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Robert Kagan 《Law & policy》2000,22(3&4):225-244
The articles in this issue generally reinforce conventional images of American regulation as often adversarial and legalistic and of Japanese regulation as more informal and cooperative. They also suggest that, in regulating pollution and occupational safety in larger firms, Japan's regulatory style is equally effective and more economically efficient than the American approach. But Japan's style appears less effective when regulation requires changes in elite attitudes, as in the realm of workplace equality for women. Moreover, developments in Japan's financial sector reveal ways in which informal regulation can result in undue deference to business and political interests.  相似文献   

Research on homicides followed by suicides has largely relied on very localized samples and relatively short time spans of data. As a result, little is known about the extent to which patterns within cases of homicide‐suicides are geographically specific. The current study seeks to help fill this gap by comparing twenty years of homicide‐suicide data for Sweden and a large U.S. county. Although some of the underlying patterns in the two countries are similar (e.g., decreasing rates), a number of important differences emerge, particularly with respect to incidence, weapons used, perpetrator age, and relationship of the perpetrator to the victim.  相似文献   

Japanese health policy shows that even with physician ownership and the absence of for-profit, investor-owned health care, physicians' conflicts of interest thrive. Physician dispensing of drugs and ownership of hospitals and clinics were justified in Japan as ways to avoid commercialization of medicine. Instead, they create physicians' conflicts and fuel patient overuse of services. Japan's Ministry of Health and Welfare (MHW) has responded by introducing per-diem payment, thereby creating incentives to decrease services in ways similar to those of American managed care organizations, but with none of their benefits, such as coordination of care, oversight of physicians practices, and quality assurance. Although the United States and Japanese health care systems are organized and financed differently there is convergence in the source of their physicians' conflicts and the way they are addressed. The United States is starting to integrate institutional and physician payment and align their incentives, in a traditional Japanese way. In so doing, the United States creates new physicians' conflicts and reduces the role of countervailing incentives and power, an advantage of previous policy. Japan, in turn, has combined incentives to increase and decrease services, thus moving closer to the U.S. policy.  相似文献   

This paper examines two recent examples of compulsory licensing legislation: one globally embraced regime and one internationally controversial regime operating under the same WTO rules. In particular, we consider Canadian legislation and the use of compulsory licensing for HIV/AIDS drugs destined for a developing country. This is then contrasted with the conditions under which Thai authorities are pursuing compulsory licenses, the outcomes of their compulsory licenses, as well as the likely impact of the Thai policy. Finally, we construct a rubric to evaluate characteristics of a successful regime. This is used to analyze the Canadian and Thai regimes and frame the expected implications of each national policy. It is hoped that the assessment will guide changes to compulsory licensing design to ensure that legitimate regimes are embraced while illegitimate ones are disallowed.  相似文献   

Firearms were associated with 30, 136 deaths in the United States in 2003. Most guns are initially sold to the public through a network of retail dealers. Licensed firearm dealers are an important source of guns for criminals and gun traffickers. Just one percent of licensed dealers were responsible for more than half of all guns traced to crime. Federal law makes it difficult for ATF to inspect and revoke the licenses of problem gun dealers. State licensing systems, however, are a greatly under-explored opportunity for firearm dealer oversight. We identify and categorize these state systems to identify opportunities for interventions to prevent problem dealers from supplying guns to criminals, juveniles, or gun traffickers. Just seventeen states license gun dealers. Twenty-three states permit routine inspections of dealers but only two mandate that those inspections occur on a regular basis. Twenty-six states impose record-keeping requirements for gun sales. Only thirteen states require some form of store security measures to minimize firearm theft. We conclude with recommendations for a comprehensive system of state licensing and oversight of gun dealers. Our findings can be useful for the coalition of more than fifty U.S. mayors that recently announced it would work together to combat illegal gun trafficking.  相似文献   

美国金融改革方案对金融衍生品市场的监管反思   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
美国金融监管体系一向具有"危机指向"的历史特征,同样地,在金融危机仍未结束之时,美国已经开始酝酿包含金融衍生品市场法律制度在内的变革.这些变革立足于金融衍生品的扩张与监管不足对市场系统性风险的影响,主张标准化的场外衍生品进入交易所交易或通过集中的交易对手进行清算,设立统一的监管体系规制具有类似经济性质的金融衍生品和证券.同时,对于对冲基金等市场参与者,也提出增强约束的建议.  相似文献   

Regulatory analyses often assume that compliance is desirable, with literature focusing on strategies to encourage "excellence" in adherence to regulatory goals. Yet, it is not unusual for disparate regulatory goals to exist that are based on competing values of what constitutes the "good society." It is this conflict that forms the substance of this paper. In cases of competing regulatory goals, techniques that encourage exemplary compliance in one area can create incentives to breach regulatory provisions of a competing regime. In such cases, generic regulatory techniques are unable to provide a useful means for resolving regulatory conflict but do allow a political delegation of conflict resolution to the "scientific" strategies of the regulator. In turn, the regulator places responsibility on companies for resolving competing regulatory demands. Successive delegation leads to juridification as well as regulators vying to retain primacy for their regime. This problem is examined through analysis of responsibilities for subcontractor safety under Australian health and safety law and sections of the Australian Trade Practices Act 1974 aimed at protecting competition.  相似文献   

In the ten years sinceFurman v. Georgia, the United States has recognized the right of states to adopt and follow different capital sentencing schemes so long as they protect the defendant from arbitrary and capricious imposing of the death sentence. The sentence may not be disproportionate to the crime. Sentencing may be done by a judge or jury. Prospective jurors may not be challenged for cause merely because their deliberations would be affected because a death penalty was possible, but only if they could not fulfill their oath. Habeas corpus petitions in capital cases are not open invitations to avoid finality of judgment and execution of the sentence, but are to find constitutional errors.  相似文献   

美国律师制度对我国的借鉴与思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2007年8月14日~9月3日,由美国马里兰大学行为与社会科学学院国际教育项目办公室主办的中国司法部律师高级管理人员赴美培训班顺利完成了学习培训和交流任务。在美期间,通过集中听课、参观走访、互动交流等形式,对美国的律师管理体制、机制、律师执业内容、方式等方面有了比较深入的了解,对进一步推进我国律师工作有了一些启发和思考。  相似文献   

Until recently, prostitution was not a prominent public issue in the United States. Law and public policy were relatively settled. The past decade, however, has witnessed a growing debate over the sex trade and the growth of an organized campaign committed to expanding criminalization. A powerful moral crusade has been successful in reshaping American government policy toward sex work – enhancing penalties for existing offences and creating new crimes. Crusade organizations have advocated a strict abolitionist orientation toward all forms of commercialized sex, which are increasingly conflated with sex trafficking. This paper examines the impact of this movement on legal norms and government policies. I argue that the moral crusade, and its government allies, are responding to the growth of the sex industry in recent years and to fears of its normalization in American society.  相似文献   

郭天武 《中国司法》2005,(9):102-105
美国的保释制度是在继受英国的保释制度的基础上发展而来的。以保释是原则,羁押是例外为指导思想,并把保释权上升到宪法的高度,反对预防性羁押。近年来,随着犯罪率高升,美国开始对保释权有所限制。一、保释制度在美国的缘起美国学者关于保释内涵的理解直接来源于英国。从17世纪中叶开始,英国政治学、法学思想对美国的法律制度的确立产生很大的影响。尤其是有关自由、民主、法治、分权与制衡等学说与理论深深刺激了酷爱自由清教徒移民者,鉴于对政治国家仍然心有余悸以及对其不信任心理依然存在,注重个人基本权利的保护和反对酷刑的思想意识迅…  相似文献   

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