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This work was inspired by a recent case of child abuse where the question of the age of the bruises on the body was raised. The first part of this paper reviews published work on bruises. It illustrates the paucity of work in this field and the absence of studies of the colour changes in bruises of human skin with time. The second part of this paper consists of our own study of the appearance of bruises. The aim was to identify the colour changes which occur in bruises and over what time-scale, in order to determine whether bruises can be aged by appearance. A total of 369 photographs were obtained of bruises aged less than 6 h and up to 21 days old, in 89 subjects aged 10-100 years. It was found that the development of a yellow colour was the most significant change (subjects aged less than 65, P less than 0.001; subjects aged greater than or equal to 65 years, P less than 0.001). The development of a yellow colour occurred significantly faster in subjects aged less than 65 years. (P less than 0.001). The appearance of a blue and purple/black colour was of lesser significance. The appearance of a red colour did not alter significantly with time. From this study it was only possible to conclude that a bruise with a yellow colour was more than 18 h old.  相似文献   

Muscle and adipose tissue from a total of 178 experimental bruises inflicted on sheep and aged from 1 to 72 h old were processed for light microscopic examination. Five observed histopathological features of inflammation and repair were scored semiquantitatively on a scale of 1-4 according to their degrees of change from the normal state. These data were evaluated mathematically using a Bayesian probability model designed for the purpose. The model was able to age bruises with an acceptable degree of accuracy only as either 1-20 h or 24-72 h old but within these constraints a degree of confidence in excess of 90% was achieved. The exact performance of the model depended on the nature and number of tissue samples examined but mathematical ageing was superior to interpretative ageing based on personal experience.  相似文献   

胡丙杰  陈玉川 《法医学杂志》1997,13(1):47-48,46
心脏传导系统(CCS)包括窦房结(SAN)、房室结(AVN)、房室束(又称希氏束,HB)、左右束支(LBB,RBB)及其终末纤维网,其功能是把心脏搏动的冲动传导到整个心脏,以协调心脏的节律性收缩.近年来,CCS病变与猝死的关系引起重视,已有研究表明,一些猝死与CCS的病变有关。但在实际应用中,必须将CCS增龄变化同其病变区分开来,以免误将其正常增龄变化视为病变,导致错误的结论.1SAN的年龄变化在光镜水平,Lev[1]首先对53例4个月胎儿至90岁老人的SAN进行了分年龄组观察;Davies[2]对50岁以下和75岁以上两组各50例的SAN…  相似文献   

The development of ink dating methods requires an important amount of work in order to be reliably applicable in practice. Major tasks include the definition of ageing parameters to monitor ink ageing. An adequate parameter should ideally fulfil the following criteria: it should evolve as a function of time in a monotonic way, be measurable in a majority of ink entries, be as accurate and reproducible as possible, and finally it should not be influenced too much by transfer and storage conditions. This work aimed at evaluating the potential of seven ageing parameters for ink dating purposes: the phenoxyethanol quantity, relative peak areas (RPA), three solvent loss ratios (R%, R%*, NR%) and two solvent loss parameters (RNORM, NRNORM). These were calculated over approximately one year for 25 inks selected from a large database to represent different ageing behaviours. Ink entries were analysed using liquid extraction followed by GC/MS analysis. Results showed that natural ageing parameters (NR% and NRNORM) were not suitable ageing parameters for ink entries older than a few weeks. RPA used other compounds present in ink formulations in combination to PE in order to normalise the results. However, it presented particular difficulties as they could not be defined for all inks and were thus applicable only for 64% of the studied inks. Finally, the PE quantity, R% and RNORM allowed to follow the ageing of the selected inks over the whole time frame and were identified as the most promising. These were thus selected to test three different interpretation models in the second part of this article. The possibilities and limitations of ink dating methods will be discussed in a legal perspective.  相似文献   

The term ‘emotional abuse’ is acknowledged by law in the Children Act 1989 and refers to the wider social concept of harm that occurs in the psychosocial domain. Emotional abuse is a contested notion and a form of harm that statutory child protection social workers find difficult to recognise and gather evidence of. Early preventative intervention approaches, which occur outside the legal system, are the preferred course of action in work with emotional abuse. However, child protection social workers may use their statutory powers and duties to implement interventions when cases are deemed to require attention within legal frameworks.Professionals routinely fear legal work in cases of emotional abuse, feeling inadequately equipped to engage effectively with the law. This article draws on rich research data, gathered for an Economic and Social Research Council funded doctoral project. The data offers an original perspective on the interaction between social work and law, adding to existing literature on the frictions that exists. Using psychosocial methods, the research explores social worker experiences of identifying and evidencing emotional abuse, with particular attention to the application of ‘attachment theory’. The article shines a light on some practice complexities of identifying and evidencing emotional abuse.  相似文献   


Few previous studies have explored the characteristics and dynamics of adolescent sibling incest. The objectives of this paper were twofold: first, to conduct a literature review that accounts for earlier research in the area, and secondly, to conduct a clinical study to explore differences regarding the characteristics of a group of adolescent sibling incest offenders (n=21) compared to a group of adolescent non-sibling offenders (n=24). Comparisons were made regarding variables such as family dysfunction, the offenders' prior victimization and offending behaviour. The data were derived from intake assessment files and semi-structured interviews with 45 adolescents who had sexually offended. The sibling incest offender group had grown up more often in dysfunctional families. Moreover, the results indicated that the offending behaviour in the sibling incest group was more severe. The study gives some empirical support for the possibility that sibling incest can be one sign, among others, of maltreatment during childhood.  相似文献   

Once convicted, the perpetrator of serious crime embarks upon a new journey: the challenge of adjusting to long-term imprisonment. Prisoners' views of incarceration and the meaning of this experience may affect their later adjustment to life in the community. On the basis of brief narrative responses collected during an epidemiological survey of the psychological health of prisoners in France, this study examined the impact of incarceration on psychological state in a group of 59 inmates serving long sentences. Qualitative content analysis and computer-assisted linguistic analysis (using ALCESTE software) were performed on the textual data of open responses to three standard questions. Using a combination of these two approaches, seven categories of the subjective experience of prisoners in the sample were identified: the Outside World, Others, Punishment, Time, Affects and Impulses, Self-Concept, and Speech. Further qualitative analyses were then performed to compare the responses of Severely Mentally Ill (SMI) subjects and subjects with no psychiatric disorder. These analyses revealed contrasting attitudes towards incarceration. SMI subjects spoke in more hostile and persecutory terms about their experience in prison, attributing suffering to external circumstances, while subjects with no psychiatric disorder evoked similar themes, but with an introspective attitude. The themes evoked by mentally ill individuals in our sample suggest that their reactions to the prison environment arise in part from aspects of their psychiatric symptoms, and this may have relevance to future mental health policy and practices in criminal corrections.  相似文献   

This analysis examines the inter- and intra-racial/ethnicity effects of skin tone variations in a sample of probationers across three dependent variables: probation length, successful completion, and revocation due to technical violations. Darker tones were linked to shorter probation terms with the exception of African Americans, among whom no effect was found. Darker tones were also associated with a decreased likelihood of successful probation completion. Conversely, probation success likelihood was higher among light skinned Hispanics. Finally, lighter tones were also associated with increased risks of probation revocation. Importantly, across the analysis any significant effects for Whites dissipated once Hispanics were removed from the analysis. Explanations of the contrary findings are offered drawing from scholarship on normal crimes and racial threat.  相似文献   

目的 研究人牙咬痕形态学变化的动态过程 ,了解咬痕发生、发展的变化规律 ,为已发生变化的咬痕同一认定提供依据。方法 动态追踪观察活体及死亡动物咬痕的变化过程 ,并测定其相关形态参数 ,多元逐步回归分析咬痕形态、牙面积、时间、牙合力、牙宽度、牙厚度之间的关系 ,建立咬痕形态学变化回归方程。结果 咬痕的形态、牙形态、时间、牙合力有一定的数学关系 :S =-6 96-1 68× 10 2 T -0 11F +2 2 1W +3 75H (活体狗实验T <3 60min) ;S =-2 1 90 +5 3 4× 10 2 T -0 3 6F +4 5 7W +6 66H (死亡狗实验T <14 40min)。  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to develop and optimize a multiplex of three skin specific gene markers; loricrin (LOR), corneodesmosin (CDSN) and keratin 9 (KRT9) and 1 house-keeping marker, β-actin (ACTB) using an endpoint PCR assay to analyze expression data from a range of relevant samples. Marker specificity and suitability were evaluated for their inclusion in future forensic casework. The presence of the three skin mRNA markers was successfully confirmed from swabs of human skin obtained from 20 individuals at each of 6 different body sites (forehead, neck, arm, palm, leg and sole). Significant variation was observed in the relative expression of the three genes across the body sites, with some individuals consistently failing to express one or more of the targets. Inter-individual variation was also evident. Accordingly, these markers must be used with caution in the identification of skin in forensic samples.  相似文献   

Purpose . This paper is concerned with case linkage, a form of behavioural analysis used to identify crimes committed by the same offender, through their behavioural similarity. Whilst widely practised, relatively little has been published on the process of linking crimes. This review aims to draw together diverse published studies by outlining what the process involves, critically examining its underlying psychological assumptions and reviewing the empirical research conducted on its viability. Methods . Literature searches were completed on the electronic databases, PsychInfo and Criminal Justice Abstracts, to identify theoretical and empirical papers relating to the practice of linking crimes and to behavioural consistency. Results . The available research gives some support to the assumption of consistency in criminals' behaviour. It also suggests that in comparison with intra‐individual variation in behaviour, inter‐individual variation is sufficient for the offences of one offender to be distinguished from those of other offenders. Thus, the two fundamental assumptions underlying the practice of linking crimes, behavioural consistency and inter‐individual variation, are supported. However, not all behaviours show the same degree of consistency, with behaviours that are less situation‐dependent, and hence more offender‐initiated, showing greater consistency. Conclusions . The limited research regarding linking offenders' crimes appears promising at both a theoretical and an empirical level. There is a clear need, however, for replication studies and for research with various types of crime.  相似文献   


LAW IN THE BALANCELEGAL SERVICES IN THE EIGHTIES. Edited by Philip A. Thomas. [Oxford: Martin Robertson 1982. x and 245 pp. £18.50 (hardback); £6.50 (paperback)]  相似文献   

目的研究caspase-9、-3在小鼠皮肤切创愈合过程中的表达及其变化规律。方法在小鼠背部正中制作皮肤全层切创模型,应用免疫组化染色技术观察切创及切创周边区内caspase-9、-3的表达情况,以无切创的小鼠皮肤作为对照。结果对照组中caspase-9、-3表达于表皮层,毛囊及皮脂腺。伤后3h损伤区及损伤周边区中可见少量多核粒细胞表达caspase-9、-3,6~24h,部分浸润的多核粒细胞和单核细胞caspase-9、-3阳性,此后caspase-9、-3阳性细胞逐渐以单核细胞和成纤维细胞为主。伤后caspase-9、-3阳性细胞率逐渐升高并在3d达到高峰,此后逐渐下降,至14d最低。结论caspase-9、-3可能引发正常小鼠皮肤表皮、毛囊和皮脂腺细胞的凋亡并参与正常皮肤细胞的自我更新;在小鼠皮肤切创愈合过程中,caspase-9、-3在多核粒细胞、单核细胞及成纤维细胞中表达,其时序性变化规律可望用于皮肤切创损伤时间的判定。  相似文献   

Stamp marks are used as a unique identification for a range of items, but these can be erased for criminal activities. Erased marks can sometimes be recovered by etching or magnetic means. The present study looked at the application of Fry's reagent to recover erased marks from steel. The investigation also demonstrated that Fry's reagent can deteriorate on storing and will require a longer etching time. The effect of different applied forces of stamping was investigated, and the depth of the underlying deformation was determined by etching after varying degrees of metal removal. The amount of metal needing to be removed depends on the force applied to the die. Metal removal also affects the time needed for recovery. The underlying structural change remains as a hidden identification mark, and could potentially be used by manufacturers as an unseen identifier. A model for the underlying deformation is proposed.  相似文献   

In the past years, many publications about identification and sex-determination of dry human bones by means of DNA analysis have been published. However, few studies exist that investigate the potential use of DNA technique to determine the postmortem interval (PMI). In the present study we analyzed the rate of increasingly smaller fragments of chromosomal DNA and PMI.  相似文献   

Self-destructive behavior of man and its consequences may be presented in various forms, including self-mutilation, injury, and malingering, and with various manifestations, including the Munchausen syndrome, polysurgery, purposeful accidents, impotence, and frigidity. The general subject of focal suicide has been a relatively unknown and unrecognized entity for different reasons, including the fact that most physicians are trained to approach a case in a manner which treats the patient-physician relationship as one of honor and faith regarding the authenticity of the complaints of the patient. The maturity of years and experience may be required before the physician becomes aware of the motivation of patients' behavior. It is hoped that this article will provide new insight into areas which may be unfamiliar to the forensic practitioner and clinician but which might enable them to learn about the background of an unexpected death or the possibilities of motivation in civil suits alleging professional negligence or malpractice.  相似文献   

《Justice Quarterly》2012,29(1):145-153

This study examines the impact of religious programs on institutional adjustment and recidivism rates in two matched groups of inmates from four adult male prisons in New York State. One group had participated in programs sponsored by Prison Fellowship (PF); the other had no involvement with PF. PF and non-PF inmates are similar on measures of institutional adjustment, as measured by both general and serious prison infractions, and recidivism, as measured by arrests during a one-year follow-up period. However, after controlling for level of involvement in PF-sponsored programs, inmates who were most active in Bible studies were significantly less likely to be rearrested during the follow-up period.  相似文献   

An increasing death rate as a result of violence constitutes a large group in medicolegal autopsies. Specially, deaths due to asphyxia are one of the most important causes in violence deaths.During the 21-year period from January 1984 to October 2004, there were 134 asphyxial deaths autopsied by the Department of Forensic Medicine, Trakya University, Edirne, Turkey. Asphyxial deaths comprise 15.7% of all forensic autopsies; 20.8% of the cases are aged between 30 and 39 years, and the average age was 41.9 years. Males constitute 79.8% of all the cases.The most frequent method of asphyxiation death is hanging (56 cases, 41.8%), followed by drowning (30.5%) and carbon monoxide poisoning (8.2%). More violent methods, such as ligature or manual strangulations, constitute 2.9% and 2.3% of all asphyxial deaths, respectively. Although it was varying according to the methods of asphyxiation, suicide was found to be the manner of death in the majority of the cases.  相似文献   

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