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This article offers an overview of the conceptual, substantive, and practical issues surrounding “big data” to provide one perspective on how the field of public affairs can successfully cope with the big data revolution. Big data in public affairs refers to a combination of administrative data collected through traditional means and large‐scale data sets created by sensors, computer networks, or individuals as they use the Internet. In public affairs, new opportunities for real‐time insights into behavioral patterns are emerging but are bound by safeguards limiting government reach through the restriction of the collection and analysis of these data. To address both the opportunities and challenges of this emerging phenomenon, the authors first review the evolving canon of big data articles across related fields. Second, they derive a working definition of big data in public affairs. Third, they review the methodological and analytic challenges of using big data in public affairs scholarship and practice. The article concludes with implications for public affairs.  相似文献   

农村公共事务治理:寻求政府主导与农民主体的平衡   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
汪锦军 《行政论坛》2009,16(1):22-24
中国农村家庭联产承包责任制推行以后,完全由政府主导的乡村社会,开始向政府放松管制的农村自治体转变.农村公共事务的治理需要农民的参与.目前农村建设的制度设计没能给农民参与提供足够的保证.问题集中体现在:在公共物品的提供中未能让农民有效参与,政府的过多干预阻碍了村民自治能力的形成.农村公共事务有必要在政府主导与农民主体中找到平衡的制度设计,即推动公共设施建设的村民参与,基于促进农村治理能力的政策创新,走向更为公平的资金配置.  相似文献   

This article examines the current debate in Australia about public sector integrity and the idea of a standing anticorruption commission. From this debate the article outlines a specific type of ‘public sector integrity commission’ that in principle should have the necessary powers and techniques at its disposal to minimise corruption while ensuring efficiency and fairness. The debate has been most active in jurisdictions that have not had an anticorruption commission – mainly in Victoria, South Australia and Tasmania – but debate about integrity commissions has occurred in all jurisdictions. The authors argue that anticorruption commissions are essential to ensure the integrity of the public sector and that a model commission should: cover all elements of the public sector; independently investigate serious and mid‐level complaints; have own motion powers to investigate any matter; have summary authority to apply administrative sanctions; make use of a range of investigative tools; not be tasked with combating major and organised crime; and be held accountable to citizens through a parliamentary committee and a parliamentary inspector.  相似文献   

解决公共事务的治理危机需要一种合作机制的创新,社团主义理论强调建构一种有合作特征的社会结构,因而对于公共事务治理模式的创新具有借鉴意义。对于中国的现实情况而言,一种可供选择的有效途径是在社团主义所型构的社会结构中合作性地处理公共事务。  相似文献   

公共事物治理的困境及其克服   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对公共事物的治理已越来越成为人们关注的焦点 ,本文首先分析了市场派在公共事物治理中面临的三种困境 :公地悲剧、囚徒困境、集体行动的逻辑困境 ,接着对政府派在公共事物治理中所面临的困境进行了分析 ,最后提出了克服公共事物治理困境的五条有效途径 :建立多中心治理结构、建立自主治理结构、提升政府能力、广泛的公众动员及培育公共精神  相似文献   

This article summaries conclusions from the New South Wales public sector component of the National Integrity System Assessment. The evidence here suggests that the NSW public sector integrity activity is relatively complex and that the existence of multiple integrity agencies has disadvantages for complainants, integrity agencies and agencies under their scrutiny. The coherence of the NSW integrity system must therefore be questioned. The capacity of integrity agencies is hard to determine, with money and staffing levels not in themselves resolving debate over where capacity ought to be directed. The evidence suggests that the long‐running debate between those who want capacity directed to coercive investigations and those who want it aimed at systemic and cultural change is a false one, with the best strategies coupling the two types of activity. Judgements differ on the consequences of public sector integrity activity. Greater agreement exists that integrity has improved over the last decade or so, but while external integrity oversight appears to be responsible for some of that improvement, activities within public sector agencies appear to have been equally important.  相似文献   

International Trust and Public Opinion About World Affairs   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
This study argues that citizens base their opinions about world affairs in part on generalized beliefs about how much their nation can trust other nations. Using original data from a two-wave panel survey and a cross-sectional survey, we show that Americans hold stable, internally consistent, and largely pessimistic generalized beliefs about whether the United States can trust other nations. We find that social trust, political trust, partisanship, and age influence this form of trust, which we call international trust. We then demonstrate that international trust shapes whether Americans prefer internationalism to isolationism, perceive specific foreign nations as unfriendly and threatening, and favor military action against Iraq. The role of international trust in shaping opinion may be consistent with theories of low-information rationality, but competing interpretations are also plausible.  相似文献   

公民的公共事务协商权,是被代议民主理论长期忽视而被协商民主理论发现的一项公民基本权利.当代协商民主与选举民主相互补充,共同构成宪政民主架构的主干部分,因此,公民的公共事务协商权应当成为各国公民的一项基本权利,并将其纳入宪法权利范畴,构建更加广阔的公民宪法权利体系.正视公民公共事务协商权的研究,对于补正代议制理论的缺憾,解决代议制民主形式不能满足人民主权宪政目标的矛盾,拓宽广大公民民主参与的现实途径,具有重要的理论价值和现实意义.  相似文献   

对公共事物治理向来有两派主张,政府派认为,由于公共事物的公益性及政府作为"公共人"的性质,由政府治理公共事物天经地义;市场派则认为,"理性经济人"的自利性及追求效益最大化会导致帕累托最优。因此,公共事物交由市场来治理能取得较高的效率。然而,目前两者都面临深深的困惑。仅仅靠某种单一的形式都是行不通的,必须建立多中心的、自主治理结构,实行广泛的公众动员和公众精神培养。  相似文献   

思维方式的演进是推动公共事务治理方式变革的内在动因。古希腊时期形成的客体—客体的思维方式,带来了主要依靠智慧的城邦式民主、自由的治理方式;中世纪的客体—主体的思维方式,伴随的是主要依靠信仰的封建专制的治理方式;近代以来形成的主体—客体的思维方式,形成了过度依赖科技理性的官僚制的治理方式;当代的主体—主体的思维方式,催生了以人文理性为核心的协商互动的治理方式。这种新的治理方式力图在政治与行政之间架起一座桥梁,以改变政治与行政分离导致的政府价值取向的迷失;力图在政府、市场和社会之间建立起平等互动的关系,以实现社会的公平和正义。我国公共事务管理中,主体—客体思维方式仍然居于主导地位。必须加快思维方式的转变,在主体—主体思维方式所昭示的理念下,探讨适合我国特点的公共事务治理模式。  相似文献   

We discuss below difference between the concepts of accountability and responsibility, in the context of government administration. We argue that New Zealand's public sector reforms, in particular, have depended on an essentially mechanistic as distinct from an organic interpretation of public organisations. A mechanistic approach focuses disproportionately on notions of organisational accountability at the expense of responsibility, and as a consequence may prove counterproductive over the longer term in maintaining high standards of ethical probity. A concept of responsible accountability needs to be developed further as a means of countering this possibility. We speculate on whether the emphasis on contractualism has enhanced or undermined an integrity-based as opposed to a compliance-based ethics regime, and the possible implications of this for the maintenance of ethical standards.  相似文献   

做好高校党务公开工作能有效推进党内民主,加强党内监督,保障党员权利,密切党群关系,有利于构建民主、开放、规范的高校基层党务工作机制。同时,党务公开科学化是高校办学现代化的重要指针,是依法治校的体现。  相似文献   

公共事务治理的三种主要趋势都是建立在公私二元对立的思维模式之下的,而公共事务的公共性和社会性特征本身就表明了这种公私原理存在缺陷,公共事物治理应该在思维模式上突破二元对立的框架。  相似文献   

广播电台的"政风行风热线"是由党委政府、新闻媒体和社会公众共同参与的新闻综合节目,曾受到社会的广泛关注,获得如潮好评。但由于上线单位不像原先那样高度重视,后续服务工作没有到位,生存空间受到新媒体挤压,以及节目本身的程序化、模式化使听众产生审美疲劳等原因,目前一些地方广播电台的政风行风热线节目出现了影响力减弱、群众满意率下滑等问题。各参与主体必须充分认识做好政风行风热线节目的重要意义,切实增强工作的主动性和积极性,与时俱进,在内容和形式上大胆创新,增强节目的针对性、感染力和吸引力,提升群众参与的广度和深度,同时完善考核、激励和问责机制。只有这样才能不断提升节目质量,适应新的时代要求,满足人民日益广泛和日益增长的对美好生活的需要。  相似文献   

This paper explores the development of the field of public affairs (PA) through the observations, research and experiences of two of its most cited scholars, deputy editors, and longtime contributors to the Journal of Public Affairs. We examine how PA and its practitioners have moved non‐linearly from 2000+ PA, to Public Affairs 2.0, toward a still evolving model of practice. Three areas of practice are explored in depth, including (a) how the function is managed, (b) its communication activity, and (c) how it supports organizations in interacting and engaging with stakeholders and issues. Finally, four alternative futures are laid out as possible paths along which the function may evolve as it moves forward to its next decade's end in 2030.  相似文献   

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