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Electronic fetal monitoring (EFM) has been criticized as ineffective, unsafe and costly. Despite existing controversy regarding the risks involved in using EFM, this monitoring procedure continues to be widely employed. In many jurisdictions, in fact, the use of EFM during labor may be considered the customary practice. This Article analyzes the medical and legal issues arising from a physician's use of or failure to use EFM. The Author argues that EFM subjects the mother and the fetus to risks which may be avoided if auscultation, a less intrusive monitoring technique, is employed. The "customary practice" standard of care, the ordinary negligence standard of care, and the "best judgment" and "duty to keep abreast" standards of care are compared and applied to the physician's decision to use EFM. The Author contends that physicians who employ auscultation may not be liable for failing to use EFM; however, physicians who use EFM despite the evidence of its risks may be liable for failing to "keep abreast" or to use their "best judgment" or for negligence. Finally, the Author contends that both physicians and their patients are best protected when the physician elicits the mother's informed consent to employ a particular monitoring technique during labor.  相似文献   

论电子证据问题   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
沈木珠 《法学杂志》2001,22(4):16-19
电子证据是各国开展电子商务无法绕开的一个法律问题。电子证据目前存在的法律问题有两点质疑。在分析电子证据特性的基础上 ,对我国电子证据的立法进行了研究。  相似文献   

《Justice Quarterly》2012,29(3):353-361

Our study examines the prevalence and consequences of criminal victimization in a quota sample of homeless adults. This already besieged population experienced considerably higher rates of victimization than the general population and those in poverty. A majority of homeless victims could not identify their offender and were the victims of a violent crime. Although we found clear differences between the homeless and the comparison populations in the victimization episode, our results also suggest significant differences between homeless victims and homeless nonvictims. Victims had higher incomes and a greater fear of the streets, were more depressed, had a history of mental hospitalization, and experienced more physical symptoms. Finally, victimization was not a significant predictor of homeless persons' depression and mastery in our sample, unlike the cases of other, more specific samples and the general population. We argue that homelessness may be such an overwhelming life circumstance that single life events and their effect on mental health are masked by this ultimate state of victimization.  相似文献   

正确认识电子合同的效力   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
沈木珠 《法学杂志》2001,22(1):20-21
我国《合同法》认可电子合同的合法性之后,人们普遍以为我国电子商务已经立法,最近,更有一些文章认为“扩大”传统贸易的签名和证据认定,电子合同的法律效力就自然成立,“利用电子合同开展贸易就可以真正进入实施阶段了”(见2000年6月16日《国际商报》第5版《电子合同效力问题之探析》)。然而,我国电子合同的合法性是建立在“书面形式”这一特定条件的基础上的,其法律效力,在传统“书面”交易规范未移植到网络交易或网络交易未建立与传统法律价值相近的规范体系之前,如要实施,除了造成不合理不公正之外,恐怕难有更好的结果。  一、形式等…  相似文献   

论民事电子证据   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
电子证据也称为计算机证据,是指在计算机或计算机系统运行过程中产生的以其记录的内容来证明案件事实的电磁记录物。随着计算机技术的发展和应用,电子证据将广泛应用于刑事、民事和行政诉讼领域,而在电子商务中确定交易各方权利和义务的各种合同单证都采用电子形式。认真研究电子证据的特点和规律,已成为当务之急。  相似文献   

随着计算机及互联网的普及,计算机与网络犯罪,民事、行政诉讼纠纷中很多证据都以数字形式存在并可通过计算机或网络进行处理、存储和传输,如何认知和证明这些数据的有效性已成为司法界关注的焦点。在此情况下,一种全新的证明方式——电子数据鉴定应运而生。本文从技术层面论证了电子数据鉴定,介绍了常用的电子数据鉴定技术,并针对当前我国电子数据鉴定存在的问题从法律角度提出了一些意见,以期对我国电子数据鉴定的规范化有所裨益。  相似文献   

This article discusses what the electronic monitoring of offenders involves and the use that is now being made of electronic monitoring within the criminal justice system in England and Wales.  相似文献   

电子化行政规则制定程序,是近年来美国行政法上的一个核心议题。它并没有颠覆或取代传统公告评论程序的基本框架,而是强调将信息技术充分运用于规则制定过程之中,力图完善公告评论程序。基于信息技术载体的优势而增加的程序性要求,使得透明和参与理念逐渐渗透到整个规则制定过程之中,也促使行政机关更加注重规则制定全过程的公开,公告内容的充分性、可及性,参与方式的简化,参与的有效性等具体问题。  相似文献   

论电子数据鉴定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王俊 《证据科学》2008,16(2):242-249
随着计算机及互联网的普及,计算机与网络犯罪,民事、行政诉讼纠纷中很多证据都以数字形式存在并可通过计算机或网络进行处理、存储和传输。如何认知和证明这些数据的有效性已成为司法界关注的焦点。在此情况下。一种全新的证明方式——电子数据鉴定应运而生。本文从技术层面论证了电子数据鉴定,介绍了常用的电子数据鉴定技术,并针对当前我国电子数据鉴定存在的问题从法律角度提出了一些意见,以期对我国电子数据鉴定的规范化有所裨益。  相似文献   

建立健全医院后勤特种设备档案管理体系,通过管理体系及时掌握后勤特种设备质量、运行状况和检测维修情况,实现医院后勤特种设备的管理系统化、规范化、制度化、科学化和信息化,使得建档归档制度与医院法制化、科学化管理相结合,做到在制度上有所保障,有利于提升和保障医院后勤保障体系的正常运行,降低医院运行成本,节能减耗,为最大限度地提高医院的两个效益而服务。本文结合我院实际工作阐述了做好后勤特种设备档案法制化、制度化管理的必要性和重要性分析,切实落实好这项系统管理工程。  相似文献   

北京森海电子设备有限公司成立于1994年。以设计、生产、销售控制台;标准及非标准柜、机箱;电视监视墙等产品为主。  相似文献   

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