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This essay presents a moral justification for the current generally accepted amoral ethical role of the lawyer. The justification is premised primarily upon the values of individual autonomy, equality, and diversity. Based upon these values, the author argues that the amoral role is the correct moral stance for the lawyer as a professional, is a "good" role. The essay then responds to two of the most frequent criticisms of that moral stance: the first based upon economic inequality and the fact that lawyers'services must be purchased; the second based upon the absence of the "adversary system" context for most lawyer work. The author then elaborates a serious problem created by the conjunction of the amoral role and the dominant legal philosophy of American lawyers, "legal realism." If the limit on a lawyer's conduct under the traditional amoral role is the law, then the realist emphasis on the indeterminacy and manipulability of "law" leave the lawyer in a difficult moral position. Finally, a series of possibilities are presented to deal with this problem, the most promising of which is the "moral dialogue" between lawyer and client as an adjunct to the amoral role.  相似文献   

律师辩护从审判阶段延伸到侦查阶段是历史的发展趋势。侦查阶段犯罪嫌疑人委托的律师身份应定位为辩护人,辩护内容包括实体性辩护和程序性辩护两个方面。其诉讼权利的配置应当考量收集证据、查获犯罪嫌疑人与人权保障之间的冲突和平衡。我国当前不仅应明确修订后《律师法》的效力,而且还要对侦查阶段律师会见权、通信权、调查取证权、申请调查取证权、讯问时在场权等规定作出相应的调整或改革。  相似文献   

"道德银行"是近年来推出的旨在推进公民道德建设的一种创新式的方式,其伦理实质是用一种功利化的方式推进美德建设."道德银行"的实施存在着理论与实践上的双重困境:在理论上,"道德银行"与美德存在着内在的冲突;在实践中,"道德银行"容易产生伪善."道德银行"所产生的困境给我们的主要启示是:道德建设应合理地明晰道德的层次,结合道德自身的特点;道德建设尤其是美德建设不能采用功利化的推行手段;应在充分考量现实道德生活环境的基础上合理地运用不同的伦理理论.  相似文献   

Ethical Fading: The Role of Self-Deception in Unethical Behavior   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
This paper examines the root of unethical dicisions by identifying the psychological forces that promote self-deception. Self-deception allows one to behave self-interestedly while, at the same time, falsely believing that one's moral principles were upheld. The end result of this internal con game is that the ethical aspects of the decision fade into the background, the moral implications obscured. In this paper we identify four enablers of self-deception, including language euphemisms, the slippery slope of decision-making, errors in perceptual causation, and constraints induced by representations of the self. We argue that current solutions to unethical behaviors in organizations, such as ethics training, do not consider the important role of these enablers and hence will be constrained in their potential, producing only limited effectiveness. Amendments to these solutions, which do consider the powerful role of self-deception in unethical decisions, are offered.  相似文献   

We present and discuss a theoretical model of an organization's ethical infrastructure, defined as the organizational elements that contribute to an organization's ethical effectiveness. We propose that the infrastructure is composed of both formal and informal elements—including communication, surveillance, and sanctioning systems—as well as organizational climates for ethics, respect, and justice. We discuss the nature of the relationship between these elements and ethical behavior, the relative strength of each of these elements, and their impact on each other. Theoretical and practical implications of this model are presented.  相似文献   

对经济和社会权利具有可诉性的怀疑论在人权领域内曾经长期占据主导地位,但学术界从理论上已经为证明经济和社会权利具有可诉性做出了许多努力,而南非宪法法院对格鲁特布姆(Gro-otboom)案的判决则第一次在实践上对这个问题做出了正面解答:它确认经济和社会权利的主体具有“合理的政策请求权”,并且确立了对经济和社会权利进行司法审查的“合理性原则”。格鲁特布姆案对于全面认识经济和社会权利的可诉性问题具有极为重要的理论和实践意义。  相似文献   

陈学权 《现代法学》2011,33(5):56-65
平衡侦查权与会见权的冲突、生命权与自由权优先于会见权、会见的秘密性与谈话内容的难以证明性是侦查期间合理限制律师会见权的理论根据。侦查期间合理限制律师会见权的界限是:只有在会见可能妨碍侦查机关收集证据或者可能给他人生命与自由带来紧急危险时,才能适当推迟律师与犯罪嫌疑人的会见。以合理限制为标准,我国新《律师法》不受限制的会见权之规定和《刑事诉讼法》等有关严格限制会见权的规定均值得检讨,我国侦查期间律师会见制度亟待重塑。  相似文献   

傅达林 《中国司法》2005,(4):102-103
自从我国法院审判人员统一换装以来,尤其是见到中、高级法院法官开庭时身着代表正义的黑色法袍时,笔者就不禁联想到军事法院审判人员(一般称军事法官)的着装问题。首先要说明的是,到目前为止,军事法官开庭时仍然身着军装,配戴着带有强烈等级色彩的军衔肩章。对于这种没有引起任  相似文献   

自从我国法院审判人员统一换装以来,尤其是见到中、高级法院法官开庭时身着代表正义的黑色法袍时,笔者就不禁联想到军事法院审判人员(一般称军事法官)的着装问题。首先要说明的是,到目前为止,军事法官开庭时仍然身着军装,配戴着带有强烈等级色彩的军衔肩章。对于这种没有引起任何质疑、似乎天经地义的现象,笔者从自身的军法行业出发,还是想说点什么。或许,军事法官穿什么本身并不值得讨论,但问题并非仅仅如此。法官制服不仅象征着法官的形象,而且象征着一个国家的法治形象,不同的着装其实隐含着对法官职业的不同认识。贺卫方教授就曾将法官…  相似文献   

本文以<运输法草案>对运费的规定为主线,通过对各国法律对运费的赚得、运费的支付、谁应支付运费、预付运费与到付运费和有关货物留置权规定的比较和分析,对<运输法草案>中有关运费的规定做出了评述,并提出了修改意见.  相似文献   

欧洲人权制度中的"自由判断余地原则"述评   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文介绍和评价了欧洲人权制度中极为重要的“自由判断余地原则”,认为该原则及其适用对解决国际人权法中的相关问题有一定的借鉴意义。“自由判断余地原则”是由欧洲人权监督机构(主要是欧洲人权法院)发展出来的,用以平衡公约机关与缔约国在某些领域中的权限的一种方式。本文借助具体案例和学者论述,介绍了该原则的产生过程,分析了其可能得到适用的领域以及在不同领域中的适用幅度,欧洲人权法院用以考虑国家在自由判断余地内的作为的因素。本文还对该原则的法律基础、适用标准及对实现“欧洲人权公约”的目的和宗旨的效果等问题进行了评价。  相似文献   

张怀印 《河北法学》2007,25(10):170-174
尼日利亚宪法和非洲大多数国家一样,发端于殖民地时期,受到原宗主国宪法模式和宪法原则的深刻影响.自1960年独立以来,尼日利亚宪法走上了一条曲折的探索道路,经历了由民选政府治理到军政府统治再到民选政府统治的转变.随着民主化浪潮在非洲各国的扩展,尼日利亚于1999年举行多党大选,并颁布了新宪法.然而,新宪法颁布后受到了国内外学术界的批评,在实施过程中也面临一定的问题.了解尼日利亚宪法曲折的发展道路及其完善的宪法制度,并深入探讨其面临的困境与发展出路,将有助于更好地认识非洲国家宪法发展的现状与发展趋势,对于我们国家的宪政建设也不无裨益.  相似文献   

Dugard  John 《荷兰国际法评论》2012,59(2):303-307
Netherlands International Law Review -  相似文献   

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