pacific Partnership(TPP),a multilateral trade liberalization regime,have been continuing for five years.If U.S.  相似文献   

<正>Will the United States recalibrate its policy toward Iran? While the former U.S.administration was perceived by its Arab allies in the Gulf as prioritizing an appeasement deal with Iran,the new administration is coming back to the old neoconservative stance,antagonizing Iran.Tehran has denied that its recent missile test launch,which some claimed violates  相似文献   

Math is the foundation of everything. The Chinese know this too well and have dominated international math competitions for years. So when the news came that U.S. high school students had won the first prize for a second consecutive year at the Romanian Master of Mathematics 2019, it was no laughing matter.  相似文献   

<正>As U.S.critics malign China’s human rights record and in light of the recent official visit to China by UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Michelle Bachelet—who noted China’s incredible achievements and room for improvement—it’s important to bring a critical perspective to America’s claim that it champions human rights while China debases them.  相似文献   

<正>The announcement by another major U.S.al y that it would join the China-led Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank(AIIB),and the disgruntled response from Washington,amounted to free advertising for the forthcoming bank.Founding members of the AIIB plan to discuss the institutional arrangement of the bank in the following months,with official operations slated to begin by the end of the year.So far,in addition to Asian countries,several major European economies including France,Britain,Germany and Italy have also expressed interest in the Asian bank,signaling that the AIIB will be a dynamic  相似文献   

列宁从十月革命后苏俄和世界形势发展的实际出发,在认识和处理社会主义与资本主义的关系问题上,阐述了许多意义深刻的观点.这些观点既构成了列宁探索苏俄走向社会主义的道路的一部分,也从一个重要方面揭示了先前资本主义发展不充分的落后国家建设社会主义的特殊规律.但是后来,苏联由于对什么是社会主义作了肤浅的片面的理解,导致在认识和处理社会主义与资本主义的关系时,长期陷入两大谬误其一,将社会主义与资本主义的对立绝对化和简单化,不在两者的联系中把握对立,对资本主义采取否定一切、批判一切的态度;其二,仅以自己建成的社会主义所具有的某些特征,如公有制和计划经济等,去跟资本主义的私有制和市场经济等作对比,长期如此所形成的优越感和思维定势,使苏联难以产生吸收和借鉴资本主义有用的东西来建设社会主义的愿望,终致思想和体制僵化,想坚持的社会主义消失了,想否定净尽的资本主义复活了.  相似文献   

The U.S.Treasury Department said on August 31 that it would impose new sanctions on the DPRK. The new sanctions concern four individuals and eight entities. The department said three individuals and five entities were designated as supporting the DPRK’s nuclear program,while the rest were involved in facilitating the DPRK’s trafficking in arms and related material,procurement of luxury goods,and engagement in illicit activities.  相似文献   

The U.S. doesn't have democracy, it has politics. Democracy is about serving the people, giving them what they want and improving their lives. China doesn't have career politicians, it has bureaucrats. Trained and skilled administrators who are elected from the bottom and selected from the top, but only if they are good enough. If they don't measure up, they lose their job.  相似文献   

Former U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo recently said in praise of his successor, Secretary [Antony]Blinken has spoken about the genocide that’s taking place in western China. I applaud him for building on what I tried to do. I hope that he can do even better than we did. This meant to imply that Pompeo himself was the original architect behind the current wave of anti-China propaganda warfare.  相似文献   

正According to a poll conducted from June 16 to July 14 by the Pew Research Center,a nonpartisan U.S.fact tank,73 percent of the respondents surveyed had a negative opinion of China,up 26 percent compared to the same period in 201 8.China's policy toward the U.S.has always been guided by the principles like peace,  相似文献   

Making every attempt to boost the sluggish U.S.economy, U.S.President Barack Obama has pledged incentive programs including tax cuts for the middle class that have for generations,made our economy the envy of the world. But the program may not be a panacea as income inequality in the United States becomes entrenched.Zhang Monan,a researcher with the State Information Center,discussed this issue in an article recently published in the China Securities Journal.Edited excerpts follow.  相似文献   

旅游人类学在美国   总被引:20,自引:3,他引:17  
张晓萍 《思想战线》2001,27(2):65-68
20世纪70年代,旅游成为当代人生活的一个重要组成部分,同时带来各种社会文化的碰撞和变迁.这一问题引起了美国人类学家的注意,他们就旅游者及其类别,旅游的目的、动机和方式,旅游给东道国带来的文化影响和社会问题等论题进行研究,形成了人类学的一个分支学科--旅游人类学,并形成由格雷本、史密斯、马康耐、马格丽特·丝旺等为代表的一批旅游人类学家.  相似文献   

IF you love her,send her to New York,for there it is heaven;if you hate her,send her to New York,for there it is hell. This telling quote from A Beijinger in New York,a famous television soap opera in the 1990s,sums up the mixed feelings that Chinese immigrants have toward the U.S. Since China opened to the world in the late 1970s,increasing numbers of Chinese people have been choosing to immigrate abroad either to study or to pursue a better life.  相似文献   

在当今世界格局和大国战略关系中,中美关系具有特殊的地位。中美关系的性质、状况和发展趋势在很大程度上影响世界格局的架构和大国战略关系的发展趋势与走向。自从中美实现国家关系正常化以来,特别是中...  相似文献   

China has recently consolidated the theories and practices associated with its whole-process people's democracy, which was first named formally in 2019, and more clearly expressed this year. As a recent white paper on the subject clarifies, it reflects the longstanding effort to build and advance a socialist people's democracy in China, one century in the making.  相似文献   

林冈 《台湾研究集刊》2007,77(1):45-50,65
台湾问题是困扰中美关系的一大难题。美国基于维护台湾海峡两岸不统不独、不战不和的利益考虑,试图对双方采取平衡交往的双轨政策。但这一政策却因美国国内不同利益团体的作用,选举周期的影响,国际战略格局的变化和海峡两岸的政治角力,不时地受到冲击,发生周期性的变化。美国对华政策的周期摇摆性,不利于维持台海现状。1995-1996年的海峡危机和2003-2004年岛内公投、制宪、正名风潮,与美方未能妥善处理台湾这一难题,给台北发出错误信号就有很大关系。  相似文献   

In the 2010 State of the Union Address in January, U.S. President Barack Obama set a goal of doubling U.S. exports over the next five years, an increase that will support 2 million jobs in  相似文献   

正Washington should be more constructive in Asia The motives for U.S.Secretary of State John Kerry’s Asian tour in January were as nebulous as his itinerary was odd.The top U.S.diplomat’s first two stops were to countries that have had nothing to do with the South China Sea issue.Nonetheless,Kerry asked Laos  相似文献   

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