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我国七十多年革命和建设的探索过程,是把马克思主义的普遍真理同中国的具体实践相结合从而成功地实现了两次历史性飞跃的过程。以毛泽东为代表的第一代领导核心选择走农村包围城市、武装夺权的道路,实现了第一次飞跃;以邓小平为代表的第二代领导核心提出了建设有中国特色的社会主义理论,实现了第二次飞跃。毛泽东、邓小平同志为什么能在不同的历史条件下同样找到了中国特色,取得了同样瞩目的成就呢?笔者试图从他们对历史必然性和偶然性的准确把握出发作一粗浅探析。  相似文献   

经过30年的改革开放,土地家庭承包经营制度已经成为中国农业发展的制约因素,而按照邓小平关于中国农业发展两个飞跃的理论,第一个飞跃的实践已经完成,实现第二个飞跃的时机已经成熟。适就需要积极地探索发展土地规模经营的现实途径。  相似文献   

陈瑱婕 《学理论》2011,(10):36-37
马克思主义中国化包含了马克思主义理论教育的中国化。毛泽东奠定了马克思主义中国化的基础,实现了马克思主义与中国实际结合的第一次历史飞跃,并为实现第二次历史飞跃奠定了基础。毛泽东作为毛泽东思想的主要创立者对马克思主义理论教育中国化作出了重大贡献。  相似文献   

中国社会主义农业的改革和发展从长远观点看,要有两个飞跃。农业第一个飞跃,是废除人民公社,实行家庭联产承包为主的责任制。从当前看,上海郊区农村改革的成果表明,已完成了第一个飞跃。如何深化农村改革,实现农业第二个飞跃,正成为郊区广大群众和干部议论的热点问题。什么是农业的第二个飞跃呢?邓小平同志在1990年3月明确指出:第二个飞跃,是适应科学种田和生产社会化的需要,发展适度规模经营,发展集体经济。可见,适度规模经营,在第二个飞跃过程中所处的重要地位和作用。(一)多年来,广大农村干部和群众努力探索发展农业的…  相似文献   

关于中国农业两个飞跃若干理论认识问题(上)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
邓小平对中国社会主义农业的改革和发展,提出要有两个飞跃:第一个飞跃是废除人民公社,实行家庭联产承包为主的责任制;第二个飞跃是适应科学种田和生产社会化的需要,发展适度规模经营,发展集体经济。1992年7月,邓小平在审阅十四大报告时,对“两个飞跃”的观点又作了进一步的阐述,他明确指出:“农村经济最终还是要实现集体化、集约化”,农业的第二个飞跃是“走到新的集体化”。他强调:“现在  相似文献   

地方政府在国有资本整合中,不仅要完成第一次飞跃,还要完成第二次飞跃,实现国有资本整合的“五个结合”。其政策调整要着力解决多元主体权责利的对称性和统一性;加大政府改革成本支出与降低企业改制成本相结合。  相似文献   

80多年来,我们党对马克思主义中国化的探索实现了两次历史性飞跃。从实践层面讲,第一次飞跃找到了中国特色的新民主主义革命道路;第二次飞跃是在十一届三中全会后开始找到中国特色的社会主义道路。从理论层面言,就是在不断向前推进中国化的马克思主义。党的十七大,是当代中国马克思主义的最新发展。  相似文献   

伟大的实践需要伟大的理论,理论思维的成熟是党成熟的一个重要标志.富于理论创新精神的中国共产党,在把马克思主义同中国实际相结合的过程中,实现了两次历史性的飞跃,产生了两大理论成果.第一次飞跃,找到了有中国特色的新民主主义革命道路,创立了毛泽东思想;第二次飞跃,找到了有中国特色的社会主义建设道路,创立了邓小平建设有中国特色社会主义理论.建党80年来,我党坚持解放思想、实事求是的思想路线,善于从总结历史经验中认识和把握历史规律,使自己成为顺应历史潮流的自觉的政党,在领导中国革命、建设和改革开放的实践中,取得了巨大的成就.解放思想,实事求是,把握规律,与时俱进,是中国共产党理论的创新的伟大品格.  相似文献   

努力实现我国农村改革和发展的“第二个飞跃”   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
努力实现我国农村改革和发展的“第二个飞跃”●李文学《望》新闻周刊1997年第27期专论1990年3月,邓小平同志在谈到农业问题时指出:“中国社会主义农业的改革和发展,从长远的观点看,要有两个飞跃。第一个飞跃,是废除人民公社,实行家庭联产承包为主的责...  相似文献   

据省委党校的教学安排,我们于1999年4月18日至23日赴兴平市、岐山县、杨凌区就如何推进农业产业化,实现农业第二个飞跃的问题进行了实地考察。通过看典型、听介绍、探讨问题、畅谈前景,我们深深感到农业产业化是农业生产发展的一定阶段的必然要求,正在成为农村第二步改革的突破口,也是我省农业和农村经济实现第二个飞跃的有效途径。方向与抉择邓小平指出:“中国社会主义农业的改革和发展,从长远的观点看,要有两个飞跃。第一个飞跃,是废除人民公社、实行家庭联产承包为主的责任制。这是一个很大的前进,要长期坚持不变。第…  相似文献   

1998年 11月 1日深圳市罗湖区建立行政执法局 ,进行行政综合执法的试点 ,经过两年多的实践 ,行政综合执法的施行大大减少了重复执法、多头执法、交叉执法等问题 ,同时 ,又大大提高了执法效率。加强了执法力度 ,规范了执法行为。行政综合执法的试点取得了明显的社会效益 ,得到社会各界 ,特别是工商、企业的一致好评 ,这说明行政综合执法试点是成功的 ,其经验值得推广。去年国务院法制办批准在深圳市开展城市管理综合执法试点 ,全市范围内推进行政综合执法工作已展开 ,各区将建立行政执法局实施综合执法。笔者认为 ,全市的行政综合执法试点非…  相似文献   

Scholars often seek to understand which individuals are most responsive to the change in some treatment. Such work inevitably faces issues of identification. When the dependent variable is binary, the assumption that the largest effect occurs where p = 0.5 is also encountered. I apply Manski’s [(1995). Identification problems in the social sciences. Cambridge: Harvard University Press] non-parametric Bounds approach, which relaxes the functional form and distributional assumptions found in traditional models, in an attempt to resolve the long standing debate on which types of individuals are most affected by changes in registration laws. Under the standard assumption that treats the selection of registration laws as exogenous, the results revise the current understanding. By exploring the power of various behavioral assumptions, new insights into the study of policy changes emerge, calling into question some of the assumptions that are standard in the literature.
Michael J. HanmerEmail:

The case of the opposition to legalizing same-sex marriage in Canada is an example of the limits of what will and will not be tolerated in the name of multiculturalism. This case offers an interesting perspective on the topic of multiculturalism, because it deals with a conflict between those seeking to expand human rights and those seeking to prevent such expansion because of their adherence to a particular set of cultural and religious beliefs. Despite Canada’s commitment to recognizing and encouraging diversity within its population, the demands of the opponents of same-sex marriage were not accommodated. Heeding the opponents of same-sex marriage would have amounted to violating the deeper commitment to individual rights and human rights as interpreted by the Charter. Multiculturalism in Canada is a concept that is situated within an underlying adherence to these core values.
Laura ReidelEmail:

王晓刚 《理论导刊》2005,13(11):23-25
"各尽所能,按需分配"的思想最早由空想社会主义者提出,在马克思那里这一思想得到改造与升华,并将之作为共产主义社会高级阶段的一个基本特征.十六届四中全会把形成各尽所能、各得其所而又和谐相处的社会作为党的奋斗目标写进党的文献."各尽所能,各得其所"正是马克思关于"各尽所能,按需分配"思想在社会主义初级阶段的具体体现,"各尽所能,各得其所"又是当前构建社会主义和谐社会的重要目标.  相似文献   

Russia's economic adjustment to the fall of communism has been notoriously troubled. The output recovery since 1998 is widely judged to be fragile. What is less often noted is that Russia is far from unique in its 'transition' troubles. In this paper the main hypotheses put forward to account for Russia's transition difficulties are reviewed in the context of economic change in all ex-communist countries. Accounts relying on (unexplained) mistakes in economic policy are inadequate. Two accounts may be sustainable in the light of evidence from other ex-communist countries: one based on inherited economic structure and one based on cultural factors. The latter hypothesis is shown to be susceptible to testing.  相似文献   

If candidates do not state clear issue positions, then voters cannot anticipate how the candidates will govern if elected nor hold candidates accountable for breaking campaign pledges. Yet, previous research argues electoral incentives lead candidates to avoid discussing the key issues of the day. Even though silence on issues is the modal campaign strategy, this paper argues that candidates systematically make clear issue statements on occasion. We identify three variables that predict whether a candidate will address an issue and the clarity of the candidate’s stance on that issue: (i) the public salience of an issue; (ii) ideological congruence between candidate and district; and (iii) candidate quality. This argument is tested using data on candidate position-taking regarding the Iraq War and gay marriage collected from the campaign websites of U.S. House candidates in 2006 and 2008.  相似文献   

In the traditional formulation of rent-seeking games, increasing returns to effort are characterized by an exponent r>1. However, when the value of the rent is normalized to 1, the players’ effort levels A and B will typically be less than 1. Thus, when A<1 and r>1, the value of A r decreases as r increases, contradicting the interpretation of r>1 as representing increasing returns to effort. This apparent defect in the mathematization of the problem seems to suggest that a different interpretation of r is required whenever A<1, upsetting the uniformity and elegance of the model. In this short note, we demonstrate that the perceived problem is illusory, and that the usual interpretation of r is satisfactory for all values of A.  相似文献   

Lindsay J. Benstead 《管理》2016,29(2):185-205
Using data from a survey of 200 Moroccan and Algerian parliamentarians, this article assesses the relationship between parliamentarian gender, quotas, and constituency service provision to females. The findings suggest that while electing women increases service provision to females, quotas are needed to create mandates in clientelistic, patriarchal settings, where serving women is a less effective electoral strategy than serving men. Deputies elected through quotas are more responsive to women than members of either sex elected without quotas. The article extends a theory of homosocial capital to explain gender gaps in parliamentarians' supply of and citizens' demand for services. By demonstrating a novel mandate effect and framing mandates in a positive light, the article extends the literature on gender, representation, and clientelism; urges scholars to examine service representation; and supports quotas to promote women's access to services, political participation, and electability.  相似文献   

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