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在批判学中,后现代主义、后基础主义、后结构主义以及马克思主义和新犯罪学法,都对犯罪学的发展产生影响,但女权主义者犯罪学是个例外,其坚持参与主流社会运动,以至参与到后基础主义所摆出的理论挑战行动中。而后基础主义者的理论框架能够帮助我们开拓批判的新空间,产生促进社会进步的新的团结力量,其挑战传统犯罪学的观点揭示了权力的某种运作形式,甚至从既估量消极后果又估量能动作用的方式上去理解权力,从而形成了权力运行方式的多样性并提供了正确的鉴别方法。犯罪学的研究及其学科建设也与政治有关,甚至包括文化对其的影响,尤其是一个进步的犯罪学不可能不与民主、公正、人权有关。  相似文献   

罗力群 《犯罪研究》2022,(5):97-112
现代犯罪学的第一个学派即意大利学派重视生物学因素对犯罪行为的影响,但在20世纪的大部分时间里,西方主流犯罪学研究实际上就是犯罪社会学研究,而无视犯罪的生物学成因。自20世纪60年代以来,依托于生物学的新进展的生物社会犯罪学逐渐发展起来。生物社会犯罪学倡导结合生物学和社会科学的知识和洞见来解释犯罪行为。它主要包括三个分支:进化犯罪学、犯罪的行为遗传学研究、神经犯罪学。这三个分支分别受到进化生物学、遗传学和神经科学的影响。生物社会犯罪学能够丰富传统犯罪学研究的解释层次,为犯罪研究带来新的知识和洞见;它能帮助犯罪学融入科学洪流,使之与自然科学特别是生物学一同前进;它也有潜力为犯罪预防和矫正提供更有效的对策。发展生物社会犯罪学并不存在真正的学理上的障碍。  相似文献   

俄罗斯法理学是苏联传统法律理论的现代转型形式。既有苏联时期法和国家理论的影响,也有现实社会状况和政治体制的因素。与前苏联国家主义法理学不同的是,它是对俄罗斯现实政治的理论思考和法律表达;综合了传统的、西方的、现实的要素。它的特质是新权威主义法理学。  相似文献   

This essay examines the rise of neoconservative thought within criminological discourse from the enlightenment ‘quarrel’ with ancient philosophy and church supported scholasticism in the 1700s to the present day. From the perspective of criminology, it is argued that there is little new about the ‘new right’ with the exception that it has managed to galvanize itself as a popular retributionist alternative among the working class in the United States, Canada, and England. The current organization of social institutions in a modern ‘risk society’ facilitates the easy re-definition of the crises of late-modern capitalism into issues of social control. It is not surprising we find the right reinvigorated and prominent under these conditions. New left realism and crime control through social development are offered as competitive platforms from which to advance critique of barbaric right-wing crime-control policies. Despite all my rage, I am still just a rat in cage (Smashing Pumpkins 1996)  相似文献   

Globalization will intensify contacts – and perhaps conflicts – betweencultures more than ever in the history of humankind. The flow of migrantsaround the world, global business and global consumption provide us withnew experiences of difference and diversity as well as of common ground.As in other social sciences, the concept of culture has recently emerged oncentre stage in criminology. Western criminologists look in awe to Asia, andtry to solve the enigma of modern, affluent societies with low ratesespecially of violent crimes. Asian criminologists warn of an impact ofWestern culture that might cause rising crime rates. Asian models of socialcontrol are studied and adopted in Australia, Europe and the US, and viceversa.Crime and social control are social and cultural phenomena. Therefore,comparing cultures and comparing crime will offer new insights, freshtheories and chances of innovative perspectives. What is to learn fromcultural differences, what from universals in crime and social control? Whatwill be the fate of ``general theories of crime'' in different cultures? Willpractices of criminal justice be efficient when transported to another socialand cultural environment?Criminologists should develop a clear notion of the problems that arerelated to comparing cultures and crime. Cultures are not monolithic.Cultural comparisons often suffer from exaggerations of differences, andproduce exaggerated predictions and expectations. On its way into theglobalized 21st century, criminology will have to develop strategies to meetthe challenge of comparing cultures, to avoid former errors, and to solvethe problems that lie ahead.  相似文献   

Although there is an already large British literature both supporting and attacking left realism, and a growing North American interest on the subject among criminologists, there has been surprisingly little written which attempts to locate both the strengths and weaknesses of the left realist position on crime control. Perhaps the place where the left realists may be weakest is in response to a feminist critique. Actually, it is not only left realism but the socialist left in general which has been unsuccessful in providing adequate responses to the issues brought forth by feminists. This paper attempts to locate the position of left realism within the left criminology debate, and to find its strong and weak points. Further, it attempts to explicate the feminist critique, and to suggest responses critical criminologists might explore, such as those proposed by peacemaking criminology. *** DIRECT SUPPORT *** AW502012 00004  相似文献   

Cohen (1988) once concluded that it is ironic that critics in the West are identifying forms of social control that are more traditional in the Third World as better alternatives to the neo–classical and positivistic repressive traditions in the West while some suggest that what they found malignant in the West should be exported to the Third World as benign. In this paper, I am going beyond Western crime control models to examine the character of criminology itself as an imperialist science for the control of others.  相似文献   

Crime, Law and Social Change - Although, in recent years, research surrounding the Dark Web has emerged, governments, policymakers, and stakeholders still lack a firm grasp on the extent of the...  相似文献   

This paper is aimed at criminologists and criminal justicians seeking to understand their role in educating law enforcement and correctional personnel who must deal with the mentally ill. It is motivated by William Johnson's (2011) recent call for rethinking the interface between mental illness, criminal justice, and academia, and his call for advocacy. We concur with his concerns, and insist that this rethinking must necessarily include grounding in the etiology of mental illness (specifically, with schizophrenia) as it is currently understood by researchers in the area. Advocacy must go hand in hand with a thorough knowledge of the condition of the people for whom we are advocating. We first examine major etiological models of schizophrenia, emphasizing the neurodevelopmental model that incorporates genetics, neurological functioning, and immunological factors guided by the assumption that the typical criminologist/criminal justician has minimal acquaintance with such material. We then address the link between schizophrenia and criminal behavior, and conclude with a discussion of the implications for criminology and criminal justice.  相似文献   

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