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Sing It Together     
正Online music giants’merger raises concerns over the end of free services Music has always been an integral part of the life of Bai Haixia, a 27-year-old translator at a Beijing-based pharmaceutical company. On weekdays, she listens to music during her one-hour commute to work, making  相似文献   

<淮河传>是一部集学术性、知识性、科学性、文学性为一体的传记作品.它运用的史料宏富,考证精当,尤其是对一些有争议的问题阐明了自己的独特见解,且从文字、音韵、训诂的角度考证与淮河相关的历史、地理、文化、人物;它笔调清新,文情并茂,全文洋溢着浓郁的文学气息,尽情赞美了淮河儿女的睿智和伟大,抒发对蕴育许多古代思想家、文学家的淮河的深情厚爱;它首创为淮河立传,其考察精审,科学准确.它在描绘淮河美丽的自然风光之时,提醒人们关爱它的今天、明天,反映出时代的呼声.  相似文献   

对签字笔墨水的分析回顾及展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章叙述了目前国内外签字笔墨水的发展及主要成分,并介绍了分析签字笔墨水的方法。通过化学法和TLC法可以确定签字笔墨水是水性还是中性;利用GC/MS法可以确定签字笔墨水中溶荆成分及其变化;利用拉曼光谱法可以鉴别墨水中染料或颜料成分;利用红外反射法可将29种墨水分为三类;利用扫描电镜法可以通过颜料形态的差别鉴别颜料基墨水。  相似文献   

贵州少数民族音乐原生态唱法的传承与发展,是贵州省少数民族音乐文化中重要的教学和科研工作,面对生态变化中多样性民族民间音乐消失的危险,我们要对民族民间音乐中的精华进行保护传承和发展。  相似文献   

当前我院学生政治思想稳定、健康、积极向上,但市场经济完善期负面效应的影响,也使部分学生产生了人生价值取向的功利化问题,需要有针对性地加强德育和思想政治工作,以突出德育在素质教育中的灵魂地位,唱响时代的主旋律.  相似文献   

<正>Arecent three-week visit to the United States after 18 months of working and traveling in China allowed me to get back into an American swing of things.I spent time with friends and  相似文献   

“三个北京”的三点思考   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
一、 "三个北京"理念的提出:为什么? "三个北京"理念的提出是北京市委市政府学习实践科学发展观活动的科学结晶.2008年11月13日和14日,北京市委召开学习实践科学发展观务虚会,与会市领导围绕推动科学发展、建设"人文北京、科技北京、绿色北京",研究探讨今后一段时期首都改革发展的思路.  相似文献   

The Fourth Beijing Forumon human Rights was heldin Beijing from September 21-23,2011.Jointly sponsored by the China Society for human Rights Studies and the China human Rights Development Foundation,the forum was centeredon the theme of"Cultural Tradition  相似文献   

Beijing Life     
FIRSTcametoChinain1988forathree-montharchitecturestudytour.AtthattimeImetayounggraduatest-"dent,ZhangQiang,fromtheQinghuaUniversityarchitecturedepaxtment,withWhomIcorrespondedoverthenexttwoyears.WhenIreturnedtoChinawithmyhusband,Harlan,wemetmanyChinesestUdentsandmademanynewfriends.ZhanghadbecomeateacherandhadmetayoungwomannamedLiQian.Anerweret-urnedtoBeijing,ZhangtoldusheandLiintendedtomarryafterSpringFestival.Inthespringof1991,wevisitedZhang'shometowninZhejiangProvince,anditproved…  相似文献   

Green Beijing     
Beijingers are attaching more and more importance to the environment of their city. From assorted garbage to daily environment forecasts, and from restricting the emission of auto exhaust to the planting of trees and grass; all this has shown the longing Beijing residents have for a green environment. One of the major topics in the bid for hosting the 2008 Olympic Games is that of a "Green Olympics." The bid provides added incentive in the common aim to create a green city. This is our origi…  相似文献   

北京的风骨在旧城,旧城的经脉是胡同,胡同是北京城最好的名片. 2007年,北京市发布<北京胡同整治指导意见>.根据这一文件,历史文化保护区的胡同整治,要保持胡同原有格局和传统风貌,拆除违法建设,完善基本市政基础设施,修复历史原貌,提升环境质量.  相似文献   

Beijing Bop     
<正>The sound of the capital’s underground isn’t velvety; it packs a punk punch ’I’m not sure what you mean by indie,” Matteo, the Sardinian bass player of Beijing-based trashcore punk band Deprive, told this musically illiterate author. “To me, there are two main definitions. First, indie as in independent, which could encompass any music genre, any artist or musician not signed to major or big labels. Second,  相似文献   

Uniquely Beijing     
In today’s fast paced society,it is considered a luxury to stop and take in the sights,sounds and motion of our surroundings.If we care enough to stop momentarily in our tracks,we would appreciate the essence of culture in a country.  相似文献   

Beijing Bumpkin     
正I live in Beijing,a city of 20 million people,the capital of the Earth's most populous country and a center of massive cultural,political and economic influence.I've also lived in Shanghai,the financial center of China.So why was I so shocked to discover a clean,sit-down toilet with toilet paper in a  相似文献   

正From December 7 to December 8 of 2017,the first"South-South Human Rights Forum"was held in Beijing.Chinese President Xi Jinping sent a congratulatory letter.Mr.Huang Kunming,Member of the Political Bureau and the Secretariat of the CPC Central Committee,Minister of the Publicity Department of the CPC Central Committee,attended the opening ceremony of the forum and read President Xi Jinping’s  相似文献   

Beijing Biking     
<正>China is a land of bicycles.At least it was back in 1992 when I traveled the country.Back then everyone seemed to ride a bicycle.Up and down Chang’an Avenue that runs across the center of the city you would see people on bicycles.Millions of them.And all bicycles were black and would only go as fast as you could pedal.Cars were rare.They were a presence on the busy streets but most citizens did notown one.  相似文献   

My brand new bicycle had been stolen! Disbelief. Anger! Disappointment... I had been riding it for only a day,and was as excited as a,well,a boy with a new bike. Even though I only paid what would be the equivalent of half a tank of gas for my truck back home,I was still sorely put out.  相似文献   

When I first arrived here a few months ago, I couldn't help but notice several work projects going on all around me. A new dorm was being built on campus where I would be teach-ing, as well as a courtyard being repaved and bricked in front of the female students' dormitory, and a building next to my gym was being renovated. I wondered how long it would take to finish these large tasks, espe-cially the courtyard, as school would begin in about a week, and it would be a mess for students to have to walk through mud, over piles of sand, and around stacks of bricks to get where they wanted to go.  相似文献   

German hip hop hopefuls Massive Tone brought Deutsche beats to Peking University. "Bine, tanzen!" (Please, dance!) was the rallying cry from German hip hop group Massive Tone as they took the stage for their recent gig at China's most prestigious university. The trio from Stuttgart made their China debut at Peking University Concert Hall in  相似文献   

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